scholarly journals Differences Effect of Direct and Indirect Learning Methods on Increasing Triple Jump Capability in Male Students of Xi Students of Sma Negeri I Polokarto Sukoharjo

Koko Prasetyo

This study aims to determine: 1) The difference between the effect of direct and indirect learning methods to an increase in male's triple jump at the class XI student of SMA Negeri I Polokarto Sukoharjo; 2) Learning that has a better effect between direct and indirect learning on the increase in triple jumps in male students of class XI student of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo. The research method used is the experimental method, the namely experimental activity which begins with giving treatment to the subject which ends with a form of test to determine the effect of the treatment that has been given. The sampling technique used is random sampling. The population in this study were male students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo in the 2017/ 2018 academic year, totaling 71 students and then drawn with a random sampling technique to obtain 30 samples. Data analysis techniques were carried out by normality and homogeneity tests, to fulfill the assumptions about the results of the study conducted a different test. Based on the results of the study obtained the following conclusions: 1) There is a significant difference between the direct and indirect learning approaches to the ability of triple jump in male students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo in academic year 2011/ 2012, with a calculated value tcount is 2,229 and ttable is 2.145 with a significance level of 5%; 2) Triple jump learning with the indirect learning approach has a better effect than the direct learning approach to the ability of triple jump in male students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo in the academic year 2017/2018. Group 1 (direct learning) has an increase of 2.491%. While group 2 (indirect learning) has an increasing percentage of 6.820%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 117
Heriansyah Heriansyah ◽  
Suhartiwi Suhartiwi

This study aims to determine the extent of the difference in effect between knee tuck jump and half squat jump training on the ability to smash kedeng in sepaktakraw games. By using the field experiment method. The population used is male students of Southeast Sulawesi SMANKO with a sample of 60 people taken by Proposive random sampling. The data analysis technique used is the t-test at 95% significance level. The results showed that; (1) There is a significant effect of knee tuck jump training on the ability to smash kedeng in sepaktakraw games on Southeast Sulawesi SMANKO students, proven to = 13,446> tt = 2,045. There is a significant effect of half squat jump training on the ability of the Kedeng smash in sepaktakraw games on Southeast Sulawesi SMANKO students, proven to = 10.478> tt = 2.045. There is a significant difference in effect between training on the ability to smash kedeng in sepaktakraw games on Southeast Sulawesi SMANKO students, proven, to = 9,970> tt = 2,000.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Ayu Tri Indrianti Ni Komang . ◽  
Dr. I G. A. Agung Sri Asri, M.Pd. . ◽  
Drs. I Ketut Ardana,M.Pd. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian positive reinforcement terhadap rasa percaya diri anak kelompok B TK Dharma Widya Kumara Denpasar Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Rasa percaya diri adalah perasaan yakin dan mampu akan kemampuan diri sendiri yang merupakan modal setiap manusia menuju suatu kesuksesan, mudah bergaul, beinteraksi, dan lebih mudah menyerap informasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperiment dengan rancangan yang digunakan adalah Intact Group comparison. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 4 kelas yang berjumlah 85 anak. sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 42 anak. Penentuan sampel yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Pada kelompok eksperimen diberikan positive reinforcement sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol dibelajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil analisis diperoleh thitung = 7,84 pada taraf signifikansi 5% dengan dk (21+21-2=40) diperoleh ttabel = 2,021 sehingga thitung 7,84 > ttabel 2,021. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian, maka H0 ditolak. Adapun nilai rata-rata rasa percaya diri pada kelompok anak yang diberikan positive reinforcement adalah 81,34 sedangkan pada kelompok anak yang dibelajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional adalah 64,79. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian positive reinforcement dapat berpengaruh terhadap rasa percaya diri anak kelompok B TK Dharma Widya Kumara Denpasar Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Berdasarkan simpulan tersebut, maka disarankan kepada guru agar menciptakan suasana belajar yang efektif dan menyenangkan dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang inovatif untuk membentuk rasa percaya diri anakKata Kunci : positive reinforcement, rasa percaya diri This study aims to determine the effect of giving positive reinforcement on the confidence of children in the B group Dharma Widya Kumara Kindergarten Denpasar Academic Year 2018/2019. Self-confidence is feeling confident and capable of one's own abilities which is the capital of every human being towards a success, easy to interact, interact with, and more easily absorb information. This research is a pre-experiment research with the design used is Intact Group comparison. The population of this study were 4 classes totaling 85 children. the sample used in this study amounted to 42 children. Determination of the sample is by using random sampling technique. In the experimental group given positive reinforcement while in the control group learned by conventional learning. Data collection is done using the observation method. The data obtained were analyzed using the t-test. The results of the analysis obtained thitung = 7.84 at the significance level of 5% with dk (21 + 21-2 = 40) obtained t table = 2.021 so that tcount 7.84> t table 2.021. Based on the testing criteria, H0 is rejected. The average value of self-confidence in the group of children given positive reinforcement is 81.34 while in the group of children taught by conventional learning is 64.79. Thus, it can be concluded that giving positive reinforcement can affect the confidence of children in the B group Dharma Widya Kumara Kindergarten Denpasar Academic Year 2018/2019. Based on these conclusions, it is suggested to the teacher to create an effective and enjoyable learning atmosphere by applying innovative learning strategies to shape children's self-confidencekeyword : positive reinforcement,self-confidence

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Ni Putu Ayu Suryani ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Kosim Kosim

Research aimed to find the effect of Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model on the mastery of physics concepts observed from the scientific attitude of 10th-grade students. Type of research was quasi-experiment with 2x2 factorial design. Population was 10th grade students of MIA in SMAN 1 Gunungsari academic year 2017/2018, and the sampling technique was cluster random sampling. The data of the students’ mastery of concepts were collected by giving essays and the scientific attitude was measured by using questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by applying 2-way ANOVA, assisted by SPSS 16 with (α) significance level of 5%. The results show that significant value for the effect of learning model consider from scientific attitude in amount 0,01 which its was smaller from (α), and significant value for interaction between Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model with scientific attitude in amount 0,18 which its value is bigger from (α). According to data, can be conclude: there was an effect of Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model to the mastery of physics concept in terms of scientific attitude from 10th grade student’; and there was no interaction between Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model to scientific attitude to the mastery of physics concept from 10th grade student’. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Siswadi ◽  
Susilawati ◽  

This research aimed to examine the effect of VAK approach (Visualization, Auditory, Kinestetic) towards the result of learning physics of students at SMPN 10 Mataram in academic year 2013/2014. The kind of research used was experimental design with design of research was randomized posttest only control design. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. Population in this research was all the students from the eight grade at SMPN 10 Mataram, while the sample was 25 students of class VIII A as the experimental group and 27 students of class VIII B as the control group. The data obtained was analyzed by using t-test of two-tailed. t-count was 4.78 and t-table was 2.00 with significance level 0.05. Hence, t-table is smaller than t-count or t-count is bigger than t-table. It means that Null Hypothesis was rejected and Alternate Hypothesis was accepted. It means that the application of VAK Approach (Visualization, Auditory, Kinestetic) affects the results of learning physics of students.Keyword: VAK Approach

Yasnur Asri

This study aims at finding out the effectiveness of ICT based Student Centered Learning Approach based on ICT toward prose appreciation ability of students at Indonesian Department UNP. The population was 141 students classified into four classes at sixth semester at 2011/2012 academic year. By clustering random sampling, class C with 36 students was assigned as the experimental group, and class D with 36 students was assigned as the experimental group. The design of this study was controlled-group pretest to posttest to find out students’ prose appreciation ability. At the beginning of this study, both groups were normally distributed; indicated by the same variety and there is no significant difference in their abilities at prose appreciation. The finding of this study revealed that there was a difference of their abilities at prose appreciation. The calculation, tobs (7,5072) >ttable (2,0301) showed that students at experimental group, who used ICT based Student Centered Learning Approach, achieved the passing grades. While the control group with the calculation of tobs (-0,3241) <ttable (2,0301), the students could not achieve the passing grades. This means that ICT based Student Centered Learning Method effectively improves students’ ability at prose appreciation. Keywords: approach, student centered learning, ICT, ability, prose appreciation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Ni Wayan Desi Laras Wati . ◽  
Dra. Ni Wayan Suniasih,S.Pd, M.Pd . ◽  
Drs. Made Putra, M.Pd. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode bercerita berbantuan boneka tangan terhadap perilaku empati anak kelompok B TK Nirartha 1 Benoa Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Perilaku empati adalah kemampuan seorang individu dalam mengerti, mengenal, merasakan dan merespon perasaan yang dirasakan orang lain. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperiment dengan rancangan yang digunakan adalah Intact Group comparison. Populasi pada penlitian ini berjumlah 5 kelas.. Penentuan sampel yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu kelompok B1 sebagai kelompok eksperimen dengan jumlah anak sebanyak 21 anak dan kelompok B5 sebagai kelompok kontrol dengan jumlah anak sebanyak 20 anak Pada kelompok eksperimen dibelajarkan dengan metode bercerita berbantuan boneka tangan sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol dibelajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil analisis diperoleh thitung = 6,27 pada taraf signifikansi 5% dengan dk 39 diperoleh ttabel = 2,021 sehingga thitung 6,27 > ttabel = 2,021. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian, maka H0 ditolak. Adapun nilai rata-rata perilaku empati pada kelompok anak yang dibelajarkan dengan metode bercerita berbantuan boneka tangan adalah 79,37 sedangkan pada kelompok anak yang dibelajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional adalah 63,64. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode bercerita berbantuan boneka tangan dapat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku empati pada anak kelompok B TK Nirartha 1 Benoa Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Berdasarkan simpulan tersebut, maka disarankan kepada guru agar menciptakan suasana belajar yang efektif dan menyenangkan dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang inovatif agar perilaku empati anak meningkat.Kata Kunci : perilaku empati, metode bercerita berbantuan boneka tangan, anak usia dini This study aims to determine the effect of hand puppet-assisted storytelling methods on the behavior of empathy for group B TK Nirartha 1 Benoa Academic Year 2018/2019. Empathy behavior is the ability of an individual to understand, recognize, feel and respond to feelings felt by others. This research is a pre-experiment research with the design used is Intact Group comparison. The population in this study is 5 classes. Determination of the sample is by using random sampling technique. The sample used in this study is group B1 as an experimental group with a total of 21 children and group B5 as a control group with a number of children as many as 20 children. Data collection is done using the observation method. The data obtained were analyzed using the t-test. The results of the analysis obtained thitung = 6.27 at a significance level of 5% with dk 39 obtained t table = 2.021 so that tcount 6.27> t table = 2.021. Based on the testing criteria, H0 is rejected. The average value of empathy behavior in the group of children taught by hand puppet-assisted storytelling method is 79.37 while in the group of children learning conventional learning is 63.64. Thus, it can be concluded that the method of storytelling assisted by hand puppets can influence the behavior of empathy in children group B TK Nirartha 1 Benoa Academic Year 2018/2019. Based on these conclusions, it is recommended that teachers create an effective and enjoyable learning atmosphere by applying innovative learning strategies so that children's empathy increases.keyword : empathy behavior, method of storytelling assisted by hand puppets, early childhood

2017 ◽  
pp. 84 ◽  
Fandi Ahmad

The study aimed at examining (1) the difference between learning outcomes of grade XI IPA students at SMAN 4 Makassar taught by using Think-Pair-Share (TPS) learning model and the ones using direct learning on Hydrolisis of Salt, (2) the diffrence between learning outcomes of grade XI IPA students at SMAN 4 Makassar with high initial ability on Hydrolysis of Salt, (3) the interaction betwen learning model and initial ability in influenching learning outcomes of grade XI IPA students at SMAN 4 Makassar on hydrolysis of Salt. The Study was a quasi-experiment research which employed factorial 2x2 design.The population of the study was all grade XI IPA students at SMAN 4 Makassar of academic year 2012/2013 with 7 classes. The samples were two classes, namely grade XI IPA1 and grade XI IPA3 selected using random sampling technique. Hypothesis test was conducted by employing two-way analysis of variant of GLM univariat supported by SPSS 16.0 program. The results of the study revealed that (1) therewas a difference between learning outcomes of grade XI IPA students at SMAN 4 Makassar taught by using TPS learning model and the ones using direct learning on Hydrolysis of salt, (2) there was a difference between learning outcomes of grade XI IPA students at SMAN 4 Makassar with high initial ability and low initial ability on Hydrolysis of Salt, (3) there was interaction between learning model and initial ability in influenching learning outcomes of grade XI IPA students at SMAN 4 Makassar on Hydrolysis of Salt. The average of students’ learning outcomes taught by using TPS learning model was higher than taught by using direct learning model, and learning outcomes of students who have high initial ability was higher than students with low initial ability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Aris Doyan ◽  
Muhammad Taufik ◽  
Raudah Anjani

The purpose of this study is determine the effect of multi representation learning approaches to physics learning, the effect of students learning motivation on physics learning, and the interaction between the multi representational learning approach and the students learning motivation toward the learning outcomes of physics. This type of research is quasi experiment with non-equivalent group design. Sampling using purposive sampling technique, so that obtained class XI MIA 1 as experiment class and class XI MIA 2 as control class. The research instrument is a multiple choice test for physics learning result of 25 questions that have been tested for validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and different power of problems. The learning data of the two classes is normally distributed. Based on the homogeneity data obtained both homogeneous. Instrument to measure motivation to learn in the form of motivation questionnaire that has been tested by the expert team of validity. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA test. Result of data analysis show Ftable at 5% significance level equal to 3,97. Test the effect of multi representation learning approaches to physics learning equal to Fcount (8,857) > Ftable (3,97). Test the effect of students learning motivation on physics learning equal to Fcount (9.00) > Ftable (3,97). Test  the interaction between the multi representational learning approach and the students learning motivation toward the learning outcomes of physics equal to Fcount (2.00) < Ftable (3,97). Based on these facts it can be concluded that there is influence of multi representation learning approach to physics learning result, there is influence of learning motivation learners to physics learning result, and there is no interaction between multi-representation learning approach with learning motivation of learners toward physics learning result.Keywords: multi representation learning approach, physics learning result, learning motivation

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Kadek Widiantari ◽  
Ni Putu Sintya Devita Sari

<p>Abstrac: The effectiveness of counseling about premarital sex on youth knowledge and attitude. This study aimed to know the effectiveness of counseling about premarital sex on youth knowledge and attitude at SMP Negeri 1 Sukawati in 2017. This study used analytic comparative method with one group pretest-posttest design, with total sample as much as 73 people. Questionnaire was used as instrument that consist of knowledge and attitude. This study used simple random sampling technique and used Wilcoxon to process data with 95% confidence interval. Based on the result of the study, it was found that there was significant difference of knowledge and attitude in adolescent before and after given counseling or could be interpreted that counseling was effective to increase knowledge and attitude with p-value = 0,00 with significance level (p &lt;0,05).</p><p>Abstrak : Efektivitas Penyuluhan Tentang Seks Pranikah Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Penyuluhan tentang Seks Pranikah terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja di SMP Negeri 1 Sukawati Tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik analitikkomparatif dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 73 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner yang terdiri dari pengetahuan dan sikap. Tekhnik yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling serta pengolahan datanya menggunakan Wilcoxon dengan interval kepercayaan 95%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap secara bermakna pada remaja antara sebelum dan setelah diberikan penyuluhan atau dapat diartikan bahwa penyuluhan efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan p-value =0,00 dengan tingkat signifikansi (p&lt;0,05).</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
A. A. Pt. Ananta Putra ◽  
Kadek Rihendra Dantes ◽  
I Nyoman Pasek Nugraha

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan metode pembelajaran demostrasi berbasis trainer kelistrikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI TKR di SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimen dengan desain one-shot case study. Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik random sampling. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 32 orang kelas XI TKR 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen mendapatkan perlakuan pembelajaran metode demonstrasi berbasis trainer kelistrikan. Setelah perlakuan siswa diberikan tes hasil belajar yang telah teruji validitas isi, validitas butir, tingkat kesukaran, daya beda dan reliabilitasnya. Data hasil belajar siswa dikumpulkan menggunakan tes objektif, selanjutnya data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan metode pembelajaran demonstrasi berbasis trainer kelistrikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran sistem pengisian di kelas XI TKR 2 SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. Hal ini ditunjukkan hasil uji  5. dk = n -1 = 31 dan taraf signifikan 5% didapat  2,04. Jadi, thitung lebih besar dari ttabel yakni 5 > 2,04. Berarti  ditolak dah  diterima ini berarti terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan metode pembelajaran demonstrasi berbasis trainer kelistrikan terhadap hasil belajar sistem pengisian siswa kelas XI TKR2 SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. Kata Kunci : Hasil belajar, Metode demostrasi, One-shot case study, Trainer kelistrikan AbstrackThis study aims to determine the effect of the application of learning methods based on electrical trainer demonstration of student learning outcomes class XI TKR in SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja academic year 2016/2017. This research is a pre-experiment research with one-shot case study design. Determination of the sample in this study using random sampling technique. The sample of this research as much as 32 people class XI TKR 2 as experimental class to get treatment of demonstration method based on electrical trainer. After the treatment the students are given test results that have been tested the validity of the validity of the content, the validity of the grain, the level of difficulty, differentiation and reliability. Student learning result data was collected using objective test, then collected data was analyzed using t-test. The result of the research shows that there is a significant influence of experimental methods based on electrical trainer on student learning outcomes in the subjects of filling system in class XI TKR 2 SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. It shows the result of tcount = 5 = dk = n -1 = 31 and 5% significant level is obtained ttable = 2.04. Thus, tcount is greater than the ttable ie 5> 2.04. Means H0 rejected dah H1 accepted this means there is a significant influence of learning methods based on electrical trainer demonstration of student learning outcomes system class XI TKR2 SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja.Keywords: Learning outcomes, Demonstration methods, One-shot case study, Electrical trainer

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