scholarly journals The place and role of scientific knowledge in risk and trauma society: The analysis of modern Russian sociologists’ concepts

Maria S. Ivchenkova ◽  

The article refers to the works of O. N. Yanitskiy, Zh. T. Toschenko and S. A. Kravchenko that are focused on modern world social processes, particularly in modern Russia. The purpose of the article is to identify the general and specific views of modern Russian sociologists on the role of scientific knowledge in developing Russian society. The importance of scientific knowledge in the political processes (O. N. Yanitskiy), in the process of developing and implementing the national government strategy (Zh. T. Toshchenko) and, in the most general sense, at the level of social dynamics (S. A. Kravchenko) is out of question. All three authors agree that the progressive development of society is largely determined by the development of the institute of science. Zh. T. Toshchenko hightlights the important role of scientific knowledge in trauma society. O. N. Yanitskiy shows specific mechanisms for the production of social and scientific knowledge and its inclusion in political processes. S. A. Kravchenko focuses on comprehending new qualities and new ways of becoming a scientist and an expert in risk and trauma society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 152-159
Vladimir V. Krivosheev

The review reveals the basic conceptions elaborated by one of the major Russian modern sociologists Zh.T. Toshchenko in his new research. The reviewer argues that the book’s author thoroughly examines the various methodological grounds for identifying the essential characteristics of social dynamics. At the same time, the reviewer focuses on the further development of the theory of modern society, proposed by the book’s author. Thus, Zh.T. Toshchenko, who spent many years researching social deformations, formulates an important concept – the concept of a society of trauma as the third modality of social development along with evolution and revolution. The book offers a fundamentally new view of social life, there is a holistic, systematic approach to all its processes and phenomena. The reviewer concludes that the new book of the social theorist Zh.T. Toshchenko is a significant contribution to sociological theory, since it develops ideas about the state and prospects of Russian society, gives accurate assessments of all social processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 747-762
Abdusamat Akhatovich Khaydarov

Significant geopolitical changes taking place in the modern world in recent decades urge us to take a fresh look at the role of Islam and the clergy in the political processes of a number of countries of the Muslim world. This perspective is especially relevant vis--vis Afghanistan where a fierce war is being waged under the slogans of Islam for more than four decades. The purpose of this research is an in-depth study of the relationship between the state and the Muslim clergy, Islamic institutions in the development of political processes in Afghanistan since the mid-70s of the last century. The article reflects shaping of the Islamic opposition and its efforts to stand up to innovations and reforms during attempts of the Soviet stile modernization in 1978-1992, and then the efforts to democratize Afghan society, undertaken in Afghanistan since the end of 2001 with the assistance of the international community. The work is based on the study of factual historical material, a chronicle of the events of the last decade and personal observations of the author during his work in Afghanistan during the mentioned period. Analytical materials published on the pages of English and Russian mass media were used. The methodological basis of this study is the comparative historical method; the article is based on the principles of historicism, reliability and scientific objectivity. The author concludes that the conflict is based on mistakes and underestimation by the state the role and influence of the Muslim clergy and Islamic institutions of the country. It has been noted that the recently reached US - Taliban agreements, as well as the assistance of such influential players as Russia, sparkle hope for the launch of a direct inter-Afghan negotiation process, which most likely will not be as simple but thorny.

Tatiana Nikolayevna Samsonova ◽  
Diana Nikolayevna Tsygankova

The authors of the paper analyze the main directions of the consolidation of modern Russian society, as well as the problems that hinder the implementation of this process. The main factors explaining the fea-tures of the processes of consolidation of Russian society in the XXI century are considered. The col-lapse of the USSR, the resulting crises, the specifics of socio-political processes in the post-Soviet space, the formation of a national idea to a large extent affect the level of cohesion of the country's citizens. It is concluded that for the effective imple-mentation of the process of consolidation of society in modern Russia, it is necessary to overcome a number of problems. In this regard, it is of supreme importance to eliminate socio-economic inequality, corruption in all spheres of life, and optimize the activities of government bodies. The authors em-phasize that the consolidation of modern Russian society is the most important task of the ongoing national policy and requires targeted efforts on the part of both the state and civil society. The im-portance of further sociological studies of the con-solidation processes of Russian society is noted.

2021 ◽  
Alekseevich Igor' ◽  
Alekseevna Mariya ◽  
Viktorovna Elena ◽  
Aleksandrovna Vera

This monograph is devoted to the problems of social transformations in modern Russian society, which cover the labor market, forming an extensive socio-professional group of self-employed people with physical and mental labor. The self-employed in the shadow market transform the social structure, forming a specific class, which is characterized by its own original class culture, class norms of behavior, values, and lifestyle. The class character of this professional group marks archaic trends in stratification in the modern Russian Federation and can serve as the basis for the revival of the old traditional urban class — philistinism — in Russia. It is intended for bachelors, masters, postgraduates studying in the areas of "Management", "Sociology", "Economics", "State and Municipal Management", "Personnel Management", as well as for a wide range of readers interested in social transformations in the modern world, social processes of archaization, the formation of class structures and social processes in informal employment markets.

2019 ◽  
pp. 234-244
Madinabonu AHMEDOVA

The article is devoted to the problem of the evolution of the literary hero and the types of heroes in modern Russian literature of the XXI century. The admiration of the person of the person being described and the desire to redirect this feeling to the reader make the style of the work of Zakhar Prilepin realistic through the prism of modernity (neorealism). The writer sets himself the task of telling about the fate of a modern person who faces many difficulties to squeeze in the modern world where human values have already changed, transformed beyond recognition than they were in the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. Zakhar Prilepin is gradually moving to comprehending a more global problem: is it possible in the conditions where absolutely everyone is wearing a bit of hell in himself. The writer seeks to get an answer to this question on a truly epochal, historical scale.This article also discusses the role of Zakhar Prilepin in the context of modern Russian literature. He writes willingly and openly on topics of concern to the general public. One of the essential components of such statements is his reflections on classical and modern Russian literature, showing love or, on the contrary, dislike for the work of this or that author.The aim of the work is to determine the transformation of modern Russian prose on the example of the works of contemporary Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin. His views on the formation and development of the literary process in the twenty-first century, explores the peculiarities of the hero and the specifics of the writer's artistic world based on the work and literary analyzes. Types of heroes’ characteristic of the prose of this neorealist writer: the hero-provincial, the rebellious hero, the intellectual hero and others. The article attempts to analyze the main features of the imaginative system in the works of Z. Prilepin in the context of the traditions of the new realism (neorealism). Мақола адабий қаҳрамон эволюцияси муаммоси ва ХХI аср замонавий рус адабиётидаги қаҳрамонлар турларини ўрганишга бағишланган. Захар Прилепиндаги таърифлаётган шахснинг ҳайрати ва ички дунёсини ёритиб бериш истаги ва уни китобхонга етказиш учун қўллаган услуби асарларини замон (неореализм) призмаси орқали реализмга олиб ўтади. Ёзувчи ўз олдига ХIХ ва ХХ аср адабиётларидаги инсоният қадриятлари ХХI асрга келиб мутлақоўзгариб, таниб бўлмас даражага етганини замонавий одамнинг тақдири орқалий ёритиб бериш вазифасини қўяди. Захар Прилепин аста-секин янада глобал муаммони англашга интилмоқда: мутлақо ҳамма ўзини дўзах азобига солаётган шароитда бу мумкинми? Ёзувчи ушбу саволгзамон ва тарих миқёсида жавоб олишга интилади.Ушбу мақолада замонавий рус ёзувчиси Захар Прилепиннинг замонавий рус адабиётида тутган ўрни муҳокама қилинади. У кенг жамоатчиликни қизиқтирган мавзуларда очиқ ёзади. Бундай баёнотларнинг муҳим таркибий қисмлариданбири, бу –унинг классик ва замонавий рус адабиётига бўлган муҳаббатини акс эттириши ёки аксинча у ёки бу муаллифнинг ишини ёқтирмаслигидир.Ушбу мақоланинг мақсади замонавий рус ёзувчиси Захар Прилепиннинг ижоди мисолида замонавий рус насрнинг ўзгаришини аниқлашдир. Унинг ХХI аср адабий жараёнининг шаклланиши ва ривожланиши ҳақидаги фикрлари, қаҳрамонининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари ва ёзувчининг ижодий дунёсининг ўзига хос хусусиятларини кўрсатишдир. Бу неореализм оқимига мансуб ёзувчининг насрига хос қаҳрамонлар турлари: провинциал қаҳрамон (қишлоқ аҳолиси), исёнкор қаҳрамон, интеллектуал қаҳрамон ва бошқалар. Муаллиф З. Прилепин асарларидаги образлар тизимига хос хусусиятларни янги реализм (неореализм) анъаналари контекстида таҳлил қилган. Статья посвящена проблеме эволюции литературного героя и типов героев в современной русской литературе XXI века. Восхищение личностью описываемогочеловека и желание переадресовать это чувство читателю делают стилистику произведении Захара Прилепина реалистическими через призму современности (неореализма). Писатель ставит перед собой задачу рассказать о судьбе современной личности сталкивающегося с множеством затруднений чтобы выжать в современном мире где уже человеческие ценности изменились, трансформировались до неузнаваемости чем были в литературе XIXи ХХ веке. Захар Прилепин постепенно переходит к постижению более глобальной проблемы: возможно ли то же самое условиях, где частичку ада в себе носит абсолютно каждый. Ответ на этот вопрос писатель стремится получить в поистине эпохальном, историческом масштабе.А такжев данной статье рассматривается роль Захара Прилепина в контексте современной русской литературы. Он пишет охотно и открыто на темы, волнующие широкую общественность. Одной из существенных составляющих такого рода высказываний становятся его размышления о классической и современной русской литературе, проявляющие любовь или наоборот, неприязнь, к творчеству того или иного автора.Целью работы является определить трансформацию современной русской прозы на примере творчества современного писателя России – Захара Прилепина. Его взгляды на формирование и развитие литературного процесса вХХIвеке; исследуются особенности героя и специфика художественного мира писателяна основе произведении и литературных анализов. Типы героев; характерные для прозы этого писателя-нео реали зма : герой-провинциал; бунтующий герой; герой-интеллигент и другие.В статье осуществляется попытка анализа основных особенностей образной системы в творчестве З. Прилепинав контексте традиций нового реализма (неореализм).

2019 ◽  
pp. 142-145
L.I. Starovoitova

В условиях современных общекультурных, социально-экономических, политических процессов крайне востребован уникальный исторический опыт общественной самоорганизации и добровольческого движения России, формировавшегося в разные исторические периоды, обусловившие конкретные организационные формы, содержание и направления деятельности. Автором рецензируемой монографии представлено целостное и глубокое исследование сложившейся отечественной модели добровольческого движения. Изучение этого уникального исторического опыта общественной самоорганизации и добровольческого труда базируется на привлечении значительных центральных и региональных архивных материалов, а также других документов. Основной акцент в монографии сделан на социально-исторических чертах развития добровольчества в нашей стране, анализе деятельности волонтеров в различных сферах и областях общественной жизни современного Российского общества.In the context of modern general cultural, socioeconomic and political processes, the unique historical experience of Russias social selforganization and volunteering movement, which was formed in different historical periods that determined specific organizational forms, content and areas of activity, is extremely relevant. The author of the book under review presents a holistic and indepth study of the current domestic model of the volunteering movement. The study is based on the use of a bulk of archival and other documentary materials. The main emphasis in the book is placed on the sociohistorical features of the development of volunteering in Russia and on the analysis of the activities of volunteers in various spheres and areas of public life of modern Russian society.

Sergey EMELYANOV ◽  

The article reveals the essence of political and industrial phenomena in the country, and also the author tries to understand the power of the influence of world financial and financial-industrial empires on political and industrial relations in modern Russian society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
pp. 01009
Vladimir Egorov ◽  
Andrey Inshakov

A theoretical analysis of the works of domestic and foreign authors on the problem of determining the place and role of the social (solidarity) economy (SSE) organization in the modern world economic space is carried out. The essential features of social (solidary enterprises) are revealed. The SWOT analysis allowed us to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the SSE organizations. The differences between non-profit and market economy are shown. The essential features of cooperation as the main socio-economic institution of the SSE are considered. Mechanisms for reducing global poverty by cooperatives have been identified. The factors constraining the progressive development of cooperative enterprises in Russia are identified.

Максим Александрович Никифоров ◽  
Марина Сергеевна Танцура

В статье исследуется вопрос места и роли авторитарного синдрома в формировании демократической политической культуры Российской Федерации. Исследуется проблема становления современной российской политической культуры, выделяются основные черты авторитарного синдрома, рассматриваются стадии травматизации российского общества. Выделяются вероятные тенденции дальнейшего развития политической культуры страны. The article explores the question about the place and role of the authoritarian syndrome in the formation of a Russian democratic political culture. The problem of the formation of modern Russian political culture is investigated, the main features of the authoritarian syndrome are highlighted, the stages of traumatization of Russian society are considered. Probable trends of further development of political culture of the country are highlighted.

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