scholarly journals German cultural policy and propaganda in the territory of the General district of Belarus in 1941–1944

Elena A. Pushkarenko ◽  

The article deals with the problem of policy and propaganda in the field of culture of the German civil administration in the territory of the General District of Belarus. The aim of the research is to analyze the content of German propaganda materials in the field of culture, to determine its main directions, goals and effectiveness, as well as the content of the real occupation policy in the field of culture. Research methods-analysis and synthesis are applied in the article. The researcher comes to the conclusion that the true goals of German policy and propaganda in the field of culture were the desire to provide a calm rear, to attract the population of the district to solve their own economic problems. The author believes that the effectiveness of propaganda was leveled by the extremely brutal occupation regime, the policy of «scorched earth», methods of fighting partisans, recruiting ostarbeiters and partisan counter-propaganda.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-26
Khayal Iskandarov ◽  
Piotr Gawliczek

The Russo-Georgia war in 2008 and the conflict in Ukraine in 2014 galvanized the countries, which are namely squeezed between NATO and Russia into considering their strategies again. The paper examines Russia’s efforts to maintain its influence in its “near abroad” in the face of NATO’s enlargement. It principally focuses on identifying the challenges particular countries face as obstacles to NATO accession. The arguments raised in the paper prove that, the primary reasons of Russia-Georgia War and Ukraine conflict are associated with these countries’ NATO aspiration. An argument regarding the Alliance’s reluctance to actively engage in partner nations is also presented. The objective of the study is to consider the repercussions of NATO aspiration and introduce the real prospects of cooperation with NATO. The research methods primarily used in the book are comparative analysis and synthesis.

2013 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-377
M. Siwczyński ◽  
A. Drwal ◽  
S. Żaba

Abstract The simple digital filters are not sufficient for digital modeling of systems with distributed parameters. It is necessary to apply more complex digital filters. In this work, a set of filters, called the digital function filters, is proposed. It consists of digital filters, which are obtained from causal and stable filters through some function transformation. In this paper, for several basic functions: exponential, logarithm, square root and the real power of input filter, the recursive algorithms of the digital function filters have been determined The digital function filters of exponential type can be obtained from direct recursive formulas. Whereas, the other function filters, such as the logarithm, the square root and the real power, require using the implicit recursive formulas. Some applications of the digital function filters for the analysis and synthesis of systems with lumped and distributed parameters (a long line, phase shifters, infinite ladder circuits) are given as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol XXVIII (2) ◽  
pp. 103-111
Ion Rusu ◽  
Ion Cretu ◽  

This paper deals with the need to determine the technical condition of strategic buildings, blocks of flats, which are in a precarious condition as well as engineering networks located within the Ungheni district. The article refers to the real present situation of buildings and housing stock from Ungheni municipality, including their periods of commissioning. Current research methods of buildings are exposed, being listed their advantages and disadvantages.

2016 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Valeriy Yu. Bykov ◽  
Mariya P. Leshchenko

In the article theoretical and methodological principles of digital humanistic pedagogy – the science about the laws of creating a positive integrated educational reality as a result of the convergence of physical and virtual (created using ICT) training spaces (environments) are determined. Based on the use of modern ICT learning activity (formal, nonformal and informal) is at the intersection of two worlds: the real and the virtual. Methodology and research methods of classical pedagogy require review and improvement in the context of current realities of the educational process, needs and interests of all its subjects. The development of digital humanities in the international educational space is analyzed; the content of the new field of pedagogical knowledge as part of digital humanistic is outlined; research methods and directions of current scientific research are defined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Sarwani Sarwani ◽  
RR Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Annissa Rezki

  Abstract:Every job that utilize services and human resources certainly requires a salary for payment. This fee will be used to fulfill the necessities of life, both for personal needs of workers, and other needs including household necessities. However, it is undeniable that in the reality of granting wage, it often experiences some obstacles, either caused by workers or from the company itself. Consequently, this creates a conflict that requires resolution. Therefore, it is necessary to manage this conflict resolution of labor or workers' earning according to the Indonesian labour law. This study applied qualitative research methods with a literature and empirical approach. Data are collected through the analysis of legislation and phenomenon that occured in the real life. The results of study revealed that there are still many conflicts over payment of labor wages, so the companies have to apply labor salary’s management based on applicable regulations. Thus, it is necessary to practice the resolution of disputes in this matter maximally, particularly related to the provision of a reasonable wage between the workers and the company.Keywords: Conflict Resolution, Labor Wages, Companies Abstrak:Setiap pekerjaan yang menggunakan jasa dan tenaga manusia sudah pasti membutuhkan upah untuk pembayarannya. Upah inilah yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, baik pribadi pekerja, maupun kebutuhan lainnya termasuk kebutuhan rumah tangga. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa dalam realita pemberian hak upah, kerap mengalami kendala, baik yang disebabkan dari buruhnya maupun dari pihak perusahaan pemberi upah. Sehingga hal ini menimbulkan konflik yang membutuhkan penyelesaian. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan manajemen penyelesaian konflik sengketa pemberi upah buruh atau pekerja ini, dengan didasarkan undang-undang ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur dan empiris. Data yang didapat melalui analisis peraturan perundang-undangan dan fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan.  Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa masih terdapat banyak konflik pembayaran upah buruh, sehingga perusahaan harus mampu menerapkan manajemen pemberian upah layak buruh yang didasarkan aturan yang berlaku. Oleh Karena itu perlu dilakukannya praktik penyelesaian sengketa dalam persoalan ini secara maksimal, khususnya terkait pemberian upah yang layak antara pihak buruh dan perusahaan.Kata kunci: Penyelesaian Sengketa, Upah Buruh, Perusahaan

Todorova N.Yu.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to define structural, semantic and grammatical features of the Phraseological Units (PhU) with the component denoting weapon in the English language. It is realized through determining the corpus of PhUs with the component denoting weapon in English, developing their semantic-grammatical classification and describing their most productive structural models in each semantic-grammatical category.Methods. The study is characterized by the integrated application of general and specific research methods. General scientific methods analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical operations definition and classification were used for empirical data processing. As to research methods specific for linguistics, the descriptive method allowed to comprehensively represent the results, the method of internal interpretation was involved in the process of dividing the collected data into semantic-grammatical classes. Within the structural approach, the method of immediate constituents was applied for building structural models of PhUs. The elements of the quantitative analysis ensured the objectivity and accuracy of the obtained results.Results. Defining the notion weapon made it possible to establish the criteria for data collection. The corpus of the analyzed data includes the English PhUs with the component denoting the general concept of weapon (arms, weapon), defensive weapon, cold weapon, fire weapon, their constructive parts and service ammunition. According to the semantic-grammatical classification, the PhUs fall into semantic-grammatical classes: verbal, substantive, adverbial and adjective PhUs, within which the verbal class is the most widespread. In each semantic-grammatical class, the most productive structural models are determined and the type of syntactic connection between the components of the models is described. Verbal PhUs with the component denoting weapon are mainly subordinate phrases formed according to the model V+N. The highest number of substantive PhUs are phrases with an attributive relation between the core and the dependent components (Adj+N). The most typical structural model of adverbial PhUs is Prep+N+N. Adjective PhUs are often comparative phrases with a comparative component in their structure (Adj+Conj+N).Conclusions. The corpus of English PhUs with the component denoting weapon is formed by the PhUs with the component denoting the general concept of weapon, types of weapons, their parts and service ammunition. According to the structural-semantic classification, the analyzed PhUs are divided into structural-semantic classes: verbal, substantive, adverbial and adjective PhUs, among which the verbal class is dominating. The most productive structural model for verbal PhUs is V+N, for substantive PhUs – Adj+N, for adverbial PhUs – Prep+N+N, and for adjective PhUs – Adj+Conj+N.Key words: classification, classes, structural models, verbal idioms, substantive idioms, adverbial idioms, attributive idioms. Мета. Метою дослідження є висвітлення структурних та семантико-граматичних характеристик фразеологічних одиниць (ФО) з компонентом на позначення зброї в англійській мові, досягнення якої уможливлюється шляхом встановлення корпусу ФО з компонентом на позначення зброї в англійській мові, розробки їх семантико-граматичної класифікації та опису найпро-дуктивніших структурних моделей кожного семантико-граматичного розряду.Методи. Дослідження характеризується комплексним застосуванням загальнонаукових та спеціальних лінгвістичних методів. Для обробки емпіричного матеріалу використовувалися загальнонаукові методи аналіз і синтез, індукція та дедукція, логічні операції визначення та класифікація. Серед лінгвістичних методів описовий метод дає змогу репрезентувати результа-ти, а прийом внутрішньої інтерпретації залучався для розподілу ФО за семантико-граматичними розрядами. У межах струк-турного підходу методика безпосередніх складників використовувалась для побудови структурних моделей ФО. Елементи кількісного аналізу забезпечили об’єктивність і точність отриманих результатів.Результати. Окреслення поняття зброя уможливило встановлення корпусу досліджуваних одиниць, до якого ввійшли англійські ФО, в структурі яких є лексема-компонент на позначення узагальненого поняття зброя (arms, weapon), на позначен-ня захисної, метальної, холодної, вогнепальної зброї, її конструктивних частин та боєприпасів. У результаті розробки семан-тико-граматичної класифікації ФО розподілено за семантико-граматичними розрядами: дієслівні, субстантивні, адвербіальні й ад’єктивні ФО, серед яких дієслівні ФО набувають найвищої кількісної представленості. У межах кожного розряду виявлено найпродуктивніші структурні моделі утворення ФО, описано тип синтаксичного зв’язку між компонентами моделей. Дієслівні ФО з компонентом на позначення зброї переважно є підрядними словосполученнями утвореними за моделлю V+N. Найви-ща кількість субстантивних ФО є словосполученнями з атрибутивний зв’язком між стрижневим і залежним компонентом (Adj+N). Найтиповішою моделлю утворення адвербіальних ФО є модель Prep+N+N. Ад’єктивні ФО часто є компаративними словосполученнями із порівняльним компонентом у своїй структурі (Adj+Conj+N).Висновки. Корпус ФО з компонентом на позначення зброї формують ФО з лексемою-компонентом на позначення узагаль-неного поняття зброя, різновидів зброї, її частин та боєприпасів. Згідно зі структурно-семантичною класифікацією ФО роз-падаються на структурно-семантичні розряди: дієслівні, субстантивні, адвербіальні й ад’єктивні ФО, серед яких дієслівні ФО кількісно переважають. Найпродуктивнішою структурною моделлю дієслівних ФО є модель V+N, субстантивних – Adj+N, адвербіальних – Prep+N+N, ад’єктивних – Adj+Conj+N.Ключові слова: класифікація, розряди, структурні моделі, дієслівні фразеологізми, субстантивні фразеологізми, адвербі-альні фразеологізми, атрибутивні фразеологізми.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-45
A.V. Mil’kov ◽  
S. I. Mukhametova ◽  

Statement of the problem. The question of the classification of housing legal relations into regulatory and protective ones is not debatable. But not because there is a consensus on this issue in the doctrine, but because until now it has not become the subject of special research. In some works, one can find a brief mention of the division of housing legal relations into regulatory and protective, but it is difficult to find a detailed presentation of the author’s position on this issue. Against the background of the active development of the classification of civil legal relations into regulatory and protective inattention to this issue in the science of housing law looks like a serious omission over the past decades. Goals and objectives of the study. The article discusses the main provisions justifying the classification under consideration, examines the attitude towards it in the literature of a housing legal nature. Research methods: the article uses a logical method, and above all such techniques as analysis and synthesis, functional and comparative legal methods. Results, brief conclusions: ignoring the classification in question leads to contradictions in the doctrine of housing legal relations, to the ingraining of unreliable ideas about the ratio of the categories included in this doctrine. It seems important to carry out further research of housing legal relations on the basis of a consistent classification of housing legal relations into regulatory housing legal relations and protective housing legal relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 414-424
Anna Zavyalova ◽  

The article considers the erotic genre of traditional Chinese art, chun gong hua (‘spring palace paintings’), which was developed in painting. The study uses comparative - historical, cultural and historical methods, as well as methods of systematization, analysis and synthesis. The author traces the formation and evolution of the genre, reveals its specific features. The paper analyzes the system of artistic images of the works of chun gong hua, reveals that they are based on the ideas of Taoism, which are visualized through painting, which made it possible to reveal a second, meaningful plan of paintings filled with metaphors and allegories. Particular attention is paid to the characterization of expressive means, specific techniques and visual techniques of the genre. The study shows that due to the richness of images, artistic and expressive means and techniques, juxtaposition of the conditional and the real, double transformation of nature, the first impression of seemingly pornographic images of naked bodies and erotic scenes is subdued. The high artistry of the ‘spring palace paintings’ allows us to attribute them to the unique works of Chinese traditional art.

2013 ◽  
pp. 191-200
Roberto Nardi ◽  
Tatiana Fabbri ◽  
Gelorma Belmonte ◽  
Paolo Leandri ◽  
Magda Mazzetti ◽  

Background: Internal medicine has been defined as the specialty of the adult medical complex patients. Complexity science suggests that illness (and health) results from complex, dynamic, and unique interactions between different components of the overall system. In a patient, complexity involves the intricate entanglement of two or more systems (e.g.; body-diseases, family, socioeconomic status, therapies). Aim of the study: To evaluate the real applicability of Evidence Based Medicne (EBM) in clinical Departments of Internal Medicine and its critical perspectives. Discussion: Habitually the internist takes decisions in these situations: a) certainty (the ideal decision is adopted and the corresponding strategy follows), b) risk (the more suitable alternative selected can be the determination of the probable value or mathematical hope) and c) uncertainty, in which decisions linked to triple agents: beliefs and personal values of the doctors (I) for their patients (II) in the society (III). In the medical decisions there are often different factors that go beyond the field of technical and scientific knowledge (family, social, economic problems, etc.) and demanding an ethical analysis of the decision. Conclusions: The ‘‘evidence-based medicine’’, as other models of care, has — in itself — some limitations. ‘‘No evidence in medicine’’ matters that the postulates of the EBM are not always applicable to the real patients of Internal Medicine wards, mostly elderly, frail, complex, with comorbidities and polipharmacy, often with cognitive dysfunction and limitation of autonomy, with psycho-emotional, social and economic problems. The interacting effects of overall involved diseases/factors and their management require more complex and individualised care than simply the sum of separate guideline components. Further innovation is required to resolve the need to enhance integration of evidence with our patients’ values at the ‘‘bedside and/or clinic’’ management.

2012 ◽  
Vol 08 (01) ◽  
pp. 101-111

Algorithmic economics helps us stipulate, formulate, and resolve economic problems in a more precise manner than mainstream mathematical economics. It does so by aligning theorizing about an economic problem with both the data generated by the real world and the computers used to manipulate that data. Theoretically coherent, numerically meaningful, and therefore policy relevant, answers to economic problems can be extrapolated more readily using algorithmic economics than present day mathematical economics. An algorithmic economics would allow mathematical economics to prove theorems relating to economic problems, such as the existence of equilibria defined on some metric space, with embedded mechanisms for getting to the equilibria of these problems. A blueprint for such an economics is given and discussed with an example.

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