scholarly journals Juventudes na EJA: encontros e desencontros na trama escolar

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 551
Divanir Maria de Lima Reis ◽  
Rosemeire Reis

Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os encontros e desencontros dos sujeitos jovens-estudantes da Educação de Jovens e Adultos com a trama escolar. Compreende-se trama escolar como a rede de múltiplos saberes e experiências que se corporificam no entremeio dos fios tecidos no cotidiano escolar. Recorre a fragmentos de uma investigação realizada por meio do método etnográfico, em uma escola pública noturna da região agreste do Estado de Alagoas, por um período de dois anos, tendo como referência a seguinte questão: até que ponto a cultura escolar dialoga com as culturas juvenis no contexto da EJA? Para a coleta de dados fizemos uso de observações participantes e entrevistas etnográficas com um coletivo de jovens. O estudo evidenciou que os jovens-estudantes da EJA, participantes da pesquisa, utilizam tanto táticas que reinventam a cultura escolar e mobilizam as culturas juvenis, fortalecendo o sentimento de pertença ao lugar, como outras que perpetuam o discurso do não-lugar das juventudes [adolescentes] na EJA. Isto sinaliza a inexistência de unidade no que diz respeito aos modos como os jovens se veem nesse espaço. A imersão no cotidiano vivenciado pelos jovens revelou recorrências que insinuam ora aproximações/encontros, ora distanciamentos/desencontros entre os estudantes e a escola.Palavras-chave: Juventudes na EJA; Cotidiano; Culturas juvenis; Cultura escolar.Youths at EJA: encounters and disagreements in the school plotABSTRACTThis article aims to analyze the encounters and disagreements of the young-students of the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) with the school plot. School plot is understood as the network that embodies in the interweaving of the experiences lived in the daily school life. For this, it uses fragments of an investigation carried out using the ethnographic method, in a public night school in the rural region of the State of Alagoas, for a period of two years, taking as reference the following question: to what extent is there a dialogue between the culture of the school and the youth cultures in the context of EJA? For data collection, participant observations and ethnographic interviews were used with a group of young people. The study showed that the Young EJA students, research participants, use both tactics that reinvente school culture and mobilize youth cultures, strengthening the feeling of belonging to the place, as others that perpetuate the discourse of non-place of youth (teenagers) in EJA. This signals the lack of unity with regard to the ways in which young people see themselves in this space. The immersion in the daily life experienced by young people highlited recurrences that suggest at times similarities/encounters, at other times distances/disagreements between students and the school.Keywords: Youths at EJA; Daily routine; Youth cultures; School culture.Juventudes em la EJA: encuentros y desencuentros em la trama escolarRESUMENEste artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los encuentros y desencuentros de los sujetos jóvenes estudiantes de la Educación de Jóvenes y adultos con la trama escolar. Se comprende por trama escolar la red que se corporifica en el entremedio de los entretejidos del cotidiano escolar. Para eso recurre a fragmentos de una investigación realizada a través del método etnográfico en una escuela pública nocturna de la región agreste del Estado de Alagoas, por un período de dos años, teniendo como referencia la siguiente cuestión: ¿hasta qué punto la cultura escolar dialoga con las culturas juveniles en el contexto de la EJA? Para la recolección de datos hicimos uso de observaciones participantes y entrevistas etnográficas con un colectivo de jóvenes. El estudio evidenció que los jóvenes estudiantes de la EJA, participantes de la investigación, utilizan tanto tácticas que reinventan la cultura escolar y movilizan las culturas juveniles, fortaleciendo el sentimiento de pertenencia al lugar, como otras que perpetúan el discurso el no lugar de las juventudes [adolescentes] en la EJA. Esto señala la inexistencia de unidad en cuanto a las maneras como los jóvenes se ven en ese espacio. La inmersión en el cotidiano vivenciado por los jóvenes reveló recurrencia que insinúan ya sea acercamiento/encuentros o alejamientos/desencuentros entre los estudiantes y la escuela.  Palabras clave: Juventudes en la EJA; Cotidiano; Culturas juveniles; Cultura escolar.

2015 ◽  
pp. 15
Adriana Zaffaroni

Categoría: EstudioFecha de recepción: 20 de julio de 2011Fecha de aprobación: 27 de julio de 2011ResumenEste artículo aborda las prácticas sociales de los jóvenes desde el encuadre de la categoría jóvenes/juventudes, aunque cuestionándola como universal teórico acordado con la Red Nacional de Investigadores en Juventudes, en que no alcanzan los años de escolarización obligatoria y moratoria para participar de la condición juvenil. Esta comunicación tiene como objetivo analizar si pueden apreciarse prácticas de resistencia, oposición y líneas de fuga en el accionar juvenil a través del caso del Centro Cultural Rodante ALPARGATA que desarrolla sus actividades en diferentes barrios de la Ciudad de Salta y en municipios linderos tales como La Caldera y Vaqueros de la Provincia de Salta, Noroeste argentino (NOA).Palabras clave: Jóvenes, prácticas de resistencia y oposición, líneas de fuga, cultura alternativa.SummaryThis article approaches the social practices of the young persons from the setting of the category young women and men/ youths, though questioning it like universally theoretically agreeing with the Investigators’ National Network in Youths, in which they do not reach the years of obligatory education and moratorium to take part of the juvenile condition.This communication has as aim analyze if they can appreciate practices of resistance, opposition and lines of escape in to drive juvenile across the case of the Cultural Rolling Center ALPARGATA that develops his activities in different neighborhoods of the City of Salta and in such adjoining municipalities as La Caldera, Vaqueros of the Province of Salta, Argentine Northwest (NOA).Keywords: Young people, resistance and opposition practices, getaway lines, alternative culture.

2015 ◽  
pp. 15
Adriana Zaffaroni

Categoría: EstudioFecha de recepción: 20 de julio de 2011Fecha de aprobación: 27 de julio de 2011ResumenEste artículo aborda las prácticas sociales de los jóvenes desde el encuadre de la categoría jóvenes/juventudes, aunque cuestionándola como universal teórico acordado con la Red Nacional de Investigadores en Juventudes, en que no alcanzan los años de escolarización obligatoria y moratoria para participar de la condición juvenil. Esta comunicación tiene como objetivo analizar si pueden apreciarse prácticas de resistencia, oposición y líneas de fuga en el accionar juvenil a través del caso del Centro Cultural Rodante ALPARGATA que desarrolla sus actividades en diferentes barrios de la Ciudad de Salta y en municipios linderos tales como La Caldera y Vaqueros de la Provincia de Salta, Noroeste argentino (NOA).Palabras clave: Jóvenes, prácticas de resistencia y oposición, líneas de fuga, cultura alternativa.SummaryThis article approaches the social practices of the young persons from the setting of the category young women and men/ youths, though questioning it like universally theoretically agreeing with the Investigators’ National Network in Youths, in which they do not reach the years of obligatory education and moratorium to take part of the juvenile condition.This communication has as aim analyze if they can appreciate practices of resistance, opposition and lines of escape in to drive juvenile across the case of the Cultural Rolling Center ALPARGATA that develops his activities in different neighborhoods of the City of Salta and in such adjoining municipalities as La Caldera, Vaqueros of the Province of Salta, Argentine Northwest (NOA).Keywords: Young people, resistance and opposition practices, getaway lines, alternative culture.

Daiva Milinkevičiūtė

The Age of Enlightenment is defined as the period when the universal ideas of progress, deism, humanism, naturalism and others were materialized and became a golden age for freemasons. It is wrong to assume that old and conservative Christian ideas were rejected. Conversely, freemasons put them into new general shapes and expressed them with the help of symbols in their daily routine. Symbols of freemasons had close ties with the past and gave them, on the one hand, a visible instrument, such as rituals and ideas to sense the transcendental, and on the other, intense gnostic aspirations. Freemasons put in a great amount of effort to improve themselves and to create their identity with the help of myths and symbols. It traces its origins to the biblical builders of King Solomon’s Temple, the posterity of the Templar Knights, and associations of the medieval craft guilds, which were also symbolical and became their link not only to each other but also to the secular world. In this work we analysed codified masonic symbols used in their rituals. The subject of our research is the universal Masonic idea and its aspects through the symbols in the daily life of the freemasons in Vilnius. Thanks to freemasons’ signets, we could find continuity, reception, and transformation of universal masonic ideas in the Lithuanian freemasonry and national characteristics of lodges. Taking everything into account, our article shows how the universal idea of freemasonry spread among Lithuanian freemasonry, and which forms and meanings it incorporated in its symbols. The objective of this research is to find a universal Masonic idea throughout their visual and oral symbols and see its impact on the daily life of the masons in Vilnius. Keywords: Freemasonry, Bible, lodge, symbols, rituals, freemasons’ signets.

Daniela Müller-Kuhn ◽  
Pascale Herzig ◽  
Julia Häbig ◽  
Enikö Zala-Mezö

AbstractAlthough student participation is required by convention and law, this is no guarantee of its implementation in everyday school life. The main aim of this article is to show how student participation is perceived by members of the school community and how it occurs in their daily routines. This article examines how students and teachers perceive student participation in upper primary and lower secondary school and which correlations between student participation and student characteristics exist. Furthermore, we investigate which practices of student participation appear in school life and which correlations between student participation and other dimensions can be observed in the daily routine.The analysis was based on a mixed methods design which enabled the combination of different perspectives, namely of students, teachers and the observer. Survey data from 762 students aged 9 to 15 and 182 teachers as well as ethnographic observations in six classes were analyzed for this paper, using data from the Swiss research project “Strengthen Participation—Improve School”.The investigation led to the following main findings: while students perceive some participation, teachers perceive quite a lot of student participation. In addition, students are significantly less satisfied with student participation in their school than teachers. Correlations between student participation and the students’ gender, school grade, school performance and attitude towards school exist. In everyday school life, students participate in aspects of content, school organization and social spheres. Further there are observable differences regarding school grade and gender.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 392-403 ◽  
Janean Robinson ◽  
Barry Down ◽  
John Smyth

Our research is driven by a strong belief that the stories of young people gathered through ethnographic interviews can generate awareness not only of the complexities, uncertainties and possibilities of young people’s lives but also the ways in which their identities and life chances are shaped by broader structural, institutional and historical forces beyond their control. In this article, we introduce Jacinta, a young person who describes the events and conditions which serve to hinder and/or support her journey in school and beyond. We have used Jacinta’s story from a larger research project, to speak back to the impact the broader neoliberalising agenda is having on young lives with a view to reimagining democratic alternatives in education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Junierissa Marpaung

Komunitas anak punk semakin lama semakin banyak. Dengan berbagai latar belakang dan memiliki ideologi yang sama dengan teman lainnya. Pada kenyataannya,keberadaan anak punk tidak sepenuhnya dapat diterima di masyarakat. Masyarakat menilai mereka dengan pandangan yang negatif. Dalam pandangan masyarakat, komunitas punk memang memiliki perilaku  menyimpang, identik dengan label negatif yang mengedepankan gaya, trend, dan fashion. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran komunitas anak punk di daerah X Kota Batam.         Hasil penelitian ini bahwa anak punk di daerah X memilih untuk menjadi anak punk bukan karena terpaksa atau sekedar ikut-ikutan saja. Bagi anak punk di daerah X menyikapi hidup mereka dengan tidak tergantung kepada orang lain (lebih mandiri). Dimana, disaat anak-anak muda yang lain lebih memilih diskotik atau tempat hiburan lainnya. Anak punk di daerah X memilih jalanan sebagai tempat mereka berbaur bersama dengan teman-teman anak punk lainnya dalam kesehariannya. Kata Kunci: Kasus, Komunitas Anak Punk, dan Daerah BatamCommunity punk gradually becoming more common. With a variety of backgrounds and have the same ideology with other friends. In fact, the existence of punk kids are not fully accepted in society. People consider those with a negative view. In the view of the public, the punk community does have a deviant behavior, synonymous with a negative label that emphasizes style, trend and fashion. The purpose of this study is to describe the punk community in the X area of Batam. The results of this study that the punks in the X chose to become a child of punk is not out of necessity or just went along with it. For children of punk in the X addressing their lives by not depend on others (more independent). Where, when young people others prefer a discotheque or other entertainment venues. Punk in the X choose the streets as where they mingle with their friends more punk in their daily life. Keywords: Case, Punk Community, and Batam Area

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 168-187
Marluce Evangelista Carvalho Zacariotti

O eixo de atenção deste artigo é o conceito de eXtremo, de Massimo Canevacci, autor, cujas ideias inovadoras, e por que não dizer radicais, têm trazido boas contribuições para pesquisas sobre as juventudes, na interface comunicação/cultura/consumo na contemporaneidade. Trata-se também de uma perspectiva em plena discussão. Porque a temática juventude, destacada em inúmeras pesquisas, estudos, em incontáveis artigos, ensaios e livros que cada vez se proliferam mais, dada a sua crescente relevância, vem sendo abordada sob a perspectiva de vários campos do saber, gerando múltiplas possibilidades de percepção e teorização. Assim, estamos concordando com uma linha de pesquisadores, entre eles Canevacci, que caminham pelo terreno do múltiplo, do plural, envolvendo aspectos sócio-culturais-econômicos-geográficos que falam não de um jovem, mas de jovens; não de uma juventude, mas de juventudes. No limite deste trabalho, ficamos por aqui nesta justificativa para nos dedicar especificamente ao conceito de eXtremo e porque ele se mostra elemento-chave nas discussões que estamos proponho em nossas pesquisas em andamento sobre as juventudes, a cultura na pós-modernidade e os desafios à educação.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Juventudes; pós-modernidade; educação.     ABSTRACT The focus of this article is the concept of extreme, from Massimo Canevacci, author, whose innovative ideas, and why not say radicals, have brought good contributions to research on youth, at the interface communication / culture / consumption in the contemporary world.It is also a perspective in full discussion. Because the thematic youth, highlighted in countless researches, studies, countless articles, essays and books that are increasingly proliferating, given their increasing relevance, has been approached from the perspective of several fields of knowledge, generating multiple possibilities of perception and theorizing. Thus, we are agreeing with a line of researchers, among them Canevacci, who walk through the terrain of multiple, plural, involving socio-cultural-economic-geographical aspects that speak not of a young person but of young people; not of a youth but of youth. At the limit of this work, we remain here in this justification to dedicate ourselves specifically to the concept of eXtreme and because it is a key element in the discussions that we are proposing in our ongoing research about youth, culture in postmodernity and the challenges to education.   KEYWORDS: Youth; postmodernity; education.     RESUMEN El eje de atención de este artículo es el concepto de eXtremo, de Massimo Canevacci autor, cuyas ideas innovadoras, y por qué no decir radicales, han traído buenos aportes para investigaciones sobre las juventudes, en el interfaz comunicación/cultura/consumo en la contemporaneidad. Se trata también de una perspectiva en plena discusión. Porque la temática juventud, destacada en innúmeras pesquisas, estudios, en incontables artículos, ensayos y libros que cada vez se proliferan más, dada su creciente relevancia, viene siendo abordada bajo la perspectiva de varios campos del saber, generando múltiples posibilidades de percepción y teorización. Así, estamos concordando con una línea de investigadores, entre ellos Canevacci, que caminan por el terreno del múltiple, del plural, involucrando aspectos socioculturales-económicos-geográficos que hablan no de un joven, pero de jóvenes; no de una juventud, pero de juventudes. En el límite de este trabajo, quedamos por aquí en esta justificativa para nos dedicar específicamente al concepto de eXtremo y porque él se muestra elemento-clave en las discusiones que estamos proponiendo en nuestras investigaciones en andamiento sobre las juventudes, la cultura en la postmodernidad y los desafíos a la educación.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Juventudes; postmodernidad; educación.

Resumen El presente artículo presenta algunos de los resultados obtenidos en dos intervenciones con jóvenes de escuelas secundarias públicas, ubicadas en la Ciudad de México y en el Estado de México. A partir del diagnóstico realizado con observación participante, entrevistas y la sistematización de talleres; se aplicó una intervención educativa desde la propuesta teórico metodológica que combina el enfoque de juventudes y la educación para la paz y derechos humanos. De ambas intervenciones, resalta la necesidad de tender puentes dialógicos como un elemento central para la formación de autonomía en jóvenes desde el dispositivo escolar. A modo de conclusión se proponen algunos elementos para la construcción de autonomía de los sujetos jóvenes, quienes requieren ser reconocidos como agentes sociales con capacidad de transformar de su entorno como elemento central para la dignificación y construcción de paz en los espacios escolares. Palabras clave: Jóvenes, autonomía, educación para la paz, empoderamient. Abstract This article presents some results obtained in two interventions with students in two Public High Schools located in Mexico City and in Mexico State. Based on the diagnosis made with active observation, interviews and the systematization of workshops; an educational intervention was applied from the theoretical-methodological proposal that combines the youth perspective, peace education and human rights approaches. Highlights on both interventions, the need to build dialogical bridges in schools as main autonomy construction element in young people training. Some elements are proposed as conclusion, for young people autonomy construction, who need to be recognized as social agents with the capacity to transform their environment as a central element for dignify and build-peace in schools. Keyworks: Youth, autonomy, education for peace, empowerment.

2021 ◽  
Vol XXV (1) ◽  
pp. 55-73
Irena Bogoczová ◽  
Lukáš Maršík

The present article introduces the results of the analysis of texts by Czech (Catholic) Christian young adults published in 2019 and 2020 on the website This page is intended to unite Christians and support them in their faith. The texts are diverse in genre, their content is purely religious or secular, but it at least remotely touches on the issues of the spiritual life of man or his/her religiosity (“soft spirituality”). Posting on the internet testifies to the need for young people not only to strengthen themselves and others in their faith in God, but also to share trivial content that relates to daily life and behind which (in the background) they see God’s will, the expression of God’s love and wisdom.

2016 ◽  
Vol 36 (113) ◽  
pp. 25
Rosa Emilia del Pilar Alcayaga Toro

<p>Preguntarse si desde un orden patriarcal, en esta búsqueda de sentido, que no acaba, el concepto de Amor no será un nuevo signo trascendente en reemplazo o resurrección del último Dios. Amor como uno de los pocos rasgos de trascendencia en esta civilización tecnológica que, en tanto, virtud del sometimiento, el genio del cristianismo enlaza a la mujer en la red de la lógica cristiana regida por dos dogmas de la fe: la ‘Encarnación’ y el ‘Amor’ e impone la exclusión de las mujeres frente a la sexualidad, precio que pagarían por su admisión en lo sagrado. Con el correr de los siglos, en América Latina, existe una persistente presencia mariana y hay un deseo de consolidar el papel de las diosas madres, pero que desde la perspectiva de estas reflexiones no desestabilizan el credo cristiano.</p><p><strong>Palabras clave</strong>: sexualidad, virgen María, corriente mariana, Amor, diosa madre.</p>

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