scholarly journals The Correlation of the Level of Anxiety of Nulliparous Women to the Length of the First Stage of Spontaneous Labor at Private Maternity Clinics in the Working Area of Delitua Puskesmas, Deli Serdang District in 2013

Namora Lumongga Lubis ◽  
Megawati Sinambela

Abnormal length of the first stage of labor in nulliparous women (first pregnancy) can be related to severe anxiety during labor. Based on the preliminary survey in several private maternity clinics at the working area of Delta Puskesmas, Deli Serdang District, it was found that there was a prolonged first stage of labor (27.65%) in nulliparous women. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of anxiety level to the length of the first stage of labor. The type of this study was an analytic survey with explanatory research type. The samples comprised 40 childbearing women in private maternity clinics of Kasih Ibu, Kurnia, Tanjung, Wanda, and Mayana which were located in the working area of Delitua Puskesmas, Deli Serdang District, using accidental sampling technique. The data were gathered by using questionnaires and analyzed in the univariate analysis by using frequency distribution form, and bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test. The result of this study showed that the level of anxiety (p = 0.001) significantly related the length of the first stage of labor in which mothers who had severe anxiety. It is recommended that health providers should provide standardized services to childbearing women, especially to nulliparous women, so that their level of anxiety can be decreased facing the first stage of the labor process. It is also recommended that the husbands should support their wifes by positive behaviors so they will not think about negative things on their babies and on themselves.

Namora Lumongga Lubis ◽  
Megawati Sinambela

Abnormal length of first stage of labor in nulliparous women (first pregnancy) can be related by severe anxiety during labor. Based on the preliminary survey in several private maternity clinics at the working area of Delitua Puskesmas, Deli Serdang District, it was found that there was a prolonged first stage of labor (27.65%) in nulliparous women. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of anxiety level to the lenght of first stage of labor. The type of this study was an analytic survey with explanatory research type. The samples comprised 40 childbearing women in private maternity clinics of Kasih Ibu,Kurnia,Tanjung,Wanda,and Mayana which were located in the working area of Delitua Puskesmas , Deli Serdang District,using accidental sampling technique. The data were gathered by using questionnaires and analyzed in univariet analysis by using frequency distribution form, and bivariate analysis using Chi Square test. The result of this study showed that the level of anxiety (p = 0.001) significantly related the lenght of first stage of labor in which mothers who had severe anxiety. It is recomended that health providers should provide standardized services to childbearing women, especially to nulliparous women, so that their level of anxiety can be decreased facing the first stage of labor process. It is also recommended that the husbands should support their wives by positive behaviors so they will not think about bad things on their babies and on themselves.

Desi Hariani

ABSTRAK Ketuban pecah dini adalah pecahnya selaput ketuban pada setiap saat sebelum permulaan persalinan tanpa memandang apakah pecahnya selaput ketuban terjadi pada kehamilan 24 minggu atau 44 minggu. Kadar hemoglobin adalah ukuran pigmen respiratorik dalam butiran-butiran darah merah. Kelainan letak janin merupakan malpresentasi janin atau kelainan letak janin yang dapat membuat ketuban bagian terendah langsung menerima tekanan intra uteri yang dominan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan kadar hemoglobin ibu dan letak janin dengan kejadian ketuban pecah dini di klinik alisa talang keramat kenten Palembang Tahun 2018. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan crossectional. Sampel berjumlah 63 orang. Pengambilan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar checklist.Hasil analisis univariat didapatkan jumlah ibu yang mengalami ketuban pecah dini (22,3%), HB tidak normal (41,3%) dan letak sungsang (6,3%).  Dari hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi – Square ada hubungan bermakna antara kadar hemoglobin ibu p value  = 0,001 < α 0,05 nilai OR = 0,049 dan letak janin p value = 0,001 < α 0,05 nilai OR = 0,032 dengan kejadian ketuban pecah dini secara statistik terbukti. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih baik lagi pada ibu hamil dan bersalin sehingga tidak terjadi komplikasi.   Kata Kunci : Ketuban Pecah Dini, Kadar Hemoglobin, Letak Janin ABSTRACT Premature rupture of membranes isthe  rupture of the membranes at any time before the onset of labor, regardless of whether the rupture of the membranes occurs at 24 weeks or 44 weeks' gestation. Hemoglobin levels are the size of respiratory pigments in red blood granules. Fetal abnormalities are malpresentations of fetuses or fetal abnormalities that can make the lowest part of the membrane directly accept the dominant intrauterine pressure. The aim of this study is to know the correlation between maternal hemoglobin level and fetal location toward the incidence of premature rupture of membranes at klinik alisa talang keramat kenten The study design using analytical survey method with crossectional approach. The sample numbered 63 people. Taking by using total sampling technique. Data collection using checklist sheet. The result of univariate analysis showed that the number of mothers who had membranes rupturedearly was (22.3%), HB was not normal  (41.3%) and breech position was (6.3%). From bivariate analysis with Chi-Square statistical test there was a significant correlation between maternal hemoglobin level p value = 0.001 <α 0.05 value OR = 0.049 and fetal location p value = 0.001 <α 0.05 value OR = 0.032 with incidence of premature rupture of membranes was statistically proven. Through this research, it is expected to provide better health services in pregnant and maternity women so thereis no complications occur. Key word  : Premature rupture of membranes, Hemoglobin levels, Fetal Location

Suryono ◽  
Bambang Wiseno ◽  
Fannidya Hamdani Zeho

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on every area of ​​the organization, especially the health sector, especially hospitals. One of the impacts experienced is the work pressure felt by hospital employees. This study aims to analyze the work pressure experienced by hospital employees during the covid-19 pandemic which was obtained from the type of work and stressor factors that influenced it. This type of research was quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 120 employees at Hospital "X" in Indonesia. The sampling technique is probability sampling with random sampling method. Univariate analysis test was used to see the distribution of frequency and percentage of each variable and bivariate analysis with chi-square test to determine the relationship between variables (p value <0.05). It was found that the type of employee's work was significantly related to the employee's work pressure. Then an analysis of the level of work pressure is carried out with the influencing work pressure stressor. Based on the Spearman Correlation Test, a correlation value of 0.589 with a sig value of 0.000 means that the sig value is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) indicating that there is a significant effect between stressor and work pressure at Hospital "X". The cause of high work pressure from this type of work is the demands of the organization in relation to the high role of tasks, especially medical personnel, which increases during the pandemic. Then the stressor factors that influence are role overload, role conflict and role ambiguity caused by the demands of the duties and roles of employees, poor communication, and lack of direct guidance from the leadership on the tasks and regulations given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Neila Sulung

Stunting is a chronic condition that represent growth retardation due to long-term malnutrition, indicated by a z-score of TB / U less than -2SD. Padang Gelugur is a sub-district located in Pasaman Regency with the highest stunting rate of 27%. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that caused the incidence of Stunting at the Padang Gelugur health center in Pasaman Regency. Type of analytic descriptive study with cross-sectional design, conducted in April 2019. The population is 1,020 infants. with Multistage random sampling technique and a sample size of 150 infants. Data collection uses questionnaires and anthropometric observations and data analysis includes univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with chi square test. The results of the study obtained the incidence of stunting in infants due to non-exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.022 and OR = 2.708), lack of food diversity (p = 0.023 and OR = 2.326), and low economic status (p = 0.034 and OR = 3.630.    Based on the results above, it was found that a significant relationship between low economic status, non-exclusive breastfeeding, and lack of food diversity with the incidence of Stunting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 200-206
Supartiningsih Supartiningsih ◽  
RD.Siti Riski Ainun

ABSTRACT  The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis is still very high and difficult to reduce due to the lack of compliance in taking anti-tuberculosis drugs. The lack of knowledge and family support are some of the factors that affect the level of patients’ compliancein taking anti-tuberculosis drugs. The purpose of this study is to have an overview of patients’ compliance and to see how the relationship between knowledge and family support can affect TB outpatients in taking anti- tuberculosis drugs at the Sindar Raya Community Health Center. This type of research is quantitative using a cross-sectional approach to 20 respondents who do outpatient treatment at the Sindar Raya Community Center. The sampling technique uses the total sampling technique. The data collecting is done by giving questionnaires to each respondent. The data analysis uses univariate analysis and Chi Square test on bivariate analysis. The results of the univariate research showed that there were 10 respondents (50.0%) with a good level of knowledge,8 respondents (40.0%) with moderate level knowledge, and2 respondents (10.0%) with the lack of knowledge. Good family support showed as many as 9 respondents (45.0%),5 respondents (25.0%) with moderate support, and6 respondents (30.0%) with lack of support. As many as 15 respondents (75.0%) showed a good level of compliance while 5 respondents (25.0%) showed the lack of compliance level. Based on bivariate analysis with the chi square test, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and compliance to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs (P value = 0.036), and there was also a significant relationship between family support and compliance to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs (P value = 0.017).    

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 144
Awaliyah Ulfah Ayudytha ◽  
Desta Asherti Putri

<p><em>Burnout is a prolonged response related to stressors that continue to occur in the workplace where the result is a combination of workers and jobs. Nurse fatigue occurs when nurses work more than 80% of their work time. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence burnout in nurses in the inpatient room of Pekanbaru Medical Center hospital in 2019.This research method was descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach done to 35 respondents. Sampling technique using total sampling method. The analysis used is univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using Chi-square test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between workload and burnout (p = 0.024) and there was a significant relationship between leadership style and burnout (p = 0.027). Based on the results of these studies, the researchers recommend that the management of Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital pay more attention to the level of burnout nurses because the performance of nurses plays an important role in patient care. </em></p>

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Widya Juliarti ◽  
Atifa Merlin

Exclusive breastfeeding is the only breast milk given to infants without additional other liquids without solid food for six additional 6 months. Breastfed babies have a greater chance of early success exclusive breastfeeding. Based on preliminary studies in December 2015 in BPM Khairani Asnita, in the know of 20 people who gave birth to entirely successfully perform IMD but only 3-5 people who exclusively breastfed rest melanjutlan with formula. The purpose of this study to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who carry BPM Khairani Asnita IMD in Riau Province in 2015. This type of research is analytic survey with cross sectional study design. The population is mothers delivered in BPM Khairani Asnita and do IMD with babies aged 16-12 months amounted to 60 m people. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Bivariate data analysis with test of chi-square test. Based on the results of the univariate analysis showed that the majority of mothers breastfeed as much as 56.7% exclusive. The results of the bivariate analysis pvalue values obtained for each variable with α 0.05 is for attitude p = 0.000, husband support the value of p = 0.004, p = success IMD 0,007, maternal age the value of p = 0.031. The conclusion of this study that the attitude of the mother, husband support, the success of IMD and the mother's age is a factor that affects exclusively breastfeeding mothers do IMD in BPM Khairani Asnita Year 2015. It is expected the next BPM Khairani Asnita able to reassure patients who visit or maternity there for can give only breast milk until the child is 6 months old, as well as explaining the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for babies and mothers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Maftuchah Maftuchah ◽  
Anita Indra Afriani ◽  
Agustin Maulida

Kecenderungan para ibu untuk tidak menyusui bayinya secara eksklusif semakin besar. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan besarnya jumlah ibu menyusui yang memberikan makanan tambahan atau susu formula lebih awal sebagai pengganti ASI. Berbagai alasan dikemukakan oleh ibu-ibu sehingga dalam pemanfaatan ASI secara eksklusif kepada bayinya rendah, antara lain adalah pengaruh iklan/promosi pengganti ASI, ibu bekerja, lingkungan sosial budaya, pendidikan, pengetahuan yang rendah serta dukungan suami yang kurang. Salah satu puskesmas dengan cakupan ASI Eksklusif terendah tahun 2015 yaitu di Puskesmas Tlogosari Wetan Kota Semarang sebesar 55,30 % . Meskipun mengalami peningkatan di tahun 2016 namun pencapaian ASI Eksklusif di Puskesmas Tlogosari Wetan yaitu 16,4 % belum mencapai target renstra Kota Semarang yaitu 65 % . Tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling. Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat menggunakan Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  ada hubungan pengetahuan dan pekerjaan dengan penggunaan susu formula sebagai pengganti ASI eksklusif (p value 0.031 dan 0,015). Sedangkan pendidikan dan peran petugas kesehatan tidak ada hubungan dengan penggunaan susu formula sebagai pengganti ASI eksklusif di Kelurahan Penggaron Kidul-Semarang (p value 0.303 dan 0.846). Saran bagi masyarakat diharapkan tetap memberikan ASI eksklusif kepada anaknya meskipun ditinggal bekerja. Kata Kunci : Susu Formula; ASI Eksklusif  FACTORS AFFECTING THE USE OF FORMULA MILK AS AN ALTERNATIVE EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING. ABSTRACT The tendency of mothers  who do not breastfeed exclusively the babies are growing. It can be seen by the large number of nursing mothers who provide formula milk as breast milk alternative. The various reasons are put forward by the mothers so that the use of exclusive breast milk is low. These reasons include, the influence of advertisement / breastfeed altenatives, working mother, socio-cultural environment, education, low knowledge, and lack of husband support. One of public health center with the lowest coverage exclusive breastfeeding by 55.30% in 2015 is Tlogosari Wetan Health Center at Semarang City. Although in 2016 it has been incerased by 16,4%, however, that number has not fulfilled the strategic plan target of Semarang City as much as 65%. The sampling technique was used Total Sampling. The analysis test was used univariate analysis and Bivariate analysis using Chi-Square. The result showed that there is a relationship between the knowledge and the occupation with the use of formula milk as an alternative for exclusive breastfeeding (p value 0.031 and 0.015). while education and the role of health practitioner have no relation with the use of formula milk as an alternative for exclusive breastfeeding (p value 0.303 and 0.846). The mothers are expected to continue giving exclusive breastfeeding to the babies even if left to work. Keywords: Formula Milk; Exclusive breastfeeding

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Marlisa Rumondor ◽  
Lenny Gannika ◽  
Yolanda Yolanda Bataha

Abstract: Job satisfaction is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional state where employees viewwork. Leadership style is a behavior pattern designed to integrate organizational goals withindividual goals, to achieve a goal. Objective: To analyze the relationship between theleadership style of the room's head and the satisfaction of nurses at Bhayangkara Hospital.Samples: taken with a total sampling technique, which amounted to 49 people. Researchdesign: analytic descriptive with cross sectional approach and sampling technique of 49people Univariate analysis aims to explain and describe each researcher variable. In general,this analysis only describes the distribution and percentage of each variable that will beanalyzed by univariate analysis. Bivariate analysis is an analysis carried out on two variablesthat are allegedly related or correlated, namely data analysis to see the independent variable(Head of the room leader style) and the dependent variable (Nurse satisfaction). The test usedis the Chi-square test (x ^ 2). Results: The Chisquare test obtained a value of p = <0.05 =0.008. Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between the leadership style of the headof the room and the job satisfaction of nurses in Bhayangkara Manado Hospital.Keywords: Leader Room Style, Nurse Satisfaction.Abstrak: Kepuasan kerja merupakan keadaan emosional yang menyenangkan atau tidakmenyenangkan dimana para karyawan memandang pekerjaan. Gaya kepemimpinanmerupakan pola tingkah laku yang dirancang untuk mengintegrasikan tujuan organisasidengan tujuan individu, untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan gayapemimpinan kepala ruangan dengan kepuasan perawat di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara. Sampel:diambil dengan teknik pengambilan total sampel, yaitu berjumlah 49 orang. Desainpenelitian: deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan teknik pengambilansampel 49 orang. Analisa Univariat bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan setiapvariabel peneliti. Pada umumnya dalam analisis ini hanya menjelaskan distribusi danpresentase dari setiap variabel. Variabel yang akan di analisa dengan anlisa univariat tingkatkepuasaan kerja perawat. Analisi Bivariat merupakan analisa yang dilakukan terhadap duavariabel yang diduga berhubungan atau berkolerasi yaitu analisa data untuk melihat variabelindependen (Gaya pemimpin Kepala ruangan) dan variabel dependen (Kepuasan perawat). Ujiyang digunakan adalah uji Chi-square (􀝔􀬶). Hasil penelitian: Uji Chisquare didapatkan nilaip= <0.05 =0.008. Kesimpulan: terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya kepemimpinankepala ruang dengan kepuasan kerja perawat di di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Manado.Kata Kunci: Gaya Pemimpin Kepala Ruangan, Kepuasan Perawat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-255
Sofaniah Nurrahmi ◽  
Isfaizah Isfaizah

Toddler development is very important to note, the first five years of life are very sensitive to the environment and lasts very short and cannot be repeated. Globally each year more than 200 million children less than 5 years of age show developmental delays and 86% occur in developing countries. In child development, the role of parents, especially mothers, is one of the supporting factors in the suitability of child development. The stimulation given by parents to children will create children who are smart, can develop and grow optimally, are independent, have normal emotions and are easy to adapt. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between maternal stimulation with the development of children aged 1-3 years. This research method is an analytical observational study with a cross sectional approach. Population in this study were all mothers who have toddlers aged 1-3 years as many as 130 people and the study sample was 57 people who were taken by purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted in the work area of ​​Kertaharja village midwives in December 2020. The instrument used in this study was to use a maternal stimulation questionnaire and for child development using KPSP. Data analysis includes univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with chi square test with significant level <0.05. Univariate analysis showed that most of mothers provided good stimulation (75,4%) and children had normal development (64,9%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the provision of maternal stimulation on the development of children aged 1-3 years in the Kertaharja Village Midwife Work Area with a p value of 0.001; p <(0.05). Maternal stimulation is very important for optimal development of children aged 1-3 years. It is recommended that parents be more active in providing stimulation to children according to the child's age ABSTRAK Lima tahun pertama kehidupan merupaka periode emas pertumbuan balita dan 86% kejadian keterlambatan perkembangan pada anak usia kurang dari 5 tahun terjadi di negara berkembang. Peran orang tua merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung dalam perkembangan anak. Stimulasi yang diberikan orangtua pada anak akan menciptakan anak yang pintar, mandiri, emosi yang normal dan tumbuh kembang dengan optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara pemberian stimulasi oleh ibu dengan perkembangan anak usia 1-3 tahun. Desain penelitian ini analitik observasional dengan pendekatan crossectional. Populasi adalah seluruh ibu yang memiliki balita usia 1-3 tahun di Desa Kertaharja sebanyak 130 orang dan sample sebanyak 57 orang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah kuesioner stimulasi ibu dan untuk perkembangan anak menggunakan KPSP. Analisis data meliputi analisa univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan uji chi square taraf signifikan <0,05. Analisis univariat sebagian besar ibu memberikan stimulasi yang baik pada anaknya (75,4%) dan anak memiliki perkembangan yang normal (64,9%). Analisis bivariat ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pemberian stimulasi oleh ibu terhadap perkembangan anak usia 1-3 tahun di Wilayah Kerja Bidan Desa Kertaharja (p= 0,001). Semakin baik pemberian stimulasi oleh ibu maka semakin bagus juga perkembangan yang dialami anak. Disarankan kepada orang tua yang masih kurang baik dalam menstimulasi anaknya untuk lebih aktif lagi dalam memberikan stimulasi kepada anak agar anak berkembang dengan optimal

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