scholarly journals المناجاة في الأدب العربي النيجيري:دراسة أسلوبية لمناجاة زكريا إدريس أوبو حسين MUNAJAT IN NIGERIAN ARABIC LITERATURE: A STYLISTIC STUDY OF MUNAJAT OF ZAKARIYAU IDREES -- OBOH OSENI

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-396
Uthman Idrees Kankawi

الملخصهذا البحث يرصد دراسة مناجيات البروفيسور زكريا إدريس أوبو حسين، دراسة أسلوبية، للوقوف على قدرة الكاتب في رسم المشاهد المختلفة في حالات النفس الإنسانية، والكشف عن مستويات المناجيات النصية، والتقديم لدلالات ما خلف النص بوصفه نصاً أدبياً خاضعاً للقراءة والتأويل. وقد تناولت الدراسة كتب مناجاته في مستوياتها الصوتية والتركيبية والدلالية محاولة لإجراء الدراسة الأسلوبية عند كل مستوى، فقد أورد البروفيسور الاستعارات والتشبيهات والكنايات بشكل تفاعلي مع الجو الملائم لكل مناجاة، وأهمية هذا البحث تظهر في قلة أمثاله في المكتبات التي تستقري مثل هذه النصوص الإسلامية الشريفة، والتي تستحق لفت النظر. وتم تقسيم الدراسة إلى أربعة مباحث، سبقهم ملخص، ومقدمة، وفي الخاتمة تم تسجيل أهم النتائج فضلا عن المصادر والمراجع، والله المستعان. AbstractProfessor Zakariyau Idrees Oboh Oseni, is one of the prominent figures of Arabic and Islamic literature in Nigeria, working with University of Ilorin in Nigeria as an exemplary teacher, a writer and even a Critical critic. His poetic talent, literary ability, linguistic wealth, knowledge of the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah, made him succeed in the Art of Munajat, and succeed as a sincere scholar who raises the nation a high-level education. This Research aims to study the Munajat (Monologues) of Professor Zakariyau Idrees Oboh Oseni as a stylistic study, to determine the writer›s ability to draw different scenes in cases of the human soul, to reveal the levels of textual Monologues, and to present the implications of what is behind the text as a literary text subject to reading and interpretation. The Study dealt with his Monologue books in their phonetic, structural and semantic levels, an attempt to conduct a stylistic study at each level. This approach includes a set of principles and procedures that aid the study of the text as a scientific study, through method analysis. The research is divided into three sections, preceded by a summary, followed by a conclusion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Mohammad Rokib

Ali Ahmad Bākathīr was a prolific Arab playwright, novelist and poet of the 20th Century. He wrote almost fifty literary works and more than thirty plays in Arabic which developed Islamic character in Arabic literature. His works sought to establish Islamic values and traditions that occurred in Islamic societies. Although his works contributed immensely to the Arabic and Islamic literature, Bākathīr has received lack of attention from scholars both in Islamic world and in non-Islamic world. This paper explores the Muslim effort in acquiring national independence on the literary works of Bākathīr, particularly on the concept of nationalism. In the process of acquiring national independence, Indonesia’s figures usually utilized the paradigm of nationalism through words of dialog. The words of figure that referred to nationalism will be discussed. In this paper, we argue that Bākathīr literary work’s ’Audat al-Firdaus contains the spirit of nationalism for gaining independence.      

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 449
Mochammad Achwan Baharuddin ◽  
Moh. Erfan Soebahar ◽  
Siti Mujibatun

The focus of this paper is the authenticity of the hadith, because in addition to the problem of the method used, it is also a matter of sources that are problematic. One source that is often used is literature, especially pre-Islamic Arabic literature (jahiliyah). The relevance of literature in authenticating hadith gives rise to a question, the extent to which the validity of pre-Islamic Arabic Literature can be used as evidence and what are the requirements that must be met when the study of the authenticity of hadith uses pre-Islamic Literature as one of the proofs. Using a Using a descriptive analytic method with a historical approach, this paper concludes that pre-Islamic Arabic literature when used as a source of authenticity of the hadith then the task of research is to reduce the difference in question. The reduction is intended so that the legality of literature as a source of hadith authentication can be accepted. This reduction includes: (1) authorship. Just as the news attributed to the Prophet must be proven to have its source in the Prophet, pre-Islamic Arabic Literature must also be proven to come from pre-Islamic Arabic writers, (2) narration. Pre-Islamic Arabic literature must also be tested extrinsically as an extrinsic factor test on the Hadith of the Prophet, (3) context. Literature was born not in an empty space so that the content of pre-Islamic Arabic literature must also reflect the life of the Arab Nation in pre-Islamic times. Therefore, when the reduction has not yet been carried out, in the context of the accuracy of the study of the authenticity of the hadith it cannot be accepted.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (04) ◽  
pp. 15-19
Bhavesh Patil ◽  
Bhupesh Patel ◽  
Harisha C. R. ◽  
Neha Parmar ◽  
Ashwini Save

Gokshura a well-known drug in Ayurveda which is extensively used in many disease conditions like dysuria, asthma, diabetes, cough, oedema, cardiac disorders etc. Tribulus terrestris (Family – Zygophyllaceae) is an official source of Gokshura as per API. Five species of genus Tribulus are found throughout India with a slight morphological difference. In this study, three different species of Tribulus genus from different regions were subjected for molecular characterization by RAPD method. Analysis showed that three different samples gave clearly similar banding pattern with each of the random primers used and 80% similarity between the three samples were observed when the results were subjected to band scoring and analysis with clustering. Even through the micromorpholgical observations showed differentiating characters in mature carpels and intrastaminal glands of the selected species.

نصر الدين إبراهيم (Nasr el-DIn Ibrahim Ahmad)

ملخص البحث:أفرزت فترة الحداثة وما بعده ان بعض الآراء الفلسفية والنظريات، والأيدلوجيّات المختلفة التي تأثر بها المجتمع العالمي، وأفضى إلى آثار سلبية، قادت في خاتمة المطاف إلى جمود عاطفة الإنسان، وتسلط الآراء الفكرية المنطقية الفلسفية  التي أفرزت ما يُسمى بالمذاهب الغربية، وكل هذه المذاهب وما فيها من محتويات ومضامين قد أثّرت في أدبنا المعاصر تأثيرا سلبيا. ومما يؤسف له أن التقليد الأعمى لهذه المذاهب، هو ما دأب عليه كثير من أدبائنا المعاصرين، مما شوّه مفهوم الأدب، من أجل هذا، دعا بعض الأدباء الحادبين على مفهوم الالتزام في الأدب، ودوره في إصلاح الكون والإنسان والحياة إلى ما يسمى "بأسلمة الأدب"، فصارت هناك جدليّة بين الفريقين في الآراء والمنظور والمفهوم الحقيقي للأدب.الكلمات المفتاحية: الإسلامية- أولاد حارتنا- آيات شيطانية- نائب عزرائيل- الأدب الإسلامي. Abstract:The post-modern era had witnessed the emergence of different philosophical views, theories and ideologies that influence the masses. Consequently, this had resulted in some negative tendencies such as the dullness of emotion and the domination of philosophical logic in thoughts that gave rise to the Western doctrines. The contents of this philosophy had further influenced our modern literature in a negative manner. It is unfortunate that blind following of these doctrines was a found in many of our modern writers that distorted the meaning of literature. In response to this, some modern writers had made the call for the concept of ‘commitment’ in literature and what it promotes in terms of the restoration of the role of the universe, the man and the life that gave rise to the concept of Islamic literature. As a result of this, the concept of literature had been contested by both parties as to what it really stand for.Keywords: Islamization – ‘Aulad haratina’ – Satanic verses – The Deputy of Izrael – Islamic Literature.   Abstrak:Zaman moden banyak menghasilkan falsafah, teori dan ideologi yang berbeza yang mana ia memberi kesan yang negatif kepada masyarakat dan akhirnya membawa manusia kepada pemikiran yang jumud hingga terbentuklah falsafah pemikiran yang berasaskan logik akal yang dinamakan pada hari ini sebagai pemikiran barat. Teori dan falsafah yang dibawa oleh barat ini telah memberi kesan yang negatif  kepada kesusasteraan Arab moden. Bahkan yang lebih menyedihkan adalah ramai dikalangan sasterawan pada hari ini mengambil dan mengikut falsafah barat secara membuta tuli hingga merosakkan konotasi sastera itu sendiri. Oleh yang demikian itu, ada dikalangan sasterawan menyeru supaya berpegang kepada konsep sastera yang betul dan peranannya dalam memperbaiki kehidupan manusia iaitu apa yang dinamakan sebagai “islamisasi sastera”. Maka timbullah perdebatan diantara dua pihak tentang pendapat dan pandangan terhadap konsep sebenar sastera.Kata kunci: Islamisasi – Budak Jalanan – Ayat-Ayat Syaitan – Pembantu I’zrail - Sastera Islam.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fadlil Munawwar Manshur

Manâzilus-Sâ`irîn ilâ al-Haqqil-Mubîn is a literary work of tasawuf which contains 100 steps of climbing to the pleasure of Allah which must be passed by man to seek His pleasure. The 100 maqâmât is divided into ten levels, each level there are ten maqam, and each maqam has their own meanings and functions. For the purposes of this study, only 20 ladders were studied due to space and time constraints. The problem in this research is how the researchers interpret and analyze the 20 steps of climbing based on the perspective of Sufism. The theory used in this research is the Islamic literary theory Taufiq Al-Hakim model that says that Islamic literature comes from Allah, dimension of worship, and mission of Islamic da'wah. Islamic literature comes from God because God is the source of all sources. The method of analysis used in this research is tasawuf method and moral method. The tasawuf method is directed at how the reader expresses the elements of the formal object contained in material objects to hone and educate the human soul and heart in worshiping God and in associating with fellow human beings. The moral method is oriented on how literature regulates human experience and assesses the extent to which experience affects its activities, namely the literary activity that produces Islamic literary works containing contents of Sufism that are suitable for the guidance of human life. The superiority of this book is also seen in the unique writing techniques because the author is able to integrate the verses of the Qur'an with his imagination so that this book of tasawuf looks strong from the way of processing the substance and from the side of the moral message. Thus, the teachings of Sufism in this book become more practical and easier to understand by the reader

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (15) ◽  
pp. 509-519
Kemal Şimşek

Since the concept of Islamic Literature was introduced at the Kalenho Meeting in India in 1981 and the Islamic Literature Dialogue Conference at the Islamic University of Medina in 1982, it has sparked opposition and questioning, even among university staff and some colleagues. Faculty members at the aforementioned university were taken aback by the term and saw it as an alternative to Arabic Literature or as an aggression against it. Islamic Literature; It is neither Linguistic Literature, National Literature, Folk Literature, nor is it purely Islamic like the Qur'an, revelation, hijra or others, nor is it an ideological literature considering that ideology is a complete positive system, nor is it the literature of a certain time, a certain sect. All of these qualities fall under the term Islamic Literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 154-174
M.A.S. Abdel Haleem

Balāgha is an important part of the curriculum of schools and universities in the Arab world because of its vital importance to appreciation of Arabic literature and the Qur'an. This is not the case in the BA Arabic curricula in British universities, where students have only three or four years to not only learn Arabic but also cover areas such as Islam and Arabo-Islamic literature and history. Western scholars have also historically neglected to translate basic Arabic texts on the science of balāgha, especially ʿilm al-maʿānī. As a consequence, important features of Qur'anic style can be perplexing to the western student of Arabic. Conversely, it is suggested that in the Arabic curriculum the teaching of balāgha has tended to stress rules more than appreciation, and methodological approaches have remained largely unchanged for centuries. In view of this some suggestions are made of ways in which ʿilm al-maʿānī might be developed and expanded. Three crucial areas of ʿilm al-maʿānī are selected here for consideration: (i) the requirement that speech should conform to the context; (ii) the ways in which affective sentences in Arabic, which are widespread in the Qur'an, are used to engage the reader; (iii) departure from what is expected, including grammatical shifts and the whole area of the use of pronouns in the Qur'an. This article also addresses some recent trends in western studies on Qur'anic style, in the hope that they might allow the two traditions of scholarship, western and Arabo-Islamic, to engage with, and benefit from, each other.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
pp. 14
Benjamin Blatt

The title of the following research is “Research of the German automotive industry”. The German automotive industry and its well-being and growth is a key sector of the German economy. Therefore it is of importance to analyse this industry. The aim of this research is to provide an analysis of the German automotive industry and its growth. The tasks to achieve the set aim are as follows: turnover, production of motor vehicles and passenger and the strategy of internalization of the German automotive industry. The primary methods used in this research are: logically constructive method, analysis, descriptive method, document study and descriptive statistical methods. Based on these methods the turnover, production of motor vehicles and passenger and the strategy of internalization of the German automotive industry is analysed. This research shows that the German automotive industry constitutes a growth industry between 2005 and 2015. Furthermore, it shows the importance of the strategy of internalization of the German automotive industry for its growth: the two-pillar strategy which consists of production on site an export. Due to the fact that the export numbers are stagnating on a high level in recent years the future focus of the German automotive industry should be set on the production abroad.

Abdul Wahab Syakhrani

This Islamic literature study tried to arrange the concept of education in Islam. To successfully compile, a series of reading reviews have been carried out starting from the formulation of the problem and continued with the collection of data from various sources related to the topic of discussion. After the collection of reading material and continued with the process of analysis in depth so that the reading material receives high understanding and interpretation. Finally, the preparation is done carefully and ensures the results of the study or findings in answering the problem of meeting the principles of validity and reliability as suggested by each scientific study. Finally the findings can be compiled, among others, that the principles and concepts of education in Islam is holding to the concept of a balance between world life and the hereafter. That is, among others, the difference between Islamic education and non-Islamic education with guidelines on the Koran and alhadis. Therefore, this Islamic study has contributed to the development of teaching and community what is a balance life in this world through researching the basic concept of life education based on Islamic perspective.

Victor Milanez da Silva Pereira ◽  
Marcos Queija ◽  
Claudio Marcio Silva Dantas ◽  
Gilberto Bruno Ellwanger

As oil exploration moves into fields located in deep water, the need for developing new concepts of riser systems aiming at reducing the influence of environmental loads consequently increases. Therefore, a new riser configuration called RSAA (riser suspended and moored by chains - in Portuguese) is proposed. This structure consists on a rigid vertical riser connected on its top to a floating unit and on its bottom to flexible and mooring lines segments. This new configuration improves the structural response for some of the most critical points in riser design: top tensions and bending moments at the touch down zone. Feasibility analyses have shown that the vertical riser is the most critical part of the proposed system due to the high level of vertical motions and dynamic tension. Therefore, a parametric study is vital in order to understand the system’s behavior as well as to establish the main parameters which influence its structural behavior. Analytical methods may require some slight simplifications of the problem to be applicable, but they generally lead to compact formulas that do explain which parameters influence the results and why and how it does so. This work proposes an analytical model that evaluates the vertical motions and axial tension along the vertical riser subjected to wave loads applied to the floating unit. This procedure could enable parametric studies and the evaluation of the stress amplitudes and, consequently, the fatigue damage along the vertical riser of the RSAA configurations. Furthermore, this work aims to show that this methodology is a fast and effective pre-design tool by comparing it with a nonlinear time domain finite element method analysis.

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