scholarly journals DINAMIKA ISLAM KULTURAL: Studi atas Dialektika Islam dan Budaya Lokal Madura

Paisun Paisun

Throughout the history, it is well-known that the ingress and the progress of Islam in Indonesia, especially in Java and Madura, were held almost without any tension and conflict. Even in the societies with some former belief systems such as Animism and Buddhism, Islam was easily accepted as a religion that brings peace within its teachings. During periods, Islam and local cultures perform a dialectical relationship and give rise to local variances of Islam, such as Javanese Islam, Madurese Islam, Sasak Islam, Sundanese Islam, etc. Those variances of Islam are the result of an acculturation process between Islam with the local cultures. In other word, this process is also called as “inculturation”. These local variances of Islam, further termed as the “cultural Islam” in this paper, have become a characteristics of Indonesian Islamic societies phenomenon which are different from Middle-East’s Islamic society and European Islamic society. This paper discusses about the Madurese Islam, one of these cultural Islam’s variances. Dialectical process between Islam and the local culture of Madura in turn generates a unique Madurese Islam, which is distinctive and esoteric. In its further developments, Islam and Madurese tradition are seen as unity and inseparatable, though people can still distinguish one another. This study seeks to uncover and expose the Islamic cultural dynamics that exist and grow in Madura: how big is the change that occurred, in which part, and what factors underlie these changes. This study provides benefit in enriching our scientific study about Indonesian cultural heritage, especially about the dialectical relationship between Islam and Madurese local culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
M. Faruq Ubaidillah

Amidst the vast growth of English language and its teaching in EFL countries, an attentive action needs to be addressed to students (henceforth, participants) of English department regarding their belief systems of the Inner Circle cultures in the teaching of English. This study documented that those students put their preference on the inclusion of the Inner Circle cultures in English language teaching. Out of thirty four participants, 65% of them are of opinion that a language is bond with the culture. Then, the teaching of language per se should include its culture. One participant supported this, stating that the culture of the target language can refine their ability to understand the language well. Unlike those who favor the IC cultures, 21% of the participants disregard the issue. They, under the reason, felt the need of preserving their own local culture in ELT. Lastly, 15% of them, though small in number, put neutral beliefs on the issue. They contended that IC culture should only be introduced as an additional information in ELT as their own local cultures are more appropriate to learn. This paper ends with suggestions for policy makers to reframe the paradigm shift of English language teaching which puts local cultures at the front gate as well as English teachers to assist EFL students lift up their awareness on local culture teaching and learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Martono Martono

Oral literature has an important function in life because it can reflect people's lives and instil a sense of love for their own culture. Oral literature is a cultural heritage of the region passed down from generation to generation which is narrated from mouth to mouth and has a noble value. The noble value contained in oral literature reflects the local culture of the tribe. Certain noble values must be continuously preserved and implemented in the life of society and state. The noble value as a form of character education, such as social values. Therefore, positive social values must be maintained. The social values as many ancestral riches are also found in Dayak Keninjal oral literature titled Batu Dara Muning. The social value that can be found in oral literature entitled Batu Dara Muning is the value of a mother's love for a child, obedient to parents, forbidden marriage, obedience to customs. To analyze oral literature Batu Dara Muning used an approach of a sociology of literature. The reason literature is a mirror of the lives of the people who own the story. Stories or events expressed in oral literature are sourced from events in society with the narrator's imagination. The character used in oral literature is not the name of the character in his tribe, but the name made by the narrator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Kamaruddin Mustamin ◽  
Muhammad Gazali Rahman ◽  
Arhanuddin Salim

ABSTRACT This article aims to discover and probe deeper into the acculturation process of local culture with the practices and traditions of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad in the Gorontalo community. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data collection methods applied are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study found that the presence and expansion of Islam in Gorontalo also influenced the religious perspective held by the people of Gorontalo. The willingness of the local community to adapt to the new teachings of Islam that they believe is a reinforcement of the acculturation of local cultural practices with the implementation of the tradition of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad. The early Islamic preachers in Gorontalo managed to distinguish between the part of the local culture that still worth preserved and the part that must be preserved. This combination and acculturation effort between Islam and local culture is able to engender a new version and level of culture that is unique and has a local character. The innovative ability of the preachers to communicate Islamic rituals to the local culture of the Gorontalo people, can lead to a critical appreciation of the local values of the community's culture and the characteristics that accompany these values. Keywords: tradition; political; culture.ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggali lebih dalam proses akulturasi budaya lokal dengan praktik dan tradisi maulid Nabi Muhammad saw. dalam masyarakat Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kehadiran dan ekspansi Islam di Gorontalo turut mempengaruhi cara pandang keagamaan yang dianut oleh masyarakat Gorontalo. Kesediaan masyarakat lokal untuk mau beradaptasi dengan ajaran Islam yang baru mereka yakini menjadi penguat dari akulturasi praktik budaya lokal dengan pelaksanaan tradisi maulid Nabi Muhammad saw. Para pendakwah Islam awal di Gorotalo berhasil memilah antara bagian budaya lokal yang masih layak dipertahankan dan bagian yang harus dilestarikan. Upaya kombinasi dan akulturasi antara Islam dan budaya lokal ini mampu melahirkan versi dan level budaya baru yang khas dan bercorak lokal. Kemampuan inovasi para pendakwah mendialogkan ritual Islam dengan budaya lokal masyarakat Gorontalo, dapat mengantarkan diapresiasinya secara kritis nilai-nilai lokalitas dari budaya masyarakat beserta karakteristik yang mengiringi nilai-nilai itu.Kata kunci: tradisi; politik; budaya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Ahmad Izzuddin

Islamic marriage rules in practice form values that are lived out and practiced in the context of cultural society so that they emerge as symbols as a form of the dialectical process between religious values and cultural values. As an example of the concept of dowry in Islam which has two dimensions, the universality of the values adhered to by all its adherents and also the value locality that is formed from the dialectical process that occurs between religious teachings and the local culture of the adherents. This was seen in the santri community in Karangbesuki Village, Malang City in determining the dowry in their marriage by identifying aspects of the normative dowry in the fiqh that they embraced into their marital culture.

2020 ◽  

This volume examines the aesthetic and performative dimensions of Alevi cultural heritage from past to present, in an interdisciplinary framework and using a wide range of approaches. The chapters analyse traditional, contemporary and transnational developments of Alevi cultural expression including modern adaptations, local and regional practices, Alevism in a wider context, textual sources and materiality. The perspectives of the various authors, including Robert Langer, Nicolas Elias, Sinibaldo De Rosa, Jérôme Cler, Judith Haug, Janina Karolewski and others, each coming from different disciplines, demonstrate the complexity of socio-historical and socio-cultural dynamics. To conclude, the present volume is intended as a first approach to a complex issue, which definitely deserves further research and analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-63
Ivonne Sandra Sumual ◽  
Rini Trivosa

Abstract The encounter of the Christian faith with local culture produces dynamic interactions. It can happen that the Christian faith is integrated with that culture. Christian faith can also replace local culture. This is proven when the Christian faith meets the Ma ’nenek culture in Toraja. This research was conducted to find out how the perception and impact of Ma' nenek culture on the Christian faith of the GPSDI Buntuminanga congregation, Toraja. By using a qualitative approach or method, it was found that even though this village became a Christian enclave (100% Christian), it turned out that they still believed in local cultures. These things state that some of the local people are Christians who practice syncretism, that is, there are 2 objects of belief or mixed beliefs. In addition there is also occultism, namely belief in the power of darkness. The presence of Ma' nenek has attracted the attention of the community, especially in Lembang Buntuminanga, that the spirits of the ancestors will come to bless, heal, help and save for families who perform this ritual. The purpose of this culture is as a form of respect for parents. There are still some Christians in Toraja who still believe in the efficacy of rituals in the Ma' nenek. However, in general, Ma' nenek is run by not crashing into the Christian faith in GPSDI Lembang Buntuminaga.   Keywords: grandmothers' culture; christian faith; respect for parents   Abstrak Pertemuan iman Kristen dengan kebudayaan lokal menghasilkan interaksi yang dinamis. Dapat terjadi bahwa iman Kristen menyatu dengan budaya tersebut. Dapat terjadi juga iman Kristen menggantikan budaya setempat. Hal tersebut yang nampak ketika iman Kristen bertemu dengan kebudayaan Ma’ nenek di Toraja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi dan dampak kebudayaan Ma’ nenek terhadap iman Kristen jemaat GPSDI Buntuminanga, Toraja.  Dengan menggunakan pendekatan atau metode kualitatif, maka didapatkan bahwa sekalipun desa ini menjadi kantong Kristen (100% Kristen), tetapi ternyata mereka masih menganut kepercayaan terhadap budaya-budaya lokal. Hal-hal tersebut menyatakan bahwa sebagian dari masyarakat setempat merupakan orang Kristen yang menjalankan sinkretisme, yakni terdapat 2 objek kepercayaan atau percampuran keyakinan. Di samping itu juga terdapat okultisme, yakni kepercayaaan terhadap kuasa kegelapan. Kehadiran Kebudayan Ma’ nenek telah menarik perhatian masyarakat khususnya di lembang Buntuminanga, bahwa arwah dari leluhur akan datang memberkati, menyembuhkan, menolong dan menyelamatkan bagi keluarga yang melakukan ritual ini. Tujuan dilakukannya kebudayaan ini adalah sebagai bentuk penghormatan terhadap Orang Tua. Masih ada beberapa orang Kristen di Toraja masih percaya dengan keampuhan ritual dalam budaya Ma’ nenek. Namun, secara umum, kebudayaan Ma’ nenek dijalankan dengan tidak menabrak iman Kristen di GPSDI Lembang Buntuminaga.   Kata Kunci: kebudayaan ma’ nenek; iman kristen; penghormatan terhadap orang tua

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-130
Endang Retnaningdyah Elis N. M.

Lagu dolanan anak-anak merupakan salah satu bentuk warisan budaya bangsa yang perlu dipertahankan dan dilestarikan mulai dari sekarang. Hal ini mengingat semakin majunya peradapan di bidang alat-alat komunikasi yang mulai mengeser budaya lokal. Salah satunya media bermain anak-anak lewat syair lagu dolanan yang semakin langka. Lagu dolanan anak-anak merupakan salah satu media untuk membentuk karakter pendidikan pada anak-anak. Pembentukan karakter sangat diperlukan pada saat usia anak-anak karena akan mempengaruhi perkembangan jiwanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek gramatikal, aspek leksikal, dan aspek kontekstual dalam lirik lagu Ayo Dolanan dan Kamit. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggali berbagai aspek gramatikal, leksikal, dan kontekstual dalam lirik lagu dolanan Ayo Dolanan dan Kamit.Children dolanan song is one of the nation's cultural heritage which needs to be maintained and preserved from now. This is due to the rapid advancement of civilization in the field of communication which began to shift the local culture. One of these children play media through the lyrics of dolanan song is increasingly scarce. Children dolanan song is one of the media to shape the character of the children's education. The formation of character is indispensable at the age of children because it will affect the development of his soul. This study aims to analyze aspects of grammatical, lexical aspectss, and contextual aspects in the lyrics of the song Ayo Dolanan and Kamit. This study uses a qualitative descriptive study to explore various aspects of the grammatical, lexical, and contextual in dolanan song lyrics Ayo Dolanan and Kamit.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-98 ◽  
Ahsan Qamar ◽  
Ahmad Jusoh . ◽  
Halimah Idris .

The concept and methodology of Six Sigma was developed by the American companies within the local culture of America. Therefore it is grounded on the standards, ethics and behaviours represented by America. The present study proposes that implementing Six Sigma in other countries with different cultures, norms and behaviours may have adjustment problems, as the required culture, values and behaviours for Six Sigma do not match with the local cultures of countries. A conceptual model is proposed which would utilize the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions to determine the effect of national culture at each phase of Six Sigma process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 477-482
B. Rakhimov

This article analyzes the history of historical and spiritual heritage, cultural institutions, folklore and the activities of poets and poetesses in the Surkhandarya oasis and their importance in the process of spiritual education. The role and significance of the spiritual heritage of ancestors in the upbringing of the younger generation are also covered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1.2) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Emmanuel Oluwasegun Awofeko ◽  
Olatunji Olusegun Oyebanjo ◽  
Oluwaseyi N. Shogunle

 Yoruba people have a unique cultural heritage which engulfs every aspect of their lives; hence, guides them in their daily activities. It was borne in their heart, incise in their offspring, and pass from one generation to another. Unfortunately, this cultural heritage is almost lost today, as civilization has denigrated almost all these cherished cultural values in Yoruba communities. Undoubtedly, the family where the whole cultural decadence started from has great roles to play in restoring and preserving these cultural values. This is the thrust of this work. The essay is therefore approached from historical and ethical perspectives with phenomenological methodology to examine the cherished Yoruba cultural heritage. The findings of the work show that moral training through informal education; means of identity; communal responsibilities; ascribed roles; etc., are missing among the youths today. The paper adopts Mary Jo Hatch’s theory of cultural dynamics to examine the changes in Yoruba cultural heritage, the causes of decadence of this heritage; and the role of the family in enthroning Yoruba cultural heritage among the youths today. The essay recommends that family needs to rise for the restoration and 70 Awofeko Oyebanjo, and Shogunle preservation of these cultural heritages to combat the socio-cultural threat confronting the society.

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