2012 ◽  
M. Nur Hidayat

<p>The disparity of determining the early month of Qamariyah in Indonesia is a common phenomenon every year. Therefore, the government, through Ministry of Religious Affairs tries to find a solution for the problem. The focus of this study is to discuss the government’s authority in determining the early month of Qamariyah based on Yusuf Qardhawi’s Political Fiqh Perspective. As a result, the study shows that the government, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, has an authority in determining the early month of Qamariyah. Meanwhile, Islamic organizations or other mass organizations have no authority at all. But, they deserve in announcing after receiving the information from government. Furthermore, the government’s decision is considered as an obligation which has to be obeyed for those having no ability in determining the early month of Qamariyah (independent-ijtihad).</p> <p> </p> <p>Perbedaan penetapan awal bulan Qamariyah di Indonesia menjadi sebuah fenomena dalam setiap tahun. Guna menjembatani perbedaan tersebut, pemerintah mengambil langkah solutif untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskusikan otoritas pemerintah dalam penetapan awal bulan Qamariyah perspektif fiqh siyâsah Yusuf Qardhawi. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian Agama RI mempunyai otoritas dalam menetapkan (itsbât) awal bulan Qamariyah. Sedangkan organisasi ataupun ormas Islam di luar pemerintah pada hakikatnya tidak mempunyai otoritas dalam menetapkan awal bulan Qamariyah, akan tetapi hanya sekedar mengumumkan (ikhbâr) terkait dengan awal bulan qamariyah. Selanjutnya mengenai keputusan pemerintah, pada dasarnya wajib diikuti bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan ijtihad sendiri dalam menentukan awal bulan Qamariyah.</p> <p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Sherly Melinda ◽  
Delly Maulana ◽  
Fikri Habibi

This study discusses how the Serang City Square as a public open space is abused by prostitution as a place for approval of prostitution transactions. These conditions make the City Government of Serang do various ways to allow the condition of the City Square of Serang which has been abused by parties related to prostitution. When the government has not been able to deal with the problem of prostitution itself, then to facilitate the handling of prostitution, the government collaborates with other parties, namely Islamic Organizations that are considered capable of assisting the City Government of Serang in eradicating prostitution in Serang City Square. However, at the time of the collaboration between the Serang City Government and the Islamic Organizations, it had not been running optimally because there were some collaborations between one of them which was not going well with good communication between the best institutions and the Islamic Organizations in eradicating prostitution. This is because the government considers that Islamic Organizations do not have the authority to eradicate prostitution. Indeed, the role of Islamic Organizations is only as a companion and to remind the government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (01) ◽  
pp. 33-57
Arip Budiman

Abstrak Ketika terjadi konflik antar umat beragama di Indonesia, tindakan penyelesaian yang diambil oleh pemerintah tentunya harus mengacu pada Pancasila dan UUD 1945. Sebab, jika pemerintah tidak mengacu pada kedua dasar itu, yang terjadi adalah tindakan diskriminasi, seperti tindakan pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan persoalan konflik Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan prinsip sekularisasi dalam menangani konflik keagamaan Jemaat Ahmadiyah di Kuningan. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara dengan tokoh Ahmadiyah, pemerintah, dan Ormas Islam yang berpengaruh di Kabupaten Kuningan. Studi ini menemukan bahwa prinsip sekularisasi tidak berjalan dengan baik di Kabupaten Kuningan di mana pemerintah Kabupaten Kuningan beritndak cukup diskriminatif terhadap pemenuhan layanan dasar Jemaat Ahmadiyah di Manislor dengan mennangguhkan e-KTP yang berdampak pada pencatatan nikah.   Abstract When there is a conflict between religious communities in Indonesia, the resolution taken by the government should refer to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. If the government does not refer to these two principles, it can trigger the acts of discrimination, such as the government’s decisions in resolving the conflict of the Ahmadiyah Community of Indonesia (JAI). This study aims to determine the implementation of the principle of secularization in dealing with religious conflicts of the Ahmadiyya Community in Kuningan. The methodology used in this research is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The data were obtained through observation, documentation, and interviews with influential Ahmadiyah figures, officials from the government and leaders of Islamic organizations in Kuningan District. This study found that the principle of secularization did not work well in Kuningan District where the Kuningan Regency government was discriminatory towards the fulfillment of basic services of the Ahmadiyah Community in Manislor by suspending e-ID Card which had some serious impacts including on the marriage registration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 459
Rosnita Rosnita

<p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Di antara organisasi Islam yang turut berkontribusi bagi pengembangan madrasah di Indonesia adalah Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah. Dalam konteks ini, Al Washliyah mengembangkan madrasah diniyah dan jumlah lembaga yang dikelola relatif banyak secara kuantitas. Artikel ini merupakan hasil studi lapangan dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran di Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah, disingkat MDTA, yang terdapat di Kabupaten Batu Bara. Data yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan wawancara, studi dokumen dan observasi akan dianalisis dengan model analisis Miles dan Huberman. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kualifikasi sebagian pendidik masih belum memenuhi standar nasional, pendidik masih menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang konvensional, kurikulum tidak mengalami perubahan sejak lama dan tidak mengakomodir kurikulum pemerintah, sedangkan pemerintah dan masyarakat relatif kurang mendukung keberadaan madrasah.<br /> <br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> Evaluation of Learning in Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Al Washliyah in Batu Bara District. Among the Islamic organizations that participated in the development of madrasas in Indonesia were Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah. In this context, Al Washliyah developed madrasah diniyah (Primary School) and the number of institutions managed was relatively enormous. This article is the result of a field study with learning objectives in the Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Madrasah, abbreviated as MDTA, located in Batu Bara District. Data is obtained through interviews, document studies and observation. Such data is then analyzed by the analysis models of Miles and Huberman. The study found that the qualifications of the teacher still did not meet national standards. To put it differently, educators still used conventional learning methods, the curriculum did not change for a long time and did not accommodate government curricula, while the government and society were relatively less supportive of madrasah schools.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> evaluasi, pembelajaran, Madrasah Diniyah, Al Washliyah, CIPP</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Martin Riexinger

India’s and Pakistan’s governments, like most of the world’s governments, responded to the spread of the COVID-19 virus with lockdowns, which in principle also affected religious institutions and rituals. However, Sunni mosques in Pakistan were not closed, as the government has no authority over autonomous religious organizations. In contrast, the Islamic organizations and institutions in India complied with government orders, and tried to present themselves as a “responsible minority” during a period when relations with the Hindu nationalist government were strained, and because a convention of the Tablīghī Jamāʿat had contributed considerably to the spread of the disease in the country and abroad. In Pakistan, the role of the “responsible minority” was played by the Shiites, who closed their mosques. On the whole, Muslim religious leaders and organizations showed little interest in taking a stand on the pandemic. Those few who make extensive use of the internet tend to address the better-educated social strata, and tend view pandemic-related restrictions more favorably.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-141
Bahrul Ulum

This article aims to elaborate on the response to the process of resolving the blasphemy case that occurred in one of the hotels in Jambi. There was found the installation of Allah's label on the floor of the Christmas tree ornaments. Based on studies in the field, it was found that this case included ethnicity, race, religion and class nuance cases (SARA) and it had to be resolved immediately, because it could potentially lead to religious conflict and mass amok. The results of the study show that Firstly, the Government (leader) along with its ranks and Ulama (clerics) together with Islamic Organizations responded quickly to the blasphemy event by holding meetings and agreeing that the case should be resolved immediately so as not to cause religious conflict. Secondly, both Ulama and Umara (leader) worked together and discuss (sit and talk) a quick step in resolving the case and trying to calm the public so that they did not commit vigilante acts. The synergy pattern that is intertwined and articulated here has resulted in a swift, accurate solution to the resolution of the case and can immediately restore a supportive atmosphere for the people of Jambi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
Mar’atus Sholehah

<p><em>The study of the challenges of da'wah in the Sumber Makmur Palembang rubber and oil palm plantation area has not been done much by the researchers. The focus of the problem to be explored is the response and the pioneering paradigm of the pioneers of the Sumber Makmur religion towards cultural and religious diversity, as well as how the da'wah strategies they developed in maintaining inter-faith harmony. Data from the research shows that the views and attitudes of the pioneers of religion in Sumber Makmur towards cultural diversity and religion, generally refer to the paradigm of respect and respect for each other. To find an effective da'wah strategy and solve socio-religious problems of the transmigration community in Sumber Makmur village. In order to realize an effective Islamic da'wah strategy so that it can change the condition of the community, it must be encapsulated in the components of da'i, such as da'I, da'wah material, methods of da'wah, media and the presentation of da'wah in accordance with the conditions of the transmigration community. Therefore the strategy of Islamic da'wah in transmigration areas must not be carried out by one institution, but must involve various parties. Obviously the government, da'wah bodies, Islamic organizations, rich people and the da'I themselves, should cooperate and work together in smoothing out the activities of da'wah. Da'wah in Sumber Makmur village focuses on improving the economy, education, health, transportation facilities, and other facilities.</em></p>

Fanuel Fang ◽  
Rudy Surya

Urbanization has become a common phenomenon in big cities, with the exception of Jakarta. Urbanites (the name for people who are urbanizing) usually come to Jakarta to get jobs with higher wages than their home regions. Although the cost of living in Jakarta is relatively expensive, large revenues are the main focus for them. This is what has contributed to the emergence of slums in the capital, as happened in Pademangan Barat Village. The majority of migrants dominated by millennials work as shop employees in Mangga Dua and labor convection. They occupy semi-permanent buildings in narrow alleys, even to the extent that they fill along the edge of the railroad tracks that pass in Pademangan, which should be a green line. The existence of such housing makes the West Pademangan Area seem dingy, crowded with buildings, and loses its green space. This is because the rental price is cheap and sufficient to meet the needs of residents who only need a temporary resting place. The government has actually provided low-cost flats in Kemayoran, but it seems influential in reducing these slum dwellings. Vertical rental housing which simultaneously provides shared facilities also plays a role as a green space to compensate for the density of buildings in Pademangan. So that not only intended for residents, but also can be used by the surrounding residents, where analyzed by the author to be located in 10th RW (citizen association) of Pademangan Barat. AbstrakUrbanisasi telah menjadi fenomena yang umum terjadi di kota besar, tanpa terkecuali Jakarta. Kaum urban (sebutan untuk orang yang melakukan urbanisasi) biasanya datang ke Jakarta untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan upah lebih tinggi dibandingkan daerah asal mereka. Karenanya, pengeluaran selama berada di Jakarta diminimalisir sebisa mungkin, termasuk dalam hal memilih tempat tinggal sementara. Hal inilah yang ikut mengakibatkan munculnya pemukiman kumuh di ibukota, sebagaimana yang terjadi di Kelurahan Pademangan Barat. Para pendatang yang didominasi generasi milenial ini mayoritas berprofesi sebagai karyawan toko di Mangga Dua dan buruh konveksi. Mereka menempati bangunan semi dan non-permanen di gang-gang sempit, bahkan hingga memenuhi sepanjang pinggir rel kereta api yang melintas di Pademangan, dimana semestinya merupakan jalur hijau. Keberadaan hunian seperti inilah yang membuat Kawasan Pademangan Barat terkesan kumuh, padat dengan bangunan, dan kehilangan ruang hijaunya. Meski hanya berupa bangunan berbahan triplek kayu yang menumpang di dinding pembatas rel kereta, namun kamar-kamar yang disewakan ini begitu diminati bahkan hingga kelebihan kapasitas. Hal ini dikarenakan harga sewanya yang murah dan cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penghuni yang hanya memerlukan tempat beristirahat sementara. Pemerintah sebenarnya telah menyediakan rumah susun murah di Kemayoran, namun tampaknya berpengaruh dalam mengurangi hunian kumuh ini. Hunian sewa vertikal yang sekaligus menyediakan fasilitas bersama, turut berperan sebagai ruang hijau untuk mengimbangi kepadatan bangunan yang ada di Pademangan. Sehingga tidak hanya diperuntukkan bagi penghuni, namun juga dapat digunakan oleh warga sekitarnya, dimana berdasarkan analisa penulis berlokasi di RW 10 Kelurahan Pademangan Barat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-124
Amrullah Amrullah ◽  
Hasse Jubba ◽  
Siti Maysharah

Coronavirus disease also known as Covid-19 forces society to adapt and change to encounter and stop its spread. Maintaining personal and environmental cleanliness is the method suggested by WHO and the government for dealing with the pandemic. Islam has taught about the virtue of cleanliness in the Quran and hadith long before the Covid-19 pandemic. Likewise, religious authorities such as the MUI issued a fatwa on the topic long before the coronavirus arrived in Indonesia. This research used the literature review method to understand Muslim society's awareness of cleanliness and the impact of Covid-19 on its behaviors. It discovered that the ideal expected of Islam to be aware of cleanliness still showed a gap over the reality that occurred, particularly in Indonesia, which has the world's largest Muslim population. However, the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a positive impact on personal cleanliness. According to a BPS survey, the majority of respondents are more likely to adopt hygiene behavior. Furthermore, Islamic organizations such as MUI, Muhammadiyah, and NU have long emphasized the importance of maintaining personal and environmental cleanliness. One of the lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic is the importance of cleanliness, particularly in daily life.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1/2) ◽  
pp. 94
Kai Tian

Since the late 1990s, a large number of charity organizations have emerged in China, though there is obvious disparity between their organizational forms and their operations. Although these charity organzations have the form of nonprofit organizations (NPOs), they are in fact part of the goverment system. This paper aims to develop a theoretical framework, namely "organizational operation under incoordinate constraint," to illustrate the operating logic of these charity organizations. The conflict between the government's demand for attaining resources and the need for social control is the institutional origin of the decoupling of charity organizations' form and operation. The decoupling of the organizational form and operation is a common phenomenon, and this theoretical framework could be applied to analyze similar scenarios.

Dr. Muhammad Tariq ◽  
Muhammad Amir ◽  
Saira Bano

Security has been one of the greatest concerns of Afghanistan for a long but this aspect gained great momentum in 1979 upon the Russian intervention in Afghanistan. It became a common phenomenon in the entire world in September 2001 when the Pentagon was hard hit by the terrorist attacks. This led to the establishment of a democratic government in Afghanistan Vis Vis the need for an increased security system. With the transition of the NATO forces from Afghanistan in 2014, the Afghan National and Defense Security Forces were assigned the task of maintaining security in the country. Main objectives of the study circle around challenges before the ANDSF, its achievements, and the future of the ANDSF. This paper focuses on the current status of the ANDSF in the security paradigm of the country since security is still a big challenge before the government.

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