2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Hendrianto Hendrianto ◽  
A Hasan Ridwan

The researcher conducted this research with the intention of explaining the prohibition of selling/buying on people who are in the process of bidding on goods, both in terms of fraternity and the negative impact  (consequences) that arise when bidding occurs while other people are still khiyar. This research was conducted by means of a literature review (Library Research) which uses data collection techniques in the form of documentation. For data analysis, namely literature analysis. The results show that Islam recommends maintaining brotherhood, especially in bargaining for goods when buying and selling so as not to result in market distortion, loss of willingness, violating the value of tolerance, unfair competition, the emergence of hatred, conflict of needs, and a weak level of prudence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 81 (6-8) ◽  
pp. 748-767
Catalina Iordache ◽  
Leo Van Audenhove ◽  
Jan Loisen

Recent developments in the online distribution and consumption of audio-visual content have brought relevant changes to the transnational flow of content. Thus, the need for a theoretical and methodological rejuvenation of flows research has been signalled. The aim of the present study is to analyse the different flow studies throughout time, following a series of parameters such as research question, methodology and scale of study. This article is a systematic literature review of 30 flow studies on film and television programmes, published between 1974 and 2014. The methods used by the studies are brought into focus and discussed thoroughly, in light of the method of data collection, the type of data used and the method of data analysis. Main findings show an evolution towards more detailed research, to include more contextual factors, an increased use of secondary data, as well as more focused regional and comparative studies.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-27
Suratiningsih Suratiningsih

The research aims to describe the puzzling media as a solution to increase the learning motivation of elementary /MI student. This research is library research. It is a method that the data which is needed in completing research comes from library sources i.e. include books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines, etc as well as various sources on the internet. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation. Documentation means looking for data about things in the form of notes, books, papers, articles, journal, and so on. Then, the data analysis technique used in this study is content analysis. In this analysis, the process of selecting, comparing, and combining various meanings will be found to be relevant. The media is an intermediary or introduction. Puzzle media can improve the students’ motivation to keep trying to solve problems. It is fun for students because it can be repeated. The challenges in the puzzle game will give you an addictive effect to always try and try until they are successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Harmanto Harmanto ◽  
Suyoto Suyoto ◽  
Jody Diamond

This study aimed to reveal the concept of Tumbuk in Javanese gamelan tuning, namely gamêlan agêng with Sléndro and Pélog. This study used a qualitative method with an ethical emic perspective. The data collection was done by conducting literature review, observation, interviews, and studio work, then processed with data analysis. The data analysis then was followed up through data interaction by interpreting the relationship reactions of the three elements of analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The interpretation of the data was done inductively, so that the conclusion was drawn entirely from the development of the data according to the realities of the field. The results showed that tumbuk was not only limited to a note that has the same high and low, but it is a musical concept that integrates the Sléndro and Pélog scales in the tuning of a set of gamelans. There are basically only two types of tumbuk: nêm tumbuk and lima tumbuk. Other than those, it means that they are the strut. The thing is,tumbuk has a central tone that serves as a benchmark and a supporting tone whose position strengthens the integration of each type of tumbuk. As a concept, it was found that tumbuk plays several important roles including equalizing the highs and lows of certain notes, equalizing the range of certain notes, and conditioning the range of notes or the addition of the tune.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Zulkifli Zulkifli ◽  
Muh. Syarif Hasyim ◽  
Hamiyuddin Hamiyuddin

The discussion in this research is terrorism from the perspective of Islamic criminal law (fiqih jinayah). The problem that becomes the focus of research is how terrorism is in the review of Islamic criminal law or jinnayah fiqh. Qualitative research, the source of which is library research, is the method used in research. There are two kinds of data sources in this research, namely primary and secondary data sources, while the data collection and analysis uses literature review research. The data were analyzed using the Islamic criminal law theory approach. So as a result of this research that acts of terrorism are not justified in Islamic teachings. The birth of this action is because the perpetrators have shallow thoughts or have very minimal thoughts and have political goals to harm themselves and others. They even consider this act as Jihad, even though in fact it is not a jihad but an act that brings fear to potential victims.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Qurrotul Ainin Sholikhah ◽  
Himatul Aliyah

Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the urgency of Dawud fasting for women from a physio-psychological perspective. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, by making direct observations or observations. The target of this study is to determine the urgency of Dawud fasting in women from the perspective of physio-psychology and Sufism for students of the Jagad Alimussirry Islamic boarding school. The data collection technique was carried out by means of interview and literature review. Meanwhile, for data analysis, the  researcher used an interactive model from Miles and Huberman and to test the validity of the data,the researcher  used Triangulation technique. The results obtained that the habit of Dawud Sunnah fasting for women could make them accustomed to be able to introspect (muhasabah) their own mistakes, be patient and sincere, motivate oneself to think positively and optimistically, be empathetic towards others and adapt well to the environment. Dawud fasting is very important and suitable for the fair sex. By not leaving Lillahita'ala's intention to worship, it will automatically train a variety of things that can guide a women in facing every problems in their life as well as making a women special not only physically but also psychologically and spiritually.

Jauhari Jauhari

ABSTRACTThis research discussed the form and meaning of the Canthang Balung kris in the Grebeg Mulud ceremony at the Kasunanan Palace in Surakarta. The method of this research was a descriptive qualitative research. The datum were obtainned through interviews with primary informants from the Surakarta Palace, written sources in the form of reference books, photos, and videos. In order to obtain the expected data, researcher used data collection techniques through observation, in-depth interviews, library research and documentation. The process of data analysis was completed into several steps, those are data collection, data analysis, data display and conclusions. From the results of the study it was concluded that the existence of the Canthang Balung kris was not only used to be a prerequisite instrument in the Grebeg Mulud ceremony at the Kasunanan Palace in Surakarta but also as  a cultural product in which had full of symbolic meaning and a mystical, sacred, and beautiful values derived from traditional roots based on Javanese religion, cosmology and mythology. Canthang Balung kris contained the teachings / philosopy of ethics and beauty in the form of visual appearance and life symbols which can lead humans to perfection and the real identity. The form on the Canthang Balung kris became a media for the expression of religious and aesthetics. It was to communicate noble teachings so that they could be understood and grasped by their supporting communities. The symbolic meaning can be interpreted as follows: safety, peace, harmony and fertility. Keywords: Kris, Canthang Balung, shape and meaningABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tentang bentuk dan makna keris Canthang Balung dalam upacara Grebeg Mulud di Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Data-data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan narasumber primer dari Keraton Surakarta, sumber tertulis berupa buku referensi, foto dan video. Untuk memperoleh data yang diinginkan, peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, studi pustaka dan pendokumentasian. Proses analisis data melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu pengumpulan data, analisis data, sajian data serta kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa keberadaan keris Canthang Balung selain sebagai kelengkapan dalam upacara Grebeg Mulud di Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta juga merupakan produk budaya yang di dalamnya sarat dengan makna simbolis serta memiliki muatan nilai yang bersifat mistis atau sakral, spiritual dan indah bersumber dari akar tradisi yang berpijak pada religi, kosmologi dan mitologi Jawa. Dalam keris Canthang Balung juga termuat ajaran etika dan keindahan berupa penampilan visual dan simbol pandangan hidup yang dapat menuntun manusia menuju kesempurnaan dan jati diri yang sejati. Bentuk pada keris Canthang Balung menjadi wadah pengungkapan ekspresi yang bersifat religius dan estetis, yakni sebagai sarana untuk mengkomunikasikan ajaran-ajaran luhur sehingga dapat dipahami dan ditangkap maksudnya oleh masyarakat pendukungnya. Makna simbolis tersebut dapat ditafsirkan antara lain sebagai berikut: keselamatan, ketentraman, keharmonisan, dan kesuburan. Kata Kunci: Keris, Canthang Balung, bentuk dan makna

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 14
Muhammad Iqbal Al Ulil Amri ◽  
Reza Syehma Bahtiar ◽  
Desi Eka Pratiwi

                 The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of the use of gadgets for elementary school children and their benefit in a pandemic situation gadget covid-19. The design of this study uses literature review. The steps in the literature review are (1). Topic search; (2). Specify a title; (3). Conclusions. Writing analysis techniques in writing literature review are; (1). data collection; (2). data reduction; (3). drawing conclusions. In this writing, there is an analysis in the form of negative and positive impacts. Impact: The children can interact with your friends wherever you are, you can learn online through in pandemic covid-19 negative impact children more often play a gadget play from a friend about the environment so that children become individualisticKeyword :Gadget, Interaction Social, Primary School Children, Covid-19 Pandemic,

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Mukoyimah Mukoyimah

<p>Communication is a core activity in every interaction. Every interaction contains a vision, so does the Prophet Muhammad. as a communicator. Prophetic communication of the Prophet needs to be an example/<em>uswatun hasanah</em> in building <em>ukhuwwah</em>. This study aims to provide an understanding back to the communicator/<em>da'i</em> of the current era about what prophetic communication should be done in facing of the complex conditions in the middle of the communicant. This research is a qualitative library research on hadiths delivered by the Prophet in Medina. While the data collection techniques is documentation and the data analysis used is interpretation. The results of this study shows the prophetic communication built on the personal and communal understanding of communicant, giving rise to the right method and way to build <em>ukhuwwah</em> in Medina. The communication of <em>Rasulullah</em> was carried out clearly, repeating the message of <em>da'wah</em>, and adjusting the capability of the <em>mad'u</em>/communicant faced so that the Islamic community's <em>ukhuwwah</em> was well developed.</p><p> </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-84
Iman Amanda Permatasari ◽  
Junior Hendri Wijaya

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kebijakan pangan pada masa kepemimpinan presiden Soeharto dan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Unit analisa data yang diambil berupa kepemimpinan Soeharto dan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono serta kebijakan pangan, dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian sejarah. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Studi dokumentasi. Kemudian, teknik analisa datanya terdiri dari: Heuristik, Kritik dan Analisis Saran, Interpretasi, dan Historiografi. Hasil penelitian dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa posisi kebijakan pangan pada masa kepemimpinan Soeharto dan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono baru berada bada posisi ketahanan pangan, tidak bisa mencapai kemandirian atau bahkan kedaulatan pangan. Soeharto memiliki kebijakan Swasembada beras dan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono memiliki kebijakan Revitalisasi Pertanian. Keduanya menggunakan strategi masing-masing dalam menjalankan kebijakan tersebut. Selain itu, terdapat pengaruh positif dan juga negatif dari kepemimpinan keduanya terhadap berjalannya kebijakan pangan. Kata kunci: Kebijakan, Pangan, Kepemimpinan, Soeharto, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia   ABSTRACT This study aims to identify comparative food policies during the presidency of President Soeharto and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The data analysis unit obtained is the management of Soeharto and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the nutritional guidelines taken. The type of research is historical research. Data collection techniques are the study documents. Then the data analysis techniques consist of heuristics, critique and analysis of suggestions, interpretation and historiography. The results of this study show that the position of food policy during the leadership of Soeharto and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is unable to achieve independence or even the sovereignty of food. Suharto has a policy of self-sufficiency in rice and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has a policy of reviving agriculture. Both have their own strategies in implementing the policy. In addition, it has a positive and negative impact on its leadership in food policy. Keywords: Policy, Food, Leadership, Soeharto, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesian

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-70
Sastika Seli ◽  
Bahya Alfitri

The research aims to describe the functions of humor used in an American comedy movie The Boss. The subject of the research was American comedy movie The Boss. Descriptive qualitative method was used to conduct the research. Data collection was done through library research and documentation. Data analysis was done through identification, coding, classification and description. The researcher found several findings. Supported by Meyers theory of joke, there are 6 functions of jokes found in the movie such as to insult someone, to express anger, to tease someone, to relieve tension, to get attention, and to amuse others. The dominant function was differentiation particularly to insult and to express anger 21 times, the second was clarification particularly to relieve tension humorous lines and amuse others 15 times, the third was enforcement particularly to tease 18 times, and the last was identification particularly to relieve tension and to get attention 27 times. These functions were also analyzed and discriminated by different setting and participant based on formality and participants distance. According to the analysis, most jokes occurred in informal situation with intimate relationship among the participants and functioned to tease someone and to relieve tension. This finding also proves that American humor is expressed with more slapstick and vulgarity as the characteristic of American humor used in daily communication. Keywords: sociolinguistics, humor, American humor, American comedy movie, The Boss movie

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