2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Novia Hoki Anditya ◽  
Meicky Shoreamanis Panggabean ◽  
Kurnia P.S. Dirgantoro

<p>In every classroom, there are some students who perform better than their peers and are even very successful in most of their subjects. They are known as high-achieving students. They are grade conscious and sensitive to their teacher’s qualities. However, data from PISA 2012 shows that teachers in Indonesia cannot meet the needs of high-achieving students. High-achieving students tend to put high expectations on their teachers. From a Christian perspective, they study  wholeheartedly and Christian teachers need to guide these high-achieving students so they can reach their maximum potential in a way that is pleasing to God. The purpose of this literature review is to examine what high-achieving students need from their teachers. There are five needs that high-achieving students need to have provided by their teachers: challenging assignments, self-acknowledgement, encouragement, opportunity to join in academic competitions, and learning community involvement. The responsibilities of teachers of high-achieving students should not stop with showing professionalism in meeting their expectations, but should include helping these students learn the right way of studying that is pleasing to God and not self-centered in achieving their own goals.</p><p><strong>ABSTRAK BAHASA INDONESIA: </strong>Di setiap ruang kelas, terdapat siswa-siswa yang menunjukkan performa akademik yang lebih baik dari teman-temannya atau bahkan sangat berhasil dalam semua mata pelajaran. Mereka dikenal sebagai anak yang berprestasi tinggi. Mereka sangat peduli terhadap nilai dan sensitif terhadap kualitas guru. Namun, data dari PISA 2012 menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru di Indonesia tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan anak-anak yang berprestasi tinggi. Anak-anak yang berprestasi tinggi cenderung menaruh ekspektasi yang tinggi dari gurunya. Dari sudut pandang Kristiani, apa yang mereka lakukan adalah salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban iman untuk belajar dengan sepenuh hati dan guru Kristen perlu untuk membimbing anak berprestasi tinggi dalam mencapai potensi maksimal dari diri mereka di jalan yang berkenan di hadapan Tuhan. Tujuan dari kajian literatur ini adalah untuk menguji apa yang diperlukan oleh anak berprestasi tinggi dari guru mereka. Terdapat lima kebutuhan anak berprestasi tinggi yang perlu disediakan dari guru mereka; tugas yang menantang, pengakuan diri, dukungan, kesempatan untuk bergabung dan dukungan dalam kompetensi akademik, keterlibatan dari komunitas belajar. Tanggung jawab guru Kristen tidak hanya berhenti dalam menunjukkan profesionalitas untuk memenuhi ekspektasi mereka, tapi juga membawa mereka ke jalan yang benar dan berkenan bagi Tuhan dalam belajar yaitu dengan tidak menjadi berpusat hanya kepada diri sendiri dalam mencapai tujuan mereka.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Arniati Bintan Patandung ◽  
Melda J Saragih

<p>Self-confidence is the ability of students to build positive energy that is useful for completing tasks or working optimally. However, the reality is that some students feel unsure of their abilities which results in them not doing given assignments. Students also tend to give up easily and are lazy when they are given problems that are more difficult than usual, the reason being they think they are unable to solve them. God calls every Christian teacher to develop a learning community where students feel cared for and able to use their abilities in the learning process. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to look at the role of the teacher in developing students’ confidence in mathematics. The teacher's role is to pay attention to the factors that cause low student confidence and then to design learning strategies that suits students' needs. Teachers can develop self-concepts, motivation, encouragement, practice exercises, reviews, and assessments that enable students to be more confident in their ability to glorify God. Other suggestions for teachers are to provide questionnaires or interviews in advance to collect data on low student confidence rates so that teachers can determine the right strategy according to student needs.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Kepercayaan diri atau keyakinan akan kemampuan siswa dapat membangun energi positif yang berguna untuk menyelesaikan tugas ataupun pekerjaan secara maksimal. Akan tetapi kenyataan yang didapatkan di kelas yaitu beberapa siswa merasa tidak yakin akan kemampuannya yang mengakibatkan siswa tidak mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan. Siswa juga cenderung untuk mudah menyerah dan malas mencoba ketika diberikan soal yang lebih sulit daripada biasanya, alasannya karena mereka berpikir tidak mampu untuk menyelesaikannya. Tuhan memanggil setiap guru Kristen untuk mampu mengembangkan kelas menjadi sebuah komunitas untuk belajar agar siswa merasa berada dalam lingkungan yang peduli terhadapnya sehingga siswa mampu untuk menggunakan kemampuan yang dimiliki dalam proses pembelajaran.   Oleh karena itu, tujuan penulisan makalah ini yaitu melihat peran guru dalam menumbuhkembangkan kepercayaan diri siswa dalam pelajaran matematika. Peran guru dalam menumbuhkembangkan kepercayaan diri siswa dalam pembelajaran yaitu dengan memperhatikan faktor penyebab rendahnya kepercayaan diri siswa dan merancang pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. Guru dapat menumbuhkan konsep diri, memberikan motivasi serta dorongan, latihan soal, <em>review</em> dan evaluasi kepada siswa untuk lebih yakin akan kemampuannya untuk memuliakan Tuhan. Saran bagi guru lain yaitu sebaiknya memberikan kuesioner ataupun wawancara terlebih dahulu untuk mengumpulkan data rendahnya kepercayaan diri siswa sehingga guru dapat menentukan strategi yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan siswa.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Dinda Mawar Sandi ◽  
Cathryne Berliana Nainggolan

The teacher is an influential person in the classroom. The magnitude of this influence is because the teacher has the authority to be responsible in the classroom. However, not all teachers can exercise their authority in the classroom properly. Teachers treat students too hard or too softly in class so that it takes the teacher's role to be able to carry out their duties with the right authority. Teachers will be able to exercise authority properly if they have the right perspective on authority. The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of a Christian teacher's perspective in exercising authority in the classroom towards students. The research method used is literature review, using books and journals related to the topic. The teacher's authority is the authority given by God the highest authority. The Great Story is a Biblical framework of creation, fall, redemption, and exaltation. Since the beginning of creation, God has given authority to Adam & Eve to rule and maintain the earth. This proves that the teacher's authority is a gift from God that must be worked out. The result of writing this paper is that the Christian perspective on authority is the basis for teachers to exercise their authority. This perspective helps Christian teachers understand the source and purpose of the authority given, which is for the glory of God so that the teacher can exercise his authority properly.AbstrakGuru merupakan pribadi yang berpengaruh di dalam kelas. Besarnya pengaruh tersebut dikarenakan guru memiliki otoritas untuk bertanggung jawab di dalam kelas. Namun demikian, tidak semua guru dapat menjalankan otoritasnya di dalam kelas dengan baik. Guru memperlakukan siswa terlalu keras atau terlalu lembut di kelas sehingga dibutuhkan peran guru untuk dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan otoritas yang benar. Guru akan dapat menjalankan otoritas dengan benar jika memiliki dasar cara pandang yang benar pula mengenai otoritas. Tujuan dari makalah ini untuk menjelaskan pentingnya cara pandang guru Kristen dalam menjalankan otoritas di kelas terhadap siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka, dengan menggunakan buku dan jurnal yang terkait dengan topik. Otoritas guru merupakan otoritas yang diberikan oleh Tuhan sang pemegang otoritas tertinggi. Kisah Agung adalah kerangka pikir Alkitab yang terdiri dari penciptaan, kejatuhan, penebusan, dan pemuliaan. Sejak awal penciptaan, Tuhan sudah memberikan otoritas kepada Adam dan Hawa untuk menguasai dan memelihara bumi. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa otoritas yang dimiliki guru adalah pemberian Tuhan yang harus dikerjakan. Hasil dari penulisan makalah ini adalah cara pandang Kristen terhadap otoritas adalah dasar guru menjalankan otoritasnya. Cara pandang tersebut membantu guru Kristen memahami sumber dan tujuan otoritas yang diberikan yaitu untuk kemuliaan Allah sehingga guru dapat mempraktikkan otoritasnya dengan benar.

Iis Warlinda ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto ◽  
M Fauzan

School is a place for students to gain knowledge. Every school has a goal which is to improve the quality of the education world, as well as the MTS Pembina Maligas Bayu school. To realize this goal there must be improvements in service, teaching and assessment in order to make a quality school. In this case the homeroom teacher is faced with a problem that is the selection of high achieving students who fit the criteria desired by the school. The purpose of this study is to analyze which factors are the most dominant in determining student achievement. The selection of high achieving students has many factors and has different values, so we need an Analytic Network Process (ANP) method to overcome them. Analytic Network Process (ANP) methods including decision support system techniques, Analytic Network Process (ANP) is a mathematical theory that allows dealing with interrelated factors and feedback in a structured manner. The data of this study came from student questionnaires which had a rating of 1-10. With alternative morals (A1), Grades (A2), Discipline (A3), Absence (A4), The role of the teacher (A5). Whereas A1 0.16%, A2 0.02%, A3 0.02%, A4 0.07% and A5 0.06%. It is hoped that this research can provide input to the MTS Pembina schools to focus on the dominant factor in the selection of outstanding students so as to increase the number of outstanding students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-329
Ishak Muhammad ◽  
Dumaria Ike Juniati P

The purpose of this study reveals the role of parents in educating children to achieve achievements in their academic fields. The population of this study were students of grades IV, V, and VI in Public Elementary School No.113 / IV Telanaipura, Jambi City and the sample was 15 outstanding children along with the parents of each child and each of them took only 5 achievers who were made sample. Instrument in data knowledge used interviews with parents of children and documentation in the form of data from mid semester grades IV, V, and VI report cards in odd semester along with photos of high achieving children who got grades 1 to 5. Data analysis techniques used were qualitative descriptive analysis . The results of research conducted on parents of high-achieving students in grades IV, V, and Vi at Public Elementary School No.113 / IV Telanaipura, Jambi City, are known that the role of parents is very important for the success of children in school, namely in the process of achieving these achievements. their children develop the potential of knowledge that children have, through the role of these parents children get the attention that parents should be given to be able to educate their children better in the process of achieving achievement in school. The conclusion of this study is that the role of parents in educating their children to achieve achievements in school is in good quality it can be said that 80% of parents strongly support children by instilling discipline, becoming motivators, supporters, and facilitators for their children.

Miguel Antonio Pat López ◽  
Pedro Antonio Sánchez Escobedo

The purpose of this research was to identify the role of the level of proficiency in the English language with high-performing third-year students in the Mayan area of Yucatán, near a tourist region called the Riviera Maya. The aim was also to explore the relationship between learning a second language and the subsequent overall improvement in the academic performance of students. These 114 high-achieving students were selected from 1177 students who had taken a standardized English test administered in seven middle schools in the region. Subsequently, individual interviews were conducted with the 21 students with the highest level of English and a focus group of ten students with low-level scores. The results showed an improvement in the English language, as well as its influence in reaching academic prowess in other subjects. This initial study indicated that the reinforcement of English language skills had broader benefits on other academic performance.

1976 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 939-942 ◽  
Darshan Sachdeva

Qualities of college professors on 10 statements as viewed by 270 high-achieving and 210 low-achieving students were described. Most of the students attribute greatest importance to the teaching role of their professors. The high-achieving students would like their professors to guide them toward independent thinking whereas the low achievers seem to be more concerned with the course organization, presentation of subject matter, and the grading procedures of their professors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohammad Zamroni

The main role of an advocate is to help clients get a fair legal process. This role gives birth to high expectations of advocates so that clients give full confidence to advocates to represent their interests. But in practice, it is not uncommon for advocates to abuse the trust given by their clients. As recorded in the 2019 PERADI annual report which shows that advocates reported by their clients to the PERADI Honorary Board are increasing. Avocados do have immunity rights as regulated in Article 16 of Law No. 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates jo. the decision of the Constitutional Court through decision No. 26 / PUU-XI / 2013. But of course, advocates cannot always protect their immune rights, especially if advocates violate the law and harm the interests of their clients. This study aims to analyze the legal responsibilities of lawyers who violate the law while carrying out their profession and are bound in a legal services contract. This research is normative legal research. The approach used in this research is the conceptual approach, the legislation approach, and the case approach. This research concludes that even though law violations were carried out by lawyers while carrying out their profession and based on a contract, advocates remain responsible, both civil and criminal. While the right to immunity can only be used as a basis for legal protection when advocates in good faith in defending the interests of their clients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 306
Pitaya Rahmadi ◽  
Meyviane Pricilia Gloria

<p>The character of students in class can be shown through the attitude of talking to others. The politeness of using the language is something that must be considered when someone interacts. However, the facts that occur in the world of education show that there are still students and teachers who do not pay attention to the politeness of the language while the lesson is taking place. This shows the lack of awareness of educators to apply and educate the character of students' politeness in the class. The purpose of this paper is to explain the important role of Christian teachers in educating the character of politeness in students' language use based on a review of Christian ethical philosophy. This writing is reviewed using the literature review method. The teachers as the example of morals, ethical mentors, and effective givers are responsible for educating the character of students holistically, in fulfilling God's calling to clarify the values of God's giving to the lives of each student. The politeness of the language is one realization of obedience to an ethic. Christian teachers need to have perspectives that refer to truth to avoid moral relativism. Through this perspective, the teachers are able to help students to have the right motivation in applying politeness in language, which are the response to the salvation of Christ and the tools for them to grow more like Christ. Suggestions for the teacher, it is better to develop sensitivity to the condition of students 'politeness of the language use and explore the principle of the language use politeness, and innovative ways to educate the character of students’ politeness in using the language.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Karakter siswa di kelas dapat ditunjukkan melalui sikap berbicara dengan orang lain. Kesantunan berbahasa menjadi hal yang harus diperhatikan ketika seseorang melakukan interaksi. Namun, fakta yang terjadi di dunia pendidikan menunjukkan masih terdapat siswa dan guru yang tidak memperhatikan kesantunan berbahasa saat pelajaran tengah berlangsung. Hal ini menunjukkan kurangnya kesadaran pendidik untuk menerapkan serta mendidik karakter kesantunan berbahasa siswa di kelas. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah menjelaskan pentingnya peran guru Kristen dalam mendidik karakter kesantunan berbahasa siswa berdasarkan tinjauan filsafat etika Kristen. Penulisan ini dikaji menggunakan metode kajian literatur. Guru sebagai contoh moral, mentor etika, dan pemberi yang efektif bertanggung jawab untuk mendidik karakter siswa secara holistis, dalam memenuhi panggilan Tuhan untuk memperjelas nilai-nilai pemberian Tuhan kepada kehidupan setiap siswa. Kesantunan berbahasa merupakan salah satu realisasi dari kepatuhan akan suatu etika. Guru Kristen perlu memiliki perspektif yang mengacu pada kebenaran untuk menghindari relativisme moral. Melalui perspektif tersebut, guru mampu menolong siswa untuk memiliki motivasi yang tepat dalam menerapkan kesantunan berbahasa, yakni sebagai tanggapan terhadap keselamatan Kristus serta sarana untuk mereka bertumbuh semakin menyerupai Kristus. Saran terhadap guru, sebaiknya perlu menumbuhkan kepekaan akan kondisi kesantunan berbahasa siswa dan mengeksplorasi prinsip kesantunan berbahasa, serta cara-cara inovatif untuk mendidik karakter kesantunan berbahasa siswa.</p>

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