scholarly journals Prožitek a reflexe stáří ve vybraných prózách Bohumila Hrabala ze 70. let

2017 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 581-589
Filip Komberec

Experience and reflection of old age in selected Bohumil Hrabal’s novels from the 70sThis study contains an interpretation of two novels written by Bohumil Hrabal, Too Loud a Solitude and Harlequin’s Millions, focusing on the poetic rendition of old age on the background of a certain idea about human life as well as an experience and reflection of old age in the consciousness of main characters. In these novels there are two concepts of the run of human life: in Too Loud a Solitude it is a dynamic and dialectical opposition of youth and old age characterizing individual human life, but also the dynamics of historical development; in Harlequin’s Millions we can find the traditional concept of human life as a circle analogous to the seasons and months of the year. Haňťa, the character of Too Loud a Solitude, is living either through his memories, or through his work, by which he is being ritually placed beyond the framework of time. Marie, the protagonist of Harlequin’s Millions, also lives in her memories, and though she emphatically and with interest perceives her surroundings and day to day events in a retirement home, she does not live in the real spacetime, because her imagination transforms her reality so much, so that it becomes an intricately constructed and strongly surrealistic fiction.Prežitok a reflexie staroby vo vybraných prózach Bohumila Hrabala zo 70. rokovV tejto štúdii interpretujem dve Hrabalovej prózy, Príliš hlučnú samotu a Harlekýnovy milióny, so zameraním na poetické stvárnenie staroby na pozadí určitej predstavy o ľudskom živote a na prežitok a reflexiu staroby hlavnými postavami oboch diel. V oboch prózach sú dve predstavy vývoje ľudského života: v Príliš hlučné samote je to dynamická a dialektická opozícia protikladov mladosti a staroby charakterizujúca individuálny ľudský život, ale aj dynamiku dejinného vývoja; v Harlekýnových miliónoch je to tradičná predstava ľudského života podobajúceho sa kruhu mesiacov a ročných období. Haňťa, hrdina Príliš hlučnej samoty, žije buď v spomienkach, alebo svojou prácou, ktorou sa rituálne uvádza do situácie mimo čas. Marie, protagonistka Harlekýnových miliónov, žije tiež spomienkami, a hoci živo a so záujmom vníma svoje okolie a dianie v domove dôchodcov, nežije v reálnych časopriestorových súradniciach, pretože skutočnosť, ktorú vníma, presycuje natoľko svojou imagináciou, že sa jej realita stáva zložito konštruovanou a výrazne kontrarealistickou fikciou.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 86-117
Mark G. Altshuller ◽  

The Little Tragedies and Belkin’s Tales were written at the same time. In the former, Pushkin examines the main, eternal, and insoluble confl icts of existence: love and death, life and death, inspiration and hard work, youth and old age. These confl icts are tragic, and are in principle insoluble, for humanity. Their collision constitutes the very essence of human life and of human civilization. But — according to Pushkin — what is insoluble for humanity as a whole might be, at least partly, resolved by way of a compromise, when it comes to individual human lives. This is what Belkin’s Tales are about.

2020 ◽  
Ashis Acharya ◽  
Nabaraj Poudyal ◽  
Ganesh Lamichhane ◽  
Babita Aryal ◽  
Bibek Raj Bhattarai ◽  

The COVID-19 global pandemic has affected all aspects of human life, with education, not an exception. In an attempt to stop the SARS-CoV-2 spreading like wildfire, the Government of Nepal has implemented nationwide lockdowns since March 24, 2020, that have enforced schools and universities to shut down. As a consequence, more than four hundred thousand students of various levels in higher education institutions (HEIs) are in a dilemma about restoring the situation. Several HEIs, nationwide, have leaped forward from the traditional concept of learning—limited within the boundary of the classroom—to choosing digital platforms as an alternative means of teaching because of the pandemic. For this research, the descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out to investigate the effects and challenges of learning via digital platforms during this pandemic. Data were collected from students and faculty at various levels of higher education and analyzed statistically with different factors using t-test and ANOVA, and variables were found to be approximately normally distributed. The study revealed that 70% of the respondents had access to the Internet, but 36% of the Internet accessed did not continue online classes due to unexpected disturbance in Internet and electrical connectivity. Likewise, 65% of students did not feel comfortable with online classes, and among attendees of online classes, 78% of students want to meet the instructor for a better understanding of course matters. According to the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model, three factors, such as institutional policy, internet access, and poverty, are found to be significant factors affecting the online higher education systems in Nepal. On the brighter side, this outbreak has brought ample opportunities to reform the conventional teaching-learning paradigm in Nepal.

1993 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-18 ◽  
Carolyn Greig ◽  
Felicity Butler ◽  
Dawn Skelton ◽  
Siti Mahmud ◽  
Archie Young

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-131
Lukman Hamdani

Property is one of the most important instruments in this life, because wealth is as a support  for the continuity  of human life, in Islam it is always emphasized the importance of independence in owning property  through  work or business, because Allah really loves his servant who is always giving  alms with  his own property.  Allah Almighty really likes hard workers or people who are persistent in seeking treasure for the sake of the afterlife, even Allah SWT  emphasizes in  Surah at-taubah  father 10. And Say: "Work  for you, Then Allah and His Messenger and the believers  will see your work, and you will be returned to (Allah) who knows the unseen and the real, then He tells you what you have done. Even the  Companions of the Messenger  of  Allāh  adalah were rich people  who possessed  wealth  for  the progress and development of Islam  at the time, a  very real example was the Friends of Abu Bakr, Abdurrah bin ʻAuf, Uthman ibn Affan and the Wife of the Messenger of Allāh adalah was a great entrepreneur, Siti Khadijah. They are friends looking  for wealth and have it as much as possible then after that they distribute their wealth through ZISWAF, it is obligatory and must for Muslims  to seek / have property  for the benefit of the world and the hereafter and the interests of Muslims and provision  in  the hereafter Can be concluded that ownership of property in Islam  it is very important because it is a means of sustaining life and as a place to find savings  for ukhrawi life  later,  because indeed ownership of property in Islam  is  not only focused  on worldly matters, but there are  two elements  that are always included,  namely for  worldly  and spiritual interests. It  should be underlined in the ownership of the property  that the principle  must be instilled that this property has the absolute God Almighty, we are only temporarily entrusted, therefore it is not beautiful to not distribute the assets we have to people in need through ZISWAF instruments.  

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 53-59
Carmen Oprișor

Vasile Aaron (1780-1821) had an important contribution to the modernization of the Romanian literature. He was also the representative of the Transylvanian Enlightenment School. One of his works which is worth mentioning is Reporta din vis (Reporta in his dream), a meditation upon the ephemeral human life. Here, the author brought in elements of novelty such as the “dream-in-a-dream” images, the pre-Romantic motif of the ruins or the first fantastic descriptions in the Romanian poetical works. All Aaron´s literary and social activity reflected the specific features of his age. The complete studies written by Liliana Popa and Nicolae Popa shed light upon Aaron’s life and work and they showed the real dimensions of his personality.

1869 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-145
Wilhelm Lazarus

Life Assurance provides for the family of the deceased in case of premature death; deferred Annuities provide for old age; but both institutions leave uncovered the risk of premature inability to work. Invalidity Assurance, including the benefits of a deferred Annuity, would be the real complement to Life Assurance. This truth is so deeply felt in Germany, that a good many institutions, employing a large number of officers, workmen, and labourers; many mills, and particularly the Railway Companies, long since directed their attention to the providing for their officers in case of their being invalided. How were they to calculate the annual contribution, how to make the valuation of their liabilities?

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 5-10
S. M. Forkosh

The article analyzes the concept of simulators of J. Baudrillard in the context of the formation of a methodological toolkit for the research of contemporary culture. It is determined that attempts to consider the work of Baudrillard by certain stereotypes hide the fact that this philosopher, when creating models of the field of research, did not address the emerged methodological structures. The actual formation of a conceptual apparatus describing author’s models of the field of research turns methodological tools into signs that determine the field of Baudrillard’s research. One of the main conclusions that can be  made by exploring the Baudrillard concept is the provision of modern consumption as a consumption of signs and symbols that has lost touch with the pleasure of biologically based human needs. This process is called the desire of buyers to be identified. Baudrillard seeks to show that the signs themselves produce their referents and meanings. Moreover, the signs try to break with all meanings and references and to be closed only on interaction with each other. As a result, a real universe of signs appears and this sign-object machine seeks to absorb the «real» world. This is probably because language has always been a means of social control, and since in the era of globalization such exploitation of language has only intensified, now the signs are completely detached from their referents and the «era of simulation and simulacra» arises. The fundamental is discussing the evolution of the sign in its similarity with the evolutionary interpretation of labor. A «free» worker can produce only equivalences and a «free and emancipated sign» can only refer to equivalent values. That is why the philosopher determines the significance of the new European sign in the simulacrum of «nature» (the simulacrum of «nature» is regarded as the Idea of Nature). The problems of natural science and the metaphysics of reality are characteristic features of the entire bourgeoisie since the Renaissance.The principal role in the formation of Baudrillard’s conceptual representations belongs to language. The postmodern overcoming of the subject-object difference is realized by Baudrillard by appealing primarily to the linguistic or «sign» nature of reality. The object is transformed into an object-sign and as such, within the framework of the general theory of sign systems, becomes an encoded fragment whose main characteristic is not simply the stereotyped craving for «difference philosophy» but the subordination of the object system code to its totality. Objects appears from human life, and the life disappears as a subject, turning into a human-object, which like a thing, performing a certain function, appears in inter-human relations. Signed consumption covers the whole life of people, from consumption of things and ending with consumption of the environment of human life, which includes labor, leisure, culture, social sphere, nature. All this enters into human life in the form of consumed signs, «simulacrum», transforming it as a whole into a simulation, in the manipulation of signs. The sign, the «simulacrum,» indirectly helps a person to master reality, but at the same time he destroys the real, replaces it with himself. Therefore, it is impossible to distinguish reality from error, since a significant feature of our culture is that illusion, imitation or simulation is so deeply preserved in our lives that it makes impossible the distinction between the real world and the realm of the imagination. The position of the researcher that in the era of postmodernity the distinctions between true and false, authentic and unauthentic, real and unreal are disappearing, is one of the central in his works and indicates a possible vector of cultural development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 323-342
Sabaruddin Sinapoy ◽  
Basrin Melamba ◽  
Herman Herman

Sinapoy, S., Melamba, B., & Herman. (2021). Ekologi budaya dan nilai kearifan lokal pohon sagu dalam dimensi masyarakat suku Tolaki. ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial Dan Budaya, 10(3), 323–342.      ABSTRACT Sago, as the identity of the indigenous people of the Tolaki tribe, besides having many values ​​and benefits also contains historical and philosophical values, so that the position of sago is very important to the life of the Tolaki ethnicity in Southeast Sulawesi. Philosophical values ​​contained in sago plants/trees are the values ​​of local wisdom related to its relationship with culture and the environment called cultural ecology. Local wisdom in cultural ecology for the indigenous people of the Tolaki tribe is always interconnected to the "kalosara" philosophy. Thus, the value of lakol sago wisdom in cultural ecology can be seen from the implementation of the "kalosara" philosophy itself. The survivability of the Tolaki people and their culture to date in the management and utilization of sago plants/trees is very likely due to this universal nature. Thus, the cultural ecology of the local community through its local wisdom regulates the pattern of community behavior. Community behavior patterns based on local wisdom tend to be more ecological than modern societies that do not use local wisdom in their lives. Local wisdom acts not only as a controller of individual human life, but it should also have thought of the survival of other humans in the area and also the sustainability of the surrounding natural environment as one of sustainable development goals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Drance Elias da Silva

This Article may be situated within the rapport field between Philosophy and Social Sciences, at the search regarding to the concept concerning the Representation. Regarding to Philosophy, under a general view, the concept, concerning Representation, has been, since a long time, understood as a trail which one would get througl reaching to the real and true ones. Representation, as the thought contents expression form had not been known departing from Philosophy as a barrier against the objectivity concerning the knowledge. Representation, in its source, has been constituting itself a cognictive, inmanent reflection, related to the conscience inner subjectivity. But departing from the episthemological point of view, it has been not so easy for the campus concerning the Culture Sciences as a totality. In the theory regarding to knowledge, the Social Sciences campus and, more specifically, in the human life Symbolic dimension constitutive aspects, it has been, often, accepted negatively as an entry door for the histotical social reality. Nowadays, one may conclude that the contents concerning the Culture are deeply rooted within the histotical reality, which may present new dimension the reading regarding to the Symbolical side concerning the human life, under the view regarding to the unseen aspect, such as the intellectualistic Western dominant Culture allows understanding the way which could be in.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-95
Sunarto Sunarto

The Qur'an is a holy book that revealed by the Most Holy. In order for the sanctity of the Qur'an to be more meaningful and relevant to (as a guide for human life, as a distinguishing between the true and the false), the Qur'an needs to be reflected in the real world. With the presence of "Social Interpretation" model, this is a step forward that needs to be appreciated, as the courage of the mufassir  in annuling the Qur’an is not limited to understanding Qur’an, but rather the mufassir actualizes the Qur’an with problems of social political development. Sometimes writing point of the writer is faced with the tip of the Lord's sword. Therein the test mufassir's guts in pouring his thoughts.

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