scholarly journals Literackie i filmowe obrazy śmierci Jana Husa

2019 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 229-241
Jan Pešina

The image of Jan Hus’s death in literary and film worksThe article shows, on selected examples from Czech literature and film, different images of the Czech reformer’s death. The fundamental texts of this article are the testimonies of two witnesses of that event: a member of Hus’s escort, Peter from Mladoňovice, and a burgher from Konstantz, Ulrich Rychental. Confesional dependent visions, that both of them were creating, initiated two traditions in the perception of Jan Hus: as a martyr and as a heretic. The vision of Mladoňovic dominated thinking about Hus in Czech society until the beginning of the recatholization. During the 19th century it was also supported by historism typical for the National Revival epoch F. Palacký, Dějiny národa českého, persisted in journalism, literature, art and, after some modifications, operated until the middle of the 20th century O. Vávra, Jan Hus. Later literary and film productions E. Kantůrková, J. Svoboda, Jan Hus take into account Rychental’s testimony, so the one-sided picture of the death of the Bethlehem preacher gained a new dimension. Literární a filmové obrazy smrti Jana HusaČlánek na vybraných příkladech z české literatury a filmu ukazuje dva různé obrazy smrti českého reformátora. Základními texty jsou zprávy dvou očitých svědků události: člena Husova doprovodu Petra z Mladoňovic a kostnického měšťana Ulricha Richentala. Konfesijně podmíněné obrazy, které oba atoři kreují, stojí na počátku dvou rodících se tradic v pojímání Husa: jako mučedníka a jako kacíře. V českém prostředí dominoval až do počátku rekatolizace Mladoňovicův obraz, který byl v 19. století převzat obrozeneckým dějepisectvím F. Palacký, Dějiny národa českého a následně publicistikou, literaturou a výtvarným uměním a v různých modifikacích přetrval zhruba do poloviny 20. století O. Vávra, Jan Hus. Pozdější literární a filmová produkce E. Kantůrková, J. Svoboda, Jan Hus zohledňuje také Richentalovo svědectví, čímž do té doby jednostranný obraz smrti betlémského kazatele získal novou dimenzi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-24
Akmal Hawi

The 19th century to the 20th century is a moment in which Muslims enter a new gate, the gate of renewal. This phase is often referred to as the century of modernism, a century where people are confronted with the fact that the West is far ahead of them. This situation made various responses emerging, various Islamic groups responded in different ways based on their Islamic nature. Some respond with accommodative stance and recognize that the people are indeed doomed and must follow the West in order to rise from the downturn. Others respond by rejecting anything coming from the West because they think it is outside of Islam. These circles believe Islam is the best and the people must return to the foundations of revelation, this circle is often called the revivalists. One of the figures who is an important figure in Islamic reform, Jamaluddin Al-Afghani, a reformer who has its own uniqueness, uniqueness, and mystery. Departing from the division of Islamic features above, Afghani occupies a unique position in responding to Western domination of Islam. On the one hand, Afghani is very moderate by accommodating ideas coming from the West, this is done to improve the decline of the ummah. On the other hand, however, Afghani appeared so loudly when it came to the question of nationality or on matters relating to Islam. As a result, Afghani traces his legs on two different sides, he is a modernist but also a fundamentalist. 

Beloglazov I.A. ◽  
Biryukova N.V. ◽  
Nesterova N.V.

The authors of the work analyzed the sources that characterize the influence of absinthe on human culture. Absinthe, an alcoholic drink containing wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.), was banned in the early 20th century due to unusual properties attributed to the side effects of drinking this alcohol. This review contains information about the history of the drink. On the one hand, absinthe left its mark in the culture as a “muse” for the creators, remaining forever imprinted in the works of various types of art, on the other hand, it became the main enemy for the most part of society because of the harmful properties that was characterized by researchers of the 19th century.

Mäetagused ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 80 ◽  
pp. 71-88
Merili Metsvahi ◽  

The article gives a short overview of the Estonian werewolf tradition in the 16th and 17th centuries and a glimpse into the 19th–20th-century werewolf beliefs. The image of werewolf of the earlier and later periods is compared. The differences between the images of these two periods are explained with the help of the approaches of Tim Ingold and Philipp Descola, which ground the changes in the worldview taking place together with the shift from the pre-modern society into modernity. The mental world of the 16th–17th-century Estonian and Livonian peasant did not encompass the category of nature, and the borders between the human being and the animal on the one side and organism and environment on the other side were not so rigid as they are in today’s people’s comprehension of the world. The ability to change into a wolf was seen as an added possibility of acquiring new experiences and benefits. As the popular ontology had changed by the second half of the 19th century – the human mind was raised into the ultimate position and the animal was comprehended as being inferior – the transformation of a man into an animal, if it was seriously taken at all, seemed to be strange and unnatural.

Jesper Brandt Andersen

Jesper Brandt Andersen: Curious case reports in the works of the Danish physician and anatomist Thomas Bartholin Scattered through the voluminous authorship of the Danish physician and anatomist Thomas Bartholin (1616–1680), famous for his discovery of the lymph vessels in the early 1650s, case reports can be found, for which Bartholin was criticized and accused for verbosity and lack of scientific judgment by contemporary scholars and later medical historians. In this article 15 such case reports, mainly from the work Historiarum Anatomicarum Rariorum 1654–1661, are presented, analyzed and perspectivated. It is concluded, that much of the criticism, especially the one submitted by the posteriority and especially during the era of positivism by the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century and the one concerning observations made by Bartholin himself, is unjustified. When practising science himself Bartholin felt responsible for reproducing his observations correctly and trustworthy, and he was not satisfied by making conclusions on the basis of knowledge handed over by others. The author of this article has not succeded in finding one single example indicating that Bartholin doesn’t reproduce his own observations correctly and truthfully. On the other hand there are in his authorship numerous examples of case reports originating from others, which he either didn’t believe himself or at least doubted. When he published case reports originating from other people, he didn’t feel responsible for the truthfulness. His purpose bringing these case reports was to present his reader for new and interesting matter, to entertain his reader, to arouse his reader’s curiosity and to challenge his reader’s own judgment. Thomas Bartholin was one of the most excellent, diligent and passionate intermediaries of scientific matter of his time, and as a scientist he was characterized by openness. Often he was among the first to recognize, verify and publish new knowledge.

2019 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 315-326
Ján Gallik

Motif of death in the work of Slovak, Czech and Hungarian authors of Catholic literatureIn the context of the evolution of religious literature, including the poetics of Slovak, Czech and Hungarian Catholic literature, the motif of death is not particularly unusual. This fact is clearly noticeable in the work of authors of the turn of the 19th century and the entire 20th century, as well as in the following millennium. For example, in the first phase of the creative work of Jakub Deml, who is considered one of the most important representatives of Czech Catholic literature of the first half of the 20th century, mirroring the so-called apocalyptic realism, we notice the thematization of solitude, death, extinction and nothingness. Death in Deml’s work is depicted as an entity that one seeks with an affection and desire, while “it constantly encounters Life. But as soon as they get excited and look for Life, they constantly meet Death, even those who don’t look for one for themselves”. Few years afterwards, a very similar thesis was developed by the later Catholic convert, important thinker and — it can be said — a comrade of the author of Slovak Catholic modernism, Pavol Strauss: “Life consists of search for life and it finds death within”. A Hungarian writer János Pilinszky, who besides spiritual-Christian poetry wrote great essays, the so-called Lyrical Diaries, wrote regarding death: “Death doesn’t exist for real, at least not the one that can be seen from the outside. We have to live first to be able to consider death”. And finally, Jan Zahradníček in his debut collection shifts the perception of death to the next semantic level, when it his poem Their shadow he writes “for the living ones I was alive too much / and for the alive ones I was too dead”. The aim of this paper is to interpret the motif of death in the work of selected authors of the Slovak, Czech and Hungarian Catholic literature.  Motyw śmierci w twórczości słowackich, czeskich i węgierskich autorów literatury katolickiejW kontekście rozwoju twórczości religijnej, w tym poezji słowackiej, czeskiej i węgierskiej literatury katolickiej, motyw śmierci nie jest niczym wyjątkowym. Zjawisko to można zaobserwować również w dziełach autorów z przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Motyw śmierci pojawia się w całej dwudziestowiecznej literaturze i przechodzi do trzeciego tysiąclecia. Występuje na przykład u Jakuba Demla, który jest uważany za jednego z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli czeskiej literatury katolickiej pierwszej połowy XX wieku. W pierwszym okresie jego twórczości, w czasie tak zwanego realizmu apokaliptycznego, można zauważyć, że tematyka utworów krąży wokół samotności, śmierci, zaniku i nicości. Pavol Staruss, wybitny myśliciel katolicki, konwertyta z judaizmu i — można powiedzieć — wierny towarzysz autorów słowackiego modernizmu katolickiego, często podkreślał, iż życie składa się z poszukiwania życia, a w ramach tych poszukiwań natrafia się na śmierć. Z kolei János Pilinszky — węgierski pisarz, który oprócz duchowo-chrześcijańskiej twórczości poetyckiej tworzył wspaniałe eseje i tak zwane dzienniki liryczne — pisał w odniesieniu do śmierci, że śmierć w rzeczywistości nie istnieje, przynajmniej nie ta śmierć, którą możemy zaznać z zewnątrz. Trzeba najpierw żyć, abyśmy mogli wziąć pod uwagę śmierć.I wreszcie Jan Zahradníček w swoim debiutanckim tomiku przesuwa pojęcie śmierci na inny poziom znaczeniowy. W wierszu Ich cień umieszcza strofę: „dla martwych byłem za bardzo żywy / a dla żywych za bardzo martwy”. Celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie przeglądu i dokonanie interpretacji twórczości wybranych autorów słowackiej, czeskiej i węgierskiej literatury katolickiej pod kątem występującego w niej motywu śmierci.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
José Manuel Vidal Ortuño

Se estudia en este artículo el paisaje como materia literaria en el joven Azorín, el de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, renovador de viejos tópicos literarios como el beatus ille y el locus amoenus. A este tiempo nuevo le correspondería, qué duda cabe, una nueva estética (que quedará expresada en dos cuentos de Bohemia, 1897), cuyos postulados, sin duda innovadores, serán llevados a la práctica en Charivari (también de 1897), mediante una magnífica descripción del Collado de Salinas, lugar de huida y refugio para  J. Martínez Ruiz. Una descripción que, como tema con variaciones, aparecerá luego en otras obras del autor.  This article studies the landscape in regard to literary works in the young Azorín, the one from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, which renewed old literary clichés such as beatus ille and locus amoenus. In this new era, there is no question that, a new aesthetic (which will be expressed in two stories from Bohemia, 1897), whose postulates, undoubtedly innovative, will be put into practice in Charivari (also from 1897), through an excellent description of the Collado de Salinas, a place of refuge and flight for J. Martínez Ruiz. Such description, with variations on a theme, will be found later in other works of the writer.

Arjun Shankar ◽  
Arun Kumar

In today’s world, air travel has become the primary mode of fast and reliable transport. In fact, in the broad arena of international travel, air travel has established itself as the one and only mode of transportation. More and more aircraft operators are getting into business each and every year and the competition is fierce. In this situation, it is but natural to expect safe transportation and involvement of better technologies to dispel fears among the general public regarding air travel. We can confidently say that the number of incidents and accidents involving aircrafts have come down than it used to be in the 19th century and that the 20th century has seen aircrafts evolving using high end technologies to fight against any problems that nature or machine can throw up on the aircraft and in turn, the crew. In fact, we can be firm in saying that air travel is the safest mode of transportation In this context, I would like to bring forth a problem that has been suppressed but not eradicated in the main systems and the main information that any crew would need for the effective operation of an aircraft,

Nadezhda Fedotova

This article aims to explain why the dialectal identification of the Selkup texts compiled by Nikolaj Grigorovskij in the 19th century is still open. It also provides preliminary results on the isoglosses within the Southern dialectal group and strategies on how to address this problem. In order to advance the research, the first Selkup books of the 19th century (1879) have been converted into a digital annotated corpus of texts. Their analysis has revealed language features which, on the one hand, are accurately verified by Selkup material of the 20th century (on the example of the verb conjugation and the noun declension paradigms and the main Selkup isoglosses identified by Helimski. On the other hand, it has shown that the dialectal phenomena are insufficiently described. The article also gives the combined variant of Grigorovskij’s biography existing as fragments in different sources. Kokkuvõte. Nadežda Fedotova: Esimeste N. P. Grigorovski sölkupi raamatute taust ja teaduslik potentsiaal. Siinse artikli eesmärk on välja selgitada, miks on siiani lahtine 19. sajandil Nikolaj Grigorovski poolt kogutud sölkupi tekstide murdeline määratlus. Ka annab artikkel esmased tulemused isoglosside piiride kohta lõuna-sölkupi murdegrupis ja pakub strateegiaid sellele probleemile lähenemiseks. Uurimisteema arendamiseks on esmalt esimesed 19. sajandi sölkupi raamatud (1879) viidud digitaalse tekstikorpuse kujule. Tekstianalüüs on välja toonud keelelised tunnused, mida ühest küljest kinnitavad ka 20. sajandi sölkupi materjalid (seda verbi pöördeliste ja noomenite käändeliste paradigmade põhjal ning põhiliste sölkupi isoglosside põhjal, mille on välja toonud Helimski 2004). Teisalt aga näitab analüüs, et murdelised nähtused on ebapiisavalt kirjeldatud. Artikkel sisaldab ka erinevates allikates esinevatest fragmentidest kokku kombineeritud varianti Grigorovski bibliograafiast. Аннотация. Надежда Федотова: История и перспектива исследования первых книг на селькупском языке Н. П. Григоровского. Целью статьи является выявление причин, в связи с которыми проблема определения диалектной принадлежности первых селькупских текстов, собранных в XIX веке Николаем Григоровским, остается открытой. В статье даны предварительные варианты изоглосс, позволяющие отличить южную диалектную группу селькупского языка от других диалектных групп. С тем чтобы углубить исследование, первые селькупские книги XIX века (1879) были оцифрованы и преобразованы в аннотированный корпус текстов. Анализ на основе данного корпуса позволил обнаружить языковые явления, которые, с одной стороны, точно совпадают с селькупскими материалами, зафиксированными в XX веке (на примере парадигм спряжения селькупских глаголов и склонения существительных, а также с основными изоглоссами, предложенными Хелимским [Xelimskij 2004]). С другой стороны, они демонстрируют диалектные явления, которые недостаточно подробно описаны в литературе. В статье также предложена наиболее полная версия биографии Григоровского как компиляция из различных источников.

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 (87(03)) ◽  
pp. 255-264
Alberto Gomis Blanco

The existence of a College of Pharmacists in all provincial capitals and the registration of pharmacists, in the one that corresponds to them, are two requirements that emanate from the Royal Decree of 12-04-1898 (Gaceta de Madrid, 15-IV-1898). Cecilio Núñez, a pharmacist established in Agreda (Soria), in his work «Datos Estadísticos» (La Farmacia Española, 1898) counts 4.795 open pharmacies throughout Spain. 2.593 people corresponded to each pharmacy. In this paper analyzes the development of pharmaceutical knowledge and the evolution of professional practice in rural Spain during the last years of the 19th century and the first three decades of the 20th century. It is presented to professionals with a very high scientific qualification, but who live, in many cases, in a precarious economic situation. Professionals who, apart from the strictly pharmaceutical function of preparation and dispensing of medicines, are involved in hygienic-sanitary matters and who even, on many occasions, have to assume municipal management tasks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-43
Maksymilian Drozdowicz

Argentina was born from the crossing of the ideas of “culture” and “barbarism”. Freedom was recognized as a driving force for its development from the beginning. Both works, Martin Fierro and Facundo, value and praise it (especially the first one), but always as a part of the civilization process undertaken by President Sarmiento, who accepted some people, forgetting about the victims of the Desert Campaign (1878-1885). The article reflects on freedom expressed by such authors as Sarmiento, Echeverría, Mármol or Gutiérrez. One of the lesser known authors, Lucio V. Mansilla, the author of Una excursión a los indios ranqueles (1870), is the one who sees the situation of the Indians with his own eyes, observing how the concept of freedom changes into its opposite when efforts are made to “civilize” Pampa and the border with the Andes by force. In the 19th century, only he was aware of the hypocrisy of the expected “progress”. Then, in the 20th century, there appear authors who want to renew patriotic consciousness. They suggest putting on a post -romantic “civilization” that is of little benefit to the nation. They see the falsehood in the concept of “freedom” when building an Argentine national identity, not including indigenous communities.

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