Structural and substantive characteristics of the system of spiritual and effective relations of students - future teachers of physical culture

Mikhail I. Starov ◽  
Esedulla M. Osmanov

We consider system and subsystems of spiritual and effective relations of the future teacher of physical culture to the surrounding objective and subjective reality, including relations to yourself. We give a structural and substantive characteristic in the course of education in a secondary or higher educational institution, in which such specialists are trained. In structuring the spiritual and effective relations of students - future teachers of physical culture on subsystems we use philosophical and psychological methodology: systemic and structural, activity, subjective, personal-oriented and relative approaches. We identify in the system of relations, which include the future teacher of physical culture at the educational institution, the following subsystems of spiritual and effective relations: the first subsystem of spiritual and practical relations is the attitude of the subject to various types of student life activity, the second subsystem of the spiritual and effective relations of the future teacher to the mass media, the third subsystem of spiritual and effective relations of the future teacher of physical culture to other people, the fourth subsystem of the student’s spiritual and practical relations to social groups, the fifth subsystem of the subject’s spiritual and effective relations to material reality, the sixth subsystem of relations to subjective reality, the seventh subsystem of spiritual and effective relations of the subject to his Self, to his inner world.

G. B. Zhumabekova ◽  
A. A. Golovchun ◽  
A. Kashkynbekova ◽  
T. Yerkimbayev ◽  
A. Gabdrakhman

The article analyzes the modern requirements of society to the quality of training of future teachers of English, considered contextual training as one of the ways of professionalization of foreign language pedagogical education, situational modeling technologies in the formation of intercultural communicative competence, problem-communicative situations as a unit of the subject content of professionally-oriented training of future specialists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00005
N.A. Kalugina ◽  
T.V. Dmitrochenko

The article describes the actual problem of the development of critical thinking and the formation of the subjectivity of the future teacher in modern conditions. A theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem considered is presented. On the basis of the analysis, in accordance with the purpose and subject of the research, the definitions of the concepts "subjectivity" and "critical thinking", specified by the author of this article, are given. The course and results of experimental work on the development of critical thinking and the formation of subjectivity of future teachers are described. The article provides the rationale for the developed diagnostic complex of methods necessary for the study. As a hypothesis, the authors put forward the statement that the subjectivity and critical thinking of future teachers do not develop without the use of a complex of productive technologies of professional education. The article provides a rationale for the complex of pedagogical technologies necessary for the development of critical thinking and the formation of the subjectivity of future teachers. The results of the study are presented, confirming the effectiveness of the used complex of pedagogical technologies and the dynamics of the formation of the studied personality traits of the future teacher.

L. Lymarenko

The article is devoted to one of the topical problems of higher education, namely, the usage of the student theater in the system of professional training of future teachers on the basis of personal and action approach. The author considers for the first time that the student theater as a form of artistic and pedagogical activity is focused on personal development, improvement of creative abilities of future teachers, formation of professional self-sufficiency by means of multilevel artistic and pedagogical communication in the system of higher pedagogical education. The article substantiates the expediency of using the fundamental personal and action approach in the functioning of the student theater in the professional training of future teachers. The paper suggests the description of psychological and pedagogical components within above-mentioned conceptual personal and action approach. This article deals with personal and action approach that provides the most effective organization of artistic and creative activity of the future teacher with its transfer to the position of the subject of self-knowledge. Within personal and action approach, the structure of self-development of the individual is formed, in which the main elements are the subject and the nature of the artistic and pedagogical interaction. It is established that successful activity of the student theater on the basis of personal and action approach is provided by the corresponding organizational and pedagogical conditions that have an influence on the goals of teaching, methods, forms and means of organizing the educational process, as well as mutuality with the educational, artistic and creative activities of the teacher-supervisor and students of theater. The author's position is that the functionality of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions is focused on: creation of the appropriate educational artistic and creative environment; dominance and active usage of theater training technologies in the educational process of the student theater; subject-to-subject interaction within multilevel communication of student theater; sequence of activity of the student theater in the professional training of the future teacher. It is proved that abidance of mentioned organizational and pedagogical conditions contributes to the professional formation of a specialist in the process of acquirement of the multilevel artistic and pedagogical communication of the theater on the basis of subject-to-subject interaction, during which the future teacher becomes a creator in a vital and professional activity.

Natalia Shchekotylina

The article deals with the problem of training future Physical Culture teachers to work within an inclusive education environment. The purpose of the study is to describe the specificity of training future Physical Culture teachers to work individually with schoolchildren within the inclusive environment of the general educational institution; to substantiate scientifically and develop a model facilitating the training of the future Physical Culture teachers in individual work with schoolchildren under conditions of inclusion. The research was carried out using the scientific methods as follows: theoretical (analysis and systematization of information from scientific sources; content analysis of training programs aimed at future Physical Culture teachers in higher education institutions; pedagogical modelling); empirical (specially designed questionnaires, validity test methods developed by the author). The author presents a three-stage (information-orientated, motivation-actualizing and practical-modelling) model of training future Physical Culture teachers in individual work with schoolchildren under conditions of inclusion, the pedagogical conditions for training future Physical Culture teachers in individual work with schoolchildren under conditions of inclusion being the core of the model (reflection of the essence of the phenomenon “inclusion” in the content of comprehensive disciplines; concentration of schoolchildren’s research attention on the health-saving segment of the individual work with schoolchildren under conditions of inclusion; involvement of future Physical Culture teachers to develop variable models of individual work with schoolchildren under conditions of inclusion). The efficiency of the implementation of the designated model has been proved. Some positive shifts in the levels of the students’ readiness for individual work with schoolchildren under conditions of inclusion were recorded. Let us specify them: the optimal (high) level was demonstrated by 13% of the students (at the ascertaining stage ‒ by 10.3%), the basic (satisfactory) level was demonstrated by 57.6% of the respondents (at the ascertainment stage – by 11.8%), the elementary (low) level was characteristic of only 29.4% of the future teachers of Physical Culture (prior to 77.9%). Keywords: inclusion, individual work, readiness, future teachers of Physical Culture, model.

Юрій Курнишев ◽  
Тарас Палагнюк ◽  
Олена Гауряк ◽  
Микола Осадець

The theoretical study reveals professional training as a dynamic process in which the goals of education and the formation of competencies, application of the received social experience are realized. In this aspect, education involves the creation of a holistic system of lifelong learning, development and upbringing of a person that provides training in various spheres of educational activity in accordance with the educational needs of the subjects of the pedagogical process. The training of the specialist, in particular a teacher, has its own peculiarities depending on the chosen specialty. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider the peculiarities of the preparation of the future teacher of physical culture at the pedagogical institution of higher education. The contents of the preparation of the teacher of physical culture for professional activity in a comprehensive educational institution, that is, the implementation of the holistic pedagogical process of upbringing the physical culture of the person, is based on the expanded interpretation of the content of pedagogical education. In the structure of readiness for the professional activity of the future teacher of physical education, we distinguish the motivational, theoretical and practical-creative components, each of which has specific target functions and in this sense relatively independent. This structure of the components of professional preparedness provides its containing basis, which determines the possibility of implementing various types of vocational and pedagogical activities in full.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (esp.) ◽  
pp. 53
Keli Cristina Conti ◽  
Mariana Lima Vilela ◽  
Nayara Katherine Duarte Pinto

 A calculadora está presente no nosso cotidiano de diversas formas, porém há certa resistência quando mencionamos o seu uso no ambiente educacional, especialmente nos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Diante disso, propusemos uma oficina com estudos e práticas, com os discentes do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, ou seja, futuros professores que ensinarão Matemática nos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, ressaltando a importância da utilização correta da calculadora nesta etapa de ensino. O objetivo desta pesquisa qualitativa foi investigar e analisar as concepções prévias e posteriores às atividades dos futuros professores sobre o uso da calculadora nos Anos Iniciais. A mesma integra um projeto de pesquisa em desenvolvimento intitulado “Contribuições do Laboratório de Ensino de Matemática para a formação inicial do professor que ensina Matemática”. Para essa vertente da pesquisa apoiamos em Selva e Borba (2010), Lopes e Rodrigues (2009) e nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN/BRASIL, 1997), entre outros documentos e autores. Apresentaremos neste trabalho o que pensavam os futuros professores sobre o uso da calculadora, as atividades propostas com essa ferramenta tecnológica, as reflexões e ressignificações dos mesmos sobre a temática. Após a análise dos dados coletados, constatamos que a maioria dos futuros professores passou a apoiar o uso da calculadora neste nível de ensino.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Matemática. Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Calculadoras. Formação Inicial de Professores.USE OF THE CALCULATOR IN THE EARLY YEARS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: concepts of future teachers ABSTRACT: The calculator is present in our daily life in several ways, but there is some resistance when we mention its use in the educational environment, especially in the Early Years of Elementary Education. Therefore, we proposed a workshop with studies and practices with the students of the Pedagogy course of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, the future teachers who will teach Mathematics in the Early Years of Elementary Education, emphasizing the importance of using the calculator correctly at this stage of education. The objective of this qualitative research was to investigate and analyze the pre and post conceptions of the activities of the future teachers about the use of the calculator in the Early Years. It integrates a research project under development entitled "Contributions of the Mathematics Teaching Laboratory for the initial formation of the teacher who teaches Mathematics". In this aspect of the research, we support Selva and Borba (2010), Lopes and Rodrigues (2009) and National Curricular Parameters (PCN / BRASIL, 1997), among other documents and authors. We are presenting in this work what the future teachers thought about the use of the calculator, the activities proposed with this technological tool, the reflections and re-significances of the them about the subject. After analyzing the data collected, we found that most of the future teachers started to support the use of the calculator at this level of education.KEYWORDS: Mathematics. Early Years of Elementary Education. Calculators. Initial Teacher Training. USO DE LA CALCULADORA EN LOS AÑOS INICIALES DE LA ENSEÑANZA PRIMARIA: concepciones de los futuros profesoresRESUMEN: La calculadora está presente en nuestro cotidiano de diversas formas, pero hay cierta resistencia cuando mencionamos su uso en el ambiente educativo, especialmente en los Años Iniciales de la Enseñanza Primaria. Por lo tanto, hemos propuesto un taller para el estudio y la práctica, con los estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, los futuros profesores que enseñarán matemáticas en los primeros años de la educación primaria, resaltando la importancia del uso correcto de la calculadora en este paso de enseñanza. El objetivo de esta investigación cualitativa fue investigar y analizar las concepciones previas y posteriores a las actividades de los futuros profesores sobre el uso de la calculadora en los Años Iniciales. Esta integra un proyecto de investigación en desarrollo titulado "Contribuciones del Laboratorio de Enseñanza de Matemáticas para la formación inicial del profesor que enseña Matemáticas". Para esta vertiente de la investigación apoyamos en Selva y Borba (2010), Lopes y Rodrigues (2009) y en los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales (PCN / BRASIL, 1997), entre otros documentos y autores. Presentaremos en este trabajo lo que pensaban los futuros profesores sobre el uso de la calculadora, las actividades propuestas con esa herramienta tecnológica, las reflexiones y resignificaciones de los mismos sobre la temática. Después del análisis de los datos colectados, constatamos que la mayoría de los futuros profesores pasó a apoyar el uso de la calculadora en ese nivel de enseñanza.PALABRAS CLAVE: Matemáticas. Años Iniciales de la Escuela Primaria. Calculadoras. Formación Inicial de Profesores. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00012
L.I. Abbasova

The article describes specific features of the development of professional competence of future teachers. The development of the professional competence of future teachers on the basis of the personality-centered approach is aimed at changing personal readiness for the process of implementing their future professional and pedagogical activities. Different views of scientists on the definition of “professional competence” are considered. The model of developing personal and professional competence of future teachers is presented, which consists of four components: target; content-organizational; diagnostic and reflexive-prognostic component. The main forms of work with students within the framework of the presented model are interactive technologies for conducting classes, consisting of four components: target; content-organizational; by means of facilitating the processes of self-actualization and self-development, etc. An important role is given to individual work with students, pedagogical support in building individual routes for each future teacher. Independent activity presupposes work on one's own personality, with one’s own inner world for the purpose of self-improvement and use of the Self-Observation Diary. The knowledge and experience gained are further implemented as a result of practical training of students at the bases of specialized organizations. The results of experimental activities on the implementation of the model of development of professional competence of future teachers in practice are described.

2018 ◽  
pp. 171-177
Olha Padalka

The article deals with the problem of professional training of future specialists of preschool education to professional activity, features of the value aspect in the process of professional training of the future teacher of preschool educational institution are highlighted, peculiarities of using poetic word as a means of formation of value orientations of future educators in the process of their vocational and pedagogical preparation are substantiated. The content of concepts "value orientations", "poetic word" is revealed. It is proved that despite modern advances in the field of science, technology and the realm of culture, along with innovations, in the arsenal of educational means a significant role belongs to the poetic word.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 ◽  
pp. 01013
Veranika Punchyk ◽  
Natalia Murodhodjaeva ◽  
Sergey Averin ◽  
Liudmila Varanetskaya ◽  
Katsiaryna Piatrutskaya

The purpose of this paper is to describe the current method of managing the educational and cognitive activities of the future teachers in the process of general pedagogic training through the development and implementation of an original educational animation design technology. The attainment of this goal is presented in the paper in the logic of an innovative cycle, which reveals the genesis of its creation from an idea to practical approval. The authors used the following research methods: theoretical analysis, comparative analysis, ascertaining experiment, modeling, prototyping, pedagogical experiment, survey, observation, descriptive statistics. The authors describe the experience of implementing the educational animation designing technology in the process of general pedagogical training of future teachers (using the example of the Physics and Informatics program at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank). At the end of the course, the students created original animated videos on physics as part of practical work in their pedagogy course. The potential of the developed technology as a means of managing the educational and cognitive activities of future teachers was implemented through the dominant diagnostic variable, i. e. the quality of the formed competencies in the Pedagogical systems and technologies course. As a result of the pedagogical experiment, it was confirmed that this technology allowed managing the educational and cognitive activities of modern students, helping to deal with mosaic thinking which is a specific feature of modern youth and that it was an effective technology for the general pedagogical preparation of a future teacher.

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