G. B. Zhumabekova ◽  
A. A. Golovchun ◽  
A. Kashkynbekova ◽  
T. Yerkimbayev ◽  
A. Gabdrakhman

The article analyzes the modern requirements of society to the quality of training of future teachers of English, considered contextual training as one of the ways of professionalization of foreign language pedagogical education, situational modeling technologies in the formation of intercultural communicative competence, problem-communicative situations as a unit of the subject content of professionally-oriented training of future specialists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 ◽  
pp. 01013
Veranika Punchyk ◽  
Natalia Murodhodjaeva ◽  
Sergey Averin ◽  
Liudmila Varanetskaya ◽  
Katsiaryna Piatrutskaya

The purpose of this paper is to describe the current method of managing the educational and cognitive activities of the future teachers in the process of general pedagogic training through the development and implementation of an original educational animation design technology. The attainment of this goal is presented in the paper in the logic of an innovative cycle, which reveals the genesis of its creation from an idea to practical approval. The authors used the following research methods: theoretical analysis, comparative analysis, ascertaining experiment, modeling, prototyping, pedagogical experiment, survey, observation, descriptive statistics. The authors describe the experience of implementing the educational animation designing technology in the process of general pedagogical training of future teachers (using the example of the Physics and Informatics program at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank). At the end of the course, the students created original animated videos on physics as part of practical work in their pedagogy course. The potential of the developed technology as a means of managing the educational and cognitive activities of future teachers was implemented through the dominant diagnostic variable, i. e. the quality of the formed competencies in the Pedagogical systems and technologies course. As a result of the pedagogical experiment, it was confirmed that this technology allowed managing the educational and cognitive activities of modern students, helping to deal with mosaic thinking which is a specific feature of modern youth and that it was an effective technology for the general pedagogical preparation of a future teacher.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e15616
Sandugash Kairkhanovna Moldabekova ◽  
Aigul Zhumageldinovna Sakhariyeva ◽  
Kulzhanat Nurymzhanovna Bulatbayeva ◽  
Dlimbetova Gaini Karekeevna ◽  
Zhukenova Alma Karisovna

The article addresses the issue of development of Kazakh, Russian and English languages in Kazakhstan. For this purpose, the authors give a definition of the types of bilingualism and polylingualism. The paper focuses on the significance of modeling of the educational process, the use of effective methods and technologies, gradual formation of foreign language speech culture and communicative competence. The model of multilingual teachers’ training is presented as a combination of motivational-value, content and technological components. In accordance with this, experimental work was conducted in three Kazakh universities. The result of the experiment is a polylingual speech culture and communicative competence of the future teachers within the selected scope of educational material. Another achievement in the experiment is the professional readiness of undergraduates to develop an integrated educational process for the formation of foreign language communicative competence, an ability to apply the concepts of the learning in educational process and justify them in a discussion. In the course of the study, the authors came to a conclusion that future teachers should have an integrated competence: knowledge of a foreign language and linguodidactic skills to plan classes in a foreign language.

Nadiia Gramatik

The success of modern transformational changes in public life depends crucially on the quality of professional training of future professionals. In this view, under conditions of reforming the Ukrainian society, a social significance of a competent specialist is extremely growing. An important area of transformational changes is the training of future teachers on a competence basis, which is conditioned by qualitative features of the competence-based paradigm in the context of modern socio-economic and spiritual development of society, changes in the nature and content of work, complexity as well as increasing requirements to performance results, on the one hand; and on the other hand – by the need to more quickly overcome the negative phenomena occurring in the system of training future professionals. The modern labour market, above all, provides for the presence of a professionally competent worker who is fluent in the profession-centred assignments and well-oriented in related fields, ready for continuous personal growth, social and professional mobility. These requirements can be fully applied to the training intended for the future teachers. At the same time, since the future specialist of any profession begins with the school, namely "the school stands for their teacher", the solution of these complicated problems depends entirely on the teacher, the quality of his / her training. As the teacher’s professional activity under conditions of the New Ukrainian school is filled with qualitatively new content, conditioned by the new demands of the society, the professional requirements to the training of the future teacher are significantly strengthened. This outlines a radical change in approaches to the process of professional training intended for future teachers. This is the general pedagogical core of this training that is important, because it deals with the equipping of students with knowledge of the basics of pedagogical theory and school practice, the development of professional thinking, the developed pedagogical skills and abilities to implement social functions alongside the subject component of the professional development aimed at mastering the logic of deploying the specifics of the content. Based on the understanding that each subject, including Biology in particular, is a means of developing the student's personality; the problem of forming future Natural Science teachers’ subject competence in Biology is becoming extremely important. This also requires the expansion of scientific knowledge about the structure of originality, in particular the subject competence in Biology under conditions of the bachelor courses, where basic higher education is obtained.

2021 ◽  
pp. 92-97
Iyevlyev O.M. ◽  
Chorna I.I.

The article defines and characterizes the criteria (motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal creative, communicative-foreign) indicators and levels of professional mobility of future teachers studying in economic specialties. It is determined that such criteria as motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal-creative and communicative-foreign language play a significant role in the formation of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. An attempt is made to draw attention to the components of the structure of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. The following criteria are considered: motivational and value (awareness of the importance of mastering a large amount of knowledge for effective professional activity of the future teacher; the presence of values for constant updating of knowledge acquired in the learning process to achieve success in professional activities; skills in future professional activities for career growth); cognitive-activity (possession of professionally significant knowledge in the field of their specialty at the international level; possession of professional terminology; familiarity with the methods of performing professional tasks using professionally important knowledge and skills); personal and creative (focus on self-development and self-improvement through awareness of the need to solve professional problems of greater complexity; free mastery of the profession in the form of creative use of acquired general and professional; willingness to produce new ideas, ability to make quick creative decisions); communicative-foreign language (availability of priority ideas about communicative processes in teaching; possession of means of verbal and nonverbal communication in a foreign language within professional activities; the ability to find and process foreign authentic professional sources to obtain information at the international level). It is determined that the possession of professionally important knowledge and the acquisition of new knowledge in the professional field in accordance with these components will help future teachers of higher education to achieve a high level of professional mobility, which in turn will affect the outcome and quality of training. A professionally mobile future teacher must be ready for professional communication, speak a foreign language to advance in his career; able to adapt to the needs of society, solve problem situations; establish professional contacts with colleagues; take into account cooperation with research and teaching staff at the international level; have knowledge of information technology; navigate in computer technology, work on the Internet, use e-mail, Web platforms; to have knowledge of culture, to be able to behave correctly in the professional sphere.Key words: professional mobility, criteria, indicators, teacher, teaching (pedagogical) activity, profession-al-pedagogical mobility. У статті визначено та охарактеризовано критерії (мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний, комунікативно-іншомовний), показники та рівні сформованості професійної мобільності майбутніх викладачів, що навчаються на економічних спеціальностях. Визначено, що такі критерії, як мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний та комунікативно-іншомовний, відіграють значну роль у формуванні професійної мобільності майбутнього викла-дача закладу вищої освіти. Зроблено спробу привернути увагу до складових компонентів структури професійної мобільності майбутнього викладача закладу вищої освіти. Розглянуто критерії, до яких віднесено мотиваційно-ціннісний (усвідомлення важливості опанування великої кількості знань для ефективної професійної діяльності майбутнього викладача; наявність ціннісних орієнтирів на постійне оновлення набутих у процесі навчання знань для досягнення успіху у професійній діяльності; бажання ефективно використовувати професійно значущі знання, вміння та навички у майбутній професійній діяльності для кар’єрного росту); когнітивно-діяльнісний (володіння професійно-значущими знаннями у галузі своєї спеціальності на міжнародному рівні; володіння професійною термінологією; обізнаність із методами виконання професійних завдань із застосуванням професійно важливих знань та вмінь); особистісно-креативний (орієнтація на саморозвиток та самовдосконалення через усвідомлення необхідності вирішувати професійні завдання більшої складності; вільне оволодіння професією у формі творчого використання набутих загальних та професійних навичок; готовність до продукування нових ідей, здатність приймати блискавичні творчі рішення); комунікативно-іншомовний (наявність пріори-тетних уявлень про комунікативні процеси у викладацькій діяльності; володіння засобами вербальної та невербальної комунікації іноземною мовою у межах професійної діяльності; здатність знаходити та опрацьовувати іншомовні автентичні професійні джерела для отримання інформації міжнародного рівня). Визначено, що володіння професійно важливими знаннями та засвоєння нових знань у професійній галузі відповідно до цих компонентів допоможе майбутньому викладачу закладу вищої освіти досягти високого рівня професійної мобільності, що вплине на результат та якість підготовки майбут-ніх фахівців. Професійно мобільний майбутній викладач має бути готовим до професійного спілкування, володіти іноземною мовою для просування у своїй кар’єрі; спроможним пристосовуватись до потреб соціуму, вирішувати проблемні ситуації; встановлювати професійні контакти з колегами; вра-ховувати співпрацю з науково-педагогічними працівниками на міжнародному рівні; володіти знаннями з інформаційних технологій; орієнтуватись у комп’ютерних технологіях, працювати у мережі Інтернет, користуватись електронною поштою, вебплатформами; володіти знаннями культури, вміти правильно поводитись у професійній сфері.Ключові слова: професійна мобільність, критерії, показники, викладач, викладацька (педагогічна) діяльність, професійно-педагогічна мобільність.

Mikhail I. Starov ◽  
Esedulla M. Osmanov

We consider system and subsystems of spiritual and effective relations of the future teacher of physical culture to the surrounding objective and subjective reality, including relations to yourself. We give a structural and substantive characteristic in the course of education in a secondary or higher educational institution, in which such specialists are trained. In structuring the spiritual and effective relations of students - future teachers of physical culture on subsystems we use philosophical and psychological methodology: systemic and structural, activity, subjective, personal-oriented and relative approaches. We identify in the system of relations, which include the future teacher of physical culture at the educational institution, the following subsystems of spiritual and effective relations: the first subsystem of spiritual and practical relations is the attitude of the subject to various types of student life activity, the second subsystem of the spiritual and effective relations of the future teacher to the mass media, the third subsystem of spiritual and effective relations of the future teacher of physical culture to other people, the fourth subsystem of the student’s spiritual and practical relations to social groups, the fifth subsystem of the subject’s spiritual and effective relations to material reality, the sixth subsystem of relations to subjective reality, the seventh subsystem of spiritual and effective relations of the subject to his Self, to his inner world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00005
N.A. Kalugina ◽  
T.V. Dmitrochenko

The article describes the actual problem of the development of critical thinking and the formation of the subjectivity of the future teacher in modern conditions. A theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem considered is presented. On the basis of the analysis, in accordance with the purpose and subject of the research, the definitions of the concepts "subjectivity" and "critical thinking", specified by the author of this article, are given. The course and results of experimental work on the development of critical thinking and the formation of subjectivity of future teachers are described. The article provides the rationale for the developed diagnostic complex of methods necessary for the study. As a hypothesis, the authors put forward the statement that the subjectivity and critical thinking of future teachers do not develop without the use of a complex of productive technologies of professional education. The article provides a rationale for the complex of pedagogical technologies necessary for the development of critical thinking and the formation of the subjectivity of future teachers. The results of the study are presented, confirming the effectiveness of the used complex of pedagogical technologies and the dynamics of the formation of the studied personality traits of the future teacher.


The study is comprehensively characterized professional competence as a basis for professional training of future foreign language teachers; new approaches to the system of professional teacher training are outlined; the model of professional competence of future foreign language teachers is presented. The future teacher is the implementer of the state policy on the development and formation of the younger generation. The professionalism and quality of professional activity of the future generation largely depends on teacher training.  The analysis of scientific literature and research on the issues of professional training of future teachers of foreign languages allowed determining the features and essence of their professional and pedagogical orientation. Under the professional and pedagogical orientation of the future foreign language teacher we understand the integral professional quality of the individual, which implies a constant interest in the profession of foreign language teacher, the need for systematic and continuous work on themselves and their own communication skills, desire to constantly communicate with students and teach them foreign language communication. It has been concluded that it is necessary to improve the professional training of future teachers and strengthen the role of teachers in society. One of the important factors in this is the definition of requirements for future teachers, for their professional training, which should be focused on multifaceted future professional activities.

The study of the current state of communicative-speech culture and competence of future teachers is an invaluable sign of the existing language of each nation - the identity of this nation. In this sense, the communicative-speech culture implies changes in the motivational sphere, the psyche of the teacher, which leads to the reconstruction of the whole structure of activity. Therefore, it is necessary to form the professional competence of the teacher, but this alone is not enough. It is the training of the future teacher, along with changes in communicative competence and motivational structure of the person, should be aimed at the object of activity, to ensure high results of teachers' work in the humanization of the pedagogical process.

Аllа Marushkevych ◽  
Olga Poliak ◽  
Mykola Zhylenko

The article is devoted to the issue of the essence and development of communicative competence of the future teacher of higher education institution. It emphasizes the reform processes in the educational sphere of Ukraine and, accordingly, rethinking the importance of approaches to teaching students, in particular future teachers of free economic education. It is indicated that one of the main indicators of the quality of education and professional development of its applicants was the acquisition of competencies that ensure their competitiveness in the labor market. Among the most important of them is communicative competence, which helps to solve vital and professional problems. Emphasis is placed on the names of famous scientists who have studied the formation of communicative competence of students, considered it as a personal quality associated with effective communication skills, and highlighted in their work the development of this competence in training professionals. The content of the concepts "competence", "competence", "communicative competence", "professional-communicative competence" and the structure of communicative competence of the teacher, which includes cognitive, emotional and behavioral components with the separation of its components. The positions of some authors who substantiate the named competence as a set of goal-motivational, cognitive-linguistic, procedural-technological are highlighted reflexive-evaluative components. Attention is paid to the method of interactive learning of students, which contributes to their achievement of high results. It is indicated that the development of communicative competence in students of higher education occurs mainly in the process of socialization and education, It is emphasized that the quality of communicative interaction is especially possible if the situation presented in the works of art is analyzed; that her experience needs to be accumulated as necessary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 3409-3420
Elena G. Tareva

Nowadays, educational technologies, in particular, digital means and methods of teaching have become the subject of research studied from different angles. Of interest are educational practices that most successfully disseminate a positive learning experience. The purpose of this paper is to consider the phenomenon of ‘best/effective educational practices’ and present a set of those that have successfully proven to be effective in teaching foreign languages in a digital environment, in the context of distance learning. The research methods comprised an analysis of existing approaches to productive educational practices, their classification and spheres of application and a survey of 48 experienced higher education teachers followed by the processing and systematization of the data obtained. The research results are an innovative classification of educational practices recommended for teaching foreign languages in a digital environment followed by recommendations for the development of new teaching technologies that can ensure the quality of development of foreign language communicative competence of students.

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