scholarly journals Mass media discourse as an innovative means of representing the image of China in the British media language

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (25) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Dmitriy N. Kuzmin ◽  
Nadezhda A. Kozhura ◽  
Diana A. Smirnova ◽  

Nowadays, mass-media discourse is a common object of study in various research works. This is connected with the fact that information and telecommunication technologies are developing at a fast pace. Mass media discourse is inseparable from society, that is, a large audience for whom information is transmitted in a simplified form.The media seeks to influence public consciousness through mass-media discourse, forming certain attitudes and values in the public mind. The aim of the study is to identify the main conceptual characteristics of China's image, as presented in the British mass media discourse. The research analyzes articles on political and economic issues about China published by the British media. By means of contextual, conceptual and semantic analysis the authors identify and describe such basic conceptual characteristics of China's image being formed in the British mass-media discourse, as China – a business partner of Great Britain, China – a threat to the global economy, China – a state with slowing down development. The first conceptual characteristic presents China as a state it is economically profitable to cooperate with. The second one, in turn, indicates that the state of its economy affects the situation in the world. As for the third characteristic, it describes China as a country with less progressive development. In addition, there is a semantic classification of the lexical units characterizing China, as well as a comparative analysis of the percentage of words and expressions used. These conceptual characteristics are expressed by such parts of speech as nounsadjectives, verbs and adverbs, as well as by verb phrases. The words and expressions used fully describe Great Britain, confirming the accuracy of the highlighted characteristics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 141 ◽  
pp. 335-348
Oleksandr Stasiuk

Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die semantischen und pragmatischen Charakteristika der metaintertextuellen Markierungen des medialen Interdiskurses in den parlamentarischen Texten Deutschlands und Schwedens untersucht. Interdiskursive Zitate werden von dem Metaintertext begleitet, d.h. von Textfragmenten, die den Intertext beschreiben. Zitate in den parlamentarischen Texten, die den massenmedialen Diskurs repräsentieren, wurden mithilfe der semantischen Analyse des Metaintertextes ausgesondert. Es wurde gezeigt, auf welche Weise der Metaintertext für die Analyse der pragmalinguistischen Besonderheiten des Gebrauchs des Interdiskurses verwendet werden kann. Anschließend wurde der Gebrauch von metaintertextuellen Markierungen des massenmedialen Interdiskurses in den parlamentarischen Texten Deutschlands und Schwedens verglichen.Metaintertextual markers of the mass media interdiscoursein the parliamentary texts of Germany and SwedenThe article deals with the semantic and pragmatic characteristics of metaintertextual markers of mass media interdiscourse in the parliamentary texts of Germany and Sweden. Interdiscoursive citations are accompanied by metaintertext, e.g. the fragments of text that describe intertext. Citations in the parliamentary texts that represent mass media discourse are selected through the semantic analysis of metaintertext. Application of metaintertext to the analysis of pragmatic characteristics of interdiscourse usage is demonstrated. The usage of the metaintertextual markers of mass media interdiscourse in the parliamentary texts of Germany and Sweden is compared.

Elizaveta A. Zdereva ◽  
Ekaterina M. Vishnevskaya ◽  

The paper covers the issues related to semantic analysis of derivational doublets in the English language within the framework of mass media discourse. This research focuses on the linguistic properties of derivational doublets with regard to different parameters (grammar, semantics, stylistic and discursive criteria).

Emma G. Megrabova ◽  
Natalya V. Pinchukova ◽  

This article reports the results of a contrastive study of the impact that headlines have on the image-building of Europe in mass media discourse of the USA and Great Britain. The role and functions of headlines are considered in communication and information exchange; their linguistic peculiarities are analyzed in connection with the image of Europe that they create in American and British mass media. The obtained results enables to draw the following conclusions. First, the headlines of certain largest American and British newspapers and magazines are aimed at forming the negative image of Europe. Second, the linguistic image of Europe in the American press is more vivid and emotional than that in the British one due to the fact that British journalists use much less linguistic and stylistic means than their American colleagues.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 131
Narkiz K. Moullagaliev ◽  
Lyutsiya G. Khismatullina

<p>The paper deals with the problems of cognitive linguistic discourse and comparative analysis studies of metaphor as a means of representing migration in mass media. It presents the most productive metaphoric models, shaping the concept of “migration”, that function in printed and electronic media discourses of Great Britain, USA and Russia in 2016-2017. A comparative analysis of metaphorical models representing migration in British, American and Russian media discourses has shown that in media discourses on the migration of 2016-2017, regularly three high-frequency and productive metaphorical models operate: hydronymic, military and morbid. Images of these metaphorical models are united by vectors of anxiety, despair, threats to life and have negative conceptual potential.</p>

Saveleva Zh.V.

The prevalence of autism is growing, the problems of stigmatization and discrimination of people with autism spectrum disorders in society are exacerbating. The mass media play an important role in enlightening and reducing stigmatizing effects, in connection with which the goal was formulated to study the construction of images of a person with ASD in the mass media by the method of qualitative and discourse analysis of video clips from the federal channel. According to the results of the study, it can be argued that the range of characteristics used to describe people with autism in media discourse is diverse, but in retrospect, dominant interpretation models can be identified. At an early stage, the prevailing image of a person with ASD was deprived of the quality’s characteristic of normotypical people who do not want to leave their world. People diagnosed with autism were referred to as the intolerant category of "autistic". Since 2013, there has been a discursive turn, within which the category “autist” is replaced by tolerant speech patterns, adults with autism get into the lens of the media, the topic of uncommunicability as a property of a person with autism is replaced by the intention of the lack of opportunities to communicate, one of the reasons for which is social exclusion. In television stories of recent years, the mass media are actively constructing the image of a person with autism spectrum disorder through his inner world, through the advantages that a person with ASD can have due to his characteristics. However, it cannot be said that there has been a complete change of the image: the old cliches, as a rule, manifest themselves at a more latent level of grammatical constructions and semiotic meanings.

Alesya D. Gavrish

1. Zheltukhina MR. Modern Media Discourse and Media Culture of Influence. Upper Volga Philological Bulletin. 2016;4:154-159. (In Russ.). 2. Federal Act from 12 June 2002 N 67-FA (edit 23.05.2020) On Fundamental Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in Referendums of Citizens of the Russian Federation. Available at: http:// document/cons_doc_LAW_37119/41b265c3c2f3f0c3478d9f5e798687c1eb81737c/. Accessed June 21, 2020. (In Russ.). 3. The commission on presidential debates. Available at: https://www.debates. org/debate-history/2016-debates. Accessed July 01, 2020. 4. Wodak R. Language. Discourses. Politics. Volgograd: Peremena; 1997. (In Russ.). 5. Demyankov VZ. The interpretation of a political discourse in mass media. The language of media as a subject of interdisciplinary research. Moscow: MSU; 2003. (In Russ.). 6. Karasik VI. The Language Circle: Personality, Concepts, Discourse. Moscow: Gnosis; 2004. (In Russ.). 7. Chudinov AP. Russia in the metaphorical mirror: a cognitive study of political metaphor (1991–2000). Yekaterinburg: USPU; 2001. (In Russ.). 8. Sheigal EI. Semiotics of a political discourse. Volgograd: Peremena; 2000. (In Russ.). 9. Dobrosklonskaya TG. Media Linguistics: Systematic Approach to Media Language Learning. Modern English Medium Speech. Moscow: Flinta: Science; 2008. (In Russ.). 10. Zheltukhina MR. The influence of media discourse on the addressee. Volgograd: Peremena; 2014. (In Russ.). 11. Cherniavskaya VE. Text in the medial space. Moscow: Librokom; 2013. (In Russ.). 12. Parshina ON. Strategies and tactics of speech behavior of modern political elite in Russia: auto-abstract of dis. ... Dr. philol of sciences. Available at: 2020. (In Russ.). 13. Zheltukhina MR. Political and mass-media discourses: impact - perception - interpretation. Language, consciousness, communication. Мoscow; 2003;23:38-51. (In Russ.). 14. Video recording of 06 March 2018 debates. Available at: com/watch?v=-X0xqC3a_Q8&list=WL&index=61&t=0s. Accessed June 20, 2020. 15. Video recording of 28 February 2018 debates. Available at: Accessed June 20, 2020. 16. Debate 09.10.2016 transcript. Available at: october-9-2016-debate-transcript/. Accessed June 20, 2020. 17. Tameryan TY., Zheltukhina MR., Slyshkin GG., Zelenskaya LL., Ryabko OP., Bodony MA. Political Media Communication: Bilingual Strategies in the Pre-Election Campaign Speeches. ONLINE J COMMUN MEDI. 2019;9(4):e201921. Available at: Accessed June 20, 2020. 18. Zheltukhina MR., Zelenskaya LL., Ponomarenko EB. Indicating Success with Material Symbols after the Collapse of the USSR. Visual Anthropology. 2020;33(2):104-115. Available at: https://doi. org/10.1080/ 08949468.2020.1721203. Accessed June 20, 2020. 19. Zhang K., Denisenko VN., Ponomarenko EB., Zheltukhina MR., Denisenko AV., Shiryaeva OV. The Newest Borrowed Words and Methods of their Formation in the Russian- and Chinese-Language Internet Communication Space. ONLINE J COMMUN MEDI. 2019;9(4):e201924. Available at: ojcmt/5930. Accessed June 20, 2020. 20. Boeva-Omelechko NB., Posternyak KP., Zheltukhina MR., Ponomarenko EB., Talybina EV., Kalliopin AK., et al. Two Images of Russia in the British Political Mass Media Discourse of 1991 – 1993 and 2013 – 2019: Pragmastylistic Aspect. ONLINE J COMMUN MEDI. 2019;9(4):e201926. Available at: https:// Accessed June 20, 2020. 21. Debate 19.10.2016 transcript. Available at: october-19-2016-debate-transcript. Accessed June 20, 2020. 22. Basylev VN. Political discourse in Russia. Political linguistics. 2005;15:5-32. (In Russ.). 23. Zheltukhina MR., Gavrish AD. Emotiogenicity of modern media texts. Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics. 2018;4(32):120-125 (In Russ.). Available at: 10.29025/2079-6021-2018-4(32)-120- 125. Accessed June 20, 2020. (In Russ.). 91 а.д. гавриш 24. Zheltukhina MR., Gavrish AD. Political media wrestling: goal setting and discursive manipulations (on the example of the 2016 United States Presidential election debates). Political linguistics. 2018;5(71):27-31. (In Russ.). 25. Tameryan TY., Zheltukhina MR., Slyshkin GG., Abakumova OB., Volskaya NN., Nikolaeva AV. Metaphor in Political Media Discourse: Mental Political Leader Portrait. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies. 2018;8(4):377-84. Available at: Accessed June 20, 2020. 26. Tameryan TYu., Zheltukhina MR., Slyshkin GG., Shevchenko AV., Katermina VV., Sausheva YeV. New Country’s Political Discourse: Formation of Speech Technologies. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. 2018;8(8):11-18.

2019 ◽  
pp. 7-16
Aiman Hasan

Workforce diversity is a critical area of competence for any organisation. It is an important asset for every organisation that seeks competitive advantage in the global economy. With the change in needs at the fast pace, the association among the people from varied culture, background, beliefs etc. has increased substantially. Wambui state that HRM practices need to promote diversity for business to grow effectively. The paper discusses the various benefits of a having a diverse workforce along with the challenges linked to it (post #me too movement also). The study of various literature and research papers and books has been done which reveals that diversity is all about differences. The manner in which we analyse and use these differences will determine whether diversity is an asset or liability to the individual and the organization. Workforce diversity can prove to be a strong pillar to the organisation if managed appropriately. There is need to lead a diverse workforce that can give diverse benefits to the organisation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 400-410
Fedosia M. Lelkhova

Introduction. The vocabulary of the plant world of the Khanty language contains a significant amount of information, closely connected with ethno-mentality, ethnography and thinking of the people. In this regard, the study of vegetation seems to be one of the most interesting layers of the vocabulary, since it reflects the degree of practical and cultural development of the surrounding nature. The purpose of the article is to establish the lexical and semantic features of the nominations of wild-growing herbs, the definition of dialectal features. The aim of the research is to identify the nominations of herbs with the greatest possible completeness, to establish the lexical meaning of each name in dialects of the language. The relevance of the topic is determined by the research interest to the study of differences between the dialects in the theoretical and practical terms; the attention recently been paid to folk spiritual and material culture; and the loss of certain plant names in the modern Khanty language. Materials and Methods. The study uses a set of methods and techniques for analyzing linguistic material: the method of semantic classification, lexical-semantic analysis, word-formation, linguistic-geographical analysis, as well as the elements of etymological analysis. The description is the main method for studying names of the plants. The source of the material is based on the vocabulary of the Khanty language, which was collected during field work; the source of Eastern dialects was the materials contained in lexicographic publications. When collecting the lexical material, the observation was conducted mainly on the speech of representatives of the older generation, as well as the people who have a traditional way of life, who retain the patterns of active spoken language. At the same time, not only facts that are in the active vocabulary of speakers were recorded, but also the words related to the passive vocabulary, which native speakers use only in conversations and sharing the memories of the past. Results and Discussion. The study of dialectal material based on the names of plants in the Khanty language is of great research interest. The life of the Khanty people since ancient times is closely connected with nature, the vocabulary of the plant world covers almost all spheres of economic activity of the Khanty, thereby making up a significant part of their vocabulary. In Khanty linguistics, this vocabulary has not yet been the subject of a special and detailed study, which makes it an urgent research task for today. The article identifies the signs that underlie the motivation of plant names and highlights the borrowed words. Conclusion. The collected vocabulary tells about the richness and vastness of phytonymic vocabulary of the Khanty language. The authors collected about 50 Khanty names of wild herbaceous plants in the Northern and Eastern dialects of the Khanty language. As a result of the research, new lexemes were identified and described, and the interpretation of the semantics of lexemes was clarified. Late borrowings of Russian origin are recorded. It was found that some dialect words are not actively used in the modern Khanty language. In flora vocabulary, the diversity and multiplicity of the nomination principles was revealed.

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