scholarly journals Bimbingan Teknis Penyusunan Bahan Ajar Biologi Berbasis Potensi Lokal Pada MGMP IPA-Biologi Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 407
Noorhidayati Noorhidayati ◽  
Hardiansyah Hardiansyah ◽  
Mahrudin Mahrudin ◽  
Riya Irianti

Keberadaan potensi lokal perlu digali sebagai bahan ajar agar proses pembelajaran lebih kontekstual dan bermakna. Keterbatasan pengetahuan guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP guru biologi SMA dan SMP se-Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah memerlukan bimbingan teknis penyusunan bahan ajar biologi berbasis potensi lokal. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberi bekal dan bimbingan kepada guru-guru biologi sekolah menengah dalam menyusun bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan melalui metode ceramah, diskusi, workshop dan konsultasi daring serta penugasan mandiri. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang telah diselenggarakan, diketahui bahwa guru menunjukan antusiasme yang tinggi, sebagaimana terlihat dari proses tanya jawab dan diskusi yang berlangsung sangat dinamis. Banyak guru yang menyampaikan potensi lokal daerah, serta meminta saran dan masukan terkait bahan ajar apa yang dapat dikembangkan. Berdasarkan data yang masuk, terdapat 14 orang guru dari 20 peserta yang sudah mengajukan format pengembangan bahan ajarnya. Dari data 70% peserta yang telah mengajukan format pengembangan bahan ajar ini, menunjukkan peserta telah mendapatkan bekal pengetahuan dan memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk menyusun bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal sebagai perangkat pembelajaran. Di wilayah Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah memiliki berbagai jenis flora dan fauna, baik yang terdapat di perairan (sungai dan rawa) maupun di daratan. Potensi lokal ini dapat dikembangkan untuk  penyusunan bahan ajar Biologi. The existence of local potential needs to be explored as teaching materials so that the learning process is more contextual and meaningful. The limited knowledge of teachers who are members of the MGMP for biology teachers in SMA and SMP in Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency requires technical guidance in preparing biology teaching materials based on local potential. This activity aims to provide provision and guidance to high school biology teachers in preparing teaching materials based on local potential. This activity is carried out through lectures, discussions, workshops, online consultations, and independent assignments. Based on the activities that have been held, it is known that the teacher shows high enthusiasm, as can be seen from the very dynamic question and answer process and discussion. Many teachers convey the local potential of the area and ask for suggestions and input regarding what teaching materials can be developed. Based on the incoming data, 14 teachers from 20 participants have submitted the format for developing their teaching materials. The data of 70% of participants who have proposed this format for developing teaching materials shows that participants have gained knowledge and have high motivation to develop teaching materials based on local potential as learning tools. The Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency has flora and fauna, both found in waters (rivers and swamps) and on land. This local potential can be developed for the preparation of Biology teaching materials. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Hardiansyah Hardiansyah ◽  
Noorhidayati Noorhidayati ◽  
Mahrudin Mahrudin ◽  
Riya Irianti

Potensi lokal Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan dapat dijadikan  sumber belajar, dan sebagai bahan ajar Biologi sehingga pembelajaran kontekstual menjadi lebih bermakna. Keterbatasan bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal dan pengetahuan guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP IPA-Biologi se Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan dalam membuatan bahan ajar perlu mendapatkan bimbingan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberi bekal dan bimbingan kepada guru-guru IPA-Biologi dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini  menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, workshop dan konsultasi secara daring, yang diikuti oleh sebanyak 38 orang. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para guru sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini, terlihat dari diskusi dan tanya jawab yang berlangsung sangat dinamis. Banyak peserta yang mengemukakan potensi lokal daerah mereka, dan meminta saran tentang bahan ajar apa yang harus dan baik mereka kembangkan. Berdasarkan data akhir terdapat lebih dari setengah total peserta yaitu 22 orang guru dari 38 orang (58%) yang format pengembangan bahan ajar Biologi, dan masih terus bertambah. Hal ini menunjukkan guru IPA-Biologi mempunyai motivasi yang cukup tinggi untuk membuat bahan ajar Biologi berbasis potensi lokal. The local potential of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency can be used as a learning resource and as biology teaching material so that contextual learning becomes more meaningful. The limitations of teaching materials based on local potential and the knowledge of teachers who are members of the IPA-Biology MGMP in Hulu Sungai Selatan District in making teaching materials need guidance. This community service activity aims to provide provisions and guidance to Science-Biology teachers in developing teaching materials based on local potential. The implementation of this Community Service activity used lectures, discussions, workshops and online consultations, which 38 people attended. The activity results showed that the teachers were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity; it was seen from the dynamic discussion and question and answer process. Many participants raised the local potential of their area and asked for suggestions on what teaching materials they should and should develop well. Based on the final data, more than half of the total participants, namely 22 teachers out of 38 people (58%), have the format for developing Biology teaching materials, and it is still growing. This shows that Science-Biology teachers have high enough motivation to make Biology teaching materials based on local potential. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Susi Erlianti ◽  
Lisdiana Lisdiana ◽  
Priyantini Widiyaningrum

Lack of awareness and limited information about the dangers of e-cigarettes among teenagers, especially high school students, make them assume that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative to reduce smoking habit. This can be circumvented through the development of teaching materials that are tailored to the needs of students. This study aims to develop teaching materials about the negative effects of e-cigarettes as a source of learning for high school students and analyze their validity, readability, and feasibility. This development research uses the plot of Thiagarajan et al., (1974), namely 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The subjects of this research include material & media experts, students of class XI MIPA 3 and XI MIPA 4 SMAN 12 Semarang, and teachers who are members of senior high school biology teachers forum in Rembang Regency. The results showed the validation scores of material and media experts were 83% and 97.7%, respectively, with very valid criteria. Analysis of the readability of teaching materials from the results of student responses and the cloze test, respectively obtained an average score of 86.2% and 84% with very good and independent criteria. Analysis of the feasibility of teaching materials from the results of teacher responses at the senior high school biology teachers forum in Rembang, obtained an average score of 83.7% with very feasible criteria. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that teaching materials about the negative effects of e-cigarettes are valid, it has good readability, and feasible to use as a source of learning for high school students. The teaching material is expected to be able to add insight and knowledge about the negative effects of e-cigarette exposure and to contribute better in improving the quality of learning resources.

Bruno Amorim Silveira ◽  
Obertal Da Silva Almeida ◽  
Nádia Amorim Pereira ◽  
Odair Lacerda Lemos

Inúmeras têm sido as dificuldades para se ministrar e assimilar, significativamente, os conteúdos de Biologia no Ensino Médio, em razão de fatores como o excesso de palavras desconhecidas e vocabulários técnicos utilizados e a existência das abstrações dos conceitos abordados. Neste sentido, uma das modalidades que tem sido muito utilizada juntamente com a teoria é a atividade prática. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o ensino e aprendizagem de biologia a partir de uma atividade prática realizada pelo PIBID, no Colégio Modelo Luís Eduardo Magalhães. Os dados deste trabalho foram coletados em uma turma de 3º ano do Ensino Médio do Colégio Modelo Luís Eduardo Magalhães do município de Itapetinga-BA. Foi realizada uma atividade prática, sendo aplicados questionários antes e depois da realização mesma. Os resultados encontrados na análise dos questionários dos alunos mostraram que o PIBID tem contribuído para o aprimoramento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, evidenciando a sua importância na formação de todos envolvidos direta e indiretamente com o programa.Palavras-chave: Ensino médio. Biologia. Bactérias. PIBID.AbstractNumerous difficulties have been encountered in teaching and assimilating Biology contents in high school, due to factors such as the excess of unknown words and technical vocabularies used and the existence of abstractions of the concepts addressed. In this sense, one of the modalities that has been widely used together with the theory is the practical activity. In this context, this work had as objective to analyze the Biology teaching and learning from a practical activity carried out by PIBID at Colégio Modelo Luis Eduardo Magalhães. The data of this work were collected in a 3rd year high school class of the Luís Eduardo Magalhães Model School in the municipality of Itapetinga-BA. A practical activity was performed, and questionnaires were applied before and after the same performance. The results found in the students’ analysis of the questionnaires showed that PIBID has contributed to the improvement of the teaching and learning process, evidencing its importance in the training of all directly and indirectly involved with the programKeywords: High school. Biology. Bacteria. PIBID.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Fitri Rahmadani ◽  
Fauziyah Harahap ◽  
Syahmi Edi

The objective of this research was to observe the pedagogic, professional, personal, and social competence of high school biology teachers in Batu Bara district. The population in this research were all of biology teacher in high school of Batu Bara district as many 22 people. Samples were taken by purposive sampling with a sample of 22 teachers, 90 students from 9 schools were each taken 10 students, 3 lecturers as validator expert. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative. Data were collected using questionnaire of observation, test comprehension, student assessment, teacher and student questionnaires. The results showed that pedagogic competence was appropriate, with the highest result in the mastery of the learning (4,85±0,357) and pre-learning (4,32±0,862) but still in appropriate criteria, from the test given to teachers on average 57,72 % of teachers can answer the test given by the highest score successfully answered 39 questions with 78% comprehension level of the lowest value just answer 11 questions with a level of comprehension 22%.In the professional competence of the teaching materials scored significantly higher values ​​(116.05 ± 6.973) and the lowest value (38.91 ± 3.350) suggesting that teacher professional attitude towards the teaching materials they provide.The results of a questionnaire assessment of teachers and students questionnaire also showed the results of personal competence and social competence biology teacher in Batu Bara District was very well.At the personal competence, the average value of the total aspects of the assesment (77.68 ± 5.867) and assessment of students with an average value (89.77 ± 4.350), and on the social competence, the mean value of the total aspects of the assessment (85.09 ± 3.829 ) on the teacher questionnaire, as well as the mean value (87.53 ± 3.706) in the student questionnaire.This study has implications for the importance of sustainable development for high school biology teachers in Batu Bara district.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Diah Nugraheni

Pembelajaran IPA di sekolah sangat memerlukan sarana dan prasarana, salah satunya berupa Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS). Guru dituntut kreativitasnya dalam membuat bahan ajar berupa LKS yang menerapkan pendekatan saintifik untuk mengaktifkan siswa ketika proses pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) berbasis inquiry pada materi pengukuran dalam pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model 4D dengan empat tahapan pengembangan, yaitu define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), development (pengembangan), dan dissemination (penyebaran). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKS berbasis inquiry yang dikembangkan memiliki kriteria valid dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Respon siswa terhadap LKS yang dikembangkan memiliki kategori baik. Jadi, LKS berbasis inquiry pada materi pengukuran yang dikembangkan efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kreativitas siswa.   AbstractScience teaching in schools need more facilities and infrastructure, one of which is a Student Worksheet. Teachers are required creativity in making teaching materials that apply a scientific approach to enable students to do the learning process in the classroom. This study aims to develop an integrated inquiry based Student Worksheet on the measurement material science teaching in Junior High School (SMP). This research is a development research with 4D model with four stages of development, namely define (definition), design (design), development (development), and dissemination (spread). The results showed that Student Worksheet based inquiry developed has valid and feasible criteria in learning. The student's response to the developing Student Worksheet has a good category. Thus, Student Worksheet based inquiry on the materials developed are effective in learning to enhance students creativity.

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