2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 783
Sandoval Antunes de Souza

O siqueirismo se tornou um derivativo de uma palavra que era comum desde a criação do Estado nos meios políticos. Com a configuração de um grupo político praticamente hegemônico no Tocantins, os políticos, sejam deputados, prefeitos, vereadores e senadores ligados ao grupo de Siqueira Campos eram chamados de siqueiristas. Desta forma objetivamos fazer uma análise do siqueirismo comparativamente a outras formas de dominação, na perspectiva weberiana, no Brasil contemporâneo. O interesse é pontuar, em um recorte deliberado de algumas formas de poder que possam servir à percepção do que é o siqueirismo no Tocantins e compará-lo com outros personagens da política brasileira na segunda metade do século XX.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Tocantins; siqueirismo; dominação; política.     ABSTRACT Siqueirism has become a derivative of a word that was common in political circles since the creation of Tocantins state. With the configuration of a practically homogeneous political group in Tocantins, the politicians that were affiliated to Siqueira Campos were called “siqueiristas”, whether they were congressmen, mayors, councilman or senators. Thus, we aim to make an analysis of siqueirismo with respect to other forms of domination in contemporary Brazil using a Weberian perspective. Our interest is to point which forms of power can be used to built a perception of what is siqueirism and compare it to other political characters from Brazilian history of the mid-late 20th century.   KEYWORDS: Tocantins; siqueirism; domination; politics.     RESUMEN El siqueirismo se convirtió en un derivado de una palabra que era común desde la creación del Estado en los círculos políticos. Con la configuración de un grupo político prácticamente hegemónica en Tocantins, los políticos son diputados, alcaldes, concejales y senadores vinculados al grupo de Siqueira Campos fueron llamados siqueiristas. De esta manera se pretende analizar la siqueirismo en comparación con otras formas de dominación, en la perspectiva de Weber, en el Brasil contemporáneo. El interés es anotar en un corte deliberado de algunas formas de poder que puede servir a la percepción de lo que se siqueirismo en Tocantins y compararlo con otros personajes de la política brasileña en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.     PALABRAS CLAVE: Tocantins; Siqueirismo; Dominación; Política.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 7411-7422 ◽  
P. G. Brewer

Abstract. This review covers the development of ocean acidification science, with an emphasis on the creation of ocean chemical knowledge, through the course of the 20th century. This begins with the creation of the pH scale by Sørensen in 1909 and ends with the widespread knowledge of the impact of the "High CO2 Ocean" by then well underway as the trajectory along the IPCC scenario pathways continues. By mid-century the massive role of the ocean in absorbing fossil fuel CO2 was known to specialists, but not appreciated by the greater scientific community. By the end of the century the trade-offs between the beneficial role of the ocean in absorbing some 90% of all heat created, and the accumulation of some 50% of all fossil fuel CO2 emitted, and the impacts on marine life were becoming more clear. This paper documents the evolution of knowledge throughout this period.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Marta Lucía Bustos

ResumenEl texto examina el surgimiento de la institucionalidad cultural en el municipio de Bogotá como parte del proyecto colonial y señala cómo los discursos y prácticas que legitiman la creación de la Oficina de Propaganda Cultural en la década de los años treinta del siglo XX están anclados en la colonialidad del poder de una autoridad estatal que buscó educar a sectores sociales clasificados en la negativa categoría de masas populares. Al revisar el conjunto de prescripciones, afirmaciones, hechos, deseos e intenciones de una élite intelectual que promovió la creación de oficinas culturales, se identifica una idea de la cultura que se relaciona con un saber oculto y con una serie de prácticas en que la acción cultural destaca como vehículo para transfigurar el alma de un pueblo racialmente concebido y, por lo tanto, desposeído de cultura. Este texto hace parte de una serie de indagaciones sobre la institucionalidad cultural pública en Bogotá que tienen como propósito contribuir a ampliar el mapa interpretativo de las políticas culturales en la capital, y comprender mejor cómo se configuraron y desarrollaron formas, reglas y entidades que ordenan nuestro presente.           Palabras claves Políticas culturales; institucionalidad cultural; Bogotá; colonialidad del poder  Towards a Reading of Cultural Institutions. The Office of Cultural Propaganda in the Municipality of Bogotá (1933)Marta Lucía Bustos GómezAbstractThis article examines the emergence of cultural institutions in the city of Bogota as part of the colonial project and points out how the discourses and practices that legitimize the creation of the Office of Cultural Propaganda in the early 30s of the 20th century are anchored in the coloniality of power of a state authority that sought to educate social sectors classified in the negative category of popular masses. In reviewing the set of prescriptions, statements, facts, desires and intentions of an intellectual elite that promoted the creation of cultural offices, an idea of culture that is associated with an occult lore and a number of practices in which cultural action stands out as a vehicle to transfigure the soul of a racially conceived people and, therefore, one which is deprived of culture. This text is part of a series of inquiries into public cultural institutions in Bogota that are intended to help expand the interpretive map of cultural policies in the capital, and better understand how norms, rules and institutions that command our present were configured and developed.KeywordsCultural policies; cultural institutions; Bogotá, coloniality of power Sug  lecturakuna chi institución  culturalkuna. Chi oficina  propaganda cultural sug Municipio Bogotape (1933)Marta Lucia Bustos GómezMaillallachiska:Kai kilkaska examiname llugsirii chi institucionalidad cultural sug Municipio Bogotape sug aparte proyecto colonial  y señalanme sug discurso  y practica legitimandakuna uiñachingapa sug oficina propagandapa sulturalchi uata kimsa chunga y atun uatasiglo XX kamkuna anclareska colonialidadpe chi autoridad estatalpe markaska aichachingapa sector social clasificado negaspa  categoría masa popularkuna. Maskaspa chi conjunto prescripción, afirmación, ruraska munaikuna y Iuiaikuna sug elite iuiaiug Nirka uiñachingapa oficina cultural y regserenme sug idea chi cultural relacioname sug iachai pakalla y sug practikakuna chi acción culturalka kauachinmi sug autosina trukangapa alma pueblota racial iachaskata  y chasak mana culturaua kangapa.Kai  kilkaska  kame parte indagaska sug institucionalidad  cultural pública Bogotape y kanme aidachingapa atuniachingapa chi mapa interpretativo chi política cultural capitalpe, y entengapa imasa configuraska y desarrollaska forma, regla y entidadkuna Nukanchipa nukaurra.Rimangapa Ministidukuna:Políticas culturales; institucionalidad cultural; Bogota; colonialidad poderpe Vers une lecture des institutions culturelles. Le Bureau de propaganda culturelle à la municipalité de Bogotá (1933)Marta Lucía Bustos GómezRésuméLe texte examine l'émergence d'institutions culturelles dans la ville de Bogota dans le cadre du projet colonial et souligne la façon dont les discours et les pratiques qui légitiment la création du Bureau de propagande culturelle au début des années 30 du XXe siècle sont ancrées dans la colonialité du pouvoir d'une autorité étatique qui cherchait à éduquer les secteurs sociaux classés dans la catégorie négative des masses populaires. En examinant l'ensemble des ordonnances, des déclarations, des faits, des désirs et des intentions d'une élite intellectuelle qui a favorisé la création de bureaux culturels, une idée de la culture qui est associée à une tradition occulte et un certain nombre de pratiques don l'action culturelle se distingue comme un véhicule pour transfigurer l'âme d'un peuple racialement conçu et, par conséquent, privé de culture. Ce texte fait partie d'une série d'enquêtes sur les institutions culturelles publiques à Bogota qui sont destinés à aider à étendre la carte d'interprétation des politiques culturelles dans la capitale, et de mieux comprendre comment elles se sont configurées et ont développé des formes, des règles et des institutions qui commandent notre présent.Mots clésPolitiques culturelles; institutions culturelles; Bogotá; colonialité du pouvoirÀ LEITURA DAS INSTITUIÇÕES CULTURAIS. O ESCRITÓRIO DE PROPAGANDA CULTURAL NO MUNÍCIPIO DE BOGOTÁ (1933)Marta Lucía Bustos GómezO texto examina o surgimento da institucionalidade cultural no munícipio de Bogotá como parte do projeto colonial e assinala cómo os discursos e práticas que legitimam a criação do Escritório de Propaganda Cultural na década dos anos trinta do século XX estão ancorado na colonialidade do poder de uma autoridade no Estado que procurou educar a setores sociais classificados na negativa categoria de massas populares. Ao revisar o conjunto de prescrições, afirmações, fatos, desejos e intenções de uma élite intelectual que promoveu a criação de Escrtórios Culturais, se identifica uma ideia da cultura que se relaciona con um saber oculto e com uma série de práticas em que a ação cultural destaca como veículo para transfigurar a alma de um povo racialmente concebido e, pelo tanto, despossuídos de cultura. Este texto faz parte de uma série de inquéritos sobre a institucionalidade cultural pública em Bogotá que têm como propósito contribuir para expandir o mapa interpretativo das políticas culturais na capital, e compreender melhor como se configuraram e desenvolveram formas, regras e entidades que ordenam nosso presente. Palavras-chavePolíticas culturais; institucionalidade cultural, Bogotá; colonialidade do poder

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Vladimir Shaidurov

The period between the 19th – early 20th century witnessed waves of actively forming Polish communities in Russia’s rural areas. A major factor that contributed to the process was the repressive policy by the Russian Empire towards those involved in the Polish national liberation and revolutionary movement. Large communities were founded in Siberia, the Volga region, Caucasus, and European North of Russia (Arkhangelsk). One of the largest communities emerged in Siberia. By the early 20th century, the Polonia in the region consisted of tens of thousands of people. The Polish population was engaged in Siberia’s economic life and was an important stakeholder in business. Among the most well-known Polish-Siberian entrepreneurs was Alfons Poklewski-Koziell who was called the “Vodka King of Siberia” by his contemporaries. Poles, who returned from Siberian exile and penal labor, left recollections of their staying in Siberia or notes on the region starting already from the middle of the 19th century. It was this literature that was the main source of information about the life of the Siberian full for a long time. Exile undoubtedly became a significant factor that was responsible for Russia’s negative image in the historical memory of Poles. This was reflected in publications based on the martyrological approach in the Polish historiography. Glorification of the struggle of Poles to restore their statehood was a central standpoint adopted not only in memoirs, but also in scientific studies that appeared the second half of the 19th – early 20th century. The martyrological approach dominated the Polish historiography until 1970s. It was not until the late 20th century that serious scientific research started utilizing the civilizational approach, which broke the mold of the Polish historical science. This is currently a leading approach. This enables us to objectively reconstruct the history of the Siberian Polonia in the imperial period of the Russian history. The article is intended to analyze publications by Polish authors on the history of the Polish community in Siberia the 19th – early 20th century. It focuses on memoirs and research works, which had an impact on the reconstruction of the Siberian Polonia’s history. The paper is written using the retrospective, genetic, and comparative

2009 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
Ciska Raventós Vorst

RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza el proceso de cambio político que se inició en Costa Rica en 1998 y que aún no concluye, ubicándolo en el contexto de la historia política de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Revisa luego las explicaciones que se han dado para el brusco quiebre en el comportamiento electoral de 1998, analiza la relación entre abstención y declive de los dos partidos tradicionales en el período 1998-2006 y se detiene a estudiar algunos rasgos del comportamiento electoral de los ciudadanos en el 2006. Concluye planteando una interpretación preliminar sobre el momento político en que se encuentra el país.ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the process of ongoing political change that has taken place in Costa Rica since 1998. It is analyzed in the context of the political history of the second half of the 20th century. This article reviews the explanations of the sudden shift in electoral behaviour in 1998, analyzes the relationship between electoral abstention and the decline of the two traditional parties between 1998 and 2006, and it studies some characteristics of voting behaviour in 2006. The paper concludes with a preliminary interpretation of the current political situation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (68) ◽  
pp. 817-843
Fábio César Junges ◽  
Tiago Anderson Brutti ◽  
Adair Adams

Implicações da noção de consciência histórica nas ciências humanas e sociais: um modo de projeção para o futuro e de posição em relação ao passado Resumo: O presente texto, de caráter bibliográfico, discute o problema da consciência histórica com o objetivo de pensar o sentido dessa expressão na atualidade e as variações que esse conceito adquiriu ao longo da história das Ciências Humanas e Sociais, com ênfase no século XX. A hipótese é que a discussão a respeito da consciência histórica passou a se ocupar, na modernidade, com uma múltipla relatividade de pontos de vista, o que é destacado por Gadamer em sua análise sobre os preceitos implicados na definição do que significa “ter senso histórico”. É defendida a tese, portanto, de que a noção de consciência histórica não se limita ao conhecimento das experiências vivenciadas no passado, mas se apresenta como condição de possibilidade de projetar o futuro e se posicionar em relação ao passado, especialmente no que diz respeito às ciências humanas e sociais. A defesa desta ideia central é realizada por meio de dois gestos reflexivos, com apresentação, primeiramente, do marco teórico da consciência histórica e, posteriormente, de suas implicações na constituição das Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Palavras-chave: Ciências humanas e sociais. Senso histórico. Passado. Futuro. Implications of the notion of historical consciousness in human and social sciences: a mode of projection for the future and position in relation to the past Abstract: This bibliographic text discusses the problem of historical consciousness with the purpose of thinking about the meaning of this expression in the present time and the variations that this concept has acquired throughout the history of the Humanities and Social Sciences, with emphasis on the twentieth century. The hypothesis is that the discussion about historical consciousness has come to concern itself, in modernity, with a multiple relativity of points of view, which is highlighted by Gadamer in his analysis of the precepts involved in defining what “having a historical sense” means. Therefore, the thesis that the notion of historical consciousness is not limited to the knowledge of past experiences is defended, but is presented as a condition of possibility of projecting the future and positioning itself in relation to the past, especially with regard to humanities and social sciences. The defense of this central idea is made through two reflexive gestures, presenting, first, the theoretical framework of historical consciousness and, later, its implications in the constitution of the Human and Social Sciences. Keywords: Human and social sciences. Historical sense. Past. Future. Implicaciones de la noticia de conciencia histórica en las ciencias humanas y sociales: un modo de proyección para el futuro y de posición en relación al pasado Resumen: El presente texto, de carácter bibliográfico, discute el problema de la conciencia histórica con el propósito de pensar sobre el significado de esta expresión en la actualidad y las variaciones que este concepto ha adquirido a lo largo de la historia de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales, con énfasis en el siglo XX. La hipótesis es que la discusión sobre la conciencia histórica ha llegado a ocuparse, en la modernidad, de una relatividad múltiple de puntos de vista, que Gadamer destaca en su análisis de los preceptos involucrados en la definición de lo que significa “tener un sentido histórico”. " Por lo tanto, se defiende la tesis de que la noción de conciencia histórica no se limita al conocimiento de experiencias pasadas, sino que se presenta como una condición de posibilidad de proyectar el futuro y posicionarse en relación con el pasado, especialmente con respecto a humanidades y ciencias sociales. La defensa de esta idea central se realiza a través de dos gestos reflexivos, presentando, primero, el marco teórico de la conciencia histórica y, luego, sus implicaciones en la constitución de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Palabras clave: Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Sentido histórico. Pasado. Futuro. Data de registro: 28/05/2019 Data de aceite: 24/10/2019

Jean Louis Guereña

Resumen: El presente artículo colecciona un buen número de las publicaciones catalanas de tema erótico que vieron la luz clancestinamente durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX. Palabras clave: bibliografía, erotismo, catalán, renaixença, siglo XIX, siglo XXAbstract: This article collects a good number of Catalan publications with a erotic topic that came out clandestinely during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Keywords: literature, eroticism, Catalan, Renaixença, 19th century, 20th century

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-31 ◽  
John Jaime Correa Ramírez

La referencia constante al civismo es uno de los rasgos más distintivos de la historia urbana de Pereira. Al igual que en muchas ciudades colombianas, la ideología del civismo asume la necesidad de establecer una especie de simbiosis entre la ciudad, sus espacios públicos y sus ciudadanos, tanto en lo material como en lo espiritual. En el caso de Pereira se busca identificar los aspectos más relevantes del discurso cívico que desarrollaron entidades como la Sociedad de Mejoras y el Club Rotario a través de diferentes medios escritos, poniendo especial énfasis en los valores morales que debían exhibir los ciudadanos cívicos o los "ciudadanos de bien" de la ciudad, en el proceso de transformación y modernización vivido a lo largo del siglo XX.Palabras clave: discurso, civismo, prensa, clubes y sociedades, historia local, siglo XX.The discourse of civism in Pereira, or The “sacredness” of public matters during the 20th century AbstractThe constant reference to civism is one of the most distinct characteristics of the urban history of Pereira. Similar to many Colombian cities, the ideology of civism assumes that there is a need to establish a kind of symbiosis between the city, its public spaces, and its citizens, in material as well as spiritual matters. In the case of Pereira, the author seeks to identify the most relevant aspects of the civic discourse which developed entities like the Improvement Society and the Rotary Club, through different written means, putting special emphasis on the moral values which the civic citizens (or ciudadanos de bien) must have exhibited in the process of transformation and modernization experienced throughout the 20th century. Keywords: discourse, civism, press, clubs and societies, local history, twentieth century.

Norman Etherington

Christianity came very early to Africa, as attested by the Gospels. The agencies by which it spread across North Africa and into the Kingdom of Aksum remain largely unknown. Even after the rise of Islam cut communications between sub-Saharan Africa and the churches of Rome and Constantinople, it survived in the eastern Sudan kingdom of Nubia until the 15th century and never died in Ethiopia. The documentary history of organized missions begins with the Roman Catholic monastic orders founded in the 13th century. Their evangelical work in Africa was closely bound up with Portuguese colonialism, which both helped and hindered their operations. Organized European Protestant missions date from the 18th-century evangelical awakening and were much less creatures of states. Africa was a particular object of attention for Evangelicals opposed to slavery and the slave trade. Paradoxically this gave an impetus to colonizing ventures aimed at undercutting the moral and economic foundations of slavery in Africa. Disease proved to be a deadly obstacle to European- and American-born missionaries in tropical Africa, thus spurring projects for enrolling local agents who had acquired childhood immunity. Southern Africa below the Zambezi River attracted missionaries from many parts of Europe and North America because of the absence of the most fearsome diseases. However the turbulent politics of the region complicated their work by restricting their access to organized African kingdoms and chieftaincies. The prevalent mission model until the late 19th century was a station under the direction of a single European family whose religious and educational endeavors were directed at a small number of African residents. Catholic missions acquired new energy following the French Revolution, the old Portuguese system of partnership with the state was displaced by enthusiasm for independent operations under the authority of the Pope in Rome. Several new missionary orders were founded with a particular focus on Africa. Mission publications of the 19th and 20th centuries can convey a misleading impression that the key agents in the spread of African Christianity were foreign-born white males. Not only does this neglect the work of women as wives and teachers, but it diverts attention from the Africans who were everywhere the dominant force in the spread of modern Christianity. By the turn of the 20th century, evangelism had escaped the bounds of mission stations driven by African initiative and the appearance of so-called “faith missions” based on a model of itinerant preaching. African prophets and independent evangelists developed new forms of Christianity. Once dismissed as heretical or syncretic, they gradually came to be recognized as legitimate variants of the sort that have always accompanied the acculturation of religion in new environments. Decolonization caught most foreign mission operations unawares and required major changes, most notably in the recruitment of African clergy to the upper echelons of church hierarchies. By the late 20th century Africans emerged as an independent force in Christian missions, sending agents to other continents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-22 ◽  
Harriet Hawkins

It is claimed that our current environmental crisis is one of the imaginations: we are in desperate need of new means to understand relations between humans and their environment. The underground was once central to the evolution of Western environmental imaginations. Yet, this has waned throughout the 20th century as eyes and minds turned up and out. After outlining some of the history of the underground as a site from which to evolve environmental imaginations, the article will explore how the underground might propagate environmental imaginations fit for pressing contemporary environmental concerns. It will do so using examples of three caves evolved through an ongoing arts practice-based research collaboration with artist Flora Parrott. Exploring these three caves, I will explore how the underground offers a powerful site for doing the imaginative work that our current environmental crisis requires, focusing in particular on the challenges of engaging lively earths and deep times (pasts and futures) that have become commonplace in the Anthropocene. To close, the article begins to reflect on the possibilities of collaborative creative geographies as a means to rethink the idea of the imagination within geography, as not just something that might be studied but that these creative practices might enable the creation of much-needed new imaginations.

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