scholarly journals Using Projects-Based Learning in Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills to Recycle Waste Cooking Oil

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Indah Ningtyas Andalas Putri ◽  
Noor Fadiawati ◽  
M. Mahfudz Fauzi Syamsuri

This study aims to describe the effectiveness of project-based learning in improving students' critical thinking skills. The research design used was the matching only pretest and posttest control group. The population in this study were all students of class XI MIPA, one of the high schools in Bandarlampung. The research sample was students of class XI MIPA 6 and XI MIPA 4. The data analysis technique used is the non parametric statistical test using U Man Whitney. The results of the study showed that the average posttest of critical thinking skills in the experimental class was greater than in the control class. the average n-gain in the experimental class is medium and low in the control class, indicating that project-based learning is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills. Keywords: critical thinking skills, waste cooking oil, project-based learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Yeni Sarif ◽  
Noor Fadiawati ◽  
M. Mahfudz Fauzi Syamsuri

This study aimed to describe the effectiveness in project-based learning of waste cooking oil recycling to improving students’ high order thinking skills. The research design used was the The Matching-Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The population in this research was all of students in grade XI MIA one of Senior High School in Bandarlampung. The sample of the research was the students of class XI MIA 4 and XI MIA 6. The data analysis technique used was non parametric statistic test using Mann Whitney U to postestt value. The results of this study it can be seen from postest value. Postest value in the experiment class that is greater than the postest value in the control class as well as the <g> on the medium categorized in the experimental class and in the low control class indicate that project-based learning of waste cooking oil recycling can improve students' high order thinking skills. Keywords: high order thinking skills, waste cooking oil, project-based learning                                                               

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-139
Isti Citra Wulandari ◽  
Nuri Dewi Muldayanti ◽  
Anandita Eka Setiadi

Based on observations when apprenticed at SMAN 7 Pontianak it was known that students' critical thinking skills are still low. Therefore, a variety of learning models are needed to improve students' critical thinking skills. The purpose of this research was to determine the differences and effective learning model in improving students' critical thinking skills between students taught using the project-based learning model and the problem based learning model. The research method used was a quasi-experiment with a nonequivalent control group design. The data collection techniques used were measurement. The results showed a significant value of the T-test was 0.000<0.05. This means that there are differences in students' critical thinking skills taught using the project-based learning model and problem-based learning. The average value of N-Gain in the project-based learning model was 0.69 (moderate) while the problem-based learning model was 0.58 (moderate), so the project-based learning model is more effective than the problem based learning model on students' critical thinking skills.Keywords: Critical thinking skills, problem-based learning, project-based learning, cell material

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Milda Mabruroh

The research aim was to determine the influence of Project Based Learning Models On Students’ Critical Thinking Skills of Sixth Grade Elementary School Student on science subjects at Elementary School VI Margorejo. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with experimental methods and the design of One Group Pre-test and Post-test. The subject of this research was the student members of Class VI at Elementary School VI Margorejo, Surabaya. The techniques carried out to support my research using data collection, observations, questionnaires and tests in the form of pre-test and post-test. Validation of this research is expert validator and using SPSS calculation. Analysis data used is a non-parametric statistical test with Wilcoxon "matched pair. The results of this study indicate that the output of the "Test Statistics" 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis 1 (H1) is accepted, which means there is a difference in the value of the pre-test and post-test and there is big influence from this project on students' critical thinking abilities of Sixth Grade Elementary School VI Margorejo Surabaya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Retno Triningsih ◽  
Mawardi Mawardi

The purpose of conducting this research is to compare the effectiveness of the Problem Based Learning learning model and the Project Based Learning learning model in terms of the critical thinking skills of elementary students. This type of research used in this research is Quasi Experimental with experimental design of Post test-Only Control Group Design. The population in the study were 164 five grade students in Diponegoro Salatiga Cluster, while the sample is 111 students of five grade students in SDN Mangunsari 01, SDN Mangunsari 03, and SDN Mangunsari 05. The results obtained from this study are based on descriptive statistics where the average implementation of the Problem Based Learning learning model is 92.46, while the average implementation of the Project Based Learning learning model is 85.15. the results of critical thinking skills in the Problem Based Learning model are higher than the Project Based Learning learning model reinforced by the T test results obtained by the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0, 047 0.05 thus there is a significant difference between the two groups.

Vidya Karya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Tyass Bella Pratiwi ◽  
Abdul Hakim ◽  
Zulkarnaen Zulkarnaen

Abstract. This research was conducted to improve critical thinking skills students through the application of the Project Based Learning (PBL) model on the material of simple harmonic motion. The research design was a quasi-experimental study with a control group pretest posttest design. The research was conducted at a high school in Samarinda with the number of research subjects consisting of 34 students. The instruments of the research were in the form of an integrated test description with skills critical thinking and a questionnaire of the student responses to the application of the PBL model. The result of the research showed that the of the PBL model (experimental class) improved students' critical thinking skills with N-Gain means of 0.61, while the conventional model (control class) improved students' critical thinking skills with N-Gain means of 0.38. There is a significant difference in critical thinking skills between classes using the PBL model compared to those applying the conventional model on the topic of simple harmonic motion.Keywords: problem based learning, critical thinking, simple harmonic motion.Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa melalui penerapan model Project Based Learning (PBL) pada materi gerak harmonik sederhana. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan control group pretest posttest design. Penelitian dilakukan pada salah satu SMA di Samarinda dengan jumlah subjek penelitian terdiri dari 34 siswa orang siswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes uraian yang terintegrasi dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan angket tanggapan siswa terhadap penerapan model PBL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model PBL (kelas eksperimen) meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dengan rerata N-Gain sebesar 0,61, sedangkan untuk model konvensional (kelas control) meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dengan rerata N-Gain sebesar 0,38. Terdapat perbedaan kterampilan berpikir kritis yang signifikan antara kelas dengan menerapkan model PBL dibandingkan dengan yang menerapkan model konvensional pada topik gerak harmonik sederhana.Kata kunci: problem based learning, berpikir kritis, gerak harmonik sederhana.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Fathimatuz Zahroh

<em>Project Based Learning is a learning model that need collaboration from group member in each stage, so that students can develop their critical thinking skills. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of PjBL to students’ critical thinking skills on electrochemistry material.  The research design used true experimental design with pretest-posttest control group design and sampling technique is cluster random sampling. The data collection techniques used pretest-posttest to understand 10 critical thinking indicators, observation sheet used to understand students’ project activities and questionnaire to know students’s responses. Data Analysis techniques that used in this study are average difference test, significant test, product moment correlation test, coefficient of determination test. Analysis of product moment correlation value is 0,67 for students’ critical thinking skill with significant test result is 7,10 indicate the significant effect of PjBL to students’ critical thingking skills on electrochemistry material. The effect of PjBL to students’ critical thinking skills pointed by coefficient of determination  44,89%. Based on the results of the study, it was conclude that PjBL had positive effects on students’ critical thinking skills on electrochemistry material.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 315
Popy Adekantari ◽  
Su’ud ◽  

In today’s 21st century, people are demanded to have the ability to communicate and to think critically. In addition, we are also expected to possess leadership qualities. In achieving such competencies, IT-Assisted Project Based Learning (PjBL) model can be used as an alternative. Hence, this study was conducted, aiming at determining whether there is an effect of Instagram-Assisted PjBL model on students' critical thinking skills in sociology subjects. This research was a Quasi-Experimental Study, with Nonrandomized Control Group Pretest–Posttest Design. The research data were obtained using objective tests in the form of multiple choice questions, which have passed validity, reliability, discrimination power, and difficulty level test. The data were analyzed using parametric statistical tests, in the form of comparative analysis and N-Gain. The results of the study showed that Instagram-Assisted Project Based Learning model had an impact on students' critical thinking abilities. The results of N-Gain test also showed that the increase in students of experimental class’ critical thinking skills is higher than that of the students in control class. This implies that Instagram-Assisted Project Based Learning models can be used as a supplement in strengthening constructivist-oriented learning theories.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-88
Nurul Insani ◽  
Noor Fadiawati ◽  
Ratu Betta Rudibyani ◽  
M. Mahfudz Fauzi Syamsuri

Nowadays the development of thinking skills has become the main focus in educational research. Standard of graduate competency mandate that graduates of schools to universities in Indonesia must have thinking skills.  Related to this, the goal of this quasi-experimental study was to describe the effectivity of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) student worksheets to improve students' critical thinking skills (CTS) in the topic of mixtures separation. This study was carried out in the SMPN 1 Pugung by using the Non-Equivalent (Pretest-Posttest) Control Group Design. The effectivity of PjBL student worksheets measured based on the n-gain and the effect size values. Statistically, the n-gain value of the experimental class was higher than the control class. The effect size value was in medium categorized.  These results indicated that the PjBL student worksheets were effective to improve students' CTS in the topic of mixtures separation. Keywords: student worksheets, project-based learning, critical thinking skills, mixtures separation

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
St Fatimah Azzahra

ABSTRACTThis research is aimed to know the differences increase critical thinking skills through learning group and individual problem solving in thermochemical material. This research uses a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design and study sample consisted of 103 students, divided into the first experimental (group problem solving) (35 students), the two group experimental (individual problem solving) (34 students). The collected through pretest-posttest. The analyzed with the Kruskal Wallis test, the results showed that the learning problem solving as a group or individually can improve students’ critical thinking skills. Statistical test there are significant differences in the students critical thinking skills thermochemical material between students who received group and individual problem solving. Critical thinking skills improvement with problem solving individual learning higher compared with group learning problem solving.Keywords: problem solving learning, critical thinking skillsABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa melalui pembelajaran group dan individual problem solving pada materi termokimia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi experimen dengan desain Nonequivalent Control Group Design dan sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 103 siswa yang terbagi ke dalam kelompok eksperimen pertama (pembelajaran group problem solving) (35 siswa), kelompok eksperimen kedua (pembelajaran individual problem solving) (34 siswa).Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pretest-posttest. Data dianalisis dengan uji Kruskal Wallis Test, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran problem solving secara group maupun secara individual dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Data uji statistik, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi termokimia antara siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran group problem solving dan individual problem solving. Peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dengan pembelajaran individual problem solving lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran group problem solving.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Problem Solving, Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Maifalinda Fatra ◽  
A Rizki ◽  
Tita Khalis Maryati

Mathematical Critical thinking is one of  mathematical abilities that must be obtained by students. Critical thinking is one of the high order thinking processes that can make concepts in student knowledge.  Students with critical thinking in mathematics learning mostly do rational activities such as interpreting information based on a particular theoretical framework, linking theory with practice, making claims and justifying it, utilizing data in support of argumentation, making relations or relationships between various ideas, asking questions, evaluating knowledge, predict, describe something, analyze, synthesize, and categorize. This study aims to analyze the effect of the Concept-Based Learning Model on the critical thingking mathematical abilities.The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Concept-Based Learning Model toward mathematics critical thinking ability. The method used in this research is quasi experiment by Randomize Control Group Post Test Only Design with cluster random sampling technique. Indicators of mathematics critical thinking skills measured in this study include providing simple explanations, building basic skills, concluding, making more explanations, and deciding an action. The results showed that the mathematics critical thinking ability of students in the experimental class for the five indicators that being analyze was higher than the ability of students in the control class. A fairly high difference in the indicator showed in give a simple explanation and concluding. and it means that the application of Concept-Based Learning Model significantly influences the  abilities  of students' mathematics critical thinking.

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