L. Krichkovskaya ◽  
P. Lysak ◽  
V. Dubonosov ◽  
Y. Gritsayenko

The article is devoted to the consideration of the possibility of using fullerene-containing water as part of humic growth-stimulating preparations for agriculture with the addition of yeast production waste. More recently, the problems of the economy and the environment were perceived as opposite. Currently, there is a need for a mutually dependent and mutually beneficial combination of economic and environmental interests, which was the basis for this study. The analysis of the wastewater of the yeast-producing enterprise shows the presence of a large number of chemical and organic substances that pose a certain danger to the environment, but are useful after processing waste for use in agriculture. The largest number of substances is found in waste, after the stage of production of pure culture. The experiment shows that the use of structured water in combination with biologically active waste from the production of bread yeast obtained on the basis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain increases the yield of grain crops. Based on the established fact of a wide and universal spectrum of biological activity of the water-carbon structure of hydrated fullerenes, according to patent and scientific and technical literature, they have not been widely tested as plant growth regulators. We will investigate the interaction of substances with water structured with fullerenes, the effect of surfactants on the formation and stability of emulsified humates with film-forming agents, the adhesive properties of the components, the effect of concentrated yeast fermentation liquid separated after the stage of growing a pure culture of baking yeast, the effect of both a fullerene-like structure – shungite of natural origin and hydrated fullerenes – highly stable finely dispersed aqueous solutions of native fullerenes (have the properties of lyophobic molecular colloidal systems) on grain yield, protection of vegetative plants. The result of the work will be the substantiation of the principles of the methodology for the application of nanostructured substances for use in biotechnologies of multifunctional highly effective drugs for agriculture with biologically active additives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
L. Krichkovskaya ◽  
P. Lysak ◽  
M. Bobro ◽  
V. Dubonosov ◽  
Yu. Gritzaenko

cultivation of plant food objects, in particular, Brassica juncea czern (mustard seeds of the talisman variety). In addition, the issue of recycling of the most concentrated fermentation liquid, which is a waste after separation at the stage of growing a pure yeast culture, is solved. The growth-stimulating activity of "Humir-1", created on the basis of hydrated fullerenes (HyFn), (C60(H2O)n) and humates, as well "Humir-2" in which the mixture of hydrated fullerenes and humates was added to the supernatant of the fermentation fluid, in which a pure culture of yeast (strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was grown. Concentrated aqueous solutions of hydrated C60HyFn which are molecular colloidal systems of spherical fractal clusters, the structural unit of which is a strong, highly hydrophilic supramolecular complex consisting of a C60 fullerene molecule enclosed in the first hydrated shell containing 24 water molecules were used as a basis in “Humir” preparations. Humates, which is also part of the developed composition, in addition to stimulating growth, has a positive effect on the plant's immunity, helping to adapt to the environment and increase protection against its negative manifestations. The supernatant of the fermentation mixture, in which pure culture yeast was grown, is rich of vitamins, micro and macro elements, yeast residues, and also contains the dry matter of yeast rich in biologically active substances. The influence of the developed compositions on the efficiency of brassica juncea czern cultivation was studied in laboratory and field conditions on the basis of an experimental farm of the Dokuchaev Institute of Agriculture in Kharkiv region. As a result of research, it has been proved that the developed drug "Humir-2", in addition to increasing the yield of brassica juncea czern, increases photosynthetic activity, increases germination and germination energy. As a result, plants have a powerful developed root system and a significantly increased assimilation area of the Leaf.

2020 ◽  
pp. 38-42
Ю.Г. Соболева ◽  
И.Ю. Постраш ◽  
А.А. Прусакова

Одно из лекарственных растений, являющихся источником создания высокоэффективных лекарственных средств, – пижма обыкновенная. Цветочные корзинки пижмы содержат значительное количество флавоноидных соединений (лютеолин, апигенин, акацетин, кверцетин, цинарозид), эфирные масла, фенольные кислоты, дубильные вещества, горечи и др. Основными методами извлечения биологически активных веществ из лекарственного растительного сырья являются методы экстракции, которые приводят к накоплению необходимых биологически важных компонентов в определённом экстрагенте. В работе изучено влияние концентрации экстрагирующего вещества и времени экстракции на полноту извлечения суммы флавоноидов из цветков пижмы обыкновенной. В результате анализа определяли содержание суммы флавоноидов (в пересчёте на цинарозид) в экстрактах этанола различной концентрации. Установлено, что оптимальным экстрагентом является 70%-й этиловый спирт, а экстрагирование в течение 30 минут наиболее эффективно при соотношении сырьё/экстрагент 1:50. Считаем наиболее целесообразным использование в методике количественного анализа суммы флавоноидов дифференциальную спектрофотометрию и государственный стандартный образец (ГСО) цинарозида при длине аналитической волны 425 нм. One of the medicinal plants that are the source of the creation of highly effective drugs is Tanacetum vulgare. Anthodium of Tanacetum vulgare contains a significant amount of flavonoid compounds (luteolin, apigenin, acacetin, quercetin, cinaroside), essential oils, phenolic acids, tannins, bitterness, etc. The main methods for extracting biologically active substances from medicinal plant raw materials are extraction methods that lead to the accumulation of the necessary biologically important components in a certain extragent. In the paper the effect of the concentration of the extracting substance and the extraction time on the completeness of the extraction of the sum of flavonoids from the flowers of Tanacetum vulgare was studied. As a result of the analysis the content of the sum of flavonoids (in terms of cinaroside) in ethanol extracts of various concentrations was determined. It was found that the optimal extragent is 70%-ethyl alcohol, and extraction for 30 minutes is most effective at a raw material/extragent ratio of 1:50. We consider it most advisable to use differential spectrophotometry and a state standard sample (SSO) of cinaroside at an analytical wavelength of 425 nm in the method of quantitative analysis of the sum of flavonoids.

Chernichkina A.D.

A large number of biologically active substances, organic acids, tannins, and pectin substances were detected during the study of fruits, leaves, and pulp of the fruits of mountain Ash. The content of these substances in leaves and pulp will significantly expand the arsenal of medicinal plant raw materials used. Given the wide distribution of mountain Ash in the territory of the Russian Federation, harvesting leaves from the same plants after harvesting the fruit and using pulp will make it possible to obtain new phytopreparations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 3-14
Aleksandr Luferov

The article provides brief information about cardiotonic, sedative, cytostatic, diuretic, and antibacterial effects of biologically active compounds of Adonis L. (Ranunculaceae) species. Chemical studies allowed to identify the cardiac glycosides, or cardenolides: or cardenolides: adontoxin, adonitol, adonitoxigenin, acetyldigitoxin and others. In scientific medicine, it is currently allowed to use Adonis vernalis L. Other types of Adonis have a similar chemical composition and are offered as substitutes for this official species, for example, Adonis apennina L. Many Adonis species have limited natural resources, and in some regions are rare, requiring conservation of their natural populations. The search for alternative sources of medicinal plant raw materials, based on this, is relevant. The experimental part of our research was carried out using the morphological and geographical method with the involvement of information on ecology and phenology. For the first time summarizes the diagnostic features of Adonis flora of Russian flora. Previously unknown structural features (shape and size of anthers) were identified that characterize the subgenera Adonanthe and Adonis. Taxonomic study of the genus Adonis of the Russian flora allowed us to determine its species composition, clarify its systematic affiliation, and nomenclature synonyms. 9 species were identified. Of these, 6 are perennials belonging to the subgenus Adonanthe, section Consiligo, which includes 2 subsections: Amurenses (2 species) and Vernales, which is differentiated into 2 rows: Apenninae (2 species) and Vernales (2 species). Subgenus Adonis is represented by 2 sections: Adonis (1 species) and Lophocarpa with sections Aestivales (1 species) and Dentatae (1 species). For all the considered species and varieties, the main distribution areas are given. A key has been compiled to determine the wild Adonis species distributed in Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
L. Osipova ◽  
O. Radionova ◽  
L. Tkachenko ◽  
T. Abramova

The analysis of the current state of processing of secondary raw materials of wine-making in Ukraine is given. It is proved that the latter is a rich source of biologically active compounds, including phenolic ones, which makes it possible to use it for the production of a wide range of products (raccoon, polyphenol extracts, tartaric acid, beverages, fertilizers, grape oil, cake, vitamin D, animal feed, food powder, abrasives) with high consumer value for various industries: food, pharmaceutical, perfume and cosmetics, chemical, feed, etc. In the light of modern research, the role of phenolic compounds as essential nutrition factors that cannot remain out of the field of view of physiologists, pharmacologists, and food hygiene specialists is shown. However, currently in Ukraine there are no specialized enterprises for complex processing of secondary raw materials of winemaking; traditional technologies are not effective from a technological, economic and environmental point of view, which indicates not rational use of resources and loss of material resources; there are no systematic studies on physical and chemical, microbiological, Toxicological composition in order to determine the optimal direction of its use. A limiting factor is also the lack of comparative analysis of innovative domestic and foreign technologies for processing secondary raw materials of winemaking. In the vast majority of cases, in particular, combs and pomace are taken out of control to agricultural land without special treatment, which leads to acid soil erosion and pollution of the environment with metabolites of micromycetes, increasing one of the global problems of mankind-environmental. At the present stage of technological development, there are a number of innovative developments in the field of processing secondary raw materials, in particular grape pomace, in order to obtain biologically active additives, the limiting factor for the introduction of which is the lack of domestic and expensive imported equipment. A promising way to solve the existing problems is to create a mechanism that will unite the interests of wineries (producers of secondary raw materials of winemaking), processing enterprises (producers of products from secondary raw materials of winemaking), scientists and potential consumers of innovative products. Consolidation of the above-mentioned institutions and enterprises is possible by creating clusters for the development and implementation of innovative technologies and equipment

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 3634-3648
Erika Koppányné Szabó ◽  
Krisztina Takács

By 2050, 9.8 billion people are projected to live on Earth, which means that we need to double our current food production to keep pace with such a large population increase. In addition, rising greenhouse gas emissions and the associated climate change are placing a significant strain on the planet’s ability to sustain itself. However, in order to increase the quantity of proteins of plant origin, it is necessary to increase crop production areas, harvesting frequencies and the quantity of crops produced. Unfortunately, the optimization of these factors is already very close to the available maximum in the current situation. The developed cultivation systems and maximum utilization of the soil power leads to very serious environmental problems, soil destruction, loss of biodiversity and serious environmental pollution through the transport of the produced plant raw materials. This poses a serious challenge to food security and further increases the risk of hunger. There is therefore a need for agricultural practices that can lead to the cultivation of food and feed crops that have better sustainability indicators and are more resilient to climate change, which can be used to safely produce health-promoting feeds, as well as novel and value-added foods. Within this group, a particular problem is presented by the protein supply of the population, as currently about one billion people do not have adequate protein intake. However, conventional protein sources are not sufficient to meet growing protein needs. As mentioned above, food and feed proteins are based on plant proteins. In recent years, a prominent role has been played by the research into alternative proteins and the mapping of their positive and negative properties. Among alternative proteins, special attention has been paid to various yeasts, fungi, bacteria, algae, singe cell proteins (SCPs) and insects. In this paper, we focus on the presentation of algae, particularly microalgae, which are of paramount importance not only because of their significant protein content and favorable amino acid composition, but also because they are also sources of many valuable molecules, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, pigments, antioxidants, drugs and other biologically active compounds. It is important to learn about microalgae biomass in order to be able to develop innovative health food products.


Спроектированы рецептуры пюреобразных консервов функционального назначения для детского питания. Проектирование рецептур поликомпонентных пюре проводили на основе принципов пищевой комбинаторики с учетом суточной потребности детского организма в функциональных ингредиентах: инулине, пищевых волокнах, витаминах С и Р, β-каротине, железе и калии. Выбрано овощное сырье – клубни топинамбура, содержащие инулин, обладающий гипогликемическими свойствами, морковь и тыква, содержащие антиоксиданты и антитоксические ингредиенты, а также фруктовое сырье – яблоки, содержащие комплекс антиоксидантов. Эталоном служил продукт, содержащий функциональные ингредиенты в количестве 10–50% суточной нормы, что отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым ГОСТ Р 52349–2005. Наиболее высокие дегустационные оценки получили образцы, содержащие, %: пюре из топинамбура 20–50, пюре из яблок 20–65, пюре из тыквы (смесь 1) или моркови (смесь 2) 10–35. Соотношение компонентов в смеси 3 определяли, приняв количество пюре топинамбура в продукте постоянным и равным 45%, а остальные компоненты варьировали в пределах 0–55% от массы смеси. Исследован химический состав предназначенного для детского питания овощного и фруктового сырья как источник биологически активных веществ. После оптимизации рецептурных компонентов методом компьютерного моделирования изготовлены опытные образцы и проведена органолептическая оценка разработанных рецептур. Установлено, что разработанные рецептуры обеспечивают получение продуктов, сбалансированных по содержанию физиологически функциональных ингредиентов и обладающих высокими органолептическими свойствами. Have been designed formulations of puree canned food of functional use for baby food. Development of compoundings of multicomponent purees was carried out on the basis of the principles of food combination theory taking into account the daily need of a children's organism for functional ingredients: inulin, food fibers, vitamins C and P, β-carotene, iron and potassium. Vegetable raw materials are chosen – Jerusalem artichoke tubers containing inulin, which has hypoglycemic properties, carrots and pumpkin, containing antioxidants and antitoxic ingredients, as well as fruit raw materials – apples, containing a complex of antioxidants. The product containing functional ingredients in number of 10–50% of standard daily rate that meets requirements of GOST P 52349–2005 served as a standard. The highest tasting estimates have received the samples containing, %: Jerusalem artichoke puree 20–50, puree apples 20–65, puree pumpkin (mix 1) or puree carrots (mix 2) 10–35. The ratio of the components in the mixture 3 was determined as follows: the amount of Jerusalem artichoke puree in a product was accepted to constant and equal 45%, and other components – within the limits 0–55% of the mass of mix. The chemical composition of the vegetable and fruit raw materials as a source of biologically active agents for products of baby food is investigated. After optimization of prescription components the method of computer modeling has made prototypes and organoleptic assessment of the developed compoundings is carried out. It is established that the developed compounds provide the products balanced on the content of physiologically functional ingredients and having high organoleptic properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
pp. 90-97
Kateryna Danilova ◽  
Oksana Zavarzina ◽  

An actual problem of the alcohol industry development is the expansion of the raw material base through the use of new, cheaper types of carbohydrate sources. Recently, glucose-fructose syrup has been of increasing interest to producers of ethanol. Among the producers of craft drinks, in particular rum-based drinks, cane molasses is in increasing demand. The article presents the technological aspects of the fermentation process of nonconventional sugar-containing raw materials on the example of glucose-fructose syrup and cane molasses in ethanol by different yeast strains. It is determined that glucose-fructose syrup and cane molasses are raw materials depleted of nitrogen, phosphorus and growth substances necessary for the yeast activity. To improve the technological properties of raw materials in the molasses, nitrogen, phosphorus nutrition and corn extract as a growth substance shall be added to a mash. Glucose-fructose syrup is of pH 3.68 and of acidity 0.12, which negatively affects the fermentation. It is established that in order to create optimal living conditions for yeast, it is necessary to add substances to the glucose-fructose syrup that will contribute to the safety of development and prevent the pH 3.5. It was determined that the alcohol yield from 1 ton of glucose-fructose syrup is 31.0 dal, from 1 ton of cane molasses is 24.0 dal on the yeast 46ED and 22 dal on the TegaYeast without the use of growth substances and vitamins necessary for the reproduction of yeast biomass. Under conditions of improving the technological properties of the mash from the glucose-fructose syrup and cane molasses by adding biologically active substances promoting the synthesis of yeast biomass, the ethanol content in the fermented mashes increases up to 11.9 12% vol.

SHAPOVALOVA Nataliia ◽  

Background. The deficiency of essential nutrients in the human body is the root cause of reduced efficiency, general resistance of the body to various diseases. That is an urgent problem in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection. In this regard, the search for opportunities to meet the needs of the population in food products that contain biologically active substances (BAS) through the use of high-value and at the same time available plant raw materials is extremely important. Marigolds attract special attention among such raw materials. The aim of the work is to study the chemical composition and evaluate the consumer properties of Tagetes L. varieties, zoned in the Kiev region, to prove the possibility of increasing the biological value of pasta by adding to their recipe powder from marigold inflorescences. Materials and methods. The object of research is pasta of B group (noodles). Inflorescences of marigolds of different varieties gathered during the flowering period in July-September 2019–2020 in the territory of Vasylkiv and Obukhiv districts of Kyiv region, Ukraine were used as enriching plant raw materials. The quality of finished pasta was assessed by organoleptic and physicochemical indexes (moisture content and titratable acidity). The content of mineral elements in the fine powder of marigold inflorescences was determined on the EXHERT-3L device, the quantitative composition and BAS identification – by spectrophotometric analysis on the device Specord-200 Analytic Jena UV-vis. The integrated quality index of pasta products was calculated taking into account the importance factors of individual indexes. Results. Comparing the obtained results, we can state that all the studied varieties – Gold Kopfen, Orange Flame, Hawaii, Equinox are characterized by high biological value, regardless of the area of collection. As a result of calculated and experimental studies it was determined that the addition of 7 % of the supplement does not provide the required supply of vitamins and minerals. Replacing the flour in the recipe by 20 % significantly improves the mineral composition, but deteriorates the taste and aromatic properties of pasta. The most optimal and rational amount of added additive is 15 %, as it improves the organoleptic properties of pasta and enriches their BAS. Conclusion. The usage of non-traditional vegetable raw materials, in particular powder from marigold inflorescences, which is rich in biologically active substances, allows not only to expand the range, improve the quality of finished products, but also increase the biological value of the product. The optimal amount of additive –powder from marigold inflorescences, was defined. It is 15 % by weight of flour in the production of noodles. This concentration allows not only to improve the organoleptic properties, but also to increase the content of biologically active substances – vitamins, micro- and macronutrients. The usage of non-traditional natural raw materials (powder from marigold inflorescences) allows to abandon artificial colorsand give the finished pasta a pleasant colorand aroma.

2018 ◽  
pp. 30-36
V. M. Minarchenko ◽  
A. Yu. Butko

The popularity of herbal remedies and medicines, with the participation of biologically active substances from plants is traditionally high. The annual increase of the domestic market for herbal remedies is due to the preservation and modernization of production capacities for processing of medicinal vegetative raw materials in Ukraine, introduction of modern scientific developments, a large natural resource base of medicinal plants and attracting investments in the development of this industry. The aim of our work was the study of the domestic market of medicines of plant origin, which includes herbal remedies, substances and preparations with the participation of biologically active substances from plants. The object of the study was domestic medicines of plant origin that are registered in Ukraine for 2012–2017. The study used the analytical, statistical methods, and the results of its own resource studies of medicinal plants. Phytopharmaceutical market of Ukraine is actively developing due to the attraction of new types of medicinal plants and expanding the range of medicines. The number of domestic drugs with the participation of biologically active substances from plants has increased by 17.4% compared with 2014. It is established that as of 1 January 2017 in Ukraine was 1 141 the form of medicinal drugs of plant origin. Of them: 645 – domestic products, 496 – foreign. Most of the herbal drugs in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine are made from wild and cultivated domestic raw materials.

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