scholarly journals Increasing The Ability Writing Short Stories through Metacognitive Strategies

Dessy Wardiah

The objective of this research is to find the increasing of the process and the result student’sshort story writing through metacognitive strategy in language and Indonesia Literature StudyProgramme FKIP-PGRI University of Palembang. This research uses action research methodwhich is done through planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research wasconducted through three cycles, from the result of learning process is found that students havebeen able to make a planning, monitoring, evaluation and revising according to metacognitivestrategy cycle, during their time in writing short story task. This research find out that therehad been an increased from the short story writing result in every of its cycle. On the first cycle,there are 8 (eight) students who accomplished the task, with average score is in 64,16. On thesecond cycle, it showed a significant increased, there were 29 (twenty nine) students whoaccomplished and 9 (nine) students have not accomplished the task, with average score is ini72, 18. And the third cycle, there were 38 (thirty eight) students who accomplished the task inthe short story writing learning process with average score was in 77,05

Dessy Wardiah

The objective of this research is to find the increasing of the process and the result student’sshort story writing through metacognitive strategy in language and Indonesia Literature StudyProgramme FKIP-PGRI University of Palembang. This research uses action research methodwhich is done through planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research wasconducted through three cycles, from the result of learning process is found that students havebeen able to make a planning, monitoring, evaluation and revising according to metacognitivestrategy cycle, during their time in writing short story task. This research find out that therehad been an increased from the short story writing result in every of its cycle. On the first cycle,there are 8 (eight) students who accomplished the task, with average score is in 64,16. On thesecond cycle, it showed a significant increased, there were 29 (twenty nine) students whoaccomplished and 9 (nine) students have not accomplished the task, with average score is ini72, 18. And the third cycle, there were 38 (thirty eight) students who accomplished the task inthe short story writing learning process with average score was in 77,05

Dessy Wardiah

The objective of this research is to find the increasing of the process and the result student’sshort story writing through metacognitive strategy in language and Indonesia Literature StudyProgramme FKIP-PGRI University of Palembang. This research uses action research methodwhich is done through planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research wasconducted through three cycles, from the result of learning process is found that students havebeen able to make a planning, monitoring, evaluation and revising according to metacognitivestrategy cycle, during their time in writing short story task. This research find out that therehad been an increased from the short story writing result in every of its cycle. On the first cycle,there are 8 (eight) students who accomplished the task, with average score is in 64,16. On thesecond cycle, it showed a significant increased, there were 29 (twenty nine) students whoaccomplished and 9 (nine) students have not accomplished the task, with average score is ini72, 18. And the third cycle, there were 38 (thirty eight) students who accomplished the task inthe short story writing learning process with average score was in 77,05

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Jatuh Padmi

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan menulis cerita pendek (cerpen) siswa kelas VII salah satu SMP swasta di Jakarta Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015 melalui pendekatan kontekstual baik proses maupun hasil belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan dengan metode penelitian campura (kualitatif dan kuantitatif).Penellitian ini menggunakan model penelitian Kemmis & Taggart yang terdiri dari 4 tahap, yakni perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi dan dilaksanakan sebanyak 3 siklus.Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui  tes menulis cerpen, observasi,wawancara, jurnaling siswa, dan dokumentasi. Data kualitatf dianalisis dengan cara menggambarkan proses penelitian tindakan dan kualitas kemampuan siswa dalam menulis cerpen melalui pendekatan kontekstual, sedangkan data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan persentase distribusi normal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan menulis cerpen melalui pendekatan kontekstual mulai dari pra tindakan, siklus 1, siklus 2  dan siklus 3 dilihat dari nilai rata-rata, kategorisasi, dan skor rata-rata aspek penilaian cerpen. AbatractThe objective of this research was to improve the short story writing ability at grade VII student of one private junior high school in Jakarta of the 2014/2015 Academic Year through contextual approach, both process and outcomes of learning. It was an action research with mix-method research.(qualitative and quantitative). It used Kemmis & Taggart’s action research model  which consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection and held in 3 cycles. The data were collected through short stories written tests, observation, interview, student’s journaling, and documentation. Qualitatf data was analyzed by describing the process of action research and the quality of student’s ability in short stories writing through contextual approach, while qualitative data was analyzed using the percentage of the normal distribution. The results showed an increase in the short stories writing ability through contextual approach ranging from pre-action, cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3 seen from the average score, categorization, and the average score of short stories aspects of assessment. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Kasmidawati Kasmidawati

To learn something well, we need to hear, see, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Not only that, teachers need to "do it", that is to describe something in their own way, to show their example, to try to practice their skills and to do tasks that demand the knowledge they have gained. Problems to be studied in this research are: a. How to improve learning result of Indonesian language especially about writing short story? b. Steps taken in improving learning outcomes Indonesian language ?.  The approach of this research uses a qualitative approach with classroom action research design, which is carried out cyclically. Cycle I with planning, action, observation, and reflection. Likewise the next cycles. In PTK as well as teachers can examine their own activities on their own done in its own class. By involving their students through planned, implemented and evaluated actions, TOD can be performed without interrupting other learning and will not burden the work of the teacher in performing daily tasks. PTK can be done in an integrated manner with daily activities. Precisely with PTK teachers can improve the quality of learning processes and products. The study considers the results or impact of classroom action research from various criteria based on reflections for revision. Reflection is a re-application of the lessons learned. The reflections are evaluations that have been made and suggestions for future learning.    Based on the description of researchers draw conclusions as follows: The ability of students to write short stories in class IV before using the method of writing (writing together) is categorized enough with the average value: 6.90 (unfinished). There is an increase in the ability to write short stories with the method of writing writing (writing together) grade IV students are categorized both with an average value of 7.69 (complete). This capability increases in cycle II and cycle III reaches an average value of 8.46 (complete). Matched material for writing short story experiences for students SDN 07 Pasar Salido is a material that suits the conditions, desires, experiences, and the ability to write short stories.      

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Asfi Aniuranti ◽  
Dinar Faiza ◽  
Yasinta Wulandari

Nowadays, every teaching and learning process is supposed to apply a student-centered concept in which the pupils are the center of the process, and they are encouraged to participate actively in the process. Therefore, all education levels have implemented this concept, including the university level. Unfortunately, many pupils are still passive during the teaching process. This phenomenon also appears in the English Language Teaching Department of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto. The low participation of the students happens in all classes, including grammar class. Based on the pre-observation process in a grammar class, the average score of student participation was only 58.82%. From seven categories of student participation, two indicators were still 0% called asking a question and giving constructive or positive comments to the teacher or other students. There was also one category that only achieved 41.18%. Besides, the atmosphere was not conducive since some students talked to their classmates and looked quite bored. Based on this condition, the researchers decided to do action research. After doing a literature study, we agreed to use literary works to overcome the problem. The research was done in one cycle that consisted of three meetings. The instruments used for collecting the data were an observation sheet of student participation and a teacher observation sheet. The data gathered were analyzed using simple statistics like percentage and average score, then the analysis presented through diagram and words. The literary works used in this study were a short story, a film script, and a novel. This action research is successful if the percentage of student involvement can achieve 65%.  The result reveals that student participation was getting better after the implementation of literary works in the teaching and learning process. In the first action, the average percentage was 69.29 %, then it became 75.89% in the second meeting. In the third act, the student involvement achieved 78.15%. The most impressive finding appeared in the third meeting. Three students asked questions. Asking questions as one of the indicators of participation did not appear in the first and the second meeting. The atmosphere was getting conducive since the implementation of the literary works in the grammar class. In short, this action research is successful in boosting student involvement in grammar class.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Yosi Wulandari ◽  
Ega Aulia Rahmi

The purpose of the research was to explain and analyze the short story writing skills improvement grades X1 SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang in terms of characterization, plot, and setting. This type of research is a classroom action research that uses four stages in each cycle, including planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research was conducted in two cycles. The data was collected through two main instruments, namely test and nontes. The test is used to collect data capability to write short stories, while the form of sheets nontes observation, field notes, and questionnaires were used to collect the data in the application of learning techniques paraphrasing poetry writing short stories. Analyzing data in accordance with the descriptive-analytical application of the concept of action research. Results of this study showed that the results of the students wrote short stories on pre-cycle obtain an average value of 58.89, cycle 1 with an average value of 77.04, and in cycle 2 the average score was 91.11.. The results showed an increase of pre-cycle students write short stories until the cycle 2.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Badroeni Badroeni

This research is to analyze the implementation of active learning strategy in improving students’ motivation in speaking English. Active learning strategy was intended to improve students’ motivation. The researcher undertakes in three procedures; trading place, question students have, and action learning. In this research, the researcher uses classroom action research in three cycles. The model used is Kemmis and Mc Taggart. The stages are four stages including planning, action, observation, and reflectionThe calculation of student’s mean score, the data of motivation improvement in every cycle;the pre-testis 54.65%, the cycle 1 is 82.55%, cycle 2 is 92.35 and cycle-3 is 98.60.Every cycle is done in three meetings. The test is given in four times; the first is pre-test, the second test is in the end of cycle 1, the third test is in the end of cycle 2, and the forth test is in the end of cycle 3. The result of research indicates the improvement of students’ speaking ability. In this case, quantitative data in every cycle describes the improvement. The pre test has average score 31, cycle 1 has average score 57.83, cycle 2 has average score 69.17, and cycle three has average score 95.34.Keywords: Motivation, speaking ability, active learning strategy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Mursalim Mursalim

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah di kelas IX E MTsN Olak Kemang Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan dua siklus yang terdiri dari: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 32 siswa kelas IX E MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan lembar observasi dan catatan lapangan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pembelajaran akidah akhlak dengan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar di kelas IX E MTsN Olak Kemang Kota Jambi. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa untuk setiap indikator yang diteliti. Peningkatan aktivitas siswa yang dimaksud adalah terjadinya peningkatan aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Siswa aktif merespon pertanyaan guru, mengemukakan alasan, menjelaskan kepada teman, mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok dan membuat kesimpulan Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Siswa, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Akidah Akhlak Abstract [Tittle: Improving Student’ Activity In Akidah Akhlak Course Through Problem Based Learning Approach]. This research was aimed to improve students’ activity in Akidah Akhlak through Problem Based Learning (PBL)at MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi city.This was a classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles in which each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection. The subject of this research was the third year students of MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi that consisted of 32 students. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation sheet and field note. The data then was analyzed descriptively.The result of the research showed that the use of PBL approach could improve students’ activity in Akidah Akhlak at MTsN Olak Kemang Jambi. After applying PBL approach, the students had a willingness to answer teacher’s questions, give opinions and plain them to the peers, present the result of the discussion and take conclusion. Keyword: Students’ Activity, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Akidah Akhlak

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-136
Elisabeth Wiwik Sri Mulyani

The purpose of this study was to know the impact of the utilization of android applications in learning mathematics in SMPN-1 Sragen. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles,each cycle beginned with planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data in this study was the assessment of the learning process obtained from learners in the activity and assessment at the end of the cycle. Then, the data was analyzed to know whether the utilization of android application in teaching space has been successful or not. There was an increase in students' learning achievement in understanding mathematics after having utilized the android applications. Before the action, only 18 students (56.25%) completed their learning and increased to be 22 students (68.75%) on the first cycle. In the second cycle, the number of students completed their learning was 31 students (96.87%). The use of android application for class IX students B SMPN-1 Sragen had improved the students’ learning achievement. Before the action, the average knowledge of students was 75.16 and their average skill was 70.63. In the first cycle, the average knowledge of students is 78.59 and their average skills is 72.5. In the second cycle, of average knowledge 88.13 average skills 86.88. The conclusion, the utilization of android application in teaching the space learning content improved the students learning achievement. Teachers are suggested to utililize the android application or other appropriate media in learning-teaching activities.ABSTRAKFokus masalah yang menjadi pembahasan di dalam tulisan ini adalah dampak dari pemanfaatan aplikasi android dalam pembelajaran matematika tentang bangun ruang sisi lengkung di SMPN-1 Sragen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak dari pemanfaatan aplikasi android dalam pembelajaran matematika tentang bangun ruang sisi lengkung di SMPN-1 Sragen. Metode penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dengan dua siklus, di mana setiap siklus diawali dengan perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa penilaian proses yang diperoleh dari peserta didik dalam beraktivitas dan penilaian pada akhir siklus. Kemudian, data dianalisis untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang berhasil-tidaknya pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam memahami bangun ruang sisi lengkung setelah belajar menggunakan aplikasi android. Sebelum tindakan, yang tuntas 18 peserta didik (56,25%), pada siklus pertama 22 peserta didik (68,75%). Pada siklus kedua, peserta didik yang tuntas belajarnya 31 orang (96,87%). Penggunaan aplikasi android pada peserta didik kelas IX B SMPN 1 Sragen terbukti dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Sebelum tindakan, rata-rata pengetahuan 75,16 dan rata-rata keterampilan 70,63. Pada siklus pertama, rata-rata pengetahuan meningkat menjadi 78,59 dan rata-rata keterampilan 72,5. Kemudian, pada siklus kedua, rata-rata pengetahuan meningkat menjadi 88,13 dan rata-rata keterampilan meningkat menjadi 86,88. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pemanfaatan aplikasi android pada materi bangun ruang meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Disarankan agar guru menggunakan aplikasi android atau media lain yang tepat dalam pembelajaran. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 231
I Ismail ◽  
Sri Anitah W ◽  
S Sunardi ◽  
Dewi Rochsantiningsih

<p class="ABSTRACT"><span lang="EN">This article presents the efforts of teacher in enhancing students’ achievement through the implementation of cooperative learning model: Gallery Walk and Simulation (GALSIM). This </span><span lang="EN">classroom action research</span><span lang="EN"> aims to describe the improvement of students’ achievement of <em>Fiqh </em>subject matter. </span><span lang="EN">The data was collected by </span><span lang="EN">observation, actions, documents, and tests. This two-cycle research used four steps i.e. planning, action, observation and reflection in each cycle. The results show that the implementation of GALSIM could improve students’ activity along the learning process. Moreover, the implementation of this model could also improve students’ achievement at the end of their study on <em>Fiqh</em>.</span> </p><span>Tulisan ini mengetengahkan upaya guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi siswa melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif berupa Gallery Walk dan Simulation (GALSIM). Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemajuan prestasi siswa pada pelajaran Fikih. Data penelitian terkumpul melalui pengamatan, tindakan, dokumentasi, dan tes. Penelitian dengan dua siklus ini memanfaatkan empat langkah berupa perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi dalam setiap siklusnya. Temuan riset ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan GALSIM dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa selama pembelajaran. Di samping itu, penerapan model ini dapat pula meningkatkan prestasi siswa dalam mempelajari Fikih.</span>

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