scholarly journals Implementasi Maqashid Syariah dalam Merumuskan Tujuan Laporan Keuangan Bank Syariah

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Muzayyidatul Habibah

<p class="bdabstract">This research aims to analyze how the implementation of maqashid as-sharia in formulating Islamic bank financial statements’ objectives. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach, through field research, by examining published Islamic financial reports and conducting interviews with management. The purpose of preparing Islamic financial reports on Islamic entities following the maqashid as-sharia is to fulfil the objectives in providing useful information to stakeholders comprehensively. The purpose of Islamic financial reports includes three levels, namely primary (dharuriyat), secondary (tahsiniyah), and tertiary (hajiyat). The primary aspect is very useful in providing financial information that all financial institutions' activities come from halal sources. Meanwhile, the second aspect can provide additional information on adherence to sharia principles, as a form of protection for property development through contracts under sharia principles. In the aspect of fulfilling the tertiary level, it shows the urgency in presenting assets owned by sharia entities in a transparent and accountable manner, as an effort to be accountable to humans and Allah SWT., Thus providing benefits to more people. Fulfillment of these three aspects of maqashid sharia is a form of benefit in the management of sharia entities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Ria Anisatus Sholihah

<p class="bdabstract">Islamic Bank as a type of Islamic financial institution has the authority to collect and distribute funds to the public. In carrying out its operational activities, Islamic Banks have transactions that can lead to non-halal income because Islamic Banks also make transactions with Conventional Financial Institutions. PSAK 101 has regulated the disclosure of no n-halal income as part of the Report on the Sources and Use of Virtue Fund. The purpose of this study is to determine the description and disclosure of non-halal income in the financial statements of Islamic Commercial Banks. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The subjects of this study were 14 Islamic Commercial Banks operating nationally and publishing complete financial reports in 2019 on the official website of Islamic Commercial Banks. The results showed that non-halal income from 14 Islamic Commercial Banks have been disclosed in accordance with PSAK 101, namely the Report on the Sources and Use of Virtue Funds. However, not all banks disclose in detail the reasons for the occurrence and use of non-halal income in the Notes to Financial Statements.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Muzayyidatul Habibah ◽  
Alfu Nikmah

<p><em>This study aimed to analyze the recognition and measurement, presentation and disclosure of murabaha transaction in accordance with SFAS 102 at BMT Pati regency. It was field research with qualitative approach. Methods of data collection were  interviews  and  documentation.  The  results  of  this study indicated that there is BMT recognizing inventories which should not be done because the practice is murabahah not purchase-based murabaha transactions. BMT has been preparing financial statements Balance Sheet, but the value of the loss reserve accounts Murabahah cannot be seen. In profit/ loss reports, costs of murabaha receivables impairment losses cannot be seen because it is not recognized/recorded in the general journal. BMT has revealed matters related to murabaha transactions, including the acquisition cost of murabaha asset; booking appointment in murabaha based on the order as an obligation or not, while the non-commercial financial reports have been prepared for internal purposes of BMT.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-44
Natasha Simanjuntak ◽  
Tinneke E.M. Sumual ◽  
Aprili Bacilius

Abstrak Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi UMKM yaitu pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan. Untuk memudahkan UMKM melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan, DSAK mengeluarkan SAK-EMKM. Restoran Delli Tomohon merupakan satu diantara banyak UMKM yang belum melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti melakukan riset dengan tujuan mengetahui dan menyusun laporan keuangan berbasis SAK-EMKM pada Restoran Delli Tomohon. Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan field research, sedangkan teknik analisis data dengan mengintregasikan data ke dalam kategori, memerincikan dan menyusun data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Restoran Delli Tomohon belum mampu melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan. Kata Kunci : SAK-EMKM, Restoran, Laporan Keuangan     Abstract One of the obstacles faced by MSMEs is financial recording and reporting. To make it easier for MSMEs to record and report financial, DSAK issued SAK-EMKM. Delli Tomohon Restaurant is one of the many MSMEs that have not done financial recording and reporting. Based on this, the researcher conducted research with the aim of knowing how to record and compiling SAK-EMKM-based financial reports at Delli Tomohon Restaurant. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with primary and secondary data. The data collection technique used field research, while the data analysis technique was to integrate the data into categories, detailing and compiling the data. The results showed that the restaurant Delli Tomohon has not been able to record and report financials. Keywords : SAK-EMKM, Restaurant, Financial Statements

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Candra Irawan ◽  
Adi Bastian ◽  
Febrozi Rohadi

Currently in Indonesia Islamic Bank has gained a place and interested in the community, causing many emerging Syari'ah Bank and Financial Institutions of the syari'ah, and products in Islamic banks are widely used is murabahah financing. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1). How is the implementation of the sale and purchase through murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with customers. (2). Is trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat and customers have been according to the principles of Syari’ah. (3). How murabahah financing efforts to resolve the breach between the customer and Muamalat Harkat. This research method is empirical legal research, this study was conducted in Bank Muamalat Harkat based data collection through field research such as interviews, observation and description as well as information from respondents through library research. The results of this research are: before an agreement Bank to assess carefully the prospective customer in the form of a comprehensive analysis and is divided into several stages, such as the assessment using the principle of 5C Character (Character of the debitor), Chapacity (Capability Candidate Debitor) , Capital (Capital candidate Debitor), Collateral (Collateral candidate Debitor) and Condition of economy (economic condition of the prospective Borrower). Trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with the customer has not fully based on the principles of the Syari'ah. Murabahah financing efforts to resolve the defaults can be solved by R3 is Restrukturing (Arrangement Back), Reconditioning (Terms Back) and Rescheduling (rescheduling), sales collateral and auction execution. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-144
Irfan Irfan ◽  
Eka Nurmala Sari ◽  
Muhyarsyah Muhyarsyah ◽  
Siti Irafah ◽  

his study aims to (1) examine and analyze the influence of Human Resource (SDM) competence and the role of internal audit on the successful implementation of the Local Financial Information System (SKID) partially and simultaneously, (2) examine and analyze the competence of SDM and the role of internal audit on the quality of financial report partially and simultaneously,(3) examine and analyze the influence of SDM competence and the role of internal audit on the quality of financial reports on the successful implementation of the SKID. The object of this study is all provincials and district / city governments throughout North Sumatera. The sample of this study was 34 (thirty four). The data was collected by questionnaire, documentation, and interview methods. The analysis method used was path analysis using SPSS Program. The results of this study indicate that (1) SDM competence and the role of internal audit have no partial effect on the successful implementation of SKID (2) SDM competence, the role of internal audit doesn’t simultaneously affect the successful implementation of SKID (3) SDM competence and the role of internal audit have a significant effect partially to the quality of financial reports (4) the successful implementation of SKID has no effect on the quality of financial reports (5) SDM competence, the role of internal audit, the successful implementation of SKID simultaneously affects the quality of financial reports (6) SDM competence and the role of internal audit have no effect on quality financial reports through the successful implementation of the local financial information system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 261-267
Fatmir Mehmeti

Abstract Many scholars have shown that failure in leading big companies as well as the latest financial crises have led the auditing market to perceive traditional auditing more as a legal requirement rather than as a value added for the company. There are others that do not completely agree to this, but they all accept that the auditing as a profession should accept changes which will affect the value added for the company from auditing. Nowadays the companies are required more accountability rather that it was required before, perversely only financial reports were reported by the companies. Auditing is a process which confirms the statement provided by the company management regarding the information in financial statements that are real and accurate. Auditing has to be based on evidences and logical concept for better understanding. For companies that operate in the market, it is important to provide financial information that is consistent, reliable and complete for all users of the financial statements (banks, potential shareholders and the international community). In daily practice of entities we have two kinds audit, the internal and external audits. Usually, these are interlinked and complementary, with the ultimate aim that the (overall) audit is more effective and the reports that will emerge are fully arguable and meaningful. The internal audit has an important role which is to increase the effectiveness of internal control in private or public company. Internal audit has the responsibility of informing the management of the institution of deficiencies or weaknesses in the internal control system. External auditors are the fist line of the front for companies liadership. They play a key role in verifying the financial information provided to shareholders. External auditors inspect the financial statements prepared by the entity and provide assurance and independent opinion if these statements represent a true and fair view of the entity's condition for the year under review.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 333
Winda Hidayanti ◽  
Hesty Juan Kirana ◽  
Anisya May Yustitia ◽  
Harnum Widyaningrum ◽  
Tulasmi Tulasmi ◽  

The research is a Case Study of Troubled Financing Handling at BMT Hubbul Wathon in the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. In collecting data, researchers used interview techniques with BMT about policies to deal with the economic crisis during the Covid-19 Pandemic. BMT Hubbul Wathon Sumowono is one of the non-bank syari'ah financial institutions that issues a lot of financing products, such as Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Murabahah, and Ijarah financing. In providing financing to customers, an agreement is made in the BMT institution, in which there are several provisions that must be agreed upon by both parties. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, BMT Hubbul Wathon experienced a decrease in both savings, financing and installments. In the Covid-19 Pandemic as well, problematic financing at BMT Hubbul Wathon Sumowono increased by 5% when compared to the financing provided before the Covid-19 Pandemic. Therefore, this non-bank syari'ah financial institution issued several measures or policies including maintaining liquidity, restrictions in providing financing, and also by adding new customer members.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Akhmad Yasin

Bank sebagai lembaga keuangan, eksistensinya sangat tergantung dari kepercayaan masyarakat yang menjadi nasabahnya. Masyarakat telah memercayai bank sebagai institusi yang menyimpan dana nasabah, mengelola dan menyalurkan kembali kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk pinjaman atau kredit. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga kepercayaan nasabah tersebut, bank harus mematuhi ketentuan mengenai rahasia bank. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dalam kondisi bagaimana rahasia bank dapat diakses, pihak-pihak mana yang wajib menjaga kerahasiaan bank, adakah keterkaitan kerahasiaan bank dengan pajak, dan perlukah kerahasiaan bank yang terkait pajak dihilangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat beberapa kondisi dimana rahasia bank boleh dibuka, tetapi tidak semua informasi dan data keuangan nasabah boleh dibuka di hadapan publik kecuali setelah adanya persetujuan dari Otoritas Pajak dan setelah mendapat laporan dari lembaga jasa keuangan di bawah pengawasan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Pembukaan rahasia bank diperbolehkan apabila berhubungan dengan kepentingan negara, seperti untuk kepentingan peningkatan kepatuhan masyarakat terhadap pembayaran pajak dan peningkatan penerimaan negara di sektor pajak.Banks as financial institutions, their existence is very dependent on the people’s trust who become their customers. The community has trusted banks as institutions that store customer funds, manage and channel back to the community in the form of loans or credits. Therefore, to maintain the customer's trust, the bank must obey bank secrets provisions. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method in the form of normative legal research and laws and regulations studies related to bank secrecy, derived from literature such as constitutional court decision, books, journals, articles, magazines, and websites. The results reveal that there are several conditions under which bank secrets may be opened, but not all financial information and data of the client may be disclosed in public unless after approval by the Tax Authority after receiving a report from a financial services institution under the supervision of the Financial Services Authority. The unveiling of bank secrecy is permitted when it comes to the interests of the state, such as for the purpose of increasing public compliance of tax payments and increasing state revenues in the tax sector. 

This chapter considers some of the essential features of ethnography as a qualitative method. The main theoretical foundations of ethnographic approach are explained; however, the emphasis is mainly on how ethnography is done. Thus, the techniques for collecting data used by ethnographers take the central part of this chapter with some special attention to the methodology of observation. Through many examples, the authors describe the various forms of observation as a social research method. It is useful to illustrate the approach of the ethnographer through the metaphor of the “stranger” because “reflexivity” is an important part of the qualitative approach of ethnography. The practicalities of recording the field research and writing memos are fully considered in conjunction with practical suggestions and conceptual discussion, including the writing up of the final text which should be the conclusion of a consequential process, rather than a separate entity.

1991 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 53-62
A. P. Du Plessis ◽  
D. S. Joubert

The value added statement as component of financial reporting in the RSA The value added statement was developed due to a need for more understandable financial information for the uninformed user of financial statements. Although not required by the Companies Act, since 1977 numerous South African companies have included a value added statement in their financial reports. The question can, however, be asked whether the inclusion of a statement of value added in financial reports will not put financial information at the disposal of a larger group of existing and potential users of financial statements. In such a case the inclusion of the statement should be made compulsory and the contents be standardized. During a study of the reasons for the publication and the presentation of the information of this statement by South African companies, it was found that companies probably publish this statement for the annual competitions for financial statements. The information contents of the statement is therefore disregarded.

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