Marketing Strategy of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Mochammad Kohar

An interesting phenomenon occurs in the implementation of education, especially when new students are accepted. People seem to have understood which schools are appropriate to send their sons/daughter to, for them the criteria for schools that have a good image are schools that succeed in satisfying educational service users (users). The research was conducted at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati which in fact includes a newly established school that is able to compete with other schools in the surrounding environment. The focus of this research is; 1). What is the marketing strategy at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati, 2). What are the strengths of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati as a new educational institution to market educational institutions. This research includes qualitative research. The results of this study are: (1). Education services at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati prioritize efforts to fulfill customer expectations and satisfaction, (2). Marketing Strategy in improving the image of the school. However, an effective strategy at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati is to build an image of service satisfaction through word of mouth and by using the power of the Muhammadiyah Sedati Branch Manager (3). The impact of the marketing strategy and its implications for imaging at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati are as follows; a). High customer loyalty of education service users (public understanding). b). Public confidence is getting stronger (public confidence), c). The existence of community support (public support), d). Establishing effective cooperation between schools and parents (public corporation)

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. iii17-iii65
Fiona Foley ◽  
Roisin Guiry

Abstract Background Dementia Understand Together is a public support, awareness and stigma reduction campaign aimed at inspiring people from all sections of society to stand together with the 55,000 Irish people living with dementia. Led by the HSE working with The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and Genio it is supported by over 40 partner organisations and 230+ community champions, who are creating communities that actively embrace and include those living with dementia and their families. Methods The campaign uses personal testimonial TV commercials, radio advertising, social media and national and local news stories to build understanding among the general public about dementia. At a local level the campaign is growing a movement of people who are taking action to creative inclusive communities across Ireland. Extensive research using national biennial public surveys (2016 and 2018) (N=1003) and campaign evaluation tools has and continues to inform the development and progression of the campaign. Results 33% of respondents described themselves as knowing a lot about dementia, up from 24% in January 2016. There was a significant difference in attitudes between those who were aware of the campaign and those who were not. Dementia risk reduction is a key message of the national campaign and 52% of respondents were aware that there are things they can do to potentially reduce their risk – up from 46% in 2016. 59% who saw the TV campaign said they were impacted in some way as a result of the personal stories featured and stated that they took some action, such as calling into a friend. Conclusion The development and implementation of the campaign is a partnership approach between the leading organisations working in the area of dementia. Findings show that the campaign is creating better understanding of dementia among the general public, increasing awareness of the condition and risk reduction, and is inspiring people to take actions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-79
Usman Armaludin ◽  
Iim Wasliman ◽  
Deti Rostini

This research is motivated by the existence of an interesting phenomenon in the implementation of Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah (MDTA) in Sukabumi Regency. The regional government 's very strong attention to religious education in Sukabumi District , the lack of conditions for MDTA infrastructure, inadequate learning management at MDTA, limited sources of activity funds, and the structure of the MDTA curriculum that has not been fully understood have become the focus of problems in this research. This study presents the results of research on Learning Management in Improving the Quality of Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Graduates in Sukabumi District. This study is a qualitative research with descriptive methods were performed on MDTA in three (3) the District, the District, Cicantaya n , Caringin and Cisaat. The data collection technique combines field observations, in-depth interviews and documentation studies. Inductive data analysis resulted in the following conclusions: in general, the management of Learning in Improving the Quality of Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Graduates (MDTA) in Cicantayan, Caringin and Cisaat Districts, Sukabumi Regency has not run optimally. In particular, first, the policy product of the Sukabumi Regency Government in the provision of education at MDTA has been successfully implemented even though the realization of the operational assistance budget and the pattern of guidance and supervision are still not optimal. Second, the achievements of the results of the implementation of learning at MDTA so far have been sufficient to meet the graduation standards of students, but in the implementation of learning activities still do not meet the standards of the learning process. Third, there are some inhibiting factors faced in the form of limited budget, weak understanding of the methodology and the mindset of teachers in learning, inadequate learning facilities, and the absence of a national madrasah diniyah curriculum standard. Fourth, the future demands are in the form of community support for the development of MDTA with a modern and innovative perspective, the formation of the diniyah teachers' deliberation forums and the professional training of teachers. Fifth, several improvements have been made in the form of holding MDTA accreditation and strengthening the Diniyah Takmiliyah Communication Forum (FKDT). And the sixth is the impact obtained from the implementation of education at MDTA in the form of a religious community environment, holding back the moral decadence of the younger generation and creating religious figures in the Cicantayan, Caringin and Cisaat Districts. This study also offers a hypothetical model for the application of learning management to MDTA.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Roy McConkey ◽  
Marie-Therese Cassin ◽  
Rosie McNaughton ◽  
Elaine Armstrong

Purpose This paper aims to design and evaluate an innovative community-based service for adults with autism in a rural region of Northern Ireland. The goal was to reduce their social isolation through gaining social skills and building social networks. Design/methodology/approach Over three years, 54 persons with a median age of 21 years received 12 months of one-to-one, personalised support and opportunities to participate in peer groups and social activities which are detailed in the paper. Quantitative and qualitative information about the impact of the service was obtained from its users, their relatives, as well as service personnel. Findings Service users rated themselves to have changed in more ways than did their relatives and staff although there was a consensus that the changes were most marked in terms of spending more time out of the house, engaging in more community activities, being more independent and increased confidence. The main benefits they perceived from participation in the project were socialising, new experiences and learning new things. Research limitations/implications As with many service projects, a longer term follow-up of service users was not possible due to resource constraints. Practical implications The service could be replicated with suitable staff although current constraints on social care budgets have limited its expansion to more users and extension to other areas in Northern Ireland. Social implications Reducing the social isolation of adult persons with autism spectrum disorders needs to be personalised to the person, their living circumstances and the community in which they live. Family carers also stand to gain from community support services. Originality/value This low level, low cost service was implemented in a predominantly rural area with a majority of users from socially deprived areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Roos Yuliastina ◽  
Ach. Andiriyanto

Setiap organisasi pasti memiliki tujuan, yaitu organisasi yang hadir dengan tujuan mencari keuntungan (profit oriented) maupun hadir sebagai organissai yang memiliki tujuan memberikan pelayan kepada publik (non-profit oriented). Begitu pula dengan Perguruan Tinggi, perguruan tinggi swasta maupaun perguruan tinggi pasti memiliki arah dan tujuan. PTS maupun PTN sebagai organisasi non- profit oriented sebagai organisasi berbasis sosial, Meskipun pada dasarnya kehadiran PTS adalah organisasi berbasis sosial yang identik dengan kegiatan non- profit oriented, jika dihadapkan dengan kepentingan mencari dan mengumpulkan calon peserta didik pada akhirnya tidak lepas dari kepentingan – kepentingan komersil. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana startegi PTS khususnya Universitas Wiraraja dalam membangun good coporate image dalam rangka mempertahankan citra positif untuk mempengaruhi calon mahasiswa agar bersedia memilih atau memutuskan berkuliah du Universitas ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, adapun  hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dalam kegiatan membangun good coorporate image, Universitas Wiraraja menggunakan empat kegiatan dalam mewujudkan citra positif organisasinya, diantaranya:   Menciptakan public understanding menciptakan Public Confidence, menciptakan Public Support, dan menciptakan Public Coorpooration. Empat komponen ini nyatanya berpengaruh terhadap pengambilan keputusan calon mahasiswa untuk berkuliah di Universitas Wiraraja, dengan ukuran indikator para mahasiswa memilih atas dasar (1) Pengalaman, (2) Fakta, dan (3) rasional, berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari kegiatan sosialisi dan promosi kampus Wiraraja.

Siti Mariani, Ahmad Fuadi, Muhammad Saleh

Interesting events occur in the administration of education, especially during the acceptance of new students. The community seems to have understood that madrasas are suitable for sending their sons/daughter to school, for them the criteria for madrasas that have a good image are madrasas that have succeeded in satisfying users of educational services. The focus of this research are: 1) How is the strategy of educational services in improving the image of Islamic educational institutions at MTs Madinatul Ilmi? 2) How is the marketing management strategy of Islamic educational institutions at MTs Madinatul Ilmi? 3) How is the impact of the marketing management strategy of Islamic educational institutions at MTs Madinatul Ilmi for the community?. This research includes qualitative research, the type of case study with a multi-case design. The data collection process used the method of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model, the data collected and checked for validity were analyzed by means of date reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Checking the data using the triangulaton method. While the result of this study are: First, Educational services at MTs Madinatul Ilmi prioritize efforts to fulfill customer expectations and satisfaction, this is indicated bay 3 things, namely satisfaction with academic quality services, satisfaction with standardization of teachers and madrasas administrative staff and quality satisfaction of graduates. Second, The marketing strategy in improving the image is carried out by several strategy, and financing strategy. However, an effective strategy at MTs Madinatul Ilmi is to show evidence of the quality of graduates and build an image of service satisfaction through word of mouth. Third, The impact of the marketing strategy and its implications for imaging at MTs Madinatul Ilmi are high customer loyalty for education service users, stronger public trust, community support and effective collaboration between madrasas and parent.

Endy Gunanto ◽  
Yenni Kurnia Gusti

In this article we present a conceptual of the effect of cross culture on consumer behavior incorporating the impact of globalization. This conceptual idea shows that culture inûuences various domains of consumer behavior directly as well as through international organization to implement marketing strategy. The conceptual identify several factors such as norm and value in the community, several variables and also depicts the impact of other environmental factors and marketing strategy elements on consumer behavior. We also identify categories of consumer culture orientation resulting from globalization. Highlights of each of the several other articles included in this special issue in Asia region. We conclude with the contributions of the articles in terms of the consumer cultural orientations and identify directions for future research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
J.M Tedjawati

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis peran layanan Pos-Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Pos-PAUD) dalam meningkatkan akses PAUD yang meliputi dukungan orangtua dan masyarakat, serta pelaksanaan layanan Pos-PAUD. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Informasi layanan Pos-PAUD dikumpulkan dari empat kabupaten/kota pada tahun 2013. Hasil studi menemukan pertama, semua orang tua menyadari pentingnya dan bermanfaatnya. Selain itu, dukungan masyarakat didasarkan pada penerimaan program PAUD dan ikut serta dalam sosialisasi pentingnya PAUD. Kedua, layanan Pos-PAUD dilaksanakan dengan adanya peserta didik di sekitar lembaga; pendidiknya dari kader Posyandu, pembinaan kesejahteraan keluarga, bina keluarga balita, yang relatif hanya lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas dan bekerja dengan “sukarela” tanpa imbalan; sarana prasarana dan biaya masih terbatas dalam penyelenggaraannya. Tingkat capaian tumbuhkembang anak dipengaruhi oleh pemberian layanan dalam pendidikan dan kesehatan. Pendidikan dilaksanakan antara lain melalui penanaman nilai agama (berdoa), jalinan komunikasi dan kerjasama antar anak, sehingga anak lebih mandiri dan mengalami perubahan berpikir. Layanan kesehatan dilakukan dengan penimbangan berat dan tinggi badan, imunisasi dan pemberian makanan dengan gizi seimbang melalui pemberian sehingga diperoleh fisik yang sehat. AbstractThe purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the role of Early Childhood Education Post (ECD Post) in improving access to early childhood education including the parental and community support, as well as the implementation of ECD Post service. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach. Information about the ECD Post service was collected from four districts/cities in 2013. The study found, first, all parents were aware of the importance and benefits of early childhood education. In addition, public support was based on the acceptance of early childhood programs and participation in the importance of early childhood dissemination. Second, ECD Post service was conducted by the participation of learners living close to the institution; educators were from Posyandu, fostering family welfare, parenting education (Bina Keluarga Balita), who were relatively only high school graduates and working voluntarily without reward; the implementation was running on limited infrastructure and funding. The level of children’s growth and development were affected by the provision of services in education and health. Education was carried out through the cultivation of religious values (praying) and also communication and cooperation among children in order to encourage children’s independency and a better thought process. Health services were performed by weight and height control, immunization, and provision of balanced nutrition through various meal menu in order to obtain a healthy physique.

2017 ◽  
pp. 110-127 ◽  
Elżbieta Kużelewska

This article analyses the impact of constitutional referendums on the political system in Italy. There were three constitutional referendums conducted in 2001, 2006 and 2016. All of them have been organised by the ruling parties, however, only the first one was successful. In the subsequent referendums, the proposals for amending the constitution have been rejected by voters. The article finds that lack of public support for the government resulted in voting „no” in the referendum.

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