Cybernetics: Journal Educational Research and Social Studies
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Published By CV. Pusdikra Mitra Jaya


Indah Eka Destry, Yulia Sari Harahap

There are some factors have influenced in teaching vocabulary. The creative teacher will use teaching method which appropriate with the students condition in the class and can attract them to be more interested in learning English especially vocabulary achievement. The aim of this research is to find the significance of Bingo Media in teaching English Vocabulary was observed and analyzed from students of eighth grade of SMP S Al – Washliyah 27 Medan. In this research, Bingo as media was implemented with discussion method in order was chosen in this research to solve the problem. The method of this research is quantitative by taking 60 students as the sample. The population of this research was all grade VIII students  and the sample of this research were VIII – A as the experiment class, grade VIII – B as the control class. Instrument of the research was used multiple choice about Descriptive text. After the research gave the treatment by used Bingo in teaching Vocabulary it showed that pre-test average score of experimental group was 83,67 and control group was 69. Meanwhile, the post-test average of experimental groups was 59,33 and control group was 55. The research above the used Bingo and implementation of discussion method significantly affected on students vocabulary achievement. It could be concluded that the use of Bingo increasing students vocabulary achievement was affective. The result that found in this research was t observed was 6,94 and t table 2,00. It can state that there is significant difference between from students vocabulary scores taught by using Bingo and without Bingo. It means that Bingo Media are quite effective in improving students vocabulary achievement.

Ayu Ningrum, Safrida Napitupulu

Selecting and using appropriate learning media certainly has an effect on the quality of learning and students’ learning outcomes. This research started from the reality at SD Negri 101919 Kuala Namu that teachers had not used the right learning media as a tool in explaining plane figure material, low students’ learning outcomes in mathematics subjects, difficulty understanding math lessons, lack of using learning media in explaining math subject matter. The objective of the research was to find out whether there was an effect of using geoboard learning media on students’ learning outcomes on the the plane figure circumference and area of grade III elementary school. This type of research was quantitative research with Quasi Experiment Research Type with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population in this study is all grade III students of SD Negeri101919 Kuala Namu with a total of 36 students. The sampling technique used in this research was the simple random sampling technique, while the sample in this research was class III A which amounted to 18 students as an experimental class and class III B which amounted to 18 students as a control class. The instrument used in the research was a multiple-choice form test. The data analysis technique used was a t-test that as preceded by a prerequisite test of analysis using a normality test and a homogeneity test. The prettest average score for the experimental class was 64,77 and the perettest of the control class learning outcomes was 50,05. Then the two classes were given different treatments, so the average posttest grade of experimental class learning outcomes was 85 and the control class was 75,05. Hypothesis testing was done with the t test. From the results of calculations obtained tcount > ttable (2,9 > 2,02). It can be seen that tcount > ttable, so Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. So the results of this research conclusion that the results of students’ learning mathematics who used geoboard learning media were higher than the results of students’ learning mathematics who used conventional learning media.

Cindy Pratiwi, Umar Darwis

This study aims to determine the results of social studies learning using a make a match model with the help of picture cards. This is shown from the results of the calculation of the posttest hypothesis test through the t-test at a significance level of 0.05, where tcount > ttable (4.25>1.994437) This result is strengthened by the achievement of the average score of students in the conventional learning class with the value of 76.2 while the make a match model obtained a value of 88.97. These results indicate that student activities can be categorized very well in using the make a match model with the help of picture cards.

Citra Gusyanti, Sujarwo

Researchers have a goal to describe how the analysis of student worksheets (LKPD) based on problem based learning (PBL) on student learning outcomes. The results of the research are that (1.) The use of LKPD based on Problem Based Learning as teaching materials has a positive effect of 80% in improving student learning outcomes. (2.) Problem Based Learning-based worksheets are appropriate to be used as learning materials in schools, because the use of Problem Based Learning-based worksheets in the teaching and learning process can help students understand learning so that the success of the teaching and learning process will be achieved. (3.) The advantages of LKPD based on Problem Based Learning as teaching materials can be said to be superior in that application, learning becomes more effective and efficient, making the learning process more interesting and can improve the quality of learning well.

Rahmad Rinaldi

The quality mechanism in the education unit must be able to be implemented properly, so that the education unit always presents the best quality and strives to continuously improve the quality of what it has achieved. Quality is a measure for customers and users of education, namely parents, government and private agencies who will use the services of an education. Education is said to be of quality if there is a balance between input, process and output. Achievements with the application of SWOT Analysis based on logic that can maximize strengths and opportunities, so as to minimize weaknesses and threats at the same time. The results of writing about the application of SWOT analysis in curriculum management and learning at SMK Putra Anda Binjai are aimed at; 1) So that schools are able to detect and measure strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, in order to follow up on the right strategy in improving the quality of curriculum and learning, 2) The process of applying SWOT analysis in Curriculum Management and Learning at SMK Putra Anda Binjai.

Zulfikri Siregar, Ramli, Ika Sari

In Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Medan, the process of school profile information still uses brochures, pamphlets, banners and delivery through the students themselves so that the scope of promotion does not extend to other areas. To make it easy for the community to see the profile of the Mtsn 2 School and to make it easy for employees to input school profile information data, the authors designed a Web-based system. In the process of collecting data with the aim of solving problems, the authors used descriptive data collection methods, namely observation and interviews. Here the author uses a Web-based system. This website was developed using PHP and MYSQL software. This website contains the vision and mission, organizational structure, teacher data, employee data, academic, non-academic activity data and facility data. Which aims to introduce the Mtsn 2 Medan school to the general public. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, this Web-based school profile system can help Mtsn 2 Medan School in promoting the school to the wider community and is able to facilitate employee work

Fandi Iskandar Sopang

Swalayan Maju Bersama sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Ritel yang menawarkan barang-barang kebutuhan rumah tangga bagi masyarakat mulai berbenah diri dengan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang baik di mata konsumen, hal itu dilakukan dengan harapan kepuasan konsumen terpenuhi sehingga mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan ritel sejenis lainnya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui sejauhmana faktor keragaman produk, layanan toko, atmosfer toko, harga, promosi dan lokasi dalam menentukan tingkat kepuasan pengangan di Swalayan Maju Bersama. Populasi yang diambil adalah konsumen Swalayan Maju Bersama, dimana setiap orang yang melakukan aktivitas berbelanja pada Swalayan Maju Bersama. Sampel diambil sebanyak 98 konsumen. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan teknik matrix important and performance sehingga menggunakan sampel ganda berpasangan dengan perhitungan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan secara keseluruhan konsumen Swalayan Maju Bersama merasa tidak puas akan kinerja Swalayan Maju Bersama. Namun demikian ada faktor dimana konsumen merasa puas. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada pihak Swalayan Maju Bersama untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kinerjanya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen agar konsumen merasa sangat puas. Sedangkan pada faktor dimana konsumen merasa puas, hendaknya Swalayan Maju Bersama dapat mempertahankan prestasinya dan lebih ditingkatkan lagi.

Khoirul Aini, Sulaiman M. Amir, Salahuddin Harahap

Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengkaji tentang Peranan Tokoh Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Etika Islam di Era Digitalisme (Studi Kasus Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan), menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif. Era digital telah membawa perubahan baik menjadi buruk, era digital juga membawa dampak negatif, sehingga jadi tantangan baru bagi masyarakat desa Pangarungan. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep etika Islam pada era digitalisme serta mengetahui peranan tokoh masyarakat dalam penerapan etika Islam pada era digitalisme. Aktivitas yang dilakukan seorang pemimpin yang ada di desa Pangarungan untuk memperbaiki etika Islam masyarakat khususnya remaja yang ada di desa Pangarungan adalah melakukan pengajian setiap minggunya, mengadakan perwiridan bagi remaja, Ibu-ibu, Bapak-bapak, serta mengadakan hal-hal positif yang bisa membawa masyarakat khususnya remaja ke jalan yang telah di tetapkan oleh Allah SWT.

Fitri Ervina Tarigan, Ika Vanesia Siagian, Badriyyah Jamil, Ahmad Rozik

The objective of this research was to investigate whether: (1) The students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using INSERT strategy was higher than that taught by using K-W-L strategy, (2) The students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high curiosity was higher than that low curiosity, and (3) There was interaction between teaching strategies and curiosity on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension. This study was conducted at SMP Al-Ulum Medan during academic year 2017/2018. The population of this study was the eighth grade student which consists of six classes namely VIII-1, VIII-2, VIII-3, VIII-4, VIII-5, and VIII-6. So, the total of population was 228 students. Then two classes of grade VIII-4 and VIII-6 were chosen in this study as the sample. This study was an experimental research. The instrument used in this research was reading comprehension test and questionnaire sheet. The data were analysed by using two ways analysis of variance (Anova) 2x2 factorial design F-test at the level of significant 5% or ? = 0.05. The result of data analysis proved that:    The students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using INSERT strategy was higher than that taught by using K-W-L strategy, (2) The students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high curiosity was higher than that low curiosity, and (3) There was interaction between teaching strategies and curiosity on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension by observing the data analysis, and the scores means of the students.

Eprina Gustina, Parluhutan Siregar, Agusman Damanik

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang  konsep pembentukan akhlakul mahmudah memalui zikir menurut komunitas tarekat syattariyah surau al-izzah jalan bromo medan  untuk mengetahui tata cara pelaksanaan zikir tarekat syattariyah  dan untuk mengetahui fungsi zikir dalam  membentuk akhlakul mahmudah dan mengetahui bagaimana pengalaman komunitas tarekat syattariyah di surau Al-izzah medan denai  tentang berzikir. Berzikir dapat memberikan nutrisi kepada hati yang lara akibat terlena dengan dunia.berkhalwat dan uzlah sesuai yang terdapat dalam tarekat merupakan salah satu cara untuk membatasi hati dari kehidupan dunia yang memabukkan .zikir dalam artiyaan mengingat Allah Swt dapat  dilakukan dengan kapan saja dan dimana saja baik secara lisan mauoun dalam hati.pada hakikatnya zikir adalah perbuatan hati.zkir merupakan sebuah kesadaran spiritualsebuah kesaran yang menghasilkan kenikmatan dan sadar tidak pantasnya berperilaku tidak baik. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut para ahli tasawuf menyarankan para ahli tasawuf menyarankan agar manusia selalu berupanya untuk memperbaiki akhlaknya dengan cara melatih diri dengan menempuh jalan tarekat. Tarekat adalah sebuah jalan  untuk menempuh dunia tasawuf agar dekat dengan allah.senantiasa memperbaiki diri (akhlak) yang zahir dan batin  dan menjujung perintah Allah SWT menurut kadar masing-masing.dalam tarekat ada beberapa amalan cara untuk mendekatkan diri kepada allah  dengan cara zikir rabitah,suluk,Riyadh,tafakur,uzlah muraqabah,amalan zikir ini menjadi pusat perhatian bagi pengamal tarekat karena zikir sebagai penyucian diri dari tahapan takhali untuk itu zikir sebagai bentuk usaha mensucikan diri dari hal-hal tercela sehingga bisa sedekat mungkin dengan Allah SWT.

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