Android-Based Private Course Application

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lukman Harun Iskandar ◽  
Arif Senja Fitrani

At this time technology has developed rapidly, without exception in the field of education. One of the technological developments in education is tutoring. Many students still need tutoring or private lessons to improve their abilities and meet the set passing grade standards. In addition, the catching power of each child in receiving subject matter at school is different so that not all are able to understand the material using offline or online methods. The purpose of this application is to make it easier and help the difficulties experienced by students and teachers to connect with each other and carry out private lessons. This application uses the method of observation and literature study. The method of making this application is the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) prototype model. The expected results from making this application are so that teachers and students can connect with each other and carry out course activities easily according to the criteria desired by both parties. From this application students can choose based on the level of education and subjects they want to take and the rates offered by the teacher. Students and teachers can also choose the place of learning they want, such as studying at home, on video cameras or at the teacher's place.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-217
Khaerul Anam

ABSTRAK Perkembangan Teknologi dalam era globalisasi saat ini melaju dengan sangat pesat dan informasi yang beredar semakin banyak dan kompleks sehingga dunia pendidikan harus dapat mengikuti perkembangan teknologi terutama dalam bidang teknologi komputer, Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini. Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi pada saat ini menjadi begitu mudah terpenuhi dengan hadirnya internet, yang memungkinkan melakukan transfer informasi hanya dengan hitungan detik.Namun seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi ditambah dengan meningkatnya gaya hidup mobile. Proses pemantauan nilai akademik siswa pada sistem yang sedang berjalan pada MI Al-Mursyidiyyah Al-’Asyirotussyafi’iyyah dilakukan dengan cara yang konvesional, dimana siswa dan wali siswa hanya bisa melihat hasil dari kemampuan siswa tersebut pada akhir masa pembelajaran atau yang kita kenal dengan istilah pembagian raport siswa.Untuk membantu pihak sekolah dan orang tua atau wali siswa dalam memantau nilai akademik siswa MI Al-Mursyidiyyah Al-’Asyirotussyafi’iyyah – Pamulang, melalui sebuah aplikasi berbasis web dan diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat memberikan informasi kepada pihak sekolah dan orang tua secara efektif dan efisien yang berkaitan dengan penilaian akademik siswa.Metode yang di gunakan dalam melakukan pengembangan sistem aplikasi yaitu SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dengan model proses waterfall, Dengan sistem yang dijalankan diharapkan akan meminimalisir kesalahan yang tidak diperlukan dalam pembuatan dan pelaporan nilai siswa. ABSTRACT Technological developments in the current era of globalization drove very rapidly and information circulating more and more complex and so the world of education must be able to follow the development of technology, especially in the field of computer technology, Along with the development of technology today. The human need for information at this time becomes so easily fulfilled by the presence of the internet, which allows the transfer of information in just a matter of seconds. But along with technological advancements coupled with increasing mobile lifestyle. The process of monitoring the academic value of students on the system that is running on MI Al-Mursyidiyyah Al-'Asyirotussyafi'iyyah done in a conventional way, where students and guardians can only see the results of the student's ability at the end of the learning period or that we are familiar with the term division of student report cards. To assist the school and parents or guardians in monitoring the academic value of MI Al-Mursyidiyyah Al-'Asyirotussyafi'iyyah Pamulang students, through a web-based application and hopefully this application can provide information to the school and parents effectively and efficiently relating to students' academic assessment. The method used in the development of application system is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) with waterfall process model, With the system executed is expected to minimize errors that are not required in making and reporting student value.  

Indri Andriyani ◽  
Cecep Kurnia Sastradipraja ◽  
Sudin Saepudin

Perpustakaan sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran bagi para siswa dalam mencari sumber referensi belajar dan berperan penting dalam menunjang proses pendidikan. Pada SMP Negeri 2 Cisaat Sukabumi perpustakan adalah salah satu sarana bagi siswa untuk mencari referensi pelajaran. Namun pada sistem yang sedang berjalan saat ini, perpustakaan masih menggunakan sistem manual yaitu dengan pencatatan pembukuan, kelola anggota, dan notifikasi peminjaman. Proses manual tersebut dinilai kurang efisien dan memakan banyak waktu, serta dokumen yang dapat rusak atau hilang disebabkan kejadian tertentu. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem informasi yang dapat mengelola manajemen perpustakaan dengan lebih efektif dan efisien dengan menggunakan smart library berbasis web. Model prototipe adalah salah satu Model System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang dapat membantu proses pembangunan Smart Library berbasis web. Sehingga dapat membantu manajemen perpustakaan lebih terstruktur dan dengan proses yang cepat, efektif, dan efisien. Hasil dari kuisioner pengujian beta rata-rata menunjukan 80% menjawab setuju pada aplikasi smart library yang dibuat. Library as one of the learning media for students in finding sources of learning references and plays an important role in supporting the educational process. At SMP Negeri 2 Cisaat Sukabumi library is one of the means for students to find reference lessons. But in the current system, the library still uses a manual system, namely by recording books, managing members, and borrowing notifications. The manual process is considered inefficient and time-consuming, as well as documents that can be damaged or lost due to certain events. Therefore we need an information system that can manage library management more effectively and efficiently by using web-based Smart Library. Prototype Model is one of the System Development Live Cycle Model (SDLC) that can help the process of building a web-based Smart Library. So that it can help library management be more structured and with a fast, effective, and efficient process. The results of the beta test questionnaire on average showed 80% answered agreed on the smart library application made.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-129
Anita B. Wandanaya ◽  
Andrian Wicaksono

The cost budget plan is one of the controls in the management of a project that will be planned in the company, if in the planning of a project there is no budget plan then a project will be ambiguous in making the report, it also needs to be applied to PT. Bumitangerang Mesindotama to facilitate companies in planning the costs. Therefore, it is necessary to have a system that can produce output in the form of detailed reports for planning company budget costs in meeting the procurement system of a project plan. In this study a web-based system is implemented for planning project cost budgets in companies, therefore it is necessary to design a web-based company budget plan system. This system uses web-based input in the process of filling out project activities, details of required materials and budget planning of the required costs so that it can produce final reports in the form of the neat recapitulation. With the creation of a cost budget plan system is expected to solve existing problemsand the company no longer needs to use a manual way to plan budget costs, so that the budget planning process can run more quickly and accurately. In this study, researchers used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method which was supported by data collection through observation and literature study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 213-220
Fatmawati ◽  
Ahmad Mutedi

The development of information technology is increasingly developing, so that makes the human mindset of the desired information needs can be accessed easily, quickly, and accurately. This boat booking is a type of booking that is rarely known by many people and almost everyone only knows about booking hotels, along with the many tourist attractions such as the islands that require tourists to go using the boat to the tourist site, an application is needed to make it easy for tourists to book a ship, from the existing problems for booking and chartering the ship is still done manually by contacting the shipowner directly and for the payment process that is done is still using a manual system that is done after completing using the ship which is feared the charterer can cancel the charter . In this study, the authors used a methodology with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and literature study while application development uses SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) with a waterfall approach and in this study, the authors used the Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm while for modeling using UML (Unified Modeling Language). With the Android-based ship booking application, it can facilitate the tourists in getting information in booking a boat that can be done online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Abdul Majid

Networking  today  is  a  much  needed  service.  Existing  problems include  user  authentication,  hotspot  user  management,  bandwidth  management and  any  unwanted  intruders.  It  is  necessary  to  the development  of  a  network system   that   can   provide   security   for   user   authentication   and   bandwidth management.  Network  development  means  developing  new  systems  and  will replace  the  old  system  or  improve  the  existing  system.  Particularly  the  issue  of authentication and bandwidth. Type of this research is the Applied Research with the  system  development  using  the  NDLC  (Network  Development  Life  Cycle) method.  Data  collection  method  using  interviews,  observation  and  literature study. The Method system  testing  is    adopts  the  ISO  9126  standards  such  as  functionality, reliability, usability and efficiency. This research resulted in the network security system to have a good quality with a percentage of 82.5% and meet the needs of organizations in Pondok Pesantren Madinatunnajah.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 50 ◽  
Andi Widiyanto ◽  
Nuryanto Nuryanto

Peralatan elektronik hampir tidak dapat lepas dari kehidupan manusia untuk meningkatkan kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhannya. Aktifitas sehari-hari banyak dilakukan melalui smartphone sebagai alat yang hampir selalu dalam genggaman. Saat ini banyak alat elektronik yang dikendalikan hanya dengan menekan tombol remote. Perkembangan teknologi microcontroller seperti Arduino dapat diintegrasikan dengan alat yang lain, bukan hanya dengan robot saja. Penelitian ini membuat smartphone terhubung dengan mikrokontroler arduino yang digunakan sebagai pengendali alat elektronik. Obyek yang digunakan adalah mobil remote control mainan (RC Car). Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah studi literatur dan experiment. Arduino diprogram menggunakan bahasa C untuk menjalankan motor supaya bergerak sesuai dengan data masukan yang dikirimkan melalui Android. Penelitian ini menghasilkan prototype model sebuah alat elektronik yang dikendalikan dengan smartphone Android melalui koneksi bluetooth. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan pairing Android-Arduino lebih dipengaruhi versi android dibandingkan hardware yang terpasang. Jarak antara Arduino-Android tidak berpengaruh besar terhadap kecepatanproses pairing.Electronic equipment can hardly be separated from human life is being used to improve the ease and comfort in the fulfillment of their needs. Daily activities mostly done via smartphone as a device that is nearly always in hand. Today, many electronic devices are controlled simply by pressing the remote button. Technological developments such as the Arduino microcontroller can be integrated with other tools, not only with robots. The objective of this research is to make a smartphone connected to Arduino microcontroller as the electronic appliance controller. Object that was used is a car remote control toys (RC Car). The research method conducted was literature study and experiment. Arduino was programmed using C language to run the motor to move according to the input data that was sent through the android. This research resulted in prototype model of an electronic device that is controlled by android smartphone via a Bluetooth connection. Test results showed that the speed of pairing Android-Arduino was influenced more by the android version than the installed hardware. The distance between the Arduino-Android did not greatly affect the speed of the pairing process.

Baenil Huda ◽  
Shofa Shofia Hilabi ◽  
Maya Rahayuningsih

Attendance in general is the recording of employee attendance and is one aspect of assessment in a company. The purposes of this study are finding out how employees can apply for leave and how to design and build an Android-based attendance system application. Data collection methods that used in this research include observation, interviews and literature study. The system development method that will be used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model of the Waterfall. With this system, employees and companies will be helped in the problem of absence and leave. The company will get accurate, fast and precise data in decision making.  

Putrie Fortuna RGP ◽  
Ahmaddul Hadi

Programming is a vocational subject in the Vocational School majoring in Software Engineering and Electronics. Programming is classified as a subject that is less desirable and difficult for students, because these subjects are not graphically based and students do not understand the basic structure of the program. And less Affective use of conventional learning resources as the main source of the learning. With the existence of smartphones can be used as an additional source in the world of education. One of them is the use of smartphones as learning media. The purpose of this study is to produce learning media that can help teachers and students in the learning process by loading educational games that can attract students' interest in learning. This application is made using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Prototype method, using an Android-based java programming language, by applying game education algorithms and word game genres where players must arrange random letters into coherent sentences, the random letters will be matched with the answers stored in the database to be the correct answer. The content in the application is the 2013 curriculum syllabus. The material consists of RPP and teaching materials for each basic competency. Ebooks, articles and videos that discuss basic programming. Evaluation is a practice question to measure the level of understanding of students and quiz games in the form of stacking words to train students' memory about basic programming.Keywords: Android,  Programming, Game education. word game

Novan Zulkarnain

Director General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) is a government agency that oversees exports and imports in Indonesia. Companies that receive exemption and tax returns are required to wipe Orkan  activities export and import by using IT-based reporting. This study aimed to analyze and design  databases to support the reporting of customs based report format for Director General of Customs and Excise No. PER-09/BC/2014. Data collection used was the Fact Finding Techniques consisted of studying the documents, interviews, observation, and literature study. The methods used for Design Database System is DB-SDLC (System Development Life Cycle Database), namely: Conceptual Design, Design Logical and Physical Design. The result obtained is ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) that can be used in the development of Customs Reporting System in companies throughout Indonesia. In conclusions, ERD has been able to meet all the reporting elements of customs.

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