scholarly journals Diagnosa Kerapuhan Kelembagaan Perekonomian Pedesaan

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Tri Pranadji

<strong>English</strong><br />Institutional brittleness could be considered as the major cause of rural economy development failure, and ultimately it is reflected in national economy that have been hit economic crisis. In addition, the economic, financial and industrial designers have less understanding on how important agricultural sector in supporting national economy (agricultural development policy makers tend to follow them), and they also possess less knowledge of how important institutional roles in rural economy development. If only at the initial stage, the rural economic institutional had been firmly established and then established an agricultural endowment richness based national economy development, then not only rural communities will be free of the tempestuous economic crisis (as still takes place up to date) but also the national economy will describe the greatness of rural community’s economy transformation with a good sample of social system for many countries. Rural economy institutional fragility is indicated by ineffective leader factor empowerment (as a progress mover) in rural areas, let values and norms leading for rural economic progress undeveloped, rural economic organization and structure had been let to be flimsy, autonomy aspect had not lifted rural community’s political power in economic activities and ignored rural human resource competence factors.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Kerapuhan kelembagaan bisa dipandang sebagai “biang keladi” kegagalan pengembangan perekonomian pedesaan, yang pada gilirannya hal ini tercermin pada perekonomian nasional yang tidak dapat mengelak dari krisis. Selain para perancang pembangunan di kalangan EKUIN (dan kalangan ahli dan pemegang kebijakan pembangunan pertanian) dinilai kurang paham terhadap pentingnya sektor pertanian dalam menopang perekonomian nasional, juga dinilai kurang paham tentang pentingnya peran kelembagaan dalam pengembangan perekonomian pedesaan. Jika sejak awal kelembagaan perekonomian pedesaan dibangun secara mantap dan kekayaan alam pertanian dijadikan basis pengembangan perekonomian nasional, maka bukan saja masyarakat pedesaan akan terbebas dari krisis ekonomi yang gawat (seperti yang terjadi hingga saat ini), melainkan juga perekonomian nasional kita akan dapat mengambarkan kehebatan transformasi perekonomian masyarakat pedesaan yang dihiasi tatanan sosial yang patut dicontoh masyarakat di banyak negara. Kerapuhan kelembagaan perekonomian pedesaan ditunjukkan oleh tidak efektifnya pemberdayaan faktor kepemimpinan (sebagai penggerak kemajuan) di pedesaan, tidak terbangunnya tata nilai yang menggerakkan kemajuan ekonomi (pertanian di) pedesaan, struktur dan keorganisasian ekonomi pedesaan yang dibiarkan rapuh, otonomi yang tidak mengangkat kedaulatan (politik) masyarakat pedesaan dalam kegiatan ekonomi serta dibiarkannya faktor kompetensi sumberdaya manusia pedesaan terbengkalai.

2012 ◽  
pp. 129-133
Attila Buday-Sántha

In a national economy, the considerable part of its available territory consists of the so called rural area which is mainly used by the agricultural sector. In our days, the rural areas are characterized by the loss of their economic, administrative etc. functions. The agricultural sector is able to utilize the rural areas, though other economic activities play important role as well. To evaluate the agricultural sector in terms of the agribusiness, it is clear that the situation of the agricultural sector is not only decisive for the rural areas, but also for the whole national economy, and therefore, it is part of its balanced development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 316 ◽  
pp. 02002
Gontom Citoro Kifli ◽  
Slameto Slameto ◽  
Juliana Carolina Kilmanun ◽  
Dadan Permana ◽  
Melia Puspitasari ◽  

Agricultural development actors in Indonesia are currently dominated by elderly farmers and a small proportion of young farmers. Another condition is that the farming system in Indonesia is generally subsistence. Several good potentials in the context of agricultural development in Indonesia today, firstly, the productive working age group is dominated by youth, especially the millennial generation, and secondly, the growing rapidly used internet networks. The condition of subsistence farming and the lack of young actors in agriculture, but on the other hand there is the potential of the millennial generation and availability of internet networks access. This study employed a quantitative research method. The purpose of this research is to see the current condition of agricultural development in Indonesia concerning its current potential. Another objective is to design the appropriate strategy for exploiting this potential to accelerate agricultural development in Indonesia. The results obtained from this research are the high level of accessibility of rural communities as initial capital for agricultural development in Indonesia for now. The millennial generation who dominates the working age in Indonesia can maximize their role in the agricultural sector in rural areas through developing entrepreneurship based on the use of internet networks.

2012 ◽  
Vol 50 (No. 10) ◽  
pp. 465-470
G. Pavlíková ◽  
P. Maříková

The rural area is a&nbsp;very important multifunctional space, with landscape enhancement value and function. These factors are then necessary for the directions of development process in rural communities. The countryside creates an important part of economic and social state system. The area of work and the employment of population into the productive age present ones of significant macro-economic indicators of the capacity of national economy. Changes of economy in the market space, transformation of companies of agricultural primary production to new legal form, restructuring of production and manpower in agriculture&nbsp; caused leaving of part skilled of the workers, as well as other workers to another branches of national economy. In 1990&rsquo;s, especially in the beginning during the transformation of Czech economy, there was a&nbsp;big boom of private business and new forms of business activities and subjects emerged. Traditional lifestyle, which continues in the Czech countryside, determined that small enterprise prevails here. Current economics clearly shows that small and medium enterprises have an unsubstitutable role in our economic development and greatly contribute to creating new jobs in individual regions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 33-53 ◽  
Goran Rajović ◽  
Jelisavka Bulatović

The paper analyses tourism potential and rural tourism of the Municipality of Andrijevica. Existing tourism and recreation supply is not sufficiently developed and affirmed nor organized and connected both within the scope of the Municipality and with the neighbouring municipalities. One of the prerequisites for tourism development might be good transport infrastructure. However, in the territory of the Municipality of Andrijevica is not adequate. On the territory of the Municipality of Andrijevica, natural and anthropogenic values are distinguished group deployment and characteristics of complexity and complementarily. Natural values are particularly come to the fore, if we know that modern tourism trends emphasize the value of untouched nature. Marketing affirmation of the Municipality of Andrijevica is one of the most important processes that represent a momentum for its tourism development. In this sense, all kinds of tourism propaganda must be enhanced, which affirmed the value of tourism (for example the eco-pasture Štavna), which would lead to a more comprehensive tourism development that would provide a profitable economic performance. Particularly it is very important to encourage and support rapid development of economic activities in rural areas and development of human resources. Furthermore, the economic progress and independence rural settlements of the Municipality of Andrijevica must be improved in accordance with the ecological principles and sustainable development in rural development. In finding a new identity and direction of development of the rural economy, the Municipality of Andrijevica must accept new trends in Europe and the countries that have been through a period of transition, in terms of adapting and complementing so far the role of villages and rural areas within diversified supply and the introduction of tourism as one the essential activities. Such guidelines already exist in spatial and urban plans of the Municipality of Andrijevica, starting as of 2010

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 35 ◽  
Sri Hery Susilowati

<strong>English</strong><br />Qualified human resources with a good commitment to develop agricultural sector is one of the determining factors toward sustainable agricultural development. However, agricultural development deals with significant issue especially reduction in the number of young farmers. This paper aims to review structural changes from perspective of aging farmer and declined number of young farmers in Indonesia and other countries. Specifically, this paper identifies various factors causing the changes and describes the policies needed to support young workers to enter agricultural sector. The method used in this paper is both descriptive analysis and cross tabulation. The results show that aging farmers and young farmers decline in Indonesia keep increasing. The phenomena are also found in other countries in Asia, Europe, America and Australia. Various factors causing lack interest of young workers in agricultural sector, namely less prestigious, high risk, less assurance, unstable earning. Other factors are small size land holding, limited non-agricultural diversification and agricultural processing activities in rural areas, slow farm management succession, and lack of incentive for young farmers. To attract youth to enter agricultural sector, it is necessary to transform youth’s perception that agricultural sector currently is interesting and promising. The government needs to development agricultural industry in rural areas, introduces technology innovation, offers special incentives for young farmers, modernizes agriculture, and conducts training and empowerment of young farmers.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dan memiliki komitmen membangun sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu faktor keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan. Namun, pembangunan pertanian menghadapi permasalahan cukup serius, yaitu jumlah petani muda terus mengalami penurunan, baik secara absolut maupun relatif, sementara petani usia tua semakin meningkat. Tujuan makalah ini adalah melakukan review tentang perubahan struktural tenaga kerja pertanian dilihat dari fenomena aging farmer dan menurunnya jumlah tenaga kerja usia muda sektor pertanian di Indonesia dan di berbagai negara lainnya, mengidentifikasi berbagai faktor penyebab perubahan tersebut, serta kebijakan yang diperlukan untuk mendukung tenaga kerja muda masuk ke  sektor pertanian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan tabulasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa secara umum fenomena penuaan petani dan berkurangnya petani muda di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Kondisi seperti ini bukan hanya terjadi di Indonesia, namun juga di negara-negara lain di Asia, Eropa, dan Amerika.  Berbagai faktor penyebab menurunnya minat tenaga kerja muda di sektor pertanian, di antaranya citra sektor pertanian yang kurang bergengsi, berisiko tinggi, kurang memberikan jaminan tingkat, stabilitas, dan kontinyuitas pendapatan; rata-rata penguasaan lahan sempit; diversifikasi usaha nonpertanian dan industri pertanian di desa kurang/tidak berkembang; suksesi pengelolaan usaha tani rendah; belum ada kebijakan insentif khusus untuk petani muda/pemula; dan berubahnya cara pandang pemuda di era postmodern seperti sekarang. Strategi yang perlu dilakukan untuk menarik minat pemuda bekerja di pertanian antara lain mengubah persepsi generasi muda bahwa sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang menarik dan menjanjikan apabila dikelola dengan tekun dan sungguh-sungguh, pengembangan agroindustri, inovasi teknologi,  pemberian insentif khusus kepada petani muda, pengembangan pertanian modern, pelatihan dan pemberdayaan petani muda, serta memperkenalkan pertanian kepada generasi muda sejak dini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 389 (1) ◽  
pp. 208-218
A. R. Soltangazinov

At the present stage in the domestic scientific environment, the problems of ensuring sustainable development of rural areas are insufficiently studied and require further study. The goal of sustainable development of rural areas is a balanced development of the economic, social and environmental spheres, aimed at ensuring a favorable life of the population. The article considers the economic aspects of the functioning of rural territories of Pavlodar region and provides a comprehensive assessment to solve the problems of socio-economic development of these territories in the current and long-term perspective. As a base of analysis and assessment used statistical data of the official website of the Committee on statistics of MNE of RK, and also empirical observation and informational resources of local Executive bodies region. Based on the results, which identified systemic problems of the rural economy that have a negative impact on the level and quality of life of the rural population. These include, first and foremost, the dominant raw material orientation of the rural economy, low labour productivity, due to the significant moral and physical deterioration of the production-technical base, including the excess of the lifespan of the majority of equipment, as well as the rate of fleet renewal machines relevant regulatory requirements, using a separate are subject obsolete resource-intensive technologies. It is shown positive dynamics of key indicators of agriculture, which developed in the first place, due to government regulation of agriculture and the creation of an enabling environment through the extension of the relevant package of measures of state support aimed at the development of this sector of the national economy. Recommendations aimed at activating the processes of rural economy diversification have been developed. Analysis of the state of domestic beekeeping shows that this market niche in the national economy is not sufficiently developed and this industry has a significant unrealized potential. Significant benefits of the development of the beekeeping industry are shown, which will have a positive impact on strengthening the export positions of non-resource orientation, increasing employment of the rural population, crop yields, solving the problems of degraded agricultural land, etc. The economic feasibility and effectiveness of investment projects in the field of beekeeping development, which simultaneously provide a significant social effect, are justified. For the transition of rural territories to a qualitatively new level of development, based on the conclusions made about the priorities of rural development, the authors justify strategic prospects for further development using the internal mechanism of their functioning, reserves of economic growth and taking into account the specifics and features of administrative-territorial units.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Muhammad Amir Arham ◽  
Ahmad Fadhli ◽  
Sri Indriyani Dai

Agriculture is the primary sector in many provinces in Indonesia. In fact, most of the rural communities work in the agricultural sector. Nevertheless, the poverty level in rural areas remains high. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the performance of the agricultural sector in reducing the rural poverty level in Indonesia, and to investigate factors that contribute as a determinant in reducing rural poverty level in Indonesia. This study was significant, considering that the result was to contribute to government policy evaluation in the agricultural sector, especially in reducing poverty in rural areas. This study used quantitative analysis through multiple regressions with data panel from 2014 to 2017 from 33 provinces in Indonesia. This study revealed that the increase of agricultural sector share and the widening of the income distribution had caused an increase in poor people in a rural area. This finding also revealed that the income distribution gap was a determinant to the severity of rural poverty. The growth in the agricultural sector to contribute toward the economy could reduce rural poverty level in Indonesia. Meanwhile, agricultural financing, economic growth, inflation, and the farmer exchange rate had not significantly contributed to reducing the poverty level.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 3509
Fernando Alguacil-Duarte ◽  
Francisco González-Gómez ◽  
Salvador del Saz-Salazar

It is difficult for small municipalities to ensure their urban water cycle complies with the principle of cost recovery established in the European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive. Unlike more populous municipalities, small municipalities face higher average production costs. However, at least in Spain, the price of water is, on average, lower in small municipalities. We question whether the low price of water in rural areas is due, at least in part, to people linked to agriculture, i.e., do farmers constitute a special interest group that hinders increases in the price of water? The main hypothesis was tested with data taken from Torre-Cardela, a municipality in southern Spain with close to 800 inhabitants. In the research a contingent valuation analysis was carried out to analyze respondents’ willingness to pay in the event of a hypothetical increase in the price of water to help cover the service costs. Contrary to expectations, the study yields no evidence that the agricultural population is more resistant to price rises than the rest of the citizens surveyed. In fact, results show that people involved in the agricultural sector would be willing to accept a hypothetical increase in water tariffs in between 15% and 25% over the current tariff, while for the rest of the population this same increase would be lower (in between 9% and 20%).

Muhamad Rusliyadi ◽  
Wang Libin

The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview description of important differences in agricultural development China and Indonesia in poverty reduction efforts in rural areas and some strategy. This chapter hopes to provide an objective picture of the development from agricultural sector level of evidence both Indonesia and China. China and Indonesia are agriculture-based countries with a program of integrated rural development as a whole to be a target of poverty reduction programs. Several farm programs related to poverty alleviation have been launched and had a good impact or significance, especially in China that is able to reduce extreme poverty from 30% in 1978 to less than 3% in 2008. Certainly many lessons can be obtained from this success, especially the concept and strategy development in rural China to be a reference of other states in its development model, especially for poverty alleviation programs.

1994 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 98-108 ◽  
Ivette Perfecto

AbstractCuba's agriculture after the 1959 revolution had been based on large-scale, capital intensive monoculture, which made Cuba heavily dependent on the socialist bloc for subsidized agrichemical inputs and for set prices of agricultural exports. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies in 1989–90, Cuba's inputs of fertilizer, pesticides, and petroleum dropped by more than half Cuba responded with a dramatic shift in its agricultural development model that featured appropriate technology, alternative organization of labor, alternative planning, and environmental preservation. Cuban pest control efforts now focus on biological control and on enhanced monitoring and diagnostic techniques. Soil management emphasizes biofertilizers and vermiculture. Minimum tillage and crop rotation are frequent practices among Cuba's independent farmers, agricultural cooperatives, and state farms. The transition to low-input agriculture has decreased the exodus of people from rural areas to cities, and has lead to establishment of lab or camps with volunteer labor and long-term programs for rebuilding rural communities. To address the loss of important food imports while ensuring environmental conservation, agricultural planning now gives priority to crop rotations, city gardens, and introduction of food crops in sugar cane areas.

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