Ana Sofia Costa ◽  
Ana Paula Cardoso ◽  
João Rocha
2018 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 475-505
David S. Busch

In the early 1960s, Peace Corps staff turned to American colleges and universities to prepare young Americans for volunteer service abroad. In doing so, the agency applied the university's modernist conceptions of citizenship education to volunteer training. The training staff and volunteers quickly discovered, however, that prevailing methods of education in the university were ineffective for community-development work abroad. As a result, the agency evolved its own pedagogical practices and helped shape early ideas of service learning in American higher education. The Peace Corps staff and supporters nonetheless maintained the assumptions of development and modernist citizenship, setting limits on the broader visions of education emerging out of international volunteerism in the 1960s. The history of the Peace Corps training in the 1960s and the agency's efforts to rethink training approaches offer a window onto the underlying tensions of citizenship education in the modern university.

2021 ◽  
pp. 113-114
Melise Maia Ribeiro

The objective of this research is to know new decisions about the teaching and learning process in the context of the pandemic in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The pandemic suspended classroom classes at more than 200 schools, causing the reorganization of pedagogical practices in distance education. The result was the applicability of the Special Regime of Non-Attendance Classes adopted by the Government of Amazonas (Aula em Casa Project). It is concluded that new directions can be taken from formal education in view of this new reality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-300
Pedro Donizete Colombo Junior ◽  
Daniel Fernando Bovolenta Ovigli ◽  
Sabrina Eleutério Alves

Atividades extensionistas que visem propiciar a educação em ciências são cada vez mais presentes em discussões educacionais, sejam como forma de pensar novas roupagens para conteúdos programáticos ou para novos vieses metodológicos e de avaliação dos processos educativos. Este trabalho apresenta e discute a atividade “Pílula da ciência: o conhecimento está no ar!”, desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID/CAPES), junto a uma escola pública de Uberaba/MG, em parceria com o grupo PIBID-Física-UFTM, com ênfase em suas contribuições à formação dos envolvidos, licenciandos em Física. O objetivo da atividade desenvolvida foi promover uma dinâmica que permitisse, por um lado, ouvir as inquietações e indagações dos estudantes da Educação Básica frente às suas dúvidas em relação ao conhecimento científico e, por outro lado, proporcionar novas vivências em sala de aula por parte de pibidianos, professores em formação. Para tanto, estudantes da Educação Básica depositavam questionamentos (aqui denominados pílulas) sobre temas voltados às Ciências da Natureza em uma caixa de dúvidas, para posterior socialização das respostas em sala de aula com os pibidianos. Evidenciamos que ouvir e discutir as percepções dos estudantes frente à visão que estes têm do conhecimento científico é um caminho promissor para despertar seu interesse pela ciência, sendo os primeiros passos para o letramento científico, além de ser uma estratégia para sensibilizar os futuros professores a considerarem estas abordagens em suas futuras práticas pedagógicas. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Física; Iniciação à docência; Estratégias didáticas   Physics teaching initiation and the students´ questions in basic education - a report   Abstract: Extension activities that aim to provide science education are increasingly present in educational discussions, whether as a way of thinking about new approaches for curricular contents or new methodological biases and evaluation. This paper presents and discusses the activity "Pill of science: the knowledge is in the air!" developed under the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarship (PIBID/CAPES), at a public school in Uberaba, Brazil, in partnership with the PIBID-Physics-UFTM group, with an emphasis on their contributions to the training of those involved, undergraduates in Physics. The objective of the activity developed was to promote a dynamic that would allow, on the one hand, to listen to the concerns and questions of Basic Education students in the face of their doubts regarding scientific knowledge and, on the other hand, to provide new experiences in the classroom by teachers in training. To this end, Basic Education students deposited questions (here called "pills") about topics related to the Natural Sciences in a box of doubts, for later socialization in the classroom with the undergraduates in Physics. We show that listening and discussing students' perceptions of their view of scientific knowledge is a promising way to awaken their interest in science, being the first steps towards scientific literacy, in addition to being a strategy to sensitize future teachers to consider these approaches in their future pedagogical practices. Keywords: Physics Teaching; Teaching Initiation; Didactic Strategies

Gisela Wajskop

The present study is the result of an investigation carried out for eight months, from March to October 2006, comprises Grade 1 classes at the São Paulo Public Education System, Brazil. Forty teacher students performing literacy activities during their pre-service activities simultaneously conducted this action research in 40 Grade 1. Six-year-old children were moved from preschool education to elementary schools since 2006 in order to respect the legal determinations defined by the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (Brasil, 1996), which expanded basic education from 8 to 9 years. Such democratic governmental action, however, has raised issues concerning the way very young children are taught in a typically school-like context. From this perspective, our study enables us to raise sociocultural problems regarding the non-inclusive pedagogical practices in use. Results show non-inclusive pedagogical practices, as well some paths to change this educational setting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (16) ◽  
pp. 95-111
Jean Volnei Fernandes ◽  
Valdir Adilson Steinke

Este trabalho tem como pressuposto, fazer uma análise da importância do processo de formação continuada e das práticas pedagógicas utilizadas pelos professores de Geografia, no tocante ao ensino do relevo praticado na educação básica do Distrito Federal. Os dados aqui apresentados, são oriundos de uma pesquisa realizada pelo Laboratório de Geoiconografia e Multimídia (LAGIM-UnB), que contou com a participação de cem entrevistados, entre professores e estudantes de graduação. Foram utilizados, enquanto elementos estruturantes da pesquisa, questionário e mapa sobre o relevo do Distrito Federal, através dos quais os participantes responderam a perguntas pré-estabelecidas sobre o relevo do DF, e sobre as práticas pedagógicas utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de conteúdos relacionados ao relevo. Após a análise dos dados, foi possível identificar a grande dificuldade que os entrevistados apresentam, em relação aos aspectos inerentes as representações cartográficas, e o déficit de conhecimentos sobre a configuração do relevo do DF, tendo em vista que os mesmos deveriam identificar ao menos os quatro padrões de unidades do relevo para o território do DF, ou seja, conhecer seu local de atuação escolar.Palavras-chaveFormação continuada, Ensino de Geografia, Relevo do DF.CONTINUING EDUCATION OF GEOGRAPHY'S TEACHER AND THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS OF RELIEF IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICTAbstractThis work has as presupposition, to make an analysis of the importance of the process of continuous formation and the pedagogical practices used by Geography teachers, in relation to the teaching of the relief practiced in the basic education of the Federal District. The data presented here, come from a research carried out by the Laboratory of Geoiconography and Multimedia (LAGIM-UnB), which had the participation of one hundred interviewees, among teachers and undergraduate students. As a structural element of the survey, a questionnaire and a map about the relief of the Federal District were used, through which the participants answered pre-established questions about the relief of the DF, and about the pedagogical practices used for the development of contents associated to relief. After the analysis of the data, it was possible to identify the great difficulty that the interviewees present, in relation to the inherent aspects of the cartographic representations, and the knowledge deficit on the configuration of the DF relief, considering that they should identify at least the four patterns of relief units for the territory of the Federal District, that is, to know its place of school performance.KeywordsContinuing education, Teaching of Geography, Relief of the DF.ISSN: 2236-3904REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EDUCAÇÃO EM GEOGRAFIA - - [email protected]

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Jailma Ferreira da Silva ◽  
Jéssica Prata ◽  
Martin Lindsey Christoffersen

The teaching of zoology, although recent in basic education, is questioned methodologically. The main criticisms are that zoology teaching still follows an Aristotelian essentialist view. It is based on traditional expositions in the classroom, and it fragments and decontextualizes contents. All this hinders learning, especially when we are dealing with such a complex area with a wide variety of names and concepts. Thus, through bibliographic research, we seek to identify, analyze, and describe some study trends in Brazil, during the period 2010-2020. We also verify the challenges involved in attaining improvement in pedagogical practices. A total of 197 articles, 32 dissertations, and one thesis were identified. The following descriptors were used: a) type of production; b) temporal distribution; c) geographic distribution; d) institution of origin of the publications; e) levels of education; f) thematic focus; g) type of research. With this, it was possible to describe the main aspects related to the teaching of zoology in basic education in Brazil, providing an insight into the direction of academic productions towards this theme, thus serving as a basis for other investigations

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (33) ◽  
pp. 118-129
V. de A. FRANCO ◽  

It is the constant object of discussion and reflection in the academic environment the students' difficulties in understanding the contents and concepts of the chemistry discipline in basic education and the pedagogical practice itself develop in a contextualized way. Considering this premise, this study aimed to investigate and understand the factors that hinder the teaching process of Chemistry in the 2nd and 3rd years of high school of a state public school in Esteio / RS, emphasize the methodology adopted by the teacher the active participation of students in the classroom and their relation with chemistry teaching. For this exploratory research, a qualitative and quantitative field study was conducted through on-site observation of 15 hours/class and subsequent application of a questionnaire to students. The data, interpreted and reflected based on the observation and authors of the area, were exposed through percentage charts, considering the total of respondents (15 students in the second graders and 8 students in the third graders in high school). At the end, the results of the analysis of the answers given by the students reveal aspects that indicate that there is a great nonconformity in the teaching process of this subject and an inconsistency in the pedagogical saying and doing, corroborating the current educational system, which is not consistent with an expressive learning in chemistry teaching, deserving a deep reflection. Therefore, the new teaching methodologies, as well as philosophical and epistemological theories, emerged in recent decades, still failed to bring about changes in the old pedagogical practices.

Francisco Helson Do Carmo Alcantara

WHAT ARE THE PRINCIPLES OF RURAL EDUCATION PRESENT IN THE PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES OF THE BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS OF THE SEATING PROJECT CIPÓ CANAÃ, ESPERANTINÓPOLIS – MA?¿CUÁLES LOS PRINCIPIOS DE LA EDUCACIÓN DEL CAMPO PRESENTES EN LAS PRÁCTICAS PEDAGÓGICAS DE LAS ESCUELAS DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA DEL PROYECTO DE ASENTAMIENTO CIPÓ CANAÃ, ESPERANTINÓPOLIS – MA?Visando à compreensão do universo educacional a partir da política pública de educação básica para o campo no Brasil, são discutidos, neste artigo, os princípios da Educação do Campo presentes nas práticas pedagógicas das escolas do Projeto de Assentamento Cipó Canaã, Esperantinópolis – MA. Ciente das contradições existentes no sistema educacional, determinadas pelas referências de produção da sociedade capitalista, traz-se a lume, através de observações, as relações dos sujeitos envolvidos nas escolas investigadas. Para tanto, realizou-se uma análise de dados da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SEMED), levantamentos bibliográficos, entrevistas e questionário com perguntas abertas, abordando elementos qualitativos e quantitativos. Discute-se, também, o distanciamento das escolas do Projeto de Assentamento Cipó Canaã, no que se refere à proposta de Educação do Campo. Verificou-se que, mesmo as escolas fazendo parte de um Projeto de Assentamento da reforma agrária, os sujeitos envolvidos encontram-se à margem das discussões da construção da Educação do Campo, pois as concepções e práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no referido P. A. mais se aproximam da educação rural.Palavras-chave: Educação do Campo; Práticas Pedagógicas; Políticas Educacionais; Povos do Campo.ABSTRACTAiming at understanding the educational universe based on the public policy of basic education for the countryside in Brazil, this article discusses the principles of Field Education present in the pedagogical practices of the schools of the Cipó Canaã Settlement Project, Esperantinópolis – MA. Aware of the contradictions existing in the educational system, determined by the production references of capitalist society, the relations of the subjects involved in the schools investigated are brought to light through observations. To do so, a data analysis of the Municipal Education Department (SEMED), bibliographical surveys, interviews and a questionnaire with open questions was carried out, addressing qualitative and quantitative elements. It is also discussed the distancing of schools from the Cipó Canaã Settlement Project, as far as the Field Education proposal is concerned. It was verified that, even the schools being part of a Land Reform Settlement Project, the subjects involved are on the sidelines of the discussions about the construction of the Field Education, since the pedagogical conceptions and practices developed in the P.A. more closely approximate the rural education.Keywords: Field Education; Pedagogical Practices; Educational Policies; Peoples of the Field.RESUMENCon vistas a la comprensión del universo educativo a partir de la política pública de educación básica para el campo en Brasil, se discuten en este artículo los principios de la Educación del Campo presentes en las prácticas pedagógicas de las escuelas del Proyecto de Asentamiento Cipó Canaã, Esperantinópolis – MA. Es consciente de las contradicciones existentes en el sistema educativo, determinadas por las referencias de producción de la sociedad capitalista, se trae a la luz, a través de observaciones, las relaciones de los sujetos involucrados en las escuelas investigadas. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de datos de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación (SEMED), encuestas bibliográficas, entrevistas y cuestionario con preguntas abiertas, abordando elementos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se discute, también, el distanciamiento de las escuelas del Proyecto de Asentamiento Cipó Canaã, en lo que se refiere a la propuesta de Educación del Campo. Se verificó que, incluso las escuelas formando parte de un Proyecto de Asentamiento de la reforma agraria, los sujetos involucrados se encuentran al margen de las discusiones de la construcción de la Educación del Campo, pues las concepciones y prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas en el referido P.A. más se aproximan a la “educación rural”.Palabras clave: Educación del Campo; Prácticas Pedagógicas; Políticas Educativas; Pueblos del Campo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
Fabricio Moraes Pereira ◽  
Wilkelly Alves de Lima ◽  
Adalberto Lírio de Nazaré Lopes ◽  
Liliane Silva do Nascimento

Abstract Health at school is the subject of relevant discussions on health promotion. This study aims to understand the reach of the actions resulting from the School Health Program in municipal public schools in Belem-PA, from the perspective of teachers. It is a descriptive-observational study, with analysis of interviews with 22 teachers of municipal public basic education. Field research took place from April to June 2018. A content analysis was carried out, proposed by Bardin, generating four thematic units. Of those interviewed, 50% were unaware of the referred program or the operation of it. It was possible to perceive different modes of interaction between the program's actuators, from the most punctual and inefficient to the most contextualized and integrative. The study of social health determinants is necessary to better understand the processes and needs of these actions in the municipal school environment, with emphasis on issues of basic sanitation, food insecurity, violence and drugs. There is a need for self-recognition of the teacher as a health educator, in order to make them intrinsic health promoters in their pedagogical practices. The school's articulation with the school community can serve as an input for greater integration and stimulation of social control practices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (esp.) ◽  
pp. 106
Alessandra Rodrigues De Almeida ◽  
Maria Auxiliadora Bueno Andrade Megid

 Este artigo apresenta uma investigação a respeito de práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas, por professores da Educação Infantil e dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em formação continuada, num grupo de estudos com características colaborativas que discute o ensino e a aprendizagem da Matemática. Com o objetivo de discutir as reverberações das aprendizagens dos estudos em colaboração nas práticas docentes a respeito do tema Grandezas e Medidas, o texto foca, especificamente, as práticas de dois dos participantes em relação à medida das grandezas comprimento e tempo. Os dados foram produzidos a partir de videogravações de encontros do grupo e de narrativas escritas pelos professores. A pesquisa se desenvolveu numa perspectiva qualitativa, valorizando a descrição dos encontros, da participação dos professores e das interações ocorridas no contexto do grupo e das instituições educacionais onde os professores atuam. O enquadramento metodológico e os procedimentos de análise adotados estão de acordo com a pesquisa narrativa, como um modo de compreender a experiência vivenciada no grupo e com ele. A participação no grupo de estudos possibilitou aos docentes aprendizagens conceituais sobre as Grandezas e Medidas, e sobre seu ensino e aprendizagem nos anos iniciais da educação básica. Tais aprendizagens reverberaram nas práticas dos participantes, tornando-as mais exploratórias e problematizadoras, por meio da inserção do tema e/ou de alterações graduais nas maneiras de abordá-lo com crianças.Palavras-chave: Educação matemática. Grandezas e medidas. Práticas docentes. Grupos colaborativos.REPERCUSSIONS OF LEARNING ABOUT MEASURES INTO THE PRACTICE OF TEACHERS WHO TEACH MATHEMATICS Abstract: This article presents an investigation regarding pedagogical practices developed, by kindergarten and early Elementary School teachers in continuous education, in a study group with collaborative characteristics that discusses teaching and learning Mathematics. Aiming to discuss the repercussions of the learning from collaborative studies in teaching practices regarding the subject of Measurements and Quantities, the text focuses, specifically, on the practices of two of the participants in relation to the measurement of the quantities time and length. The data was produced from video recordings of the group meetings and narratives written by the teachers of the group. The research was developed in a qualitative perspective, valuing the description of the meetings, participation of the teachers and interactions that occurred in the context of the group and educational institutions where the teachers work. The methodological framework and adopted analysis procedures are in accordance with narrative research as a way of understanding the experience lived in and with the group. The participation in the study group allowed teachers’ conceptual learning about Measurements and Quantities, as well as about their teaching and learning in the early years of basic education. Such learning reverberated into the practices of the participants, making them more exploratory and problematizing, through the insertion of the theme and / or gradual changes in the ways of approaching it with children.Keywords: Mathematics education; Measurements and quantities; Teaching practices; Collaborative groups. REPERCUSIONES DE APRENDIZAJE ACERCA DE LAS MEDIDAS EN LA PRÁCTICA DE LOS PROFESORES QUE ENSEÑAN MATEMÁTICASResumen: Este artículo presenta una investigación acerca de las prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas por maestros de educación infantil y escuela primaria en educación continua en el estudio del grupo de investigación con características colaborativas que debaten la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El texto se centra específicamente en las prácticas desarrolladas por dos de los participantes en relación con la medida de longitud y tiempo. El objetivo es discutir las repercusiones del aprendizaje de los estudios de colaboración en la enseñanza de las prácticas en relación con el tema de las medidas y cantidades. Los datos se produjeron de videos grabados de las reuniones y narraciones escritas por los profesores del grupo. La investigación se desarrolló en la perspectiva cualitativa, valorando la descripción de las reuniones, la participación de los docentes y las interacciones que pasaran en el contexto del grupo y de las instituciones educativas donde trabajan los maestros. Los procedimientos de análisis y metodología adoptados están de acuerdo con la investigación narrativa como una forma de entender que la experiencia vivida en el grupo y con él . El análisis del proceso de formación indica que la participación en el grupo de estudio ha permitido a los docentes el conceptual aprendizaje sobre las medidas y cantidades, así como sobre su enseñanza y el aprendizaje en los primeros años de educación básica. Este aprendizaje ha repercutido en las prácticas de los participantes, haciéndolas más exploratorias y problematizadas, a través de la inserción de los cambios de tema y/o alteraciones graduales de las formas de lo abordar con niños.Palabras clave: Educación matemática; Medidas y cantidades; Prácticas de enseñanza; Grupos

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