2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (esp.) ◽  
pp. 106
Alessandra Rodrigues De Almeida ◽  
Maria Auxiliadora Bueno Andrade Megid

 Este artigo apresenta uma investigação a respeito de práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas, por professores da Educação Infantil e dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em formação continuada, num grupo de estudos com características colaborativas que discute o ensino e a aprendizagem da Matemática. Com o objetivo de discutir as reverberações das aprendizagens dos estudos em colaboração nas práticas docentes a respeito do tema Grandezas e Medidas, o texto foca, especificamente, as práticas de dois dos participantes em relação à medida das grandezas comprimento e tempo. Os dados foram produzidos a partir de videogravações de encontros do grupo e de narrativas escritas pelos professores. A pesquisa se desenvolveu numa perspectiva qualitativa, valorizando a descrição dos encontros, da participação dos professores e das interações ocorridas no contexto do grupo e das instituições educacionais onde os professores atuam. O enquadramento metodológico e os procedimentos de análise adotados estão de acordo com a pesquisa narrativa, como um modo de compreender a experiência vivenciada no grupo e com ele. A participação no grupo de estudos possibilitou aos docentes aprendizagens conceituais sobre as Grandezas e Medidas, e sobre seu ensino e aprendizagem nos anos iniciais da educação básica. Tais aprendizagens reverberaram nas práticas dos participantes, tornando-as mais exploratórias e problematizadoras, por meio da inserção do tema e/ou de alterações graduais nas maneiras de abordá-lo com crianças.Palavras-chave: Educação matemática. Grandezas e medidas. Práticas docentes. Grupos colaborativos.REPERCUSSIONS OF LEARNING ABOUT MEASURES INTO THE PRACTICE OF TEACHERS WHO TEACH MATHEMATICS Abstract: This article presents an investigation regarding pedagogical practices developed, by kindergarten and early Elementary School teachers in continuous education, in a study group with collaborative characteristics that discusses teaching and learning Mathematics. Aiming to discuss the repercussions of the learning from collaborative studies in teaching practices regarding the subject of Measurements and Quantities, the text focuses, specifically, on the practices of two of the participants in relation to the measurement of the quantities time and length. The data was produced from video recordings of the group meetings and narratives written by the teachers of the group. The research was developed in a qualitative perspective, valuing the description of the meetings, participation of the teachers and interactions that occurred in the context of the group and educational institutions where the teachers work. The methodological framework and adopted analysis procedures are in accordance with narrative research as a way of understanding the experience lived in and with the group. The participation in the study group allowed teachers’ conceptual learning about Measurements and Quantities, as well as about their teaching and learning in the early years of basic education. Such learning reverberated into the practices of the participants, making them more exploratory and problematizing, through the insertion of the theme and / or gradual changes in the ways of approaching it with children.Keywords: Mathematics education; Measurements and quantities; Teaching practices; Collaborative groups. REPERCUSIONES DE APRENDIZAJE ACERCA DE LAS MEDIDAS EN LA PRÁCTICA DE LOS PROFESORES QUE ENSEÑAN MATEMÁTICASResumen: Este artículo presenta una investigación acerca de las prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas por maestros de educación infantil y escuela primaria en educación continua en el estudio del grupo de investigación con características colaborativas que debaten la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El texto se centra específicamente en las prácticas desarrolladas por dos de los participantes en relación con la medida de longitud y tiempo. El objetivo es discutir las repercusiones del aprendizaje de los estudios de colaboración en la enseñanza de las prácticas en relación con el tema de las medidas y cantidades. Los datos se produjeron de videos grabados de las reuniones y narraciones escritas por los profesores del grupo. La investigación se desarrolló en la perspectiva cualitativa, valorando la descripción de las reuniones, la participación de los docentes y las interacciones que pasaran en el contexto del grupo y de las instituciones educativas donde trabajan los maestros. Los procedimientos de análisis y metodología adoptados están de acuerdo con la investigación narrativa como una forma de entender que la experiencia vivida en el grupo y con él . El análisis del proceso de formación indica que la participación en el grupo de estudio ha permitido a los docentes el conceptual aprendizaje sobre las medidas y cantidades, así como sobre su enseñanza y el aprendizaje en los primeros años de educación básica. Este aprendizaje ha repercutido en las prácticas de los participantes, haciéndolas más exploratorias y problematizadas, a través de la inserción de los cambios de tema y/o alteraciones graduales de las formas de lo abordar con niños.Palabras clave: Educación matemática; Medidas y cantidades; Prácticas de enseñanza; Grupos

2020 ◽  
pp. 938-959
Claudianny Amorim Noronha ◽  
Luanna Priscila da Silva Gomes

El objetivo de del estudio reportado en este artículo fue investigar las orientaciones para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del álgebra en los años iniciales de la Enseñanza Fundamental contenidas en los documentos curriculares oficiales que orienta las prácticas pedagógica en la Educación Básica, así como también hacer un inventario de los estudios sobre el tema, divulgados en las memorias de uno de los principales eventos brasileros de Educación Matemática. Para ello, fueron utilizados elementos propios de las pesquisas de tipo documental y bibliográfica. La investigación permitió realizar un mapeo general de la caracterización acerca de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del álgebra con infantes, y constatar que ese eje de la matemática, para los años iniciales de la Enseñanza Fundamental, debe ser diseminado, mejor explorado, investigado y comprendido tanto en sus aspectos teóricos y metodológicos.Palabras clave: enseñanza del álgebra, orientaciones curriculares, años iniciales de la Enseñanza FundamentalO ensino de álgebra nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental: pesquisas e orientações curricularesResumoO presente artigo objetiva investigar orientações acerca do ensino e aprendizagem da álgebra nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em documentos oficiais curriculares brasileiros que apresentam direcionamentos para práticas pedagógicas na Educação Básica, bem como inventariar pesquisas sobre o tema, divulgadas nos anais de um dos principais eventos brasileiros de Educação Matemática. Para isso, foram utilizados elementos das pesquisas documental e bibliográfica. A investigação possibilitou um mapeamento geral sobre o ensino e aprendizagem da álgebra com crianças e a constatação de que esse eixo da matemática, para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, necessita ser disseminado, melhor explorado, investigado e compreendido em seus aspectos teóricos e metodológicos.Palavras-chave: ensino de álgebra, orientações curriculares, anos iniciais do Ensino FundamentalThe teaching of algebra in the initial years of elementary school: research and curricular guidelinesAbstractThis paper aims to investigate guidelines about teaching and learning algebra in the initial years of Elementary Education in official Brazilian curricular documents, which presents guidelines for pedagogical practices in Basic Education, as well as to inventory research on the theme, published in the annals of one of the main Brazilian events of Mathematical Education. For this, elements of documentary and bibliographic research were used. The investigation enabled a general mapping about teaching and learning algebra with children and the finding that this axis of mathematics, for the early years of elementary school, needs to be disseminated, better explored, investigated and understood in its theoretical and methodological aspects.Keywords: algebra teaching, curriculum guidelines, initial years of elementary school

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Carla Costa de Morais ◽  
Andrea Coelho Lastória ◽  
Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini

ResumoNeste artigo apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado concluída. Buscamos compreender as concepções e práticas docentes sobre letramento cartográfico de cinco professoras dos anos iniciais, inseridas na rede municipal de ensino de Ribeirão Preto-SP. Focalizamosas estratégias de ensino, os conteúdos, as dificuldades com a linguagem cartográfica, bem como, as concepções docentessobre o letramento cartográfico. A legitimação teórica foi construída a partir de autores da Cartografia Escolar, na definição dos saberes docentes e na discussão sobre a formação inicial e continuada. A pesquisa é caracterizada como um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa.Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, análise documental e observação das práticas. Pretendemos ampliar as questões de ensino-aprendizagem da linguagem cartográfica para além das questões formativas: trazendo à tona a necessidade de se discutir currículo e políticas públicas dos cursos de formação de professores.Palavras-chave: Cartografia escolar; Letramento cartográfico; Práticas pedagógicas.  AbstractIn this article we show the results of an investigation in master level that has been completed. The issue addressed is the understanding of teachers' conceptions about the cartographic literacy of five teachers in the early years that are entered in the municipal schools of Ribeirão Preto-SP. We intend to show the use of the term cartographic literacy rather literacy to indicate to literacy teaching practices and reading wider world. We also try to find in the teaching practices the strategies, the content worked and the difficulties that the teachers face with the Cartographic language. This work is featured as a case study of a qualitative nature. Data were collected through interviews, document analysis and observation of practices. We intent to broaden the issues of teaching and learning of cartographic language beyond the formative issues: bringing to the fore the need to discuss public policy curriculum and training courses for teachers.Keywords:School cartography, Mapping literacy, Pedagogical practices.  ResumenEn este artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación en el nivel de maestría que ha sido completado. El tema abordado es la comprensión de las concepciones de los profesores sobre la alfabetización cartográfica de cinco maestros en los primeros años que estén inscritos en las escuelas municipales de Ribeirão Preto-SP. Se pretende mostrar el uso del término alfabetización cartográfica en lugar de alfabetización para indicar a las prácticas de alfabetización y la lectura de un mundo más amplio. También tratamos de encontrar en las prácticas de enseñanza de las estrategias, el contenido trabajaban y las dificultades que enfrentan los maestros con el lenguaje cartográfico. Este trabajo se presenta como un caso de estudio de naturaleza cualitativa. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas, análisis de documentos y observación de las prácticas. Tenemos la intención de ampliar los temas de enseñanza y aprendizaje del lenguaje cartográfico más allá de las cuestiones formativas: haciendo hincapié en la necesidad de discutir los cursos del plan de estudios y de formación de política pública para los profesores.Palabras clave: cartografía escolar, alfabetización Cartografía, prácticas pedagógicas. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 113-114
Melise Maia Ribeiro

The objective of this research is to know new decisions about the teaching and learning process in the context of the pandemic in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The pandemic suspended classroom classes at more than 200 schools, causing the reorganization of pedagogical practices in distance education. The result was the applicability of the Special Regime of Non-Attendance Classes adopted by the Government of Amazonas (Aula em Casa Project). It is concluded that new directions can be taken from formal education in view of this new reality.

Gisela Wajskop

The present study is the result of an investigation carried out for eight months, from March to October 2006, comprises Grade 1 classes at the São Paulo Public Education System, Brazil. Forty teacher students performing literacy activities during their pre-service activities simultaneously conducted this action research in 40 Grade 1. Six-year-old children were moved from preschool education to elementary schools since 2006 in order to respect the legal determinations defined by the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (Brasil, 1996), which expanded basic education from 8 to 9 years. Such democratic governmental action, however, has raised issues concerning the way very young children are taught in a typically school-like context. From this perspective, our study enables us to raise sociocultural problems regarding the non-inclusive pedagogical practices in use. Results show non-inclusive pedagogical practices, as well some paths to change this educational setting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 854-868
Francisco Carlos da Silva Caetano

We live in a time surrounded by innumerable technological innovations that have impacted this generation significantly, since very early people already make use of some electronic gadget, navigating a universe rich in entertainment features, allowing access to different content whether close or even far. Such technological innovations promote relevant transformations in all sectors of society, contributing to the formation of more active and participative subjects in issues of interest around themselves and the world, favoring the dissemination of popular culture and its enrichment. New technologies favor changes in thinking, acting, teaching and learning, as they have significantly contributed to the advancement of communication and access to information in real time. It is noticed that children are increasingly getting access to these technological tools and master them very skillfully, being able to teach the most advanced in age the use of these novelties. Thinking about the way the child is positioned in the technological society, this work sought to investigate the importance of using new digital technologies in the classroom to enhance the teaching-learning process in the early years of basic education.

Catherine Otieno

This chapter provides an in-depth study of the teaching practices of instructors who primarily guide and facilitate learning in a makespace. With a close look at the pedagogical practices that govern teaching and learning in the maker classroom, this study presents instructors who modeled these frameworks. In addition to their own knowledge base and expertise, they were able to efficiently and effectively integrate multi-resources in a unique learning environment while helping learners succeed and adopt the maker mindset. Makerspaces are changing how we perceive learning and teaching. Instructors highlighted in this chapter put forth activities and learning goals that were learner centered and interesting to various learning needs. They designed and created a learning environment that safeguarded learners and allowed them to experiment with ideas and materials, creating different iterations of learning and redefining what success and failure means.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-79
Débora Luana Kurz ◽  
Everton Bedin ◽  
Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald

Background: One of the challenges in pedagogical practice in science in the initial years of elementary school (EF) is focused on developing objects of knowledge with an emphasis on scientific literacy. Objective: To investigate how the pedagogical practices of teachers of the 1st and 2nd grades of the elementary school contribute to promoting access and the development of scientific knowledge to educate a scientifically literate individual. Design: Ethnographic case study, through triangulation of data in a qualitative research perspective. Setting and Participants: Seven basic education women teachers who work in three different schools in the municipality of Vera Cruz/RS participated. Data collection: Observation and description in a logbook, questionnaires and interviews with teachers, as well as one student’s notebook and the official school document (Pedagogical Political Project). Results: The promotion of subsidies for access and mediation of scientific knowledge in teaching actions, although a significant portion of teachers has little corroborated the education of a scientifically literate individual. Conclusions: There must be actions aimed at continuing teacher education to favour significant school environment changes.

2021 ◽  

This study addresses the issue of literacy and literacy in the early years of elementary school, considering the classes with regular and multi-grade education, starting from an analysis of pedagogical practices developed in the classroom, with relevant aspects such as: initial education and continuing of teachers, relating to the practices carried out in the school environment and at work with literacy and literacy. The objective was to analyze which factors influence the development of pedagogical practices from the perspective of literacy and literacy in the early years of elementary school in regular and multi-grade classes in the city of Pombal-PB. The methodology used starts from a descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approach, characterized as a field research and having as research instruments structured questionnaires with open and closed questions, in an attempt to get as close to the reality of the object of study as possible analysis and reflection of the collected data and the contribution of some authors on the aborted theme. It was found with field research that several factors influence the development of pedagogical practice, such as: lack of teacher training programs that contribute to the relationship between theory and practice, more effective family participation in school and organization of teaching. meet the needs of the teaching and learning process with smaller classes not organized in multi-grade education. It is hoped that the present study can contribute to important discussions about pedagogical practices focused on the teacher's work and the process of literacy and literacy, with influence on the academic environments, the pedagogical practice of teachers and the different contexts that involve actions turned on the teaching and learning process.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yustinus Calvin Gai Mali

Project based learning (PBL) refers to an approach to instruction that teaches curriculum concepts through a project espousing principles of learner-centered teaching, learner autonomy, collaborative learning, and learning through tasks. This paper justifies the implementation of PBL to design two main projects and their activities in Creative Writing and Second Language Acquisition classes at English Language Education Program of Dunia University Indonesia (ED-DU). Moreover, the paper details pedagogical practices and learning resources deployed in both classes. The discussions would seem to indicate that the use of PBL grounded in the projects shows a high level of students’ participation in learning, and teachers’ innovative teaching practices. Finally, the paper hopes to provide EFL teachers who have similar teaching practices with practical ideas they can modify and develop to help students achieve particular learning objectives in their classrooms and continue the positive trends of implementing PBL in teaching and learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 240-254 ◽  
Reetta Niemi ◽  
Kristiina Kumpulainen ◽  
Lasse Lipponen

In the new national core curriculum for Finnish preschool and basic education, rationales for supporting pupil participation are framed by the goal of developing school communities by listening to pupils’ perspectives, the social nature of teaching and learning and pupils’ participatory role in planning, implementing and evaluating their own learning. Also in educational literature, listening to pupils’ perspectives is seen as the first step of participation. Framed by these rationales, this article is based on a 6-week-long participatory learning project in one second-grade classroom in Finland. The research group of 8-year-olds included 11 girls and 10 boys. In this study, we used diamond ranking and peer interviews as mediating tools in listening to the pupils’ perspectives. In the article, we describe how a diamond ranking and a peer interview worked as a tool in capturing pupils’ perspectives. Two questions guided the research work: (1) How did diamond ranking and the peer interview work together as a method to improve teacher’s understanding from the pupils’ perspectives? and (2) How did diamond ranking and the peer interview work together as a method to promote pupils’ participation? In this study, the second graders were able to implement diamond ranking. This activity was used as a tool to stimulate pupils’ perspectives that were then captured in peer interviews. The methods provided important information about the pupils and helped the teacher to understand their perspectives. Diamond ranking and peer interviews also revealed information that was not related to pedagogical practices but indicated the sense of relatedness among pupils. In this study, the process of peer interviews was a child-led practice, while the process of diamond ranking activity was teacher-oriented. The method would have served pupils’ participation better if pupils had been more involved in the data collection.

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