scholarly journals Waqf Development in Indonesia: Challenges Faced by Muhammadiyah Waqf Institutions

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Fahmi Medias ◽  
Eko Kurniasih Pratiwi ◽  
Khotibul Umam

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> As a potential financial instrument, waqf has played an essential role in resolving the social problems of the society (ummah). Although Indonesia has long applied the existence of waqf, it has not had an impact on providing an optimal contribution to the welfare of the people. Several studies identified patterns of administration in the management of waqf. The purpose of this study aims to identify and explore the model of empowerment of Mahammadiyah waqf land in Magelang and its challenges in the development of the ummah. The study method used to collect data was descriptive qualitative and interviews, which covered the areas administered by the Mahammadiyah. About 78% of these areas are empowered in the form of educational and worship facilities. However, it was observed that empowerment of the land in Magelang was not optimized due to lack of financial resources, unproductivity, and the presence of incompetent and professional Nazhirs. The solution to these problems is through collaboration with financial institutions in collecting cash equivalents, land specifications, formulating a special legal framework for empowering Muhammadiyah waqf, and training for the development of the capacity of the areas.</p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Sebagai instrumen finansial yang potensial, wakaf memiliki peran penting dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan sosial masyarakat (ummah). Meski keberadaan wakaf sudah lama diterapkan di Indonesia, namun belum berdampak pada memberikan kontribusi yang optimal bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Beberapa penelitian mengidentifikasi pola administrasi dalam pengelolaan wakaf. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendalami model pemberdayaan lahan wakaf mahammadiyah di Magelang dan tantangannya dalam perkembangan umat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan wawancara meliputi wilayah-wilayah yang dikelola Mahammadiyah. Sekitar 78% dari wilayah tersebut diberdayakan dalam bentuk sarana pendidikan dan ibadah. Namun, teramati bahwa pemberdayaan tanah di Magelang belum optimal karena kurangnya sumber daya finansial, tidak produktif, dan adanya Nazhir yang tidak kompeten dan profesional. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah melalui kerjasama dengan lembaga keuangan dalam pengumpulan setara kas, spesifikasi tanah, penyusunan kerangka hukum khusus pemberdayaan wakaf Muhammadiyah, dan pelatihan pengembangan kapasitas daerah.</p>

N. S. Motorova

The article describes the structure and powers of the provincial government in the implementation of the main directions of state social policy. It was noted that on theterritoryofBelarusthey played a major role in solving the social problems of the population due to the lack of zemstvos. The outdated legal framework and the lack of a clear division of functions hampered their effectiveness.In the mid 1880s regulatory committees were established in the structure of the provincial institutions. On the territory of the Belarusian provinces they played an important role in the implementation of social policy, as they controlled the financing of the rural­medical part and partly public charity. However, the experience of the activities of the regulatory committees was unsatisfactory. In this regard, at the end of the XIX century the Interior Ministry proposed to eliminate them, as well as to abolish the provincial food commissions and departments of public charity. It was planned to transfer their functions to the zemstvos. This proposal was implemented partially, as a result of the introduction of the institutions of local economy in theVitebsk,MinskandMogilevprovinces in 1903.At the end of the XIX century in the structure of the provincial administration ofBelaruswere created the offices which were entrusted with the functions of monitoring compliance with the workers’ legislation, and then the insurance of workers. They were formed under the influence of new social demands. These offices corresponded to new social and economic conditions, in contrast to the provincial institutions, which managed public charity, national food and health care.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Naili Rahmawati

AbstractSupreme Court Regulation (PERMA) No. 14 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Settling Sharia Economic Disputes requires the readiness of the handling of professional religious justice apparatus, including in the Giri Menang religious court, NTB, where this research was conducted. The jurisdiction of the religious court covers two districts, namely West Lombok and North Lombok. The high economic activity of the people in contact with sharia financial institutions in the two districts allows many cases to be accepted. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a focus on the response of the judges about their authority in handling sharia economic cases and to see their readiness to settle cases after the issuance of PERMA. Data collection methods used are observation, documentation, interviews and questionnaires were distributed to 12 respondents, namely all judges in the PA. The results of the analysis show that in general the judges responded positively to the authority to handle sharia economic cases. In addition, they were ready to settle the sharia economic dispute after the issuance of PERMA.AbstrakKeluarnya Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (PERMA) No. 14 Tahun 2016 tentang Tata Cara Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syariah menuntut kesiapan penanganan dari aparatur peradilan agama secara profesional termasuk di pengadilan agama Giri Menang, NTB, tempat penelitian ini dilakukan. Wilayah yurisdiksi dari pengadilan agama tersebut meliputi dua kabupaten, yaitu Lombok Barat dan Lombok Utara. Tingginya aktifitas ekonomi masyarakat yang bersentuhan dengan lembaga keuangan syariah di kedua kabupaten tersebut memungkinkan munculnya banyak perkara yang akan diterima. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan fokus pada respon para hakim tentang kewenangannya dalam menangani perkara ekonomi syariah dan untuk melihat kesiapan mereka dalam menyelesaikan perkara pasca keluarnya PERMA tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan kuesioner yang disebar kepada 12 responden, yaitu seluruh hakim yang ada di PA tersebut. Hasil analisis menunjukkkan bahwa secara umum para hakim merespon positif atas kewenangan untuk menangani perkara ekonomi syariah. Selain itu, mereka telah siap dalam menyelesaikan perkara sengketa ekonomi syariah pasca keluarnya PERMA tersebut


2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Jafar Fikri Alkadrie ◽  
Gorby Faisal Hanifa ◽  
Annisa Chantika Irawan

Diaspora conducted by Chinese people to various regions of the world make them have their own culture with their own peculiarities, because it has acculturated with the new place where they are. One of the significant areas is Singkawang city. Singkawang is a historic place for Tionghoa ethnic, because there is where they grow and have their own civilization, complete with their sub-culture brought from China. During the reign of President Soeharto, their existence is very marginalized. They have a variety of cultures that only after the new Reformation is open to public. They have a unique sub-culture, so it takes time to be accepted in the community. Celebrations such as Imlek, Cap Gomeh and the others, are a distinct identity that falls within the indigenous communities and influences the economic, politics and cultural fields. So it is interesting to study about the Tionghoa sub-culture with it’s various dynamics, taking the background of Singkawang City, because the majority of the people are Tionghoa ethnic. The research was conducted by descriptive-qualitative methods, with the aim to describe the dynamics of Tionghoa sub-culture in Singkawang City. The result is, the dynamics of Tionghoa ethnic in Singkawang City has undergone significant changes and affect the social, economic, political life in Singkawang

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-104
Muh. Rusdi

The purpose of this research is to build a collaboration between the travel business and the relevant government and the people of the City of Parepare in dealing with disasters. In addition, the parties who are members of the collaboration group carry out the stages of the safety process for tourists affected by the disaster to facilitate the handling of accident victims in the field. in the City of Parepare. Then this study, using a descriptive qualitative approach, the data collection techniques used are interviews, literature study, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to establish cooperation carried out by travel business parties to related sectors in the form of collaboration and the need for a soup or guide book to be made as a way to facilitate and understand the duties of each member of the cooperation group. are required to be able to equip their employees by adding skills and training, especially those related to First Aid in Accidents (P3K) this is important for travel businesses and related agencies to avoid more serious accident victims for tourists.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-184
Moh. Subhan

The discourse on waqf recently appears the back to the surface. It not only discusses about the opinion of the fiqh scholars who have no uniform about understanding and nature waqf  itself, but also to reform and optimize waqf  in order to do more, namely to superintend the social problems of society, related to the prosperity of the economy of the people. Therefore, contextualization and repositioning of waqf institutions becomes a necessiry for immediate implementation. The function and role of waqf is very large in supporting the development and progress of the muslims. Therefore the management of waqf must be able to be optimized. Tragically the management of waqf in Indonesia is still not maximized, so there are some waqf property abandoned in its management, some even missing. This is due to the waqf management still uses traditional-consumptive management pattern. Efforts to develop waqf to be productive and productive, there are four things to note; Institutional aspect, accounting aspect, auditing aspect and aspect of nadhir. If these four aspects can be met, then the utilization of waqf will be more efficient. There are several forms of models that can be run by the manager of waqf, such as by holding Sharia banks as a partner with schema of mura>bah}ah, istis}na>’, ija>rah muntahiyah bi al-tamli>k (financial leasing with purchase option), muza>ra’ah, qard} al-h}asan, musha>rakah (partnership) and mud}a>rabah muqayyadah.

Marichen Van der Westhuizen ◽  
Thomas Greuel ◽  
Jacques W. Beukes

The aim of the article is to report on research findings that could contribute to the development of decolonised academic material. Africanisation of curricula implies that education and training as well as praxis be informed by the reality of the South African context, the viewpoints of the people of South Africa and their descriptions of what is needed to build a just society. This is relevant to a variety of service professions. This article was presented from a trans-disciplinary framework, and the term ‘professional carers’, including the social service and theology professions, was used. The discussion explored how academia can approach the development of curricula that will inform praxis and which is relevant to the African context. The terms ‘Africanisation’, ‘decolonisation’ and ‘contextualisation’ were linked, whereafter a developmental approach to the development of the content and presentation of academic material was proposed. The article is concluded with recommended strategic options for the development of Africanised curricula.

Revista Trace ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 78
Gabriela Guzmán Gómez

Se presenta la manera en la que dos organizaciones hermanas, pretenden insertarse en el esquema gubernamental de financiamiento rural, destacando los elementos que potencian y/o obstaculizan el que las organizaciones se apropien de esta fase del desarrollo. Se exponen las disyuntivas que enfrentaron ambas organizaciones para definir su posición, haciendo énfasis en los encuentros y desencuentros que les implicó. Se concluye que el esquema oficial de financiamiento confunde la revolvencia de los recursos financieros de altos índices de ganancia con el desarrollo. El Estado emplea su función reguladora para normalizar muy estrictamente la estructura y el funcionamiento financiero sin intervenir en las condiciones que establecen las entidades financieras con sus usuarios ni en el impacto que estas condiciones generan. Las organizaciones sociales tendrán que crear una estrategia propia de desarrollo, asegurando contar con la existencia de mecanismos especiales que les permitirán tener recursos económicos y humanos especializados conectados con el resto de los vínculos de desarrollo. Así podrán ofrecer opciones de desarrollo adaptadas a las necesidades y posibilidades de sus socios y miembros.Abstract: This article explains the manner in which two related organizations try to place themselves in the governmental rural financing scheme. The paper outlines the elements that promote or prevent the organizations’ appropriation of this development phase. It presents the dilemmas both organizations faced, in order to define their position, highlighting the agreements and disagreements due to the different priorities and ways of working. Finally, the article concludes that the official financing scheme confuses the «revolving» financial resources that have high profit indexes, with the development. The State uses its regulatory function to rule in a very strict way the structure and the financial performance but does not intervene in the conditions the financial institutions establish with their customers and the impact these conditions generate. The social organizations must generate their own strategy of development and ensure the existence of special mechanisms, which allow them to have specialized resources, both economic and human, connected with the rest of the development links. This way they will be able to offer suitable development options that meet the needs and possibilities of their associates and members.Résumé : Cet article explique comment deux organisations jumelles essaient de s’insérer à l’intérieur d’un schéma gouvernemental de financement rural. L’accent est mis sur les éléments qui facilitent et/ou empêchent ces organisations de s’approprier cette phase de développement. Y sont exposés les dilemmes auxquels ces deux organisations ont dû faire face pour définir leur position, mettant en lumière les accords et désaccords soulevés par les différentes priorités et manières de travailler. Enfin, l’article conclut que le schéma officiel de financement confond les ressources financières à haut niveau de profit et le développement. L’État emploie sa fonction régulatrice pour définir de manière très stricte la structure et la performance financière mais n’intervient ni dans les conditions que les institutions financières établissent avec leurs clients ni dans leur impact. Les organisations sociales doivent créer leur propre stratégie de développement et assurer l’existence de mécanismes spéciaux qui leur permettent d’avoir des ressources spécialisées, tant économiques qu’humaines, en relation avec le reste des moyens de développement. De cette manière elles pourront offrir à leurs associés et membres différentes options de croissance correspondant à leurs besoins et possibilités.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 8-9
Khizer Hayat Khuhawar ◽  
Haya Shah

This paper discusses the emergence of unemployment and the social problems arising and affecting the people as a consequence with added emphasis placed on the situation in Pakistan. Unemployment itself is a rapidly growing social issue, plaguing the citizens of the country, acting as the root cause of innumerable problems which further emphasizes on the severity of the issue and the urgency to ensure it is lowered and no longer acts as a hindrance for the progress of the country and its people. Keywords: Income, Financial Issues, Insecurity, Education

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-159
Nellis Mardhiah

Peraturan Bupati Nomor 5 Tahun 2010 tentang Peraturan Penegakan Syariat Islam dalam pemakaian busana Islam di Kabupaten Aceh Barat. PERBUP ini adalah menjadi pokok permasalahan yang utama dalam penelitian ini. Penerapan peraturan tersebut menjadi kontradiksi di kehidupan masyarakat dalam memahami dan mematuhi kebijakan tersebut. Permasalahan lain dalam qanun syariat islam yang diterapkan di Provinsi Aceh dan khususnya Kabupaten Aceh Barat adalah belum diberlakukannya aturan kepada Warga Negara Asing yang melanggar norma-norma syariat islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis permasalahan sosial yang dialami masyarakat terkait pelaksanaan peraturan Syariat Islam di masyarakat Aceh Barat. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan sosial penerapan Syariat Islam di Kabupaten di Aceh Barat pasca pemberlakukan peraturan Bupati Nomor 5 Tahun 2010 belum berjalan secara maksimal karena terjadi peningkatan kasus-kasus yang signifikan dari tahun 2011-2015. Pelanggaran-pelanggaran terhadap penerapan syariat Islam tersebut diantaranya disebabkan oleh kelemahan sosialisasi ke masyarakat dalam penerapan kebijakan dan kurangnya anggaran operasional, sehingga implementasi kebijakan tidak berjalan dengan baik. Selain itu ada juga intervensi kelompok aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia yang meyakini bahwa hukum syariat Islam yang diterapkan di Aceh adalah melanggar HAM.Regent Regulation No. 5 of 2010 on the Regulation of Enforcement of Islamic Sharia in the use of Islamic dress in the District of West Aceh. This is a key issue in this research. The implementation of the regulation becomes a contradiction in the life of the community in understanding and complying with the policy. Another problem in qanun syariat Islam that is applied in Aceh Province and especially West Aceh regency is not yet enforced rules to foreign citizen who violate norms of Islamic sharia. This study aims to identify and analyze social problems experienced by the community related to the implementation of Islamic Sharia rules in the people of West Aceh. This research approach uses qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the social problem of the implementation of Islamic Sharia in the District in West Aceh after the enactment of Regulation No. 5 of 2010 has not been running maximally due to the increase of significant cases from 2011-2015. Violations against the implementation of Islamic Sharia are caused by the weakness of socialization to the community in the implementation of the policy and the lack of operational budget, so the implementation of the policy is not going well. In addition there are also intervention groups of human rights activists who believe that Islamic sharia law applied in Aceh is a violation of human rights.

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