scholarly journals Features of Chinese Animalistic Prose on the Example of Gerel-Сhimeg Black Crane’s Novel Black Flame

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-160
Oxana P. Rodionova ◽  

The article examines the themes, images, and artistic features of the animalistic novel Black Flame (2006) by the Chinese writer of Mongolian origin Gerel-Сhimeg Black Сrane’s. The general and comparative analysis of the novel not only reveals the peculiarities of the author’s individual style, but also characterizes the general trends in the development of animalistic prose in China and abroad. Respect for the laws of nature, as well as the theme of love and devotion of an animal to man, run through the entire novel Black Flame as red threads. A characteristic feature of the work is the combination of scientific and artistic styles. Such qualities of the writer as truthfulness and subtle understanding of animal psychology are also remarkable. Among the features of Black Crane’s artistic style, one can note the poetic language enriched with original metaphors and epithets. Instead of the usual narration of the characters’ actions, Gerel-Chimeg focuses on the physical and mental sensations evoked by these actions and transmitted to the readers. The writer does not humanize animals, nevertheless, he manages to penetrate their inner world through the use of a rich arsenal of smells, sounds and even tactile sensations. Today, Gerel-Chimeg is an original and iconic figure among Chinese writers of this genre. The article emphasizes that animalistic literature of such a level plays an important role both in the study of the wild world as well as in the education of humanity in people. The novel Black Flame not only enriches our knowledge of nature and animals of northern and western China, but also evokes a powerful emotional response from the readers.

Н. Алтыкеева ◽  
Б. Ниясалиева

Аннотация. Макалада романдын мазмунунан орун алган пейзаждык сүрөттөөлөр талкууланат. Пейзаждык сүрөттөөлөр чыгарманын көркөмдүүлүгүн, эстетикалык баалуулугун арттыруу менен катар эле каармандардын образын тереңден ачып берүүдө, окуялардын өнүгүп-өсүшү жана алдыда боло турган окуялар тууралуу окурманга маалымат берүүдө кошумча каражат катары колдонулат. Жазуучу романда пейзаждык сүрөттөөлөрдү өтө кылдат колдонгону байкалат. Алсак, тоо адамдагы улуулук жана бийиктикти айгинелейт, толукшуган ай жан- дүйнөнүн бөксөрбөй толуп турушун көрсөтөт, ачык асмандын алай-дүлөй түшкөн көрүнүшкө айланышы - каармандын ички сезими, уйгу-туйгу ойлонуусу, жан дүйнөсүнүн бурганак болушун ачып көрсөтүүдө маанилүү болсо, чабалекейлердин тынымсыз учуп чабалакташы, жан алакетке түшүп чыйпылдашы – алдыда боло турган кырсыктуу окуя тууралуу кабар берсе, согуштун апааты жашыл шибердин, бак-дарактардын күлгө айланышы, чымчык-куштардын күздү күтпөй кайдадыр учуп кетип жатышы менен түшүндүрүлөт. Tүйүндүү сөздөр: пейзаж. роман, идея, легенда, эпилог, каарман, негизги окуялар. Аннотация. В статье дается пейзажное описание. Пейзажное описание используется в произведении как дополнительное средство эстетических ценностей и помогает раскрыть образы героев, и действия произведения. Писатель в романе тонко использует пейзажное описание. Например горы возвышенное и самое ценное в человеке, а полная луна – счастливое душевное состояние человека, а превращение безоблачного неба в бущующий вид – указывает, как неспокойно в душе главного героя, его беспокойные мысли, как бушует его внутренний мир, а ласточки неспокойно летающие, предвещают несчастье, птицы улетающие раньше времени, превращение зелёной травы, деревьев в пепел предвещают ужасы войны. Ключевые слова: пейзаж. роман, идея, легенда, эпилог, герой, главное событие Annotation. The article discusses the landscape description. The landscape description is used in the work as an additional tool for aesthetic values and helps to reveal the images of heroes, and in the development of the action of the work/ The writer in the novel subtly uses the landscape description. The mountains are the sublime and the most valuable in a person, and the full moon is a happy state of mind of a person, and the transformation of a cloudless sky into a raging view indicates how restless the soul of the protagonist is, his restless thoughts. How his inner world is raging, and the swallows are restlessly flying, foreshadow the misfortune, the birds flying away ahead of time, the transformation of green grass, trees in the forehead the horrors of war. This article describes the idea of the story "Do not kill" which is given instead of the epilogue in the novel "When the mountains fall" which was written by Ch.Aitmatov. It considers the role of a story that calls to live in peace and to end wars that are occurring in the world. Keywords: Landscapе, novel, idea, legend, epilogue, hero, main event.

A. Yu. Bovsunivska A. Yu.

The article is devoted to the study of pragmatic aspects of the use of phraseology in the textual space of Carlos Ruiz Safón’s novel «Prisoner of Heaven». One of the defining features of the individual style of this well-known modern Spanish writer is the metaphoricity and figuration of aristic expression, the saturation of the text with phraseological units that play a significant role in creating a pragmatic charge of the work of art. Along with general linguistic phraseological units, which include commonly-used vocabulary, the author uses dialectal and authorial phraseological units, which is a feature of his individual style. All three designated groups of phraseological units mostly reflect the negative psychophysical and emotional state of the characters. The author uses dialectal, individually-authorial and modified phraseological units, which is a feature of his individual style. It is determined that transformation is one of the most productive and most effective ways to update linguistic means in works of art. Author’s modification of FU leads to a change in the semantics and structure of expression, gives it a more expressive or emotional coloring. Transformed phraseology is limited to individual usage and is subject to the context of the work. Modified FUs in the Zafón’s artistic space acquire certain aesthetic and artistic qualities. Their modification is mainly to create the desired stylistic effect – to achieve emotional or expressive expression, which increases the reader’s interest, focuses on the content, issues of the work, as well as reveals the potential expressive potential of the Spanish language. In the transformed FUs, not just a new meaning is traced, but a combination of the well-known and the occasional. The unique combination of different types of phraseological units in the novel is considered a manifestation of individual style and makes a representation of the individually-authorial linguistic picture of the world more expressive.

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 29-41
Anna Viktorovna Dulina

This article is dedicated to the analysis of peculiarities of space arrangement in the “Divine Comedy” by Alighieri and the novel Moby-Dick, or The Whale” by Herman Melville. On the examples of structural mythologemes “journey inside yourself” and “path towards the center of a circle”, present in both works, the author notes the impact of Dante upon Melville and determines the differences in their poetics of space. Structural, semantic and comparative-historical analysis of the texts in question allows speaking of the transformation of symbolism of the images of circle and its center, circular, vertical and horizontal movement, as well as reconsideration of meaning of the category of chaos and order, opposition “internal-external” from Dante’s works to worldview of the authors of the era of Romanticism. The novelty of this work consists in simultaneous analysis of the impact of Dante’s poetry upon Melville and comparison of peculiarities of the poetics of space of both authors for determining fundamental changes in representations of the structure of world space and space of the inner world of a person. In artistic realm of H. Melville, symbolic point of the center of a circle – “center of the world” –is no longer static, it becomes unreliable, depicting heads of madman characters and the images of the objects, which semantics does not resemble the concept of emptiness. The motif of the loss of structuredness along with the motif of mutual reciprocity of spatial dimensions and characteristics distinguish Melville’s poetics of space, delineated in the dialogue with distinct features of space arrangement in Dante’s works.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.36) ◽  
pp. 983 ◽  
Anastasia S.Volskaya ◽  
Olga A. Chupryakova ◽  
Svetlana S. Safonova ◽  
Gulnaz T. Karipzhanova

The paper is devoted to the study of semantic and functional features of expressive derivatives, both usual and occasional, in the artistic gist of the novel “Asan” by V. Makanin, as well as their role in structuring the individual-author’s linguistic picture of the world. It has been proven that the derivation of expressive lexemes is the result of improvisation according to established patterns, and that the formation of occasional substantives, adjectives and verbs involved the main methods of the Russian word derivation. It is noted that in the artistic discourse of V. Makanin, in the substantive word-formation, suffixation plays a leading role, which takes place in the sphere of abstractness and includes such lexical-semantic groups as expressive substantives with the meaning of a person, expressive substantives with the meaning of abstracted action or an abstract feature with connotation, as a rule, negative and/or reduced colloquial connotation. While in the sphere of adjectival and verbal word formation, confixation and prefixation, as the formation of expressiveness, is most productive. The paper considers the phenomenon of semantic word formation, describes the formation of semantic derivatives, including in the field of occasional vocabulary. Expressive derivatives in the artistic discourse of V. Makanin are a bright sign of his individual style, an important means of expressing the world view and outlook of the writer.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-160
Artem D. Morozov

The article deals with the novel ‟Letters from a Peruvian Woman” (Lettres d'une Péruvienne, 1747) by Madame de Graffigny, which anticipates many ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, including the notion of state of nature. The main character, a young Peruvian woman, who was taken away to France, embodies the concept of the ‟noble savage”. Unlike civilised Europeans she has high moral qualities, critically evaluates the institutions and customs of her time, and she aspires to the state of nature, though knowledge about this world did not make her happy. Madame de Graffigny uses the Peruvian theme according to the general interest in the age of Enlightenment in the Inca Empire, which was considered as idyllic society, organised under the laws of nature. She tries, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, to display merits of savages and demerits of civilised Europeans. The intellectual influence of Madame de Graffigny and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on each other is confirmed by their personal contacts. As a result, we claim that the novel ‟Letters from a Peruvian Woman” was influenced by advanced philosophical ideas of the mid-18thcentury – this text stands at the origins of the concept of the ‟state of nature”, which eventually became one of the main terms of Rousseauism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-39

The article presents the results of the study of aesthetic function of interrogative utterances in the novel "Waterland" by G. Swift. The methods of component analysis, contextual analysis, and stylistic analysis were used in the research. The author assumes that interrogative utterances play the key role in representing imagery of the novel, facilitating thematical and conceptual unity, forming the chronotope and presentation of the inner world of the narrator. It was also found that interrogative utterances function in expressing emotivity and psychologism of a literary text as well as actualizing implicit senses, e. g. of certain images and episodes by means of such stylistic devices as aposiopesis, parenthesis, repetition, ellipsis and others. In general, the author assumes that in their aesthetic function interrogative utterances serve to convey the individual aesthetic model presented by the author in a literary text.

Н.Г. Сичинава

Статья посвящена рассмотрению проблемы формирования основ филологического анализа и интерпретации художественного текста на материале новеллы И.А. Бунина «Ворон». Автор обосновывает необходимость интеграции лингвистического, лингвострановедческого и литературоведческого анализа для обеспечения максимально полного восприятия художественного дискурса инофонами. Зависимость понимания художественного текста и получаемого при его чтении эстетического эффекта от глубины восприятия словесно-художественных образов автор продемонстрирует на материале новеллы И.А. Бунина «Ворон». Средствами создания образов в рассказе являются символика имени; прямая или косвенная характеристики; портрет героя; действия и поступки героя; образы-детали; описание психологического состояния героя; изображение внутреннего мира героя через воспоминания; речь. Как показал анализ, в тексте бунинского рассказа значительный лексический пласт образуется за счет прецедентных феноменов. Процесс их декодирования можно рассматривать как важное средство экспликации текстовой информации. Прежде всего, в исследовательский объектив попадают прецедентные имена. Именно через них можно установить ассоциативные связи с теми понятиями-образами, которые были характерны для российского общества описываемой эпохи или русского лингвокультурного сообщества в целом. В раскрытии образов важную роль играют имплицирующие детали, актуализация которых в ряде случаев происходит через комментарии, заранее подготовленные преподавателем. Особый интерес вызывает проблема смыслового восприятия и понимания имени героини новеллы. Декодирование символики имени героини происходит на основе прецедентных текстов. Данная стратегия формирует у студентов способность узнавать, понимать и адекватно интерпретировать смысл художественного теста с интертекстуальными включениями. Кодирование культурной информации, которая впоследствии должна быть разгадана читателем, имеет место при введении в контекст новеллы определенных лексических единиц. Ключевые слова: художественный текст, интерпретация, прецедентный феномен, образ, язык, И.А. Бунин. The article is devoted to the problem of forming the foundations of philological analysis and interpretation of a fiction text based on the material of I. A. Bunin's short story “The Raven”. The author justifies the need to integrate linguistic, linguistic-cultural and literary analysis in order to ensure the fullest possible perception of fiction discourse by foreign speakers. The author demonstrates the dependence of the understanding of a literary text and the aesthetic effect obtained when reading it on the depth of perception of verbal and artistic images based on the material of I. A. Bunin's Novella "the Raven". The means of creating images in the story are: symbolism of the name; direct or indirect characteristics; portrait of the hero; actions and actions of the hero; images-details; description of the psychological state of the hero; image of the inner world of the hero through memories; speech. Explication of the information contained in the text can proceed along the path of decoding precedent phenomena. When using a precedent name, the author appeals to certain concepts-images that were well known to him and his contemporaries, but do not mean anything to the modern reader. Thus, decoding hidden information requires knowledge accumulated in a given linguistic and cultural community or by humanity as a whole. Implying details play an important role in the disclosure of images, which in some cases are updated through comments prepared in advance by the teacher. Of particular interest is the problem of semantic perception and understanding of the name of the heroine of the novel, which contains references to precedent texts. Decoding the symbolism of the heroine's name gives students the ability to recognize, understand and adequately interpret the meaning of an artistic test with intertextual inclusions. The encoding of cultural information, which must later be unraveled by the reader, takes place when certain lexical units are introduced into the context of the novel.

2012 ◽  
Vol 62 (Pt_11) ◽  
pp. 2650-2656 ◽  
Guo-Xing Nie ◽  
Hong Ming ◽  
Shuai Li ◽  
En-Min Zhou ◽  
Juan Cheng ◽  

A novel actinomycete strain, designated YIM 75904T, was isolated from a soil sample that had been collected from a dry and hot river valley in Dongchuan county, Yunnan province, south-western China. The taxonomic position of the novel strain was investigated by a polyphasic approach. In phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, strain YIM 75904T formed a distinct clade within the genus Amycolatopsis and appeared to be closely related to Amycolatopsis sacchari K24T (99.3 % sequence similarity). Strain YIM 75904T had a type-IV cell wall, with no detectable mycolic acids, and had MK-9(H4) as its predominant menaquonine. Its cell wall contained meso-diaminopimelic acid, galactose, glucose and arabinose, and its major cellular fatty acids were iso-C16 : 0, iso-C15 : 0, anteiso-C17 : 0 and anteiso-C15 : 0. The genomic DNA G+C content of the novel strain was 68.5 mol%. Based on the results of physiological and biochemical tests and DNA–DNA hybridizations, strain YIM 75904T represents a novel species of the genus Amycolatopsis for which the name Amycolatopsis dongchuanensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is YIM 75904T ( = CCTCC AA 2011016T  = JCM 18054T).

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (8) ◽  
pp. 98-108
Linh Phan Trong Hoang

Following Mikhail Bakhtin’s poetics, the article approaches Le Minh Phong’s novel The Path from two characteristics including discourse and symbolization. The writer created the coexistence and dialogue between two symbols of awareness and body and used it to present the understanding of people’s lives in modern society. Surrounded by irrational taboos, people fell into the status of losing their voice power. Regaining that lost power, as for the character by Le Minh Phong, is a hopeless path. Hence, the world in the novel exhibited gloom, tearfulness, blood and death, along with the sound of screams, profanity and curses. With the achieved study results, the article contributes to assert Le Minh Phong’s position as a typical artistic style of contemporary Vietnamese literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (42) ◽  
pp. 224-241
Noha Ati Khalif ◽  

В статье рассмотрена главная причина обращения А. И. Герцена к устаревшим словам, которая состоит в их способности приобретать в контексте речи стилистическую окраску, а также возможности сочетания в некоторых случаях с нейтральными лексемами различных функциональных стилей. Репрезентирован определенный стилистический эффект таких характеристик этого типа лексики, вследствие чего их стилистическая окрашенность в синтагматическом плане не совпадает со стилистической окраской в плане парадигматики, то есть в речи они совсем имеют совершенно стилистическое значение. Акцентируется внимание на роли устаревшей лексики, состоящая в том, что они служат для реализации таких черт художественного стиля как образность, эмоциональность, а их главная задача – эмоционально воздействовать на читателя, чем мастерски пользуется Герцен. Утверждается, что для устаревшей лексики романа «Кто виноват?» А. И. Герцена характерным представляется успешное сосуществование современного для писателя языка и речи изображаемой эпохи. Характер сочетания этих двух языковых стихий, их объем, способы, приемы введения элементов языка изображаемой эпохи в ткань художественного произведения являются специфическими. Abstract The article considers the main reason for A. I. Herzen's address to obsolete words, which is their ability to acquire a stylistic coloring in the context of speech, as well as the possibility of combining, in some cases, with neutral lexemes of various functional styles. A certain stylistic effect of such characteristics of this type of vocabulary is represented, as a result of which their stylistic coloring in syntagmatic terms does not coincide with stylistic coloring in terms of paradigmatics, that is, in speech they have a completely stylistic meaning. Attention is focused on the role of outdated vocabulary, which consists in the fact that they serve to implement such features of the artistic style as imagery, emotionality, and their main task is to emotionally affect the reader, which Herzen skillfully uses. It is argued that for the outdated vocabulary of the novel “Who is to blame?” By A.I. Herzen, the successful coexistence of the modern era for the writer of language and speech appears characteristic. The nature of the combination of these two linguistic elements, their scope, methods, and techniques for introducing elements of the language of the epoch depicted into the fabric of a work of art are specific.

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