On the Issue of Some Changes in the Legal Regulation of Labor Protection (On the Example of Kyrgyzstan and Russia)

Kubanychbek S. Ramankulov
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68
Roman V. Kirsanov

The subject. The article deals with topical issues of ensuring the realization of the employee's right to healthy and safe working conditions.The purpose of the study is to identify the main directions of improvement of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.The methodology includes formal-legal method, the analysis of the components of the right to healthy and safe working conditions, as well as the right to information and related rights.The main results. The author formulates proposals for amending a number of articles of the Labor Code, including those containing the most important branch principles, as well as those on termination of the employment contract and ensuring the right of an employee to a workplace that meets the requirements of labor protection.Examples from judicial practice show a low level of legal awareness of Russian employers and their disdainful attitude to labor legislation. This is expressed not only in violation of labor protection rules, but also in the absence of proper registration of an employee, when a written labor contract is not concluded with him. Thus, the relationship between the norms of different labor law institutions is expressed, expressed in their protective potential. The existing approach to understanding labor protection in a broad sense to a certain extent may be in demand even now. For example, by improving the norms on the conclu-sion, modification and termination of an employment contract, it is possible to achieve in parallel a certain improvement in working conditions for workers. This is due to the fact that legal registration of employment in most cases is associated with a higher level of security, since an employee without clearance does not actually exist for the state control and supervisory bodies.Conclusions. Understanding of labor protection as all-round protection of labor capacity of the person, being so widespread in Soviet time, looks quite justified nowadays too. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as the central regulatory legal act, should be considered as an instrument not only of legal regulation, but also of a powerful ideological impact on domestic employers, and changes and additions to labor legislation concerning labor protection should be made according to above-mentioned conclusion.

E.A. Azmetova ◽  
N.V. Vadulina ◽  

The problems of legal regulation of remote work from the point of view of safety and labor protection are considered. During the pandemic, the number of remote employees increased by eight times, and the labor protection of this category of the employees remained at the same level. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation significantly reduces the rights and obligations of both the employer and the remote employee, therefore, the risk of an incident increases. It is difficult to establish a connection specifically between the incident with production activities, and not with the household chores. It is noted that the employers are reluctant to investigate incidents with remote employees. However, an investigation is required since administrative responsibility is provided for concealing an incident. Investigation will help not only to get the employee due compensation but also to prevent future incidents. Several traumatic factors are highlighted related to the home office: sharp corners of the furniture, broken glass, toilets and bathrooms, wet floor, armchair, chair, ceiling cabinets (head injuries), carpets and cables (stumbling), equipment and cables (short circuit), fire, stairs. Presumably, the most frequent occupational diseases associated with the remote work (longer stay behind the computer screen) were identified: dry eye and carpal tunnel syndromes, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. Recommendations for the prevention of occupational diseases and injuries were proposed: briefings on labor protection, risk assessment at the workplaces, preliminary and periodic medical examinations, an ergonomic working environment, compliance with the work and rest regimes, preservation and (or) documentation of the incident site before the arrival of the commission, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 93-98
Oleksandr Varenyk

Social Law ◽  
2019 ◽  
R. Herneha

The article analyzes the specifics and significance of the mechanism of national legal support for labor protection. Its importance is outlined and the role in the legal regulation of labor protection is characterized. On the basis of theoretical analysis, a list of elements of the national mechanism of legal protection of labor protection is derived. The author concludes that the mechanism of legal security depends not only on the state and the law, but also on the behavior of the legal entities themselves. It is this feature that determines the difference between the mechanism of legal regulation and the mechanism of legal support. It is established that the international and national mechanisms of legal protection of labor differ in the level of detail, where the national mechanism of legal security is a coherent and well-established system, which extends its operation to a clearly defined territory and regulates through the use of legal means and methods, the establishment of legal rules and application legal liability for their violation or non-observance, public relations between the subjects of labor protection in order to ensure the employee's rights to life, health I and safe working conditions and regulate the behavior of the employer to provide guarantees of these rights. In addition, there is a distinction between sanction and legal liability, where the first is understood as the means of coercive influence applied in the event of non-compliance or improper performance of an obligation. That is, the sanction is already a consequence of recognizing the need to apply legal liability, so it would be more appropriate to use this particular formulation. At the same time, the author is of the opinion that legal liability cannot be called a mandatory element of legal security, since it occurs only in exceptional moments of violation of rights or non-compliance with prohibitions. The lawfulness of acts of direct realization of rights and obligations, in turn, excludes the possibility of its application.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Федорец ◽  
Aleksandr Fedorets ◽  
Шведов ◽  
R. Shvedov

First aid to injure of accidents at work takes the significant place in the system of labor protection as an important element of preserving life and safety of workers who are injured or have experienced a sharp deterioration in health during working hours. Nevertheless, the legal component of first aid has not yet been worked out in detail. As shown in the article, the main problem is that first aid treatment to injure at work is not limited to labor legislation, but is also an important part of the legislation on the protection of public health, criminal law. The article offers a comprehensive, systematic look at the legal aspects of first aid treatment at work with a focus on the need for an explicit separate determination and enforcement of the legal process "empower" and "bind" in organization of the first aid treatment at the employer.

2020 ◽  
pp. 48 (66)-54 (73)
A. V. Mikhailov

The Fourth industrial Revolution, together with the transformation of labor law in connection with the further digitalization of production processes, implies further development and change of the norms of the Institute of labor protection. Based on the analysis of possible prospects for the development of legal relations in this area, the conclusion is made about the complexity of legal regulation of labor protection due to the increase in the volume of remote labor and the use of online control of production processes. English version of this article is available at URL: https://panor.ru/articles/impact-of-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-on-the-transformation-of-labour-safety-standards/63659.html

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4(106)) ◽  
pp. 233-243
О. С. Вареник

Local regulation of labor protection is carried out at each enterprise, organization or institution separately. As a result, the subjects of local rule-making have their own ideas about the quality of local regulations, how to draw up such an act and how to teach local law. At the same time, approaches to local regulation of labor protection may differ even within a large enterprise, and even more so at the regional or national level during the creation of collective agreements. The quality and efficiency of local regulation of labor protection depends on the number of accidents at the entrepreneur, safety for members of the workforce and the general population. At the same time, the formation of local regulations can be influenced by completely subjective factors regarding the style of speech, as well as the presence of deep professional knowledge on the topic of labor protection. It is clear that chaos in the understanding of local legal regulation of labor protection increases the likelihood of negative consequences. Today, the legislative definition of uniform requirements for local regulation procedures and the content of local labor protection acts is not provided, and therefore it is important to establish and disseminate among the subjects of local regulation common and easy to understand principles of local labor protection regulation. The article analyzes the practices and legislation on local regulation and establishes which principles apply to labor protection. It is important to derive a classification of such principles, as it will simplify their organization, illustrate the connection and place in legal regulation, interaction with centralized regulation, as well as emphasize the autonomy of local regulation of labor protection. The analysis of the content of the principles of local legal regulation of labor protection provided an opportunity to determine their essence, features of implementation, to clarify their procedural or material nature and systemic action. It is concluded that the principles of local legal regulation of labor protection are all interdependent and non-compliance with at least one of them will lead to the illegality of the local legal act. It is established that the principles combine both legal requirements and requirements of organizational, technical and economic nature. The problem is to convey the content of such principles to the subjects of local rule-making, as many of them do not have special professional knowledge. In addition, it is necessary to create more effective mechanisms for control and monitoring of compliance with the principles during the development and implementation of local regulations on labor protection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (34) ◽  
I. Kamenskа ◽  
O. Bokshyts

To investigate the state of industrial injuries (including fatalities) in Ukraine in general and in the agro-industrial complex for the period from 2011 to 2017, and to identify ways to increase the level of occupational safety.Investigation of the condition of occupational injuries in the conditions of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine was carried out using the probabilistic-statistical method of analysis. In the study, we used the statistical method of analysis of occupational injuries in Ukraine from 2011 till – 2017, which is based on the study of injuries according to the report of the State Labor Service of Ukraine.For the first time the analysis of occupational injuries in Ukraine from 2011 till-2017was carried out according to the report of the State Labor Service of Ukraine. The ways of raising the level of labor protection in agriculture are proposed.On the basis of analysis of the data of the State Labor Service of Ukraine for the period of 2011-2017, it has been established that the state of occupational injuries is declining, both in Ukraine as a whole and in the agro-industrial complex. Despite the fact that the level of injuries in the aforementioned years decreased, it should be noted that the industry of the agro-industrial complex in the period 2011-2014 took the third place in Ukraine by the level of injury and the second place – by the level of injuries with fatalities, and in the period 2015-2017 – third and first place respectively.In 2011, in the agro-industrial sector, 10,0% of the total number of traumatized people was injured at enterprises of Ukraine, and 17.9% of the total number of deaths were injured, in 2012, respectively, 9,9 and 18,6 in 2013 – 9,9 and 16,4, in 2014 – 10,9 and 17,3, in 2015 – 14,1 and 22,4, in 2016 – 13,1 and 20,8, and in 2017 – 12,5 and 20,5%.An analysis of the state of occupational injuries in the areas of supervision was conducted. The obtained results may be used as to prevent and eliminate potential hazards.In order to improve the work of the service on labor protection, it is continuously necessary to analyze the state of occupational injuries in the areas of supervision. This will enable you to prevent and eliminate potential hazards. Therefore, in order to create safe and harmless working conditions, it is constantly necessary to improve the legal regulation of labor protection in agriculture, to update the rules, norms, standards, instructions, regulations in accordance with the development of NTP and modern technical support of the agro-industrial complex and apply the experience of the world.To reduce occupational injuries, it is necessary to develop and implement a sectoral system of labor protection management; to increase the efficiency of labor protection work at agricultural enterprises of all types of property; to provide employees with regulatory and labor protection laws, which take into account modern labor safety requirements; to intensify control over compliance with safety standards and working conditions in the workplace, paying particular attention to the technical aspects of occupational safety.The analysis of the condition of occupational injuries in the field of supervision provides an opportunity to assess the dynamics of occupational injuries (including fatalities), to anticipate, eliminate potential hazards in production and to propose perspective ways to increase the level of labor protection in Ukraine.Keywords: occupational safety, innovations, legal regulation, the raised danger, an industrial traumatism, the dynamics of fatal injuries, agro-industrial complex, sectoral regulations on labor protection.кандидат сільськогосподарських наук,  доцент, І. Каменська;  кандидат історичних наук, доцент, О. Бокшиц, Сучасний стан виробничого травматизму в умовах агропромислового комплексу України: проблеми та перспективи/ ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди», Україна, Переяслава-ХмельницькийУ статті здійснено аналіз виробничого травматизму в Україні за 2011-2017 рр. за даними звіту Державної служби України з питань праці. Запропоновано перспективні шляхи підвищення рівня охорони праці в сільському господарстві.На основі аналізу даних Державної служби України з питань праці за період 2011-2017 роки встановлено, що стан виробничого травматизму йде на спад, як в Україні в цілому, так і в АПК. Не зважаючи на те, що рівень травматизму у вищезгадані роки зменшувався, слід відзначити, що галузь агропромислового комплексу в період 2011-2014 роки займала третє місце в Україні за рівнем травматизму та друге місце – за рівнем травматизму зі смертельними випадками, а в період 2015-2017 рр. – третє та перше місце, відповідно.За 2011 рік у галузі агропромислового комплексу травмовано 10,0 % від загальної кількості травмованих осіб на підприємствах України, та загинуло – 17,9 % від загальної кількості смертних випадків, за 2012 рік відповідно – 9,9 та 18,6, за 2013 рік – 9,9 та 16,4, за 2014 рік – 10,9 та 17,3,  за 2015 рік – 14,1 та 22,4,  за 2016 рік – 13,1 та 20,8  й за 2017 рік – 12,5 та 20,5 %Для вдосконалення роботи служби з питань охорони праці, слід постійно проводити аналіз стану виробничого травматизму в галузях нагляду. Це дасть можливість достроково запобігти та вилучити можливі небезпеки. Отже, для створення безпечних та нешкідливих умов праці, необхідно постійно вдосконалювати правове регулювання охорони праці в сільському господарстві, оновлювати правила, норми, стандарти, інструкції, нормативно-правові акти відповідно до розвитку НТП та сучасного технічного забезпечення агропромислового комплексу та застосовувати досвід країн світу. Для зменшення виробничого травматизму необхідно розробити і впровадити галузеву систему управління охороною праці; підвищити ефективність працеохоронної роботи на сільськогосподарських підприємствах усіх видів власності; забезпечити працівників нормативно-правовими актами з охорони праці, де враховано сучасні вимоги безпеки праці; активізувати контроль за додержанням нормативів безпеки та умов праці на робочих місцях, звернувши особливу увагу на технічні аспекти охорони праці. Аналіз стану виробничого травматизму в галузях нагляду дає можливість оцінити динаміку виробничого травматизму (в тому числі смертельні випадки), завчасно передбачити, вилучити можливі небезпеки на виробництві та запропонувати  перспективні шляхи підвищення рівня охорони праці в Україні.Ключові слова: охорона праці, інновації, правове регулювання, підвищена небезпека, виробничий травматизм, динаміка смертельного травматизму, агропромисловий комплекс,  галузеві нормативні акти з охорони праці

N.V. Kovaleva ◽  

The value of supervision over industrial institutions at the stage of active formation of industrial production in Russia in the 19th — early 20th centuries is shown. The role of the factory inspectorate and other state bodies aimed at controlling the production process, as well as the spheres of interaction of the enterprises with the state is defined in the article. Based on the example of the activities of the factory inspectorate, the criteria are formed to determine the desired balance of rights and obligations in the structure of legal relations, which is required to comply with the interests of the state and business entities. Delineation of the powers of the factory inspectorate helps to identify the areas where state control is needed. At the same time, further study of the implementation of control and supervisory functions of the state in the field of industrial production is substantiated. The need to regulate this kind of relationship is indicated considering the modern realities where the merger of technological and organizational processes is objectively taking place, and the algorithms are built into the structure of legal relations. The issues of legal regulation of the industrial sector of the economy raised in the study indicate the unsolved fundamental problems of the theory of law, namely, the scope and significance of technical and legal regulation in the mechanism of management of the society, its scope in the structure of social regulation. The studied historical material allows to assert that the supervision in industry creates the basis for safety and real labor protection at the industrial objects. Introduction of the institute of factory inspectors became an important factor in building the labor protection system at the factories and plants. With the help of this institute, the norms were implemented aimed at ensuring trouble-free functioning, including at explosive and fire-hazardous industries of the Russian Empire in the 19th — early 20th centuries.

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