scholarly journals Problems of European civil proceedings

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-126
O. A. Derbisheva ◽  

. The topic of this article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of European civil proceedings. The author of this article has studied the theoretical foundations and regulatory framework related to this issue. The purpose of this work is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of European civil proceedings, identify existing problems and search for possible solutions. Methodological basis: The article discusses the main directions and branches of the branch of the European civil procedure. During the research, methods of observation, generalization, comparison, analysis were used. Results: In the course of the work, the system of European court proceedings in civil cases was studied. The conducted research has revealed the problems existing in the system of the European civil procedure. Research implications: The study of the directions and branches of the branch of the European civil procedure and the practice of its application can serve as a tool for improving the current domestic legislation, and identifying problems existing in foreign countries will help prevent the adoption of irrational and unnecessary legal acts.

Anton Busakevych ◽  
Oleksandr Pryvydentsev ◽  

The article is devoted to the consideration of the legal nature of the institution of proof in civil proceedings and the compliance of national norms with international standards. The legislative definition of the concept of evidence, enshrined in the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, is analyzed and some features of evidence in foreign countries are considered. The authors note that in order to conduct an effective comparative analysis of the evidentiary procedure in Ukraine and abroad, it is advisable to study the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, as one of the main institutions whose jurisdiction extends to all member states of the Council of Europe and improve national legislation and bring it into line with international standards. It should be noted here that in all legal families the institution of proof is the cornerstone of justice. The development of legal systems was due to the systematic reform of procedural legislation, the creation of new models aimed at meeting the requirements of the time. The European Court of Human Rights,

Widya Bhumi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Dian Dewi Khasanah

The role of electronic evidence, namely electronic certificates as part of electronic documents in civil cases, is still questionable. The presence of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law, which is the legal umbrella for the validity of electronic certificates, apparently still raises pros and cons, even in the eyes of law enforcers, therefore more specific regulations are needed so that the validity and strength of proof of electronic certificates are no longer questioned in court proceedings, especially civil cases. Electronic certificate or also known as electronic land certificate as one of the products from The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency which is currently being discussed will implement a media transfer process from analog to digital form. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare further regarding regulations to regulate how the later position and strength of evidence from electronic land certificates in Civil Procedure Law as an extension of evidence in civil cases. The method used in writing this scientific paper is legal research with the socio-legal method, namely by normatively examining the regulations regarding the Information dan Electronic Transaction of law in which have been used in civil proceedings in court and by looking at the existing norms and responses that are developing in the community. In the provisions of Article 6 of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law, an electronic document is considered valid if it is accessible, displayable, assured as to its integrity, and accountable. However, because it does not have perfect evidentiary power, it is necessary to accelerate the discussion of the Draft Civil Procedure Law, so that electronic land certificates as part of electronic documents have perfect evidentiary power in court, especially in civil cases.Keywords: Electronic Land Certificate, Evidence, Civil Procedure Law Intisari: Peran alat bukti elektronik yaitu sertipikat elektronik sebagai bagian dari dokumen elektronik dalam perkara perdata sampai saat ini masih dipertanyakan keabsahannya. Kehadiran UU ITE yang menjadi payung hukum dari keabsahan sertipikat elektronik rupanya masih menimbulkan pro dan kontra, bah­kan di mata penegak hukum, oleh karenanya dibutuhkan regulasi yang lebih spesifik agar keab­sahan dan kekuatan pembuktian dari sertipikat elektronik tidak lagi dipertanyakan dalam beracara di pengadilan khususnya perkara perdata. Sertipikat elektronik atau dapat juga disebut sertipikat tanah elektronik sebagai salah satu produk dari Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/ Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) yang saat ini sedang diwacanakan akan diberlakukan atau akan dilaksanakan proses alih media dari bentuk analog ke bentuk digital. Untuk itu perlu dipersiapkan lebih lanjut menge­nai regulasi untuk mengatur bagaimana nantinya kedudukan dan kekuatan pembuktian dari sertipikat tanah elektronik dalam Hukum Acara Perdata sebagai perluasan alat bukti pada perkara perdata. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah penelitian hukum dengan metode sosio legal, yaitu dengan mengkaji secara yuridis normatif berbagai ketentuan perundang-undangan dan pengaturan mengenai dokumen elektronik yang selama ini dapat digunakan dalam beracara secara perdata di pengadilan serta dengan melihat norma dan respon yang ada dan berkem­bang di tengah masyarakat. Dalam ketentuan Pasal 6 UU ITE, suatu dokumen elektronik dianggap sah apabila dapat diakses, ditampilkan, dijamin keutuhannya, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Namun karena belum memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna, maka perlu segera dipercepat pemba­hasan mengenai Rancangan Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Perdata, agar sertipikat tanah elektronik sebagai bagian dari dokumen elektronik memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna di muka pengadilan khususnya perkara perdata.Kata Kunci: Sertipikat Tanah Elektronik, Pembuktian, Hukum Acara Perdata

Katarzyna Woch ◽  

The Civil Procedure Code’s revision of 4 July 2019 is based on the objective of streamlining, simplifying and accelerating civil proceedings. The solution to achieve such a specific goal, inter alia is change the existing inter-instance proceeding’s model. One of the consequences of the entry into force of the Law of 4 July 2019 is the concentration of inter-in-court proceedings before the court of second instance, which translates into a change in the current way of defining the concept in question. Novum is also a judicial reference to the court’s referenda.

Anton Busakevych ◽  
Oleksandr Pryvydentsev ◽  

The article is devoted to the consideration of the legal nature of the institution of proof in civil proceedings and the compliance of national norms with international standards. The legislative definition of the concept of evidence, enshrined in the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, is analyzed and some features of evidence in foreign countries are considered. The authors note that in order to conduct an effective comparative analysis of the evidentiary procedure in Ukraine and abroad, it is advisable to study the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, as one of the main institutions whose jurisdiction extends to all member states of the Council of Europe and improve national legislation and bring it into line with international standards. It should be noted here that in all legal families the institution of proof is the cornerstone of justice. The development of legal systems was due to the systematic reform of procedural legislation, the creation of new models aimed at meeting the requirements of the time. The European Court of Human Rights, using the traditions and features of common and continental law, has repeatedly stated that the future position of the court in resolving this conflict between the parties and making a reasoned decision depends on the quality and completeness of the evidence presented. The recommendations contained in the court decisions reflect the progressive trends of both legal systems and are aimed at strengthening guarantees of justice at the national level. According to the authors, the foundations have already been laid for the formation of a new perception of the institution of evidence in Ukraine, as its reform took place taking into account European standards of civil proceedings and under the influence of global trends in this area. However, this process is currently incomplete and needs to be intensified with the need to develop clear criteria for assessing evidence at the level of national law, which would apply the court to the case, as is the case in the Anglo-Saxon legal system. The authors draw attention to the fact that today in Ukraine it is appropriate to introduce a "standard of proof" in civil proceedings, i.e. the use of a balance of probability to assess the circumstances of the case. The article also analyzes the gaps in the legislation on the issue raised in the topic of the work, in particular, offers proposals for improving the legal framework of Ukraine to improve the procedure of proof in civil proceedings.

Olena Kalashnyk ◽  
Daryna Sagan

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current legislation that regulates the submission of refugees to court and the study of electronic evidence by courts in civil proceedings, outline the existing problems of using electronic evidence in court proceedings and analysis of court practice of electronic evidence. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of existing scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions. During the research the methods of scientific cognition were used: comparative-legal, logical-semantic, functional, logical-normative. Results. The study found that the use of electronic evidence, on the one hand, has simplified the proof procedure for refugees, but on the other hand, problems remain. Scientific novelty. In the course of the research it was established that for the full use of electronic evidence in Ukraine it is expedient to refine the information and telecommunication systems of courts, to provide courts with appropriate material and technical base, which would allow unhindered research of electronic evidence. Practical significance. The significance of the study is determined by the fact that the scientific results provide a basis for improving the legislation on the use of electronic evidence by refugees in Ukraine.

I. Izarova

This article provides a general analysis of the Model European Rules of Civil Procedure established in 2020 (hereinafter – the Rules). It describes their structure, defines the purpose and goals, main principles. The author comes to the conclusions regarding the role and importance of these Rules for the further development of civil proceedings, both in the EU Member States and in other countries, in particular, in Ukraine. The important role of the unification of the terminology of civil procedure is identified. In particular, we are talking about such specific institutions of civil procedural law as the principle of cooperation between a judge and parties, the principle of settlement, case management and others, which are absent in Ukrainian national legislation, nevertheless, very important for the scholar research. Second, the scope and main principles of the Rules require rethinking of traditional approaches to regulating the relationship between a judge, parties and their representatives, as well as the role of a judge in proceedings, new approaches to the phasing of court proceedings and the differentiation of civil procedure, which should be helpful while further development of the civil procedural legislation in Ukraine. Keywords: access to justice; civil proceedings; dispute settlement; the principle of cooperation between a judge and parties; the principle of proportionality; effective protection of rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 133-137

The article analyzes the problem of correlation and distinction of types of legal proceedings, in particular, it considers how civil and administrative proceedings are qualified when considering certain categories of cases by courts of general jurisdiction at different stages of the process. In modern domestic legislation there are no clear criteria for distinguishing the type of legal proceedings when choosing a procedure for protecting violated rights, freedoms 134 IUS PUBLICUM ET PRIVATUM В 2015 г. вступил в силу Кодекс административного судопроизводства Российской Федерации (КАС РФ) – процедура защиты прав, законных интересов граждан и организаций от нарушений со стороны органов государственной власти была регламентирована и зафиксирована как самостоятельная правовая основа1 . Нельзя не заметить, что юридическое закрепление порядка рассмотрения дел и разрешения споров, возникших из административно-правовых отношений, в принятом КАС РФ спровоцировало появление коллизий при применении норм Гражданского процессуального кодекса Российской Федерации (ГПК РФ)2 и КАС РФ в процессе рассмотрения дел различных категорий. Кроме того, встал принципиальный вопрос: как правильно разграничить виды судопроизводства в целях должной защиты нарушенных прав? КАС РФ содержит перечень дел, подлежащих рассмотрению по правилам административного судопроизводства, но не дает разъяснения, в чем состоит отличие от дел, рассматриваемых в порядке гражданского судопроизводства. Верховным Судом Российской Федерации сформулированы правила определения вида судопроизводства для судов общей юрисдикции. Так, в первую очередь выделяется разграничение характера публичных и непубличных правоотношений. В данном случае во внимание берется наличие или отсутствие властных полномочий у субъектов административных правоотношений. Вовторых, Верховный Суд Российской Федерации рекомендует учитывать последствия, к которым приводят споры о признании решений, действия (бездействия) органов власти недействительными3. Изучение судебной практики показывает, что в некоторых случаях у судов возникали сложности при разрешении вопроса о том, в порядке какого судопроизводства следует рассматривать и разрешать дела об оспаривании решений, действий (бездействия) органов государственной власти, органов местного самоуправления, организаций, наделенных отдельными государственными или иными публичными полномочиями, должностных лиц, государственных и муниципальных служащих. Так, например, гражданин Р. обратился в Вологодский городской суд с административным исковым заявлением к БУЗ ВО «Вологодский областной наркологический диспансер № 1» о признании незаконными действий врача учреждения по проведению медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения и акта медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения. В обосновании требований истец указал, что медицинское освидетельствование в отношении него проведено в отсутствие законных оснований, акт медицинского освидетельствования не содержит сведений о концентрации каннабиноидов в исследованной пробе, копия акта незаконно направлена работодателю, что послужило основанием для увольнения. Определением Вологодского городского суда от 24.12.2018 гражданину Р. отказано в принятии административного искового заявления, поскольку акт медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения не влечет самостоятельных последствий для лица, в отношении которого он составлен, следовательно, не может быть предметом самостоятельного оспаривания в суде. Также судом указано, что требования истца о признании незаконными действий врача по проведению медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения подлежат рассмотрению в порядке, предусмотренном ГПК РФ. Суд апелляционной инстанции в своем определении от 06.03.2019 № 33а-1227/2019 and legitimate interests. The article analyzes the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation in determining the jurisdiction of cases to courts of general and arbitration jurisdiction and also touches on the issue of transition to consideration of cases according to the rules of civil and (or) administrative proceedings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Fawzia Cassim ◽  
Nomulelo Queen Mabeka

Civil procedure enforces the rules and provisions of civil law.  The law of civil procedure involves the issuing, service and filing of documents to initiate court proceedings in the superior courts and lower courts. Indeed, notice of legal proceedings is given to every person to ensure compliance with the audi alteram partem maxim (“hear the other side”). There are various rules and legislation that regulate these court proceedings such as inter alia, the Superior Courts Act, 2013, Uniform Rules of Court, Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act, 2012 and the Magistrates’ Courts Act of 1944. The rules of court are binding on a court by virtue of their nature.  The purpose of these rules is to facilitate inexpensive and efficient legislation. However, civil procedure does not only depend on statutory provisions and the rules of court.  Common law also plays a role. Superior Courts are said to exercise inherent jurisdiction in that its jurisdiction is derived from common law.  It is noteworthy that whilst our rules of court and statutes are largely based on the English law, Roman-Dutch law also has an impact on our procedural law. The question thus arises, how can our law of civil procedure transform to accommodate elements of Africanisation as we are part and parcel of the African continent/diaspora? In this regard, the article examines the origins of Western-based civil procedure, our formal court systems, the impact of the Constitution on traditional civil procedure, the use of dispute resolution mechanisms in Western legal systems and African culture, an overview of the Traditional Courts Bill of 2012 and the advent of the Traditional Courts Bill of 2017. The article also examines how the contentious Traditional Courts Bills of 2012 and 2017 will transform or complement the law of civil procedure and apply in practice once it is passed into law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (10) ◽  
pp. 4-10

The article discusses the basic principles of the implementation of the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy model. The article summarizes the existing problems that require solutions to create new jobs, increase economic growth, and create a balance between the economy, environment and population. The authors present examples of building a circular economy model in foreign countries. The importance of the tasks of implementing and promoting the circular economy was revealed, thanks to the involvement of all participants in the society in this process and the motivation for companies and investors. Effective tools for moving society towards a resource-efficient closed-cycle economy, increasing energy efficiency, energy conservation and reducing the energy intensity of the gross domestic product, due to the entry into a competitive level of renewable energy sources are investigated. The introduction of digital technologies and artificial intelligence in automated accounting of resource consumption, as well as the improvement of accounting rules will create opportunities for the end user to manage resource consumption taking into account the principles of a circular economy. The authors' study emphasizes that circular economy products and services should minimize resource use and promote reuse, recovery and recycling of materials in the future, leveraging existing product policy instruments, further support for the repair sector, improved design for reuse, and high-quality packaging recycling. The authors in the article propose to legislate the subsidizing of enterprises participating in the circular chain and subsidizing innovative developments in the field of the circular economy in the Russian Federation.

2014 ◽  
pp. 13-31
Katarzyna Grzelak-Bach

Following a brief introduction of article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the author begins by analyzing case law from the European Court of Human Rights regarding the legal reasoning in judicial proceedings. The main premise of this paper is to present a formula for preparing legal reasoning in administrative court proceedings. The author draws attention to the role of judges who, in the process of adjudication, should apply creative interpretation of the rules of law, when they see errors or omissions in legislative provisions, or blatant violations of the European legal order. The conclusion of those deliberations finds, that the process of tailoring the approach to meet Strasbourg’s requirements should, on a basic level, be at the discretion of judges rather than the legislators.

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