scholarly journals Kesiapan Guru Matematika SMP di Kabupaten Purworejo dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Susanah Wati ◽  
Jailani Jailani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesiapan guru matematika SMP di Kabupaten Purworejo dalam implementasi Kurikulum 2013 ditinjau dari pengetahuan guru, sikap guru, dan kesiapan sarana prasarana. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif menggunakan model Concurrent Embedded Strategy. Metode primer penelitian adalah metode kuantitatif yang dilakukan dengan survei, kemudian dilengkapi metode kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh guru matematika SMP kelas VII dan VIII di Kabupaten Purworejo. Sampel penelitian adalah 64 orang guru yang dipilih menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling. Analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan 5 kriteria, yaitu Sangat Siap, Siap, Cukup, Kurang, dan Sangat Kurang. Analisis data kualitatif terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesiapan guru matematika SMP di Kabupaten Purworejo dalam implementasi Kurikulum 2013 ditinjau dari: kesiapan pengetahuan guru masuk kategori sangat kurang, sikap guru masuk kategori cukup, dan kesiapan sarana prasarana masuk kategori siap.Kata kunci: kesiapan guru, kesiapan pengetahuan, sikap guru, kesiapan sarana dan prasarana The Readiness of Junior High School Math Teachers in Purworejo for the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 AbstractThis research aimed to describe the readiness of junior high school math teachers in Purworejo for the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in terms of the teachers’ knowledge, the attitude of teachers, and the readiness of facilities and infrastructure. This study used mixed methods with models Concurrent Embedded Strategy. The study primary method was a quantitative research carried out by the survey, and  equipped with qualitative methods conducted through observation, interviews and documentation. The population was all the 7th and 8th grade  junior high school math teachers in Purworejo. The sample was 64 teachers established using the stratified random sampling technique. The quantitative descriptive data analysis used five criteria, namely: Very Ready, Ready, Fairly Ready, Poor, and Very Poor. While the analysis of qualitative data consists of data reduction, data display and conclusion.The results show that the readiness of junior high school math teacher in Purworejo for the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in terms of the readiness of the teacher's knowledge was in the very poor category, the attitude of teachers was in the fairly ready category, and the readiness of facilities and infrastructure was in the ready category.Keywords: readiness of teachers, knowledge readiness, teachers’ attitudes, readiness of facilities and infrastructure

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Raka Putri Dayataka ◽  
Hilda Herawati ◽  
Rudi Satria Darwis

Pendahuluan: Maloklusi adalah ketidaksesuaian hubungan gigi dan rahang yang dapat menimbulkan beberapa dampak. Salah satu dampak maloklusi adalah retensi plak yang memicu terjadinya karies karena proses demineralisasi terjadi pada permukaan gigi yang berjejal dan sulit dibersihkan. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat keparahan maloklusi dengan status karies pada remaja di SMPN 1 Kota Cimahi. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh remaja di SMPN 1 Kota Cimahi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan stratified random sampling. Pemeriksaan rongga mulut dilakukan pada 61 siswa usia 12-15 tahun, sebagai subyek penelitian. Penilaian tingkat keparahan maloklusi menggunakan indeks Handicapped Maloclussion Assesment Record (HMAR) dan penilaian status karies menggunakan indeks DMF-T. Hasil: Persentase maloklusi siswa SMP Negeri 1 Kota Cimahi sebesar 96,7%, sedangkan persentase karies didapat sebesar 83,6%. Tingkat keparahan maloklusi terbanyak yang ditemukan adalah kategori sangat berat, sangat perlu perawatan, sedangkan status karies yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah kategori moderat. Analisis korelasi menggunakan metode statistik Rank Spearman dan didapat nilai p=0,036 (p<0,05). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat keparahan maloklusi dengan status karies pada remaja di SMP Negeri 1 Kota Cimahi.Kata kunci: Tingkat keparahan maloklusi, status karies, HMAR, DMF-T, remaja ABSTRACTIntroduction: Malocclusion is a misalignment between the teeth and jaws that can cause several effects. One of the malocclusion effects is plaque retention that triggers caries because the demineralisation process occurs on the crowded tooth surface, which is difficult to clean. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the malocclusion severity and caries status in adolescents at 1 Junior High School of Cimahi. Methods: This research was correlational analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was all adolescents at 1 Junior High School of Cimahi. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling. Oral examination was performed on 61 students aged 12-15 years old, as the subject of the study. Assessment of malocclusion severity was performed using the Handicapped Malocclusion Assessment Record (HMAR) index, and assessment of caries status was performed using the DMF-T index. Results: Percentage of malocclusion of students in 1 Junior High School of Cimahi was 96.7%, while the percentage of caries was 83.6%. The highest malocclusion severity found was a very severe category, intensive treatment necessary; while the most found caries status was a moderate category. Correlation analysis was performed using Rank Spearman statistical method which obtained the p-value = 0.036 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the malocclusion severity and caries status in adolescents at 1 Junior High School of Cimahi.Keywords: Malocclusion severity, caries status, HMAR, DMF-T, adolescents

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 142
Dean May Julian ◽  
Baginda Simaibang ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi

This thesis was concerned with the inquiry on the correlations among learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability of the seventh grade students at State Junior High School of Lubai Ulu Sub-District of Muaraenim Regency. The problem of the study was to investigate the correlation among students’ learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability. The total number of the population were 474 students. The sample for this study was 83 students taken through a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by adopting a questionnaire for learning motivation, self-confidence, and test for writing ability. Data were analyzed by using r-Product Moment and Multiple Regression. Finding showed that: (1) there was significant correlation between learning motivation and writing ability; (2) there was not any significant correlation between self-confidence and writing ability; (3) there was not any significant correlation between learning motivation and self-confidence; (4) there were significant correlations among learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability of seventh grade-students at state Junior High School of Lubai Ulu Muaraenim.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 76 ◽  
Novferma Novferma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan letak, jenis, faktor-faktor kesulitan, dan self-efficacy siswa SMP swasta di Kabupaten Sleman, DIY dalam memecahkan masalah matematika berbentuk soal cerita. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah 124 siswa SMP swasta di Kabupaten Sleman, DIY yang berasal dari empat sekolah dengan kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan stratified proportional random sampling technique. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes diagnostik terdiri atas 5 butir soal, angket self-efficacy, dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan siswa dalam pemecahan masalah matematika berbentuk soal cerita terletak pada pengetahuan faktual, pengetahuan konseptual, pengetahuan prosedural, dan pengetahuan metakognitif. Jenis kesulitan yang dialami siswa yaitu pada mengingat fakta, mengingat konsep, memahami fakta, memahami konsep, menerapkan konsep, menerapkan prosedur, menganalisis prosedur, mengevaluasi faktual, mengevaluasi konsep, mengevaluasi prosedur, dan mengomunikasikan metakognitif. Faktor-faktor kesulitan yang dialami siswa SMP dalam memecahkan masalah matematika berbentuk soal cerita kelas VIII yaitu siswa merasa waktu yang diberikan tidak cukup, mudah menyerah, kurang teliti, sering lupa, merasa cemas, dan siswa tergesa-gesa untuk mengerjakan soal. Self-efficacy dari 124 siswa berada dalam kategori tinggi dengan rata-rata sebesar 90,4.Kata Kunci: analisis kesulitan siswa, self-efficacy, pemecahan masalah matematika, soal cerita AN ANALYSIS OF DIFFICULTIES AND SELF-EFFICACY OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SOLVING STORY FORM MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS AbstractThis research aimed to describe the positions, types, difficulty factors, and self-efficacy of junior high school students in Sleman, DIY in solving story form mathematical problems. This study was survey research using the quantitative and kualitative approach. The subjects of this research were 124 students of private junior high schools in Sleman, DIY, which were from four different school groups in the high, middle, and low categories. The sample was established using the stratified proportional random sampling technique. The instruments which were used namely diagnostic test that consisted of 5 items, self-efficacy questionnaire, and interview guides. The results indicate that students’ difficulties in solving story form mathematical problems lie on factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge. The types of difficulties experienced by students include remembering fact, remembering concept, understanding facts, understanding concept, applying concept, applying procedure, analyzing procedure, evaluating fact, evaluating concept, evaluating procedure, and communicating metacognitive. Difficulty factors that grade VIII students experience in solving story form mathematical problems include: students feel that the time given is not enough, easily give up, are not meticulous enough, oftenly forget, and are anxious and impatient while solving the problems. The self-efficacy of 124 students can be categorized as high with an average score of 90.4.Keywords: analysis of students’ difficulties, self-efficacy, mathematics problem solving, story problem.

LingTera ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Romafi Romafi ◽  
Tadkiroatun Musfiroh

Penelitian ini  bertujuan  untuk mengungkapkan hubungan minat membaca, fasilitas orang tua, dan pemberian tugas membaca di sekolah dengan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas VIII SMP negeri di Kabupaten Brebes. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian  ex post facto dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMPN Negeri di Kabupaten Brebes. Sampel ditentukan lewat teknik stratified random sampling berdasarkan nilai akreditasi sekolah A, B, dan C. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Uji prasyarat dilakukan dengan uji normalitas, linieritas, dan homogenitas. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis korelasi sederhana, korelasi parsial, dan korelasi ganda. Hasil penelitian ini adalah minat membaca (X1), fasilitas orang tua (X2), dan pemberian tugas membaca di sekolah (X3) berhubungan positif dan signifikan dengan kemampuan membaca pemahaman (Y) pada siswa kelas VIII SMP negeri di Kabupaten Brebes (ry1-23=0,294, ry2-13=0,302, ry3-12=0,255, Ry-123= 0,489). Kata kunci: minat membaca, fasilitas orang tua, pemberian tugas membaca, kemampuan membaca pemahaman   THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG INTEREST IN READING, PARENTS’ FACILITIES, AND GIVING TASKS IN SCHOOLS WITH THE READING COMPREHENSION Abstract This research was aimed to reveal the relationship among interest in reading (X1), parents’ facilities (X2) and giving task of reading in school (X3) jointly with the  reading comprehension (Y) in the students of the eighth grade of State Junior High School (SMP) in Brebes Regency. This was an ex post facto research with the population of all eighth grade students in Brebes Regency. The samples were determined by a stratified random sampling technique based on school accreditation strata of A, B and C. Data was analyzed using a descriptive analysis. The pre-condition test was conducted by normality, linearit, and homogeneity tests. The hypothesis examination was conducted by a simple correlation, partial correlation, and multiple correlations. This research result was  interest in reading (X1), parents’ facilities (X2) and giving task of reading in school (X3) jointly positively and significantly related to the reading comprehension (Y) in the students of the eighth grade of State Junior High School (SMP) in Brebes Regency (ry1-23=0,294, ry2-13=0,302, ry3-12=0,255, Ry-123= 0,489). Keywords: interest in reading, parents’ facilities, giving task in school, reading comprehension

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk atau macam-macam kenakalan siswa SMP di Kota Yogyakarta, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan intensitas kenakalan siswa SMP Negeri dan SMP swasta. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP kelas 9, baik negeri maupun swasta sebanyak 1624 siswa dengan sampel penelitian 216 siswa. Sampel sekolah diambil 25% sehingga untuk SMP negeri diperoleh 4 sekolah (25%x16) dan untuk SMP swasta diperoleh 6 sekolah (25%x24). Sampel siswa untuk SMP negeri diambil 108 Siswa dan untuk SMP Swasta diambil 108 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan angket dan wawancara terbatas (perwakilan siswa). Analisis data dengan tabulasi frekuensi dalam bentuk angka dan persentase. Besar kecilnya persentase dalam tabel digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menemukan; (1) pulang ke rumah terlambat 81,01%, (2) berbohong kepada orang tua/orang lain 68,52%, (3) berbuat ulah sehinga guru marah 62,50%, (4) menonton film porno 11,69%, (5) penggunaaan uang SPP untuk kepentingan lain 9,26%, (6) sebagai kelompok geng 8,80%, (7) terlibat tawuran 8,33%, (8) menyontek saat ulangan 6,94%, (9) mengganggu orang lewat 5,56%, (10) memalsu tanda tangan presensi 5,56%, (11) membaca buku porno 3,24%.Kata kunci: kenakalan siswa, bentuk kenakalanAbstractThis study aims to determine the forms or kinds of delinquency junior high school students in the city of Yogyakarta and to determine differences in the intensity of student delinquency at public junior high school and private junior high school. The study population was junior high school students of class 9, both public and private as much as 1624 students with 216 students study sample. Samples were taken 25% of school so as to public junior high school earned 4 (25% x16) and for private junior high school earned 6 (25% x24). Samples taken public junior high school students to 108 students and for private junior high school taken 108 students. Sampling with proportional random sampling technique. Collecting data by questionnaires and interviews are limited (student representative). Tabulation of data analysis with frequency in the form of numbers and percentages. The size of the percentages in the table are used as the basis for making conclusions. Results of the study successively discovered; (1) come home late 81.01%, (2) lying to parents/others 68.52%, (3) do act so that the teacher angry 62.50%, (4) watch porn 11.69%, (5) the use of tuition fees for the benefit of another 9.26%, (6) as gangs 8.80%, (7) involved brawl 8.33%, (8) cheat when replay of 6.94%, (9) annoy passers 5.56%, (10) forging signatures presence of 5.56%, (11) reading pornographic 3.24%.Keywords: student misbehavior, delinquency form

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Podojoyo Podojoyo ◽  
Hamam Hadi ◽  
Emy Huriyati

Background: Teenagers nutriture are complicated because teenagers often ignore meal time, have snacks and do not eat regularly so that eating out such as having fast foods becomes a favorite choice. Prevalence of obesity among teenagers in Yogyakarta is 7.8%, Tangerang 5.01% and Surabaya 6.5%. Changes of eating pattern in the family and habit of eating out at restaurants or food courts are presumed as factors that increase prevalence of obesity at Palembang Municipality.Objectives: To explore  prevalence of obesity and identify relationship of eating out pattern among obese and non obese junior high school teenagers at Palembang Municipality.Method: First, a survey was done to 1,300 junior high school teenagers at Palembang Municipality to find out prevalence of obesity using cross sectional design with cluster random sampling technique. Next, to find out relationship between eating out consumption pattern and obesity, case control study with simple random sampling technique was used. Total number of samples in case control design was as many as 174 people, matched with age, sex, and grade. The study was conducted in July–December 2005. Data were analyzed using univariable, bivariable, and multivariable techniques.Results: Prevalence of obesity among junior high school teenagers at Palembang Municipality was 6.62%. There was no significant relationship (p>0.05) between eating out fre- quency, consumption of energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate, and occurence of obesity. There was significant relationship  (p<0.05) between total consumption of energy, fat, carbohydrate, frequency of eating in, obese status of parents, social economic status of the family, education of fathers and mothers, and occurence of obesity. Conclusions: Factors related to occurence of obesity were frequency of eating in, total consumption of energy, obese status of parents and education of fathers. The factor most dominantly related to obesity was frequency of eating in.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Novita Nurfajriani ◽  
Eka Putri Azrai ◽  
Diana Vivanti Sigit

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Perilaku pro-lingkungan adalah sebuah tindakan yang dilakukan secara sadar untuk mengurangi dampak negatif yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia pada lingkungan. Perilaku pro-lingkungan peserta didik dapat ditingkatkan salah satunya melalui ecoliteracy. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan ecoliteracy dengan perilaku pro-lingkungan peserta didik SMP. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMPN 45 Jakarta pada semester genap bulan Mei  tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan studi korelasional. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 168 peserta didik yang dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Hasil uji prasyarat diketahui bahwa data berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Koefisien korelasi yang diperoleh sebesar 0,171 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,026, artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ecoliteracy dengan perilaku pro-lingkungan peserta didik SMP Negeri 45 Jakarta. Koefisien determinasi yang diperoleh sebesar 0,029, artinya ecoliteracy berkontribusi terhadap perilaku pro-lingkungan peserta didik SMP Negeri 45 Jakarta sebesar 2,9%.</p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Kata kunci: Ecoliteracy, perilaku pro-lingkungan, peserta didik.</em></p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>Pro-environmental behavior is a conscious act to reduce the negative impact caused by human activity on the environment. Pro-environment behavior in students can be improved through ecoliteracy. This study aims to determine the relationship of ecoliteracy with pro-environment behavior in students of junior high school. This research was conducted at 45 Jakarta junior high school on May 2017-2018. The method used is descriptive method with correlational study. Total of sample are 168 students selected by simple random sampling technique. The result of prerequisite test known that the data are normally distributed and homogeneous. The correlation coefficient is 0.171 and the significance value is 0.026, it means there is a significant correlation between ecoliteracy with pro-environment behavior of students of 45 Jakarta Junior High School. The coefficient of determination is 0.029, it means that ecoliteracy has determine pro-environment behavior of students of 45 Jakarta Junior High School equal to 2.9%.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Keywords: Ecoliteracy, pro-environment behavior, student.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 144-156
Nabila Ashima Putri ◽  
Mulyati Mulyati ◽  
Hamiyati Hamiyati

Communication technology developing rapidly in this globalization era makes a lot of people use gadget as one of any media for communicate and entertaiment. Not only adult but teenager in school age. That increasing use of gadget for parent and teenager cause a new phenomena in family called alone together. This reasearch aim to give a description about the effect of alone together phenomenon on family interaction. This reasearch was conducted in 209 Junior High School, East Jakarta. This data reasearch processed by using simple random sampling technique and this reasearch use survey methode. Total samples 185 active students in 209 Junior High School, East Jakarta. This whole reasearch data are using SPSS 2.2 and Microsoft Excel. The prerequisite test in this study use kolmogorov smirnov for normality test and the result shows that data are not normally distribute. So the reasearch use non parametric calculation. Result of correlation coefficient test are obtained >  that is equal to -0,353 > 0,138. Result of t-test with significancy level 0,05 obtained >  that equal to -5,688 > 1,97 the result explain that there are a negative and significant correlation between alone together and family interaction. Alone together give 15% effective contribute to family interaction and the other 85% determine by other factors. Abstrak Teknologi komunikasi yang berkembang dengan cepat di era globalisasi membuat banyak masyarakat menggunakan gadget sebagai salah satu media atau sarana berkomunikasi dan mencari hiburan. Tidak hanya orang dewasa melainkan remaja dalam usia sekolah. Meningkatnya penggunaan gadget yang berlebih pada orang tua dan remaja tersebut menimbulkan suatu fenomena baru di dalam keluarga, yang disebut dengan alone together. Akibat dari fenomena tersebut adalah berkurangnya intensitas interaksi di dalam keluarga, khususnya interaksi antara orang tua dan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran hubungan fenomena alone together dengan interaksi keluarga. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 209 Jakarta Timur. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan simple random sampling. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 185 siswa aktif di SMP Negeri 209 Jakarta Timur. Perhitungan data menggunakan SPSS 2.2 dan Excel. Uji prasyarat pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji normalitas kolmogorov smirnov dan hasil yang ada menyatakan bahwa data tidak berdistribusi dengan normal, maka penelitian ini mengunakan perhitungan non parametrik. Uji hipotesis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi dengan hasil >  yaitu sebesar  -0,353 > 0,138. Hasil uji t dengan taraf signifikasi 0,05 diperoleh yaitu >  -5,688 > 1,97 hal ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat korelasi negatif dan hubungan yang signifikan antara fenomena alone together dengan interaksi keluarga. Alone together memberikan sumbangan efektif terhadap interaksi keluarga sebesar 15%, sedangkan sisanya 85% ditentukan oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. Kata Kunci :  Alone Together, Gadget, Interaksi Keluarga, Orang Tua, Remaja

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Anita Indra Afriani

Latar Belakang : Sadari (Periksa Payudara Sendiri) merupakan usaha untuk mendapatkan kanker payudara pada stadium yang lebih dini. Pendidikan kesehatan adalah suatu upaya atau kegiatan untuk menciptakan perilaku masyarakat yang kondusif untuk kesehatan Dari studi pendahualuan di SMP Negri 29 Semarang dari 6 siswi 2 diantaranya melakukan sadari. Tujuan : Mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap perilaku remaja tentang sadari di smp negri 29 semarang. Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan Quasi Eksperimen (Two group pre-test and post-test). Populasi penelitian ini adalah 137 siswi SMP kelas IX dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 102 siswi dengan teknik stratified random sampling. Data yang di peroleh di olah menggunakan wilcoxon dan mann withney. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil penelitian yang telah di lakukan di SMP Negri 29 Semarang di peroleh hasil ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap perilaku remaja tentang sadari di SMP Negri 29 Semarang dengan p value 0,000 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan : ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap perilaku remaja tentang sadari di SMP Negri 29 Semarang dengan p value 0,000 (p<0,05). Kata kunci : Metode Demonstrasi; Remaja; Sadar; Pendidikan kesehatan; Perilaku.Pustaka : 20 (2007-2015)  THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HEALTH EDUCATION ON ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR OF BSE IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STATE OF 29 SEMARANG ABSTRACTBackground Of The Research : BSE (breast self examination) is an attempt to get breast cancer at earlier stages of disease. Health education is an effort or activity to create a community behavior conducive to health. From preliminary studies At junior high school state of 29 semarang of 6 girls 2 of them has done a breast self-examination (BSE). Objectives Of The Research : To find out the effectiveness of health education on adolescent behavior of bse in smp negri 29 semarang. Method Of The Research : This research used a quantitative research, with quasy experimental design (Two group pre-test ang post-test). The population of thie research is one hundred and trirty seven students grad IX of smp negri 29 semarang. While, the research used stratified random sampling technic to take the one hundred and two population as sample. The researcher used wilcoxon and mann wihtney assessment to analise the data. Result Of The Research : After had done a research in junior high school state of 29 semarang, the research got the result there is effectiveness of health education on adolescent behavior of BSE in junior high school state of 29 semarang with p value 0,000 (p<0,05). Conclusion : Hopefully, the school can work together with agencies such as health centers to hold additional knowledge of knowing by providing extension by resource related. Keywords : Adolescent; Behavior; BSE; Health Education; Methods Lecture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 683
Lismiyati Lismiyati ◽  
Baginda Simaibang ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi

This thesis is concerned with the inquiry on the correlations among learning strategy, learning motivation and the seventh grade students’ speaking ability of SMP Negeri 03 Muaradua OKUS. The problem of this study is to investigate the correlations among learning strategy, learning motivation and speaking ability. The total number of the population was 76 students. The sample for this study was 52 students taken through cluster random sampling technique. Data were collected by adopting questionnaire for learning strategy and learning motivation, and a test for speaking ability. Data were analyzed by using r-product moment and multiple regression.  Findings show that there are significant correlations among learning strategy, learning motivation, and speaking ability. Conclusions suggest that learning strategy and learning motivation have significant correlations with speaking ability.

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