A comprehensive approach to the recovery of gold from the technogenic objects of gold mining industry of the Russian Federation Far East

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
S. I. Ivannikov ◽  
D. G. Epov ◽  
G. F. Krysenko ◽  
M. A. Medkov ◽  
S. Y. Bratskaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 179-191
В.М. Заернюк ◽  
Ю.В. Забайкин ◽  
А.С. Давшан

Современная горнодобывающая отрасль – это технологически продвинутый сектор, которому нужна квалифицированная рабочая сила. Мировой спрос на соответствующих специалистов ставит перед многими компаниями отрасли сложные задачи, и золотодобывающие компании не является исключением. В статье на основе открытых источников сайтов золотодобывающих компаний РФ сделан анализ действующих практик ряда ведущих компаний золотодобычи по выработке новых моделей организации обучения, переподготовки работников. Показан положительный опыт компаний Полюс и Полиметалл по обучению работников, благодаря чему осуществляется непрерывный процесс создания команды профессионалов, навыки которых помогли им выйти на лидирующие позиции в отрасли. Результаты этого анализа могут быть использованы на различных уровнях организации обучения кадров на предприятиях золотодобывающей сферы. Анализ современных исследований показал малочисленность сведений, раскрывающих специфику обучения работников золотодобывающих компаний, на преодоление этого пробела и направлено наше исследование. С целью определения эффективного опыта золотодобывающих предприятий по выработке новых моделей организации обучения, переподготовки работников в рамках настоящего исследования проведен анализ официальных сайтов ведущих золотодобывающих компаний России – ПАО «Полюс», Компания «Полиметалл», АО Чукотская ГТК», АО «Южуралзолото» ГК «Петропавловск», АО «Павлик», ПАО «Сусманзолото», и ПАО «Селигдар» The modern mining industry is a technologically advanced sector that needs a skilled workforce. The global demand for relevant professionals poses challenges for many companies in the industry, and gold mining companies are no exception. The article analyzes the current practices of a number of leading gold mining companies to develop new models for organizing training and retraining of employees on the basis of open source sites of gold mining companies of the Russian Federation. The positive experience of Polyus and Polymetal companies in training employees is shown, thanks to which a continuous process of creating a team of professionals is carried out, whose skills have helped them to reach a leading position in the industry. The results of this analysis can be used at various levels of organization of personnel training at gold mining enterprises. The analysis of modern research has shown the paucity of information that reveals the specifics of training employees of gold mining companies, and our research is aimed at overcoming this gap. In order to determine the effective experience of gold mining enterprises in developing new models for organizing training and retraining of employees, this study analyzes the official websites of the leading gold mining companies in Russia-PJSC Polyus, Polymetal, JSC Chukotka SCC, JSC Yuzhuralzoloto, Petropavlovsk Group of Companies, JSC Pavlik, PJSC Susmanzoloto, and PJSC Seligdar.»

2020 ◽  
Vol 93 (4) ◽  
pp. 101-108
I. S. Khvan ◽  

Development institutions are an important modern instrument of government regulation of the economy in all developed countries. The system of development institutions of the Russian Federation includes the federal and regional development institutions. Key federal development institutions include such well-known state corporations as the investment fund of the Russian Federation; the State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity (Vnesheconombank)"; the state corporation "Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies," etc. According to experts of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, about 200 regional development institutions operate on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The objectives of this extensive system of development institutions so far have been to overcome the so-called "market failures," which cannot be optimally realized by the market mechanisms, and to promote the sustained economic growth of a country or an individual region. In November 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation announced the reform of the system of development institutions in the country. The article analyzes the goals and main directions of the announced reform. On the example of the system of development institutions of the Far East, an attempt was made to assess its possible consequences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 92 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-176
M. N. Zinyatova ◽  
Ye.A. Kleymenov ◽  

On the basis of quantitative and qualitative expert sociological surveys, the article presents a model of anti-corruption education in Russia. This model is formed by seven main elements: basis, principles, subjects, objects, methods and means, content of materials (semantic orientation), indicators of the effectiveness of anti-corruption education. Comparing the obtained sociological data characterizing these elements with the corresponding elements of the anti-corruption mechanism enshrined in the current regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the authors identified a number of inconsistencies. They concern, first of all, the principles, subjects of implementation of anti-corruption education, as well as indicators for assessing its effectiveness. For example, experts suggest using non-statutory principles of financial support and standardization of materials presented in the framework of such education when conducting anti-corruption education. At the same time, for the optimization of management decisions in the field of anti-corruption education, scientific and practical interest and contradictions identified within the obtained sociological data are of interest. Such contradictions are most clearly traced in relation to the subjects and objects of anti-corruption education.

Mikhail Y. Shvetsov ◽  
Liubov P. Yatsevich ◽  
Yang Liwei ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of individual directions and trends in the development of Russian-Chinese relations in the field of education. Topicality of the research is stipulated by necessity of organizational reforming of higher education system in the direction of perspectives of cooperation between Russia and China that presupposes study and comparative analysis of educational systems of considered countries. The article is devoted to the study of some trends and tendencies in the development of Russian-Chinese relations in the field of education. The specifics of the development of integration of educational space of Russia and China on the example of border regions: Heilongjiang Province and the Far East are considered. The method of comparative analysis was used to identify the specifics of higher education in China and the Russian Federation. Mutual benefit and mutual expediency were indicated as criteria for cooperation of both countries in the field of education. The features of higher education development in Heilongjiang Province and in the Russian Far East were described. An analysis of higher education development in the Russian Far East as assessed by Chinese experts is given. The results of a study by Chinese scholars on the preferences of Russian youth are presented. The key areas of effective joint solution to the problem of training a globally competitive professional are identified. The conclusions can be used in developing plans for cooperation between Russia and China in the sphere of higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-142
Valery V. Patsiorkovsky ◽  
Yury A. Simagin ◽  
Djamila J. Murtuzalieva

The article presents an analysis of the dynamics of the population of the priority geostrategic territories of the Russian Federation. They are highlighted in the "Strategy for the Spatial Development of the Russian Federation until 2025" as territories that are of particular importance for the development of the country as a whole and are distinguished at the same time by special life conditions and the functioning of the economy due to their geographical location. Population dynamics for such territories is both a factor determining socio-economic development and an indicator of the effectiveness of this development. The components of the population dynamics - natural growth and migration flows - are of particular importance. The article describes all four groups of priority geostrategic territories of Russia - isolated from the main territory of the country (exclaves), located in the North Caucasus and the Far East, in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. For each group, trends in population dynamics have been identified since the 2010 census, taking into account the components of natural growth and migration. The multidirectional aspect of the main demographic processes in the priority geostrategic territories of the country is revealed - natural growth is combined with the migration outflow of the population, and the migration inflow - with natural decline. At the same time, in the exclave and North Caucasian territories, the population is growing, and in the Far Eastern and Arctic territories it is decreasing. The features of both groups of priority geostrategic territories in comparison with Russia as a whole and of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities within groups of territories are shown. The latter became possible due to the use of the database "Municipal Russia", that summarises demographic statistics for all urban districts and municipal areas of the country, including those located in priority geostrategic territories. As a result of the analysis of the population dynamics, directions have been identified that can lead to an improvement in the demographic situation in the priority geostrategic territories of the country, and, accordingly, will contribute to the socio-economic development of not only these territories, but the entire Russian Federation

А.А. Гончар ◽  
А.П. Овсянников ◽  
А.А. Сорокин ◽  
Б.М. Шабанов ◽  
А.В. Юрченко

Развитие национальной телекоммуникационной сети науки и образования играет ключевую роль в проведении научных исследований в современных условиях. В 2019 г. создана Национальная исследовательская компьютерная сеть (НИКС) телекоммуникационная сеть федерального масштаба, которая должна представлять национальную сеть науки и образования на международной арене. Планы развития НИКС включают организацию магистральной кольцевой инфраструктуры на территории Сибирского и Дальневосточного федеральных округов, расширение взаимодействия с региональными сетями, развитие сетевых сервисов, в том числе передачи данных с заданными требованиями по уровню обслуживания. Реализация планов позволит существенно расширить возможности информационно-телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры сферы науки и образования для проектов мегасайенс, высокопроизводительных и распределенных вычислений, искусственного интеллекта. National research and educational network (NREN) is a key factor for modern research and education. The article considers the prospects and directions of the NREN development in the Russian Federation. In 2019, as a result of the merging of the departmental research and educational networks RUNNet and RASNet, a federal scale telecommunications network called the National research computer network (NRCN) was created. It should play the role of a NREN for the international cooperation projects. The concept of NRCN was approved at the Meeting of the Council of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on information and telecommunication infrastructure, information security and supercomputer technologies. NRCN development plans include setting up the circle backbone infrastructure as well as deploying the federal network nodes in the Siberia and the Far East and providing effective interconnection to the present regional network nodes. The plan is intended to optimize network connectivity and to improve the quality of the data transmission as well as to implement Service Level Agreement (SLA) and variety network services for research and education. The implementation of the considered plans will significantly improve the reliability of the backbone and regional components of the NRCN, expand the potential of the IT infrastructure for research and education, focused on the MegaScience, highperformance and distributed computing, Big Data, Deep Learning and AI.

Вячеслав Константинович Гусяков ◽  
Владимир Андреевич Кихтенко ◽  
Леонид Борисович Чубаров ◽  
Юрий Иванович Шокин

В работе идет речь о реализации методики вероятностного цунамирайонирования побережья, известной под названием PTHA (Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment), для создания обзорных карт цунамиопасности дальневосточного побережья России. Обсуждаются методологические основы такого подхода, проблемы построения сейсмотектонических моделей основных цунамигенных зон, численные методики получения расчетных каталогов высот волн на побережье. Приведены примеры обзорных карт для различных повторяемостей, построенных с применением методики PTHA и представленных с помощью созданного веб-приложения WTMap. Упоминаются также некоторые проблемы применения методики PTHA, связанные как с недостаточностью данных наблюдений, так и со сложностью выполнения большого объема сценарного численного моделирования. The article describes the results of the implementation of the PTHA (Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment) methodology for creating the overview maps of tsunami hazard for the Far East coast of the Russian Federation. Such maps show the characteristics of the catastrophic impact of tsunami waves on the coast and the probability of their exceeding in a given period of time. The methodological basis of the PTHA approach to the assessment of tsunami hazard, the problems of constructing seismotectonic models of the main tsunamigenic zones, mathematical models and algorithms for calculating probability estimates of tsunami danger are discussed. The version of the PTHA methodology outlined in the article is implemented as a “WTmap” Web-application that has an access to the entire observational information related to coastal tsunami zoning and software packages used. The application allows to obtain the estimates of the expected tsunami heights and their recurrence estimates and to map them on specific parts of the Far Eastern coast of the Russian Federation. The obtained estimates can be quickly recalculated when replacing the observational catalogs with more complete and reliable ones, with the addition of new, previously absent events or the revision of their parameters, as well as the results of new scenario calculations. Examples of overview maps for various recurrence intervals, constructed using the PTHA methodology and presented using the “WTMap” application, are given. Some problems of using the PTHA methodology related to the lack of available observational data and to the complexity of performing a large amount of scenario simulations are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-72
Yakunin D. V. ◽  
Khromin R. V. ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of protecting the right of indigenous peoples of the Far East to traditional fishing. To improve the legal regulation in this area, according to the author of the article, will allow the development of special procedures for resolving disputes with the participation of indigenous minorities, as well as amending the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the rules of traditional fishing for indigenous minorities.

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