scholarly journals Facial pain in dentistry

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-42
O.L. Tovazhnianska ◽  
S.V. Khlyebas

The lecture describes the most common variants of facial pain that occur in the clinical practice of a dentist. The peculiarities of the clinical picture are given, which allows differentiating them between themselves and with dental pain syndromes. The main causes of facial pain are revealed, and the place of dental problems and diseases among them is shown. The main directions of prosopalgia treatment are given. A clinical case of facial pain in a patient with complicated caries is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 180 (4) ◽  
pp. 95-98
I. P. Mikhaylov ◽  
V. A. Arustamyan ◽  
B. V. Kozlovskij ◽  
E. V. Kungurcev

Despite the fact that significant success has been achieved in the treatment of patients with infective endocarditis (IE), difficulties in clinical practice arise in the diagnosis of this disease. The article analyzes a clinical case of successful treatment of a patient with acute ischemia of the lower extremity due to thromboembolic syndrome in IE, the diagnosis of which was initially regarded as COVID-19. The clinical case occurred during the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic, and all patients who initially complained of fever were regarded as potentially infected, which, with insufficient examination, masked the clinical picture of infective endocarditis.

V. Kysil’ ◽  
M. Nechkaluk ◽  
L. Drigant ◽  
V. Sereda

Neurosyphilis -  chronic, progressive infection of the central nervous system of humans. The development of the pathology caused by penetration of the body causative agent of syphilis - Treponema pale. Syphilis affects all parts of the central and peripheral nervous system, and the clinical picture of the disease is manifested by a number of neurological symptoms. Today syphilis treated well, but if we are dealing with advanced forms and the possible consequences. Particularly relevant for neurosyphilis high mortality. The problem of syphilis has not lost its relevance now. This is facilitated by low social and economic development, military events. Besides increasing the number of cases with atypical course. The article described the case of clinical practice - diagnosis and treatment tactics of patients diagnosed with neurosyphilis.

2020 ◽  
pp. 51-56
Svetlana Styazhkina ◽  
Tatyana Chernyshova ◽  
Olga Neganova ◽  
Yuliya Russkikh ◽  
Raniya Gazimzyanova

Today, the problem of pancreonecrosis remains in the leading positions in urgent surgery. The incidence of this pathology increases every year. This article presents the results of the analysis of the use of the drug "Roncoleukin" in clinical practice for pancreonecrosis. The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug.

Ella Polozova ◽  
Vsevolod Skvortsov ◽  
Olga Radaykina ◽  
Mariya Narvatkina ◽  
Anastasiya Seskina ◽  

The widespread prevalence of comorbid pathology determines the relevance of this problem. Comorbid pathology due to the interaction of diseases, drug pathomorphism, age characteristics of the patient, significantly changes clinical picture and course of the main nosology, affects severity of complications and their nature, significantly affects quality of life and prognosis of patients. Diagnosis and treatment of many diseases is complicated in the conditions of comorbidity. The article presents a clinical case of a comorbid patient with arterial hypertension from the moment of exposure to risk factors and ending with the formation of many concomitant diseases, as an example of trans-nosological comorbidity.

A.O. Nazarenko ◽  
E.E. Sidorenko ◽  
D.V. Miguel ◽  
A.S. Smartsev ◽  

A clinical case of observation of a 3-year-old child with a newly diagnosed optic nerve coloboma and multiple malformations is considered. The clinical picture and diagnostic methods necessary for the diagnosis are reflected. On the example of this child, the differential diagnosis with Charge syndrome is considered. Key words: coloboma, optic nerve coloboma, partial optic nerve atrophy, astigmatism, Charge syndrome.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (49) ◽  
pp. 69-89
sofía De la Puerta ◽  
Carolina Correa

The objective of this work is to understand a clinical process of systemic orientation from the perspective of subjective temporality. The work is based on the theory of subjective time and considers its historical and sociocultural dimension, reviewing its main theoretical constructs that will understand couple relationships and therapeutic processes. A clinical case was analyzed a from the perspective of subjective temporality, based on the main antecedents of the case and using clinical vignettes. Participants were a 36- and 37-year-old heterosexual couple who participated in a couple therapy with two therapists trained in systemic therapy for approximately one year. The sessions were videotaped and analyzed through the theory of subjective temporality. The analysis of the subjective temporality constitutes a contribution to the clinical practice, since it allows to understand and to develop an approach centered in the present moment and that allows analyzing the synchrony and encounter of the members of the system.

В. В. Третьяков ◽  
В. С. Мякотных

Для определения места и роли дегенеративных изменений поясничного отдела позвоночника в патогенезе синдрома нижних мочевых путей и успешности проведения лечебных мер наблюдали 106 мужчин пожилого и старческого возраста, страдающих доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы и патологией позвоночника. Длительные хронические боли в пояснице испытывали 48 (45,3 %) пациентов, у 93,8 % из них отмечали никтурию, у 75 % - затруднения при мочеиспускании, у 60,4 % - ложные позывы на мочеиспускание, что мотивировало обращение к урологу. Выявленные с помощью опросника IPSS различия, соответственно 21,78±4,33 и 16,33±4,61 балла, указывали на негативное значение хронического болевого синдрома в формировании общей клинической картины урологической патологии. У лиц старческого возраста болевой синдром и симптомы раздражения мочевых путей были менее выраженными, чем у лиц пожилого возраста, а обструктивные симптомы, наоборот, более отчетливыми. Хронические болевые синдромы в поясничной области значительно чаще ( р <0,001)регистрировали у 67 пациентов с удовлетворительными и неудовлетворительными результатами лечения по поводу расстройств мочеиспускания, чем у 39 с наилучшей эффективностью. Таким образом, патология поясничного отдела позвоночника и связанные с ней хронические болевые синдромы вносят существенный вклад в патогенез и клиническую картину синдрома нижних мочевых путей и в результативность лечения расстройств мочеиспускания. Выявленные особенности следует учитывать в процессе диагностики и лечения комбинированной патологии. In order to determine the place and role of degenerative changes in the lumbar spine in the pathogenesis of lower urinary tract syndrome and the success of treatment measures, 106 elderly and senile male patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia and spinal pathology were observed. Long-term chronic lower back pain was experienced by 48 (45,3 %) patients, 93,8 % of them had night urination, 75 % had difficulty urinating, and 60,4 % had false urge to urinate, which motivated them to contact a urologist.The differences identified using the IPSS questionnaire, respectively 21,78±4,33 and 16,33±4,61 points, indicated a negative value of chronic pain syndrome in the formation of the overall clinical picture of urological pathology. Among the senile patients, pain and urinary tract irritation symptoms were less pronounced than among the elderly patients, and obstructive symptoms, on the contrary, were more pronounced. Chronic pain syndromes in the lumbar region were significantly more frequent ( p <0,001) among 67 patients with satisfactory and unsatisfactory results of treatment for urination disorders than among 39 with the best efficiency. Thus, the pathology of the lumbar spine and associated chronic pain syndromes make a significant contribution to the pathogenesis and clinical picture of the lower urinary tract syndrome and to the effectiveness of treatment of urination disorders. The identified features should be taken into account in the process of diagnosis and treatment of combined pathology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Rodrigo Cristhian Avelino Bezerra ◽  
Jonas Nogueira Ferreira Maciel Gusmão ◽  
Bruno Frota Amora Silva ◽  
Rodrigo Lemos Alves ◽  
Eliardo Silveira Santos ◽  

The styloid process is a bone projection that originates in the tympanic portion of the temporal bone. The enlongation of the styloid process, or the ossification of the styloid process, can originate a series of symptoms such as dysphagia, odynophagia, facial pain, otalgia, headache, tinnitus and trismus, establishing the clinical picture of Eagle Syndrome. In this report, we present an important clinical case of adult patient diagnosed with Eagle’s Syndrome who underwent surgery for reduction of the enlongated styloid process, by intraoral approach, added to a literature review study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-92
S. S. Makhmudov ◽  
A. A. Ochilzoda ◽  
F. P. Dzhamolov ◽  
A. Z. Mutalibov ◽  

The authors present a clinical case of von Willebrand disease detected after tonsillotomy and adenotomy in a child. The peculiarity of this observation lies in the rare occurrence of von Willebrand disease in clinical practice, as well as the manifestation of the clinical manifestations of this pathology against the background of surgical treatment in a child.

2015 ◽  
Vol 84 (S1) ◽  
pp. 6-8
Michael Blaszak ◽  
Danica Brister ◽  
Jordon Charlebois ◽  
Erica Hoe ◽  
Maggie Siu

We report on a unique clinical case of psychosis precipitated by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and explore its implications for clinical practice as well as our understanding of these conditions. We describe a clinical case of a 46-year-old male presenting with auditory, olfactory, tactile, and visual hallucinations. We reviewed the literature on reported cases in which psychotic symptoms were treated with stimulant medications for ADHD comorbidity. This case report reveals the potential for properly selected patients to benefit from a consideration of ADHD comorbidity and a trial of treatment with that focus. In addition, the literature reveals a pathophysiologic association between psychosis and ADHD supported by neurobiological data. However, far more research is required to fully understand these conditions and their relationship. We conclude that ADHD and psychosis have some related pathophysiologic mechanisms but their connection has not been adequately explored. This case adds support to literature suggesting that in refractory psychosis, clinicians should re-evaluate the diagnosis and one of the considerations should be ADHD. In certain cases, the presence of psychotic symptoms with ADHD should not exclude the use of stimulants.

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