scholarly journals Pengaruh asupan Fe, vitamin A, vitamin B12, dan vitamin C terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada remaja vegan

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 67 ◽  
Damayanti Siallagan ◽  
Prita Dhyani Swamilaksita ◽  
Dudung Angkasa

Background: Vegan has become a diet that started to be many people's choice. Low intake of iron and vitamin B12 is factors that can cause anemia in vegan. On the other side vegans often consume vegetables and fruits that contained high of vitamin A and vitamin C which helps the absorption of iron, that can help prevent anemia.Objective: The purpose of the research know the effect of the intake of iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C on hemoglobin (Hb)levels in young Buddhist vegan Pusdiklat Maitreyawira.Method: This research uses cross-sectional design. The population in this study are all adolescent vegan in the Buddhist Pusdiklat Maitreyawira. Samples in this study were 31 peoples. Independent variable is an intake of iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin C was obtained by SQ-FFQ, while the dependent variable was Hb with hemoglobin testing system quick-check set. Analysis of the data in this study using Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression.Results: There is a relationship intake of iron (p=0,000), vitamin B12 (p=0,037), and vitamin C (p=0,000) to Hb level of adolescent vegan in Buddhist Pusdiklat Maitreyawira, there is no relationship intake of vitamin A with a Hb level of adolescent vegan (p=0,220). The result of multivariate analysis using multiple regression analysis of the variables that most influence haemoglobin levels of adolescent vegan are the intake of iron and vitamin C. Each increase of 1 mg Fe intake will increase the Hb concentration as much as 0.013 g/dl and increase of 1 mg of vitamin C intake will increase Hb levels as much as 0.002 g/dl.Conclusion: Iron and vitamin C intake is the most influence factors to hemoglobin levels of adolescent vegan in Buddhist Pusdiklat Maitreyawira.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Mury Kuswari ◽  
Fitri Handayani ◽  
Nazhif Gifari ◽  
Rachmanida Nuzrina

Physical Fitness is the ability to do daily activities easily, without getting tired excessive, and has a power reserve to rest. VO2max is a main factor for athletes in order to get a good performance. This study aims to determine the relationship of energy intake, macro and micro nutrients to physical fitness of athletes of Dyva Taekwondo Centre Cibinong. This study used cross sectional design research. The number of respondents was 30 athletes determined by total sampling. The consumption energy and macronutrients were measured by 3x24 hour recall method, whereas intake of micronutrients data was obtained using semy FFQ. Variable relationships were tasted using Pearson Correlation. The result showed that the average age of respondents was 14±1 years, energy intake 2259±571 kkal, protein 73±15 g, fat 51,7±8,9 g, carbohydrate 259±57 g, vitamin B1 1,15±0,4 mg, vitamin C 230±81,7 mg, fe 21±4,5 mg and fitness level 35,69±7,2 kg/ml/minute. There was relationship of energy intake (p= 0,0001), carbohydrate (p=0,0001), vitamin C (p=0,0001), fe (p=0,007 and fitness level. There was no correlation between fat intake, protein, vitamin B1 and fitness level (p=0,081, p=0,497, p=0,383).  Intake of energy, carbohydrate, vitamin C, and fe does relate to physical fitness of athletes of Dyva Taekwondo Centre Cibinong. Athletes are advised to consume food according to their daily needs in order to maintain their fitness therefore, they can achieve optimal performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Enggar Wijayanti ◽  
Ulfa Fitriani

Latar Belakang. Anemia merupakan salah satu permasalahan gizi yang banyak terjadi di negara berkembang. Faktor gizi yang turut berkontribusi terhadap kejadian anemia diantaranya adalah kurangnya asupan zat gizi yang memengaruhi pembentukan Hemoglobin (Hb) pada penderita anemia. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran konsumsi energi, protein, zat besi, asam folat, vitamin C, vitamin A, dan seng pada subjek penderita anemia dibandingkan dengan angka kecukupan gizi (AKG) yang diduga menjadi faktor penyebab anemia. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional dan merupakan bagian dari penelitian “Observasi Klinik Formula Jamu Anemia” yang dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Desember 2018. Jumlah subjek sebanyak 83 orang dengan rentang usia 16-49 tahun. Data konsumsi makanan dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan food recall 24 jam dan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan program Nutrisurvey. Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar subjek memiliki status gizi normal. Tingkat konsumsi zat besi, asam folat, dan seng subjek kurang dari AKG, konsumsi energi dalam kategori cukup, dan konsumsi protein, vitamin A serta vitamin C lebih dari AKG. Hasil uji bivariat chi-square menunjukkan tidak ada korelasi yang bermakna antara status anemia dengan konsumsi zat gizi (p>0,05). Kesimpulan. Wanita usia subur (WUS) yang menderita anemia rata-rata memiliki tingkat konsumsi zat besi, asam folat, dan seng kurang dari AKG

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-25
Diane Paparang ◽  
Nurpudji A. Taslim ◽  
Haerani Rasyid ◽  
A. Yasmin Syauki

Pendahuluan Proses penyembuhan luka post amputasi dan luka bakar dengan luas 25% dan kedalaman derajat III serta hipoalbuminemia sedang (albumin 2,6g/dL) dan status gizi kurang memerlukan terapi gizi spesifik tinggi protein. Laporan Kasus Tn.I, laki-laki, 28 tahun dikonsul oleh bagian bedah dengan luka post amputasi dan  luka bakar listrik derajat III luas 25%. Keluhan utama asupan makan kurang sejak 16 hari terakhir karena nafsu makan kurang akibat nyeri pada luka post amputasi dan luka bakar. Ada nyeri ulu hati dan demam menggigil. Asupan 24 jam 1000kkal. Pasien didiagnosis dengan status gizi kurang (LLA=80,7%), status metabolik anemia normositik normokrom (Hb 9.7 g/dl), deplesi sedang sistem imun (TLC 940/µL), hipoalbuminemia (albumin 2,6g/dL) dan status gastrointestinal fungsional. Terapi nutrisi dengan energi 2500 kkal, protein 2 gr/kgBBI/hari (23%), karbohidrat 57% dan lemak 20 %, melalui oral berupa makanan biasa 1250 kkal, ONS glutamine 2.5g/hari, suplementasi 6 butir putih telur (protein 31,5g/hari), vitamin C 1g/24jam, vitamin A 6.000IU/12jam, vitamin B1-100mg, vitamin B6-200mg, vitamin B12-200mg, Zinc 50mg/24jam, selenium 55µg, Curcuma 400mg/8jam dan ekstrak ikan gabus 2 kapsul/8 jam. Setelah perawatan 30 hari, terjadi perbaikan dalam penyembuhan luka, peningkatan LLA menjadi 23,5cm, peningkatan hemoglobin 9.3g/dl, peningkatan sistem imun (TLC 2064/µL), peningkatan albumin 3.9g/dL. Kesimpulan Terapi nutrisi spesifik dengan protein 2 gr/kgBBI dapat meningkatkan kadar albumin dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka pada pasien luka bakar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-64
Masdiwani Noviana Simanjuntak ◽  
Ade Pryta Simaremare ◽  
Rosminta Girsang

Background : Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bactery can be transmitted through airbone particles and droplets. The treatment is a long term therapy and can be a stressor which effect patient’s physical and psychologycal, that leads to depression. Objective : The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between pulmonary tuberculosis treatment duration and depression score.  Methods : This study was a correlative analysis with cross sectional design. The sample were 52 respondents whom currently endured the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in pulmonary unit in RSUD Pirngadi Medan, selected by consecutive sampling. Beck’s inventory depression II questionnaires were used to measure depression score. The data were analyzed with pearson correlation test.  Result : There was a low negative correlation between duration of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment and depression score (p = 0,027 ; r = -0,309) Conclusion  : The longer duration of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment, the lower the depression score. 

Faris Lazwar Irkhami

ABSTRACTStress can be perceived as a response to threats situations (either physical or psychological) caused by individual inability  to overcome existing threats within his/her environment. Job stress is the result of interaction between an individual (i.e. a worker) and his/her occupation. The objective of this study to identify the factor affecting tojob stress by the divers at PT. X. This study applied cross-sectional design conducted by observing the divers at PT. X. The population of this study was all divers working at PT. X. Data was analyzed by Spearman Correlation Test, Pearson Correlation Test, and Chi-square Test. The results of this study is strong correlation between personality type and job stress (as indicated by correlation coefficient 0.645). The divers’ age (correlation coefficient -0.283), educational level (correlation coefficient -0.220), years of service/experience (correlation coefficient -0.158), length of diving session (correlation coefficient 0.083), and threats of marine animal attack (correlation coefficient 0.156) had lower correlation with job stress. While the divers residence might also affect their job stress (as indicated by correlation coefficient 0.539).Keywords: job stress, diver

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-177
Joko Sudarsono ◽  
Setyo Sri Rahardjo ◽  
Kisrini Kisrini

The use of the pesticide which does not follow the procedure may potentially cause residue of pesticide to be left on vegetables and fruits sold in supermarkets and traditional markets. We aimed to find the pattern of pesticide usage and levels of residue found in plants. This study was an analytical observation with a cross-sectional design using detailed sampling procedure. We obtained the data of the pesticide residue concentration by conducting laboratory examinations on eight samples of cabbage and eight samples of tomatoes from traditional markets and supermarkets in the city of Solo. The data were tested using simple linear regression testing. The organophosphate measurement results showed no residues were detected, because it was below the Limit of Detection (LOD). We concluded that pesticides containing active substances were not used in the vegetables we tested or the active substances were no longer contained in the vegetables after harvesting.

Elsya Vira Putri

Introduction: The workload that exceeds individual work capacity will increase the pulse rate rapidly. The purpose of this research was to study the correlation between physical workload and the increase in workers’ pulse rate. Methods: This research utilized cross-sectional design by using the observational method with 23 workers from the BRF area of PT X Sidoarjo as respondents. This research was conducted by conducting the direct observation by calculating the workload received by the worker by using %CVL method and calculating the resting and working heart rates. Results: The result showed that all workers were male and had the productive age distribution of 60.9% in the age range of 25-50 years. Based on the calculation of workload, the majority of workers have the workload on the moderate %CVL category, amounting to 56.5%. Based on the measurement of the resting and working heart rates, it was found that all workers experienced the pulse rate increase. Based on the result of Pearson correlation statistical test, the result was p<0.05, which means that there was a significant correlation between the workload and the increase in the workers’ pulse rate. Moreover, the correlation coefficient was 0.911, that indicated a very strong and positive correlation. Conclusion: This research concludes that there is a strong and positive correlation between workload and the increase in the workers’ pulse rate. Keywords: %CVL, cardiovascular load, workload, pulse rate 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 280-285
Nelly SD Situmeang ◽  
Etti Sudaryati ◽  

Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem due to insufficient intake for a long time, in Indonesia the prevalence is high. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies if the length/height z score is below −2 SD. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between parenting, and nutrient intake (energy and protein) with stunting in children aged 24-59 years. This study used a cross sectional design with a sample of 117 children. Data collection was carried out with questionnaire instruments for parenting, and 24-hour food recall for nutritional intake. Data stunting was performed by comparing the height of the children measured by the WHO growth standards. Correlation analysis using Pearson correlation analysis. The results showed that the prevalence of stunting for children aged 24-59 months was 50.4%. There was a significant correlation between parenting with stunting (r = 0.287 and p = 0.02), energy intake with stunting (r = 0.215 and p = 0.020) and protein intake with stunting (r = 0.354 and p = 0.0001). It is recommended that the Ministry of Health improve nutrition surveillance programs, and encourage the community to monitor the growth of children under five years every month in health services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Wondu Garoma Berra

Background. Identifying the combination of local foods that optimize nutrient intake is challenging. This study addressed how local foods could be rationally combined to provide basic nutritional needs, while limiting the use of commercial foods among children in Ethiopia. Methods. A cross-sectional survey was carried out to estimate dietary intakes of 396 children (6–23 months of age) using 24-hour recall and WDR. Anthropometrics (weight and height) of the children was taken to calibrate energy and protein requirements to body sizes during ProPAN analysis. Model parameters were defined using dietary and market-survey data. ProPAN (2.0), SAS (9.2), and NutriSurvey for Windows were used for data analysis. Results. Age-specific optimal combinations of local foods that achieve nutrient adequacy set by the WHO/FAO (≥70% RDA) for 9 nutrients were successfully generated. Overall, the percentage of children consuming ≥ EAR for most nutrients obtained from median servings was 54.3%, 89.9%, 61.8%, 12.9%, 85.6%, 79.7%, and 34.2% for energy, protein, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium, respectively. The percentage of RDA was 46.3% for zinc, 56.7% for vitamin A, 24.3% for vitamin C, and 40% for calcium among infants (6–11 months), whereas the respective percentage of RDA was 78.1% for zinc, 100% for vitamin A, 43.3% for vitamin C, and 50% for calcium in older children (12–23 months of age). However, careful combination of local foods, slightly complimented by commercial foods, has shown substantial improvement in nutrient adequacy, ensuring ≥99% RDA for all target nutrients. Conclusions. Careful combinations of local foods have the potential to achieve optimum dietary intakes of essential nutrients. However, minimal consideration of commercial foods has been inevitable, especially for infants aged 6–11 months.

Abdulmuminu Isah ◽  
Chibueze Anosike ◽  
Chukwuma Stephen Ogbodo ◽  
Charles Obinna Emeka ◽  
Chukwuemeka Sylvester Nworu

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of malaria and its relationship with the ABO blood group and genotype at the University of Nigeria Medical Centre. Methods: The study had a prospective cross-sectional design in which malaria status and blood groups and genotype were determined. All collected data were analysed using Statistical product and services Solution (V.21). Frequencies and percentages were used to describe the data while Chi-square and Pearson correlation were used to determine associations between malaria prevalence and patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics. Statistical significance was considered for p<0.05. Results: Three hundred and twenty-three (323) patients were tested for malaria, 245(75.9%) of whom tested positive. The prevalence was highest for patient’s aged 19-25 y (28.5%). The difference was statistically significant for age: χ2 (5) = 33.60, p = 0.0005. There were more blood group O (57.6%) among the patients, while AA genotype was the majority (72.4%). Those with blood group O had the highest prevalence of malaria (33.7%) and it was statistically significant (χ2 (3) = 72.10, p = 0.0005)). Correlation showed that the association between blood group and malaria prevalence was moderate (R = 0.457). The AA genotype had more incidence of malaria (54.5%), but the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The prevalence of malaria was high among the patients surveyed. Its association with the patients’ ABO blood group was established to be statistically significant, with blood group O having the highest incidence. Although AA genotype was observed to have the highest cases of malaria, the relationship was found not to be significant.

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