scholarly journals Kajian ekologis ekosistem mangrove untuk ekowisata di Bahowo kota Manado

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 177 ◽  
Herianto Tuwongkesong ◽  
Stevanus V Mandagi ◽  
Joshian N Schaduw

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menginvestigasi kondisi ekologi ekosistem mangrove di Bahowo dan menganalisa kesesuaian lahan ekosistem mangrove sebagai kawasan ekowisata. Penelitian ini dilaksakan di Bahowo Kota Manado pada bulan November sampai Januari 2018. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Metode penetapan kesesuaian lahan adalah melihat skor dan pembobotan yang diperoleh dari setiap parameter yang di kaji yaitu ketebalan mangrove, kerapatan, jenis, pasang surut, objek biota, keunikan, keaslian dan keberadaan biota berbahaya. Untuk tutupan mangrove menggunakan metode hemysperical photography atau aplikasi image j. Dari hasil pengamatan dilapangan diketahui bahwa Rhysopora apiculata mendominasi jenis yang ada di Bahowo. Hasil analisis tutupan berdasarkan aplikasi image j menunjukkan bahwa tutupan mangrove di Bahowo tergolong padat dengan nilai diatas 75 %. Berdasarkan matriks kesesuaian untuk kategori ekowisata, ekosistem mangrove yang ada di Bahowo sangat sesuai untuk dijadikan kawasan ekowisata mangrove.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to investigate the ecological condition of mangrove ecosystem in Bahowo and analyze the suitability of mangrove ecosystem area as ecotourism area. This research was conducted in Bahowo Manado City from November to January 2018. The method used was survey method. The method of determining the suitability of land is to see the score and weighting obtained from each parameter in the mangrove thickness, density, type, tidal, biota object, uniqueness, authenticity and existence of dangerous biota. For mangrove cover using hemispherical photography method or image application j. From the results of observations in the field is known that Rhizophora apiculata dominate the existing species in Bahowo. The result of cover analysis based on image j application shows that mangrove cover in Bahowo is categorized as solid with the value above 75%. Based on the suitability matrix for ecotourism category, the existing mangrove ecosystem in Bahowo is very suitable for ecotourism area of mangrove

Abdurrachman Baksir ◽  
Mutmainnah Mutmainnah ◽  
Nebuchadnezzar Akbar ◽  
Firdaut Ismail

Minaluli Village has the availability of mangrove ecosystem resources in coastal areas. The availability of evenly distributed mangrove ecosystems can have a direct impact on the community. Determination of mangrove status conducted previously using conventional methods such as transect quandrat and spot check. Hemispherical photography method is one of the new methods used and developed in Indonesia. The study was conducted in July 2018 in Minaluli Village, North Mangoli District, Sula Islands Regency. North Maluku Province. The research objective is to obtain information on the condition of the mangrove ecosystem using the Hemispherical photography method. The results of the study obtained measurements of environmental parameters showed that environmental ecological conditions support the existence of mangroves. Morphological identification was obtained as many as 8 species from 3 families. Station I found 82% mangrove cover presentation value, for station II found 77% cover presentation, at station III found a presentation found 78% while at station IV found a presentation of mangrove cover 72%. The total presentation of mangrove cover obtained in the solid category, based on the standard criteria for mangrove damage. The density of the mangrove ecosystem obtained shows high density at each station. Based on the standard criteria for damage, the density of mangroves in this location is in the medium to very dense category with a value range between 1,067-2,022 trees / ha. Important value index (INP) analysis of each type of mangrove found a range of values ​​between 31.73-95.55 The highest value index of the highest species was found in the Rhizophora stylosa type with a value of 95.55% then Rhizophora apiculata with a value of 95.08%, Rhizophora mucronata namely 81.05%, Xylocarpus granatum is 45.68, Ceriops stagal with value of 40.83%, Sonneratia alba with a value of 36.27 and Bruguiera gymnorhiza 31.73%.

Shintani Asri Tinambunan ◽  
Nyoman Dati Pertami ◽  
Ni Made Ernawati

This research was conducted to determine the condition of the mangrove ecosystem based on its canopy cover and to determine the types of mollusks (Bivalves and Gastropods) associated with the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem. Hemispherical photography is a method for observing mangrove canopy cover and line transect method for mollusks. The composition of mangrove species found in the research location were five species, namely Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Avicennia marina. The percentage of mangrove canopy cover in the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem is in a good category (average = 76.59%). There are eight types of mollusks found in the research location. There are two types of bivalves (Polymesoda bengalensis and Gafrarium pectinatum) and six types of gastropods (Nerita balteata, Nerita picea, Neritina turrita, Pila ampullacea, Cassidula aurisfelis, and Littoraria melanostoma). The relationship between the percentage of mangrove canopy cover and abundance of mollusks in the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem is very strong (r) of 0.920. The higher the percentage value of mangrove canopy cover, the higher the mollusks abundance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Mia Audina ◽  
Sofyan Husein Siregar ◽  
Bintal Amin

The damage rate of mangrove forests in Indonesia is considered as the fastest and largest in the world. The reduced density of mangroves can be influenced by the water quality and the organic matter content around the mangrove ecosystem, causing changes in the mangrove leaves both in the shape of the length and width. This study was conducted in the mangrove ecosystem in the western part of Dumai City, with the aim of determining the morphometric size of the leaves of Rhizophora apiculata and its relationship with the content of organic matter in the sediment. The method used in this study was survey method, where observations and sampling were performed directly in the field and some of samples were analyzed in the laboratory. Mangrove density obtained from the research results ranges from 1966.66 - 4700 ind/ha, organic matter content 10.88 -17.21%. The morphometric size of the leaf length varies from 13.03 - 15.05 cm, the leaf width varies from 4.65 - 5.42 cm, and the length of the petiole varies from 1.59 - 1.91 cm. There is no significant relationship between the mangrove leaf morphometric with sediment organic matter in the studied area.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Audy M. H. Dien ◽  
Unstain N. W. J. Rembet ◽  
Adnan S. Wantasen

This study was carried out in mangrove forest of Bahoi, Likupang district, North Minahasa regency. It was aimed at knowing the ecological condition of the mangrove forest. Study stations were selected by determining representatives from each zonation and site condition. Results showed that mangrove species in Bahoi was dominated by Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. cylindrical, and Sonneratia alba, with the highest density in station 1 shown by Rhizophora apiculata, 0.65 ind/m2, then station 2 and 3 by  R. Mucronata, 0.93 and 0,63 ind/m2, respectively.  The highest total density was recorded in station 2, 1.85 ind/40 m2, then station 1, 1.78 ind/40 m2, and station 3, 1.35 ind/40 m2, respectively. As conclusion, the ecological condition of mangrove ecosystem in Bahoi was categorized as good, and aware to be beneficial for the local community in ecological function as abrasion prevention and living environment of the aquatic biota and in economic function from ecotourism aspect, so that it was right to be managed in the form of ecotourism management. Keywords : Mangrove,  Profile, Bahoi Village ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kawasan mangrove desa Bahoi, Kecamatan Likupang, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara.  Tujuan penelitian, untuk mengetahui kondisi ekologis ekosistem mangrove. Penentuan lokasi stasiun pengamatan dilakukan dengan menentukan perwakilan dari setiap zonasi dan kondisi lokasi sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi jenis mangrove di desa Bahoi didominasi oleh Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. cylindrical, dan Sonneratia alba, dengan kerapatan jenis tertinggi di stasiun 1 diperlihatkan oleh  Rhizophora apiculata (0,65 ind/m2), kemudian pada stasiun 2 dan 3 oleh  R. mucronata (0,93; 0,63 ind/m2).  Kerapatan total tertinggi ditemukan pada stasiun 2, 1.85 ind/40 m2, diikuti oleh stasiun 1 (1.78 ind/40 m2), dan stasiun 3 (1.35 ind/40 m2). Sebagai kesimpulan, kondisi ekologi ekosistem mangrove di Desa Bahoi dikategorikan baik, dan  disadari bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dalam fungsi ekologis sebagai pencegah abrasi dan  tempat hidup biota perairan, serta fungsi ekonomisnya dalam aspek ekowisata, sehingga tepat untuk dikelola dengan bentuk pengelolaan ekowisata.   1 Staf Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara 2 Staf Pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Unsrat

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-319
Sena Widhitama ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo ◽  
Agung Suryanto

ABSTRAK Salah satu proses pada ekosistem mangrove yang memberikan kontribusi  besar terhadap kesuburan perairan adalah proses dekomposisi atau penghancuran serasah mangrove. Penghancuran serasah merupakan bagian dari tahap proses dekomposisi, yang dapat menghasilkan nutrient  penting dalam rantai makanan, melalui produktivitas perairan disekitarnya, sebagaimana yang terjadi di Delta Sungai Wulan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produksi serasah mangrove dan laju dekomposisinya berdasarkan tingkat kerapatan mangrove.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survai hal ini dilakukan dalam tiga titik sampling, yang dikelompokkan pada tiga kategori kerapatan mangrove yaitu rendah, sedang dan tinggi.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan januari sampai maret 2016. Hasil penelitian  menemukan  tiga spesies mangrove yaitu Rhizopora mocrunata, Rhizopora apiculata, dan Avicennia marina. Jumlah serasah yang diperoleh pada kerapatan mangrove rendah adalah 701.51 gram, mangrove kerapatan sedang berjumlah 837.94 gram dan mangrove kerapatan tinggi berjumlah 1276.85 gram. Laju dekomposisi dalam 30 hari pengamatan dengan laju tertinggi berada pada mangrove kerapatan tinggi dengan persentase 29 – 30 %, sedangkan kerapatan mangrove rendah dan kerapatan mangrove sedang dengan persentase 28%. Kata kunci : Delta Sungai Wulan;Produksi Serasah;Laju Dekomposisi ABSTRACTOne of the processes at mangrove ecosystem which contributes greatly to the fertility waters is the process of decomposition or destruction of mangrove manure. Destruction of Manure is a part of the decomposition process, can produce an important nutrient in the food chain, by means of  productivity of the surroundings waters, as happened in Delta Wulan. The purpose of this study was to find out the mangrove manure production and the rate of decomposition is based on the density of mangrove. The method used is a survey method  to divide the three point sampling, which grouped in three categories mangrove density, low, medium and high. This research was conducted in January to March 2016. The result of research to found  three species of mangrove that Rhizopora mocrunata, Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia marina. The amount of manure that is obtained at a low density is 701.51 grams, medium density amounted to 837.94 grams and high density mangrove amounted to 1276.85 grams. The rate of decomposition in the 30 days of observation by the highest rates are in the high density mangrove with a percentage of 29% - 30%, meanwhile low density mangrove and mangrove medium density with a percentage of 28%. Keywords : Delta Wulan River;Manure production;Decomposition rate

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Audy M. H. Dien ◽  
Unstain N. W. J. Rembet ◽  
Adnan S. Wantasen

This study was carried out in mangrove forest of Bahoi, Likupang district, North Minahasa regency. It was aimed at knowing the ecological condition of the mangrove forest. Study stations were selected by determining representatives from each zonation and site condition. Results showed that mangrove species in Bahoi was dominated by Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. cylindrical, and Sonneratia alba, with the highest density in station 1 shown by Rhizophora apiculata, 0.65 ind/m2, then station 2 and 3 by  R. Mucronata, 0.93 and 0,63 ind/m2, respectively.  The highest total density was recorded in station 2, 1.85 ind/40 m2, then station 1, 1.78 ind/40 m2, and station 3, 1.35 ind/40 m2, respectively. As conclusion, the ecological condition of mangrove ecosystem in Bahoi was categorized as good, and aware to be beneficial for the local community in ecological function as abrasion prevention and living environment of the aquatic biota and in economic function from ecotourism aspect, so that it was right to be managed in the form of ecotourism management. Keywords : Mangrove,  Profile, Bahoi Village ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kawasan mangrove desa Bahoi, Kecamatan Likupang, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara.  Tujuan penelitian, untuk mengetahui kondisi ekologis ekosistem mangrove. Penentuan lokasi stasiun pengamatan dilakukan dengan menentukan perwakilan dari setiap zonasi dan kondisi lokasi sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi jenis mangrove di desa Bahoi didominasi oleh Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. cylindrical, dan Sonneratia alba, dengan kerapatan jenis tertinggi di stasiun 1 diperlihatkan oleh  Rhizophora apiculata (0,65 ind/m2), kemudian pada stasiun 2 dan 3 oleh  R. mucronata (0,93; 0,63 ind/m2).  Kerapatan total tertinggi ditemukan pada stasiun 2, 1.85 ind/40 m2, diikuti oleh stasiun 1 (1.78 ind/40 m2), dan stasiun 3 (1.35 ind/40 m2). Sebagai kesimpulan, kondisi ekologi ekosistem mangrove di Desa Bahoi dikategorikan baik, dan  disadari bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dalam fungsi ekologis sebagai pencegah abrasi dan  tempat hidup biota perairan, serta fungsi ekonomisnya dalam aspek ekowisata, sehingga tepat untuk dikelola dengan bentuk pengelolaan ekowisata.   1 Staf Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara 2 Staf Pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Unsrat

Omni-Akuatika ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Endang Hilmi ◽  
Asrul Sahri Siregar ◽  
Luvianna Febryanni

Mangrove ecosystem of Segara Anakan Cilacap has specific vegetation, function, and benefit. It was dominated by Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Avicennia and associate vegetation such as Nypa frutican. Stability of mangrove ecosystem can be seen by community structure, zonation and diversity of mangrove vegetation. This research aimed to analyze community structure, zonnation and diversity of mangrove vegetation in Segara Anakan Lagoon. This research used survey method with cluster sampling by stratified analysis. The Analyze of data used association analysis, zonation analysis, richnes index, and Shanon Wiener index. This Research showed that (1) Association index of seedling was dominated by index < 0.22 (lowest association) with scored 46,67 % - 66.66 %, (2) Association index of sapling also was dominated by index < 0.22 (lowest association) with scored 58,33% - 71.43 %, (3) Association index of tress also was dominated by index < 0.22 (lowest association) with scored 67,27 % % (4) Overlaping indeks showed Aegiceras corniculatum has high overlap toward Nypa frutican (71 %) (seedling stage) and Rhizophora apiculata to Avicennia spp (0,49) (sapling stage). (5) Zonation of mangrove showed that Zone 1 as direct connecting zone with sea which were dominated by Avicennia marina and Avicennia oficinallis. Zone 2 as the middle zone which were dominated by Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, and Ceriops tagal. Zone 3 as direct connecting zone with island which were dominated by Nypa fruticans, Acanthus ilicifolius, and Sonneratia casseolaris (6) diversity index between 0.48 – 1.83 (low – middle).Keywords : mangrove vegetation, acosiation index, zonation, community structure and diversity

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-225
Danang Adi Saputro ◽  
Frida Purwanti ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti

ABSTRAK Mangrove merupakan tumbuhan yang hidup di daerah pasang surut sebagai ekosistem interface antara daratan dengan lautan. Ekosistem mangrove di desa Pasar Banggi Kabupaten Rembang merupakan perpaduan antara mangrove alami dan hasil rehabilitasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kondisi mangrove di Desa Pasar Banggi, Rembang dilihat dari  komposisi jenis, kerapatan dan ketebalan mangrove serta menganalisis tingkat kesesuaian wisata mangrove di Desa Pasar Banggi, Rembang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey lapangan yang bersifat eksploratif, dimana  teknis pengumpulan data menggunakan sistematik sampling. Data yang diambil meliputi 5 variabel yaitu: jenis, kerapatan mangrove dan asosiasi biota (hasil pengamatan lapangan dan perbandingan dari penelitian terdahulu), ketebalan (citra Google Earth Oktober 2016), pasang surut (data BMKG Oktober 2016). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 3 stasiun, dimana setiap stasiun terdapat 3 titik sampling. Komposisi jenis mangrove di desa Pasar Banggi terdapat 3 jenis mangrove yaitu Rhizopora stylosa, R. mucronata, dan R. Apiculata, dengan kerapatan mangrove tertinggi yaitu 62 ind/100m2 dan ketebalan mangrove tertinggi sepanjang 139 m. Kondisi hutan mangrove desa Pasar Banggi termasuk dalam kategori sesuai (S2) untuk kegiatan wisata berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Rembang. ABSTRACT Mangroves are plants that grow in a tidal areas an interface ecosystems between terrestrial and marine. Mangrove ecosystem in the Pasar Banggi Village,  Rembang Regency is a combination results of natural mangrove and rehabilitation. The purpose of this study were to determine condition of mangroves in the Pasar Banggi Village, Rembang, seen from the species composition, density and thickness of mangroves and to analyze the suitability level of mangrove tourism in the Pasar Banggi Village, Rembang. The method used in this study was an exploratory survey method, data collected using systematic sampling techniques. Mangrove tourism data collection was carried out of 5 variables, i.e.: type of mangrove, density of mangroves and associations of biota (from observations and comparisons of previous studies), thickness (Google Earth image October 2016), tides (data BMKG October 2016). Sampling was conducted at 3 stations, each station has 3 sampling points. The composition of mangrove species in Pasar Banggi village consists of 3 types of mangroves, namely Rhizopora stylosa, R. mucronata, and R. Apiculata, with the highest density of mangrove 62 ind / 100m2 and the highest thickness of mangrove along 139 m. The condition of mangrove forest in the Pasar Banggi village was included in the appropriate category (S2) for sustainable tourism activities in the Rembang Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  

Abstract. Raganas AFM, Hadsall AS, Pampolina NM, Hotes S, Magcale-Macandog DB. 2020. Regeneration capacity and threats to mangrove areas on the southern coast of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines: Implications to mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation. Biodiversitas 21: 3625-3636. Regeneration capacity is important as it determines the fate of an ecosystem. This study assessed six mangrove areas in the southern coast of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines to evaluate their regeneration capacity status. Four mangrove ecotypes were delineated namely seaward, middle, landward and riverine zones at each mangrove ecosystem, where dominant mangrove species were identified and selected for regeneration capacity study. Three subplots measuring 1 x 1 m2 were laid within the five 10 x 10 m2 survey plots established per zone. The juveniles were counted and categorized according to their height classes, using linear regeneration sampling method; where: RCI (≤40 cm) considered seedlings; RCII (41-150 cm) as saplings; and RCIII (151-≤300 cm) as small trees. Potential threats both anthropogenic and natural were determined through key informant interviews. Seven dominant species were identified across ecotypes in all mangrove sites, namely Avicennia marina, Avicennia rumphiana, Ceriops decandra, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, and Xylocarpus granatum. RCI (seedlings) is the most abundant across mangrove sites irrespective of the dominant species. Fishpond operation within the mangrove stand is considered a major threat to the juveniles and most mangrove ecosystems. Therefore, protection and constant monitoring of these mangrove ecosystems are necessary to ensure regeneration success in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 151 ◽  
pp. 01060
Cut Nelly ◽  
Saida Rasnovi ◽  
Zumaidar Zumaidar

Iboih is one of the villages located in the western area of Weh Island which has been popular as the marine tourism potential. The mangrove ecotourism potential has not been well developed. This study aims to review the mangrove ecosystem suitability as ecotourism area in Iboih Village – Sabang. The methodology used was an explorative survey method. The method of potential suitability determination was scoring and weighting achieved from each parameter reviewed consisting of mangrove density, mangrove species, tidal, biota object, area characteristics, and accessibility. The output of the study found 3 (three) mangrove species including Rhizhophora mucronata, Rhizhophora apiculata, and Avicennia alba. There are supporting biota objects consisting of aquatic dan land fauna. Based on the matrix of potential suitability for mangrove ecotourism, it was found that the tourism suitability index (TSI) as 82.14% indicating that the mangrove ecosystem in Iboih is very suitable for ecotourism area. The benefit of the study is to provide a contribution to science and become the facilities for environmental education and conservation to the community.

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