scholarly journals Assesment Condition Using Hemispherical Photography Method on Mangrove Ecosystem in Coastal Minaluli, North Mangoli Subdistrict, Sula Island Regency, North Maluku Province

Abdurrachman Baksir ◽  
Mutmainnah Mutmainnah ◽  
Nebuchadnezzar Akbar ◽  
Firdaut Ismail

Minaluli Village has the availability of mangrove ecosystem resources in coastal areas. The availability of evenly distributed mangrove ecosystems can have a direct impact on the community. Determination of mangrove status conducted previously using conventional methods such as transect quandrat and spot check. Hemispherical photography method is one of the new methods used and developed in Indonesia. The study was conducted in July 2018 in Minaluli Village, North Mangoli District, Sula Islands Regency. North Maluku Province. The research objective is to obtain information on the condition of the mangrove ecosystem using the Hemispherical photography method. The results of the study obtained measurements of environmental parameters showed that environmental ecological conditions support the existence of mangroves. Morphological identification was obtained as many as 8 species from 3 families. Station I found 82% mangrove cover presentation value, for station II found 77% cover presentation, at station III found a presentation found 78% while at station IV found a presentation of mangrove cover 72%. The total presentation of mangrove cover obtained in the solid category, based on the standard criteria for mangrove damage. The density of the mangrove ecosystem obtained shows high density at each station. Based on the standard criteria for damage, the density of mangroves in this location is in the medium to very dense category with a value range between 1,067-2,022 trees / ha. Important value index (INP) analysis of each type of mangrove found a range of values ​​between 31.73-95.55 The highest value index of the highest species was found in the Rhizophora stylosa type with a value of 95.55% then Rhizophora apiculata with a value of 95.08%, Rhizophora mucronata namely 81.05%, Xylocarpus granatum is 45.68, Ceriops stagal with value of 40.83%, Sonneratia alba with a value of 36.27 and Bruguiera gymnorhiza 31.73%.

Shintani Asri Tinambunan ◽  
Nyoman Dati Pertami ◽  
Ni Made Ernawati

This research was conducted to determine the condition of the mangrove ecosystem based on its canopy cover and to determine the types of mollusks (Bivalves and Gastropods) associated with the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem. Hemispherical photography is a method for observing mangrove canopy cover and line transect method for mollusks. The composition of mangrove species found in the research location were five species, namely Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Avicennia marina. The percentage of mangrove canopy cover in the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem is in a good category (average = 76.59%). There are eight types of mollusks found in the research location. There are two types of bivalves (Polymesoda bengalensis and Gafrarium pectinatum) and six types of gastropods (Nerita balteata, Nerita picea, Neritina turrita, Pila ampullacea, Cassidula aurisfelis, and Littoraria melanostoma). The relationship between the percentage of mangrove canopy cover and abundance of mollusks in the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem is very strong (r) of 0.920. The higher the percentage value of mangrove canopy cover, the higher the mollusks abundance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 177 ◽  
Herianto Tuwongkesong ◽  
Stevanus V Mandagi ◽  
Joshian N Schaduw

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menginvestigasi kondisi ekologi ekosistem mangrove di Bahowo dan menganalisa kesesuaian lahan ekosistem mangrove sebagai kawasan ekowisata. Penelitian ini dilaksakan di Bahowo Kota Manado pada bulan November sampai Januari 2018. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Metode penetapan kesesuaian lahan adalah melihat skor dan pembobotan yang diperoleh dari setiap parameter yang di kaji yaitu ketebalan mangrove, kerapatan, jenis, pasang surut, objek biota, keunikan, keaslian dan keberadaan biota berbahaya. Untuk tutupan mangrove menggunakan metode hemysperical photography atau aplikasi image j. Dari hasil pengamatan dilapangan diketahui bahwa Rhysopora apiculata mendominasi jenis yang ada di Bahowo. Hasil analisis tutupan berdasarkan aplikasi image j menunjukkan bahwa tutupan mangrove di Bahowo tergolong padat dengan nilai diatas 75 %. Berdasarkan matriks kesesuaian untuk kategori ekowisata, ekosistem mangrove yang ada di Bahowo sangat sesuai untuk dijadikan kawasan ekowisata mangrove.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to investigate the ecological condition of mangrove ecosystem in Bahowo and analyze the suitability of mangrove ecosystem area as ecotourism area. This research was conducted in Bahowo Manado City from November to January 2018. The method used was survey method. The method of determining the suitability of land is to see the score and weighting obtained from each parameter in the mangrove thickness, density, type, tidal, biota object, uniqueness, authenticity and existence of dangerous biota. For mangrove cover using hemispherical photography method or image application j. From the results of observations in the field is known that Rhizophora apiculata dominate the existing species in Bahowo. The result of cover analysis based on image j application shows that mangrove cover in Bahowo is categorized as solid with the value above 75%. Based on the suitability matrix for ecotourism category, the existing mangrove ecosystem in Bahowo is very suitable for ecotourism area of mangrove

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Soe- Win

The survey was conducted in the mangrove forests around the Magyi and Utto Creeks at Shwe-Thaung-Yan coastal areas in Ayeyarwady Delta region, April 2018. Transect lines were laid as lower, middle and upper, and quadrate plots based on Point Center Quarter Method (PCQM) P-DATA PRO were used. A total of 15 species of true mangrove was recorded. Rhizophora apiculata and Bruguiera gymnorhiza are the most dominant and distributed species in the study area. Followed by Bruguiera sexangulata, Cerop tagal and Rhizophora mucronata then remaining species. Zonation pattern of mangroves species as lower, middle, upper was also examined in study areas. Among than 1 species in Near Threaten (NT), 1 species in Critically Endangered (CR), 1 species in Endangered (EN) and remaining species are Least Concern (LC) had been considered according with IUCN red list. The environmental parameters such as water salinity and temperature, soil salinity, soil temperature and soil pH of study area were also recorded.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 323-333
Rahman Rahman ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno ◽  
Fredinan Yulianda ◽  
Iman Rusmana

Mangrove litter production is important in the displacement of organic matter from mangrove vegetation to water such as in the coast of West Muna Regency. However, one factor influencing it is the frequency of rainfall. This research, therefore, aims to determine the influence of the frequency of rainfall in mangrove ecosystem by obtaining data through the fractional wet weight. The results showed that the biomass fraction with the largest amount were Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, and Sonneratia alba with of 31.59; 31.07; and 30.96%, respectively, while the lowest was Rhizophora stylosa, Bruguiera cylindrica, and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza with of 30.07; 30.10; and 31.95%, respectively. The species with the largest leaf litter production was Bruguiera cylindrica, with of 1.72 which occurred in April and the lowest was Rhizophora apiculata, 0.24 in August. The species with the largest leaf litter production was Bruguiera cylindrica, 1.96 which occurred in May and the lowest was Sonneratia alba, 0.29 in August. In addition, the species with the largest fruit litter production was Rhizophora apiculata, 1.76 in April and the lowest was Sonneratia alba, 0.32 in September. The total litter production was 18,75 consisted of 6,69 leaf litter, 6,54 branch litter, and 5,52 fruit litter. The higher the frequency of the rain, the greater the litter production.   Keywords: biomass fraction, seasonal litter production, West Muna Regency

E Hilmi ◽  
Amron Amron ◽  
L K Sari ◽  
T N Cahyo ◽  

The mangrove zoning and landscape express the correlation between mangrove vegetation (density, biodiversity and species distribution) with environment factors like as water inundation, seatide, and soil properties. The research was conducted in Segara Anakan Lagoon to analysis community structure and mangrove landscape based on species distribution, biodiversity, environment factors, and mangrove zoning. The results showed that (a) Segara Anakan Lagoon had 4 mangrove zone's were dominated by Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora styllosa, and Nypa frutican; (b) the structure of ecosystem was showed by trend of mangrove ecosystem with equation y = 35.34x2 923.85x + 12817 with x = time (year) and y = mangrove area (ha), mangrove density between 1333367 ind ha-1 (West Segara Anakan) and 899–567 ind ha-1 (East Segara Anakan), dominated species were Nypa frutican, Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora apiculata, and Aegiceras corniculatum and mangrove biodiversity between 2,572,65 (moderate); (c) structure of environment factor showed single and semi double-type tides, water debit between 0.360.73 m s-1; water depth between 0.20–23.7 m and water inundation between 480cm; soil texture was clay and loam, soil nitrate of 1.5 mg 100 g-1, soil phosphate of 1.5 mg 100 g-1, C organic of 1.31%, soil pH of 6–7, and soil salinity of 6.5–10 ppt.

Jurnal Biota ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-23
Andi Nur Samsi ◽  
Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar ◽  
Andi Niartiningsih

The mangrove ecosystem has different density levels per location. It can be influenced by environmental factors or because of human assistance. This research was conducted in Tongke-tongke Village, Sinjai Regency and Pannikiang Island, Barru District. Observations were conducted on three groups, namely groups of trees, stakes, and seedlings. Tree group used plot size 10 m x 10 m, stakes group used plot size 5m x 5m, and the group of seedlings used plot size 1 m x 1m. The result of tree group density will be compared with the standard criteria of mangrove damage of the Minister of Environment to know the criteria and the level of density. The mangrove ecosystem in Tongke-tongke village is overgrown by Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia sp. and is dominated by R. mucronata with very dense density. In the tree group, R. mucronata has a density of 8020 Ind Ha-1. The mangrove ecosystem in Pannikiang Island is overgrown with Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia alba, Aegiceras floridum, Ceriops tagal, Avicennia sp., Excoearia agallocha, and Lumnitzera racemosa and has a rare and moderate density. In the tree group, the highest density in C. tagal with a density of 1270 Ind Ha-1 and indicated moderate density. Competition is always there in the ecosystem. The species of this ecosystem is fighting for space and nutrients. Therefore, competition can determine the density of plants in it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 03003
Yumima Sinyo ◽  
Sutrisno Anggoro ◽  
Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati

The Wailukum Mangrove Ecosystem requires a community based environmental management strategy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of mangrove roots and stems in medium tide zones, the dominance index of Teredo navalis L and environmental management strategies in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research is a case study. The research location is divided into two points, namely in the North and South. Sampling using the line transect method. Root and stem samples were observed using the quadratic method. The results of this study found that there are three types of mangroves that live in the medium tide zone, namely Rhizophora mucronata (Lamk.) Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora stylosa Griff. Characteristics of roots and stems have gaps and brittle easily. The dominance index of Teredo navalis L on the roots and stems is in the low category with the index range 0.01-0.62. Strategies that need to be used for environmental management of mangroves in Wailukum, East Halmahera Regency, are to open employment opportunities for the community, organize socialization and training of silvofishery systems for workers, make regulations to control community-based mangrove use and monitor violations of mangrove management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
A Hadian Pratama Hamzah ◽  
Trisno Anggoro ◽  
Sri Puryono

Mangroves are one of the important coastal ecosystems that have various benefits and their uses are carried out by various stakeholders. This study aims to 1) find out and analyze the condition of mangrove resources and community beneficiaries, 2) analyze the roles and functions of each stakeholder, and 3) find out and analyze the form of co-management of mangrove ecosystem management in Lubuk Kertang Village, West Brandan, Langkat Regency. Mangrove vegetation data collection is done using the quadratic transect method; while taking socioeconomic, institutional, and interview data using survey and purposive sampling methods. Data obtained from mangrove vegetation include density, frequency, cover, and mangrove importance index. Stakeholder analysis using a matrix of interests and influences. Research shows there are 5 types of mangroves in Lubuk Kertang Village, namely Avicennia marina, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa and Sonneratia alba. Strategies in the context of expanding mangrove forests are with these types. Stakeholder analysis identified 16 stakeholders who were classified in 4 groups, namely subject, key players, crowd, and by standers. Mangrove management in Lubuk Kertang Village is still in the consultative stage. To improve effectiveness, management is directed at the cooperative level in the co-management spectrum with management strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-142
Arthur Muhammad Farhaby ◽  
Andi Abdullah ◽  
Carmila Carmila ◽  
Edward Arnanda ◽  
Emi Atika Nasution ◽  

Pulau Kelapan secara geografis terletak pada 2?50’59.000’’ LS dan 106?50’31.000’’ BT.Pulau Kelapan terletak di desa Kumbung, Kecamatan Lepar Pongok, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Pulau ini dikelilingi oleh hutan mangrove yang masih alami dan keberadaannya memang dijaga oleh masyarakat Pulau Kelapan.Kawasan hutan mangrove Pulau Kelapan memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi destinasi ekowisata mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian lahan mangrove di Pulau Kelapan untuk dikembangkan sebagai lokasi wisata. Data yang diambil meliputi data kesesuaian wisata mangrove seperti parameter vegetasi dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2019 di Pulau Kelapan, Kabupaten Lepar Pongok, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Stasiun pengamatan dalam penelitian ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling, dimana membagi pulau kelapan ke dalam 4 stasiun pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) untuk ekowisata mangrove di Pulau Kelapan pada stasiun 1 termasuk dalam kategori sangat cocok (S1) dengan nilai IKW 79% dan yang termasuk kategori sesuai (S2) ditemukan di stasiun 2.3 dan 4 dengan nilai IKW masing-masing adalah 51%, 66 % dan 74%. Jenis mangrove yang ditemukan di Pulau Kelapan adalah Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Xylocarpus granatum yang tersebar di setiap stasiun pengamatan.SUITABILITY ANALYSIS OF MANGROVE ECOSYSTEM AS ECOTOURISM AREAS IN KELAPAN ISLAND, SOUTH BANGKA DISTRICT. The Kelapan Island is geographically located at 2?50’59,000 ’’ LS and 106?50’31,000 ’’ BT. Kelapan Island located in the village Kumbung, District Lepar Pongok, South Bangka Regency. The island is surrounded by a natural mangrove forests and its existence is maintained and managed by local communities Kelapan island mangrove forest area has the potential to be developed into a mangrove eco-tourism destination. This study aims to determine the suitability of mangrove area in Kelapan Island to be developed as an ecotourism location. The research data includes the suitability index of mangrove tourism such as vegetation and environmental parameters. This research was conducted on November 2019 on Kelapan Island, Lepar Pongok, South Bangka Regency. The observation stations in the study were determined by the purposive sampling method, which divides the Kelapan islands into 4 observation stations. The results showed that the index of Conformity Tourism (IKW) for ecotourism mangroves on the Kelapan Island at station 1 were included in the category of very suitable (S1) with IKW 79% and are categorized accordingly (S2) were found in the station 2.3 and 4 with the value of IKW of 51%, 66% and 74%. Mangrove species found on the Kelapan Island was Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Xylocarpus granatum found in each observation station.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
Amran Saru ◽  
Rijal Idrus ◽  
Muh. Ilham

This research was conducted in October 2017. The research location was the Hasanuddin University Education Pond, Bojo Village, Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. The objectives of this study were: (a) To identify the various types of mangroves that make up the educational field in the Hasanuddin University Education Pond; (b) To Identify and to recognize the organisms associated with various types of mangroves that compose educational sites on the coast of the UNHAS Education Pond, and (c) To analyze data and information related to mangrove ecosystems and their associated organisms for the suitability of Education. Mangrove data collection using transect (Line transect) with 10 x 10 meters plot area, while collecting macrozoobenthos data using a scope and sieve net, while observing other parameters at the five stations with three replications carried out based on instructions (Englis,, 1994; Noor, et al., 1999; Saru, 2013; and Bahar, et al., 2015). The results showed that 3 mangrove families were identified, namely Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae, and Sonneratiaceae consisting of 7 species of mangrove, namely: Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Ceriops decandra, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, and Soneratia alba. While the associated organisms, namely: 3 species for Carustacea, 4 species for Fish, 7 species for Mollusca, 3 species for Bird and 1 species for Reptile. Based on the results of land suitability analysis showed that the ecosystem of mangrove in Hasanuddin University Education Pond included in the conditional category for the development of Mangrove Education tour.    

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