scholarly journals Persepsi Nasabah Terhadap Tingkat Kualitas Pelayanan Bank Syariah Cabang Malang

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Lailatul Iffah

This study aims to determine the perceptions of customers on the level of service quality of Syariah Mandiri Bank Malang branch based on five dimensions of service quality. This research used quantitative method with research subjects on BSM savings customers who used mudharabah muthlaqah contract of Syariah Mandiri Bank Malang branch. The data used in this study is the primary data through questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed to customers as much as 53 questionnaires and sampling techniques using Purposive Sampling method. The result of the research showed that customer perception of Syariah Mandiri Bank Malang branch is very satisfied under the perception of emphaty dimension as dimension which dominates customer’s perception toward service quality of the Bank.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 136
Abdul Haris Romdhoni ◽  
Dita Ratna Sari

This study aims to examine the influence of knowledge, service quality, product, and religiosity on customers' interest in using savings products at BMT Amanah Ummah Gumpang Kartasura, Sukoharjo. In this study for independent variables are knowledge, service quality, product, and religiosity, while for the dependent variable in this study is the interest of customers using deposit products. This study uses a sample of 100 people with sampling using a random sampling method. This study uses quantitative methods and primary data using a questionnaire that must be answered by the respondent. Data analysis in this study used Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study can be concluded based on the t test, the variables of knowledge and religiosity have an influence on the interest of customers using savings products. While service and product quality variables do not have an influence on customer interest by using deposit products. Based on the F test shows that the knowledge, quality of service, products, and religiosity simultaneously influence the interest of customers to use savings products at BMT Amanah Ummah Gumpang Kartasura, Sukoharjo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Musa Zul Hazmi ◽  
Suhendro Suhendro ◽  
Riana Rahcmawati Dewi

This research was conducted to assess whether understanding taxpayers, service quality, and tax penalties against the KPP Pratama Surakarta. Population in this research are Individual Taxpayers at KPP Pratama Surakarta. Data sources in this study are primary data collected by researchers through questionnaires distributed to 110 respondents, but returned and complete questionnaires were 60 respondents . This research is a quantitative research with 60 respondents at KPP Pratama Surakarta.  The data selection method is the random sampling method. The data in this study were processed using the SPSS 21.0 for Windows application. Based on research results understanding taxpayers, service quality, and tax sanctions have a significant effect on taxpayer approval. Understanding tax regulations becomes a benchmark for taxpayers in completing their tax obligations. The quality of service provided by the tax authorities influences taxpayer compliance, indicating that service quality is a benchmark to make taxpayers obey. The existence of tax sanctions that are given expressly will increase the level of compliance, because making taxpayers afraid of being subjected to these sanctions and the stipulation of tax sanctions will deter taxpayers and clear and firm sanctions. Keywords: Understanding, Service Quality, Penalties, Taxpayers

Repositor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Septa Hariyanto ◽  
Maskur Maskur ◽  
Ilyas Nuryasin

AbstrakKesehatan merupakan hak asasi manusia dan salah satu unsur yang harus diwujudkan sesuai dengan cita-cita bangsa Indonesia. Dalam sebuah organisasi yang bergerak didalam bidang jasa khususnya dalam pemberian layanan kesehatan yaitu puskesmas, kepuasan pasien harus menjadi tujuan utama mereka dalam memberikan pelayanan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur kesenjangan antara persepsi dan ekspektasi pelanggan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Service Quality (Servqual) yang dikembangkan oleh Parasuraman dkk. Servqual merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan atas jasa yang telah diterimanya yakni dengan membandingkan tingkat persepsi dan ekspektasinya. Servqual menilai kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan 5 dimensi kualitas, yaitu dimensi tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, dan emphaty. Dengan menggunakan metode servqual peneliti dapat membuat sistem yang dapat menilai tingkat kepuasan pelanggan yang menggunakan jasa pelayanan puskesmas. Dalam penggunaan sistem, diperoleh hasil data tingkat kepuasan pasien di Puskesmas Talun Kabupaten Blitar pada bulan Februari 2016 dengan nilai rata-rata 2,646 atau dikategorikan cukup puas. Data yang diperoleh dapat menjadikan tolak ukur suatu penyedia layanan untuk memperbaiki tingkat pelayanannya.AbstractHealth is a human right and one of the elements that must be realized in accordance with the ideals of the Indonesian nation. In an organization engaged in the field of services, especially in the provision of health services that is puskesmas, patient satisfaction should be their main goal in providing services. The method used to measure the gap between customer perception and expectation in this research is Service Quality (Servqual) method developed by Parasuraman et al. Servqual is one method that can be used to measure customer satisfaction for services that have received that is by comparing the level of perception and expectations. Servqual assess the quality of service based on 5 dimensions of quality, namely dimension tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and emphaty. By using servqual method researchers can create a system that can assess the level of customer satisfaction using services puskesmas. In the use of the system, the results obtained data on the level of patient satisfaction at the Community Health Center Talun Blitar in February 2016 with an average value of 2.646 or categorized quite satisfied. The data obtained can set benchmarks for a service provider to improve the level of service.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1283-1292
Valentine Siagian

This paper examines the gap between the expected service and reality from Uber’s customer perception. Service companies tend to be careful and pay more attention to their customers’ satisfaction and aim to have a good relationship to ensure their loyalty. Service quality dimension was used and applied to find the gap between customer satisfaction and customer expectation. The hypothesis was tested in the empirical study to find how service quality (with five dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) affects customer satisfaction on using Uber service. 105 international students from Indonesia who lives in Taiwan and experienced riding with Uber in Taiwan filled out the online questionnaire. SPSS 23 was used to do the analysis. The result of F-test shows that customer satisfaction positively influenced by service quality, while t-test shows that there is improvement needed on responsiveness and empathy dimension. Rating system from Uber declares that customer satisfaction is 4.6 out of 5, this paper shows that customer satisfaction is 4.3 out of 5 from service quality dimension. Statistically this is a significant gap that needs to be filled to reach a closer gap to the expected service. This research can be done with a wider range to know more about customers’ delight on using Uber. Language barrier between customer and Uber driver could be the reason of the gap. Including Taiwanese students as respondents could be done for further research.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 101 ◽  
Wahyu Oktri Widyarto ◽  
Nugraheni Djamal ◽  
Fauzul Adhim

This study aims to analyze the level of service quality and prioritize improvements. The method that used in this study is service quality (SERVQUAL) combined with fuzzy concepts to find out the gap between expectations and consumer perceptions through five dimensions namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Fuzzy concepts are used to present uncertainties over respondents' assessment of subjective questionnaires. To determine the priority of improvement, used the Customer Value Index Potential Gains (IPGCV) method. Based on processing data results by using fuzzy-servqual method, it is known that the Tangible dimension has a gap of -0.13, the Reliability dimension has a gap of -0.13, the Responsive dimension has a gap of -0.14, the dimension of Assurance has a gap of -0.12, Empathy dimension has a gap of -0.11. The negative value on fuzzy-servqual assessment can be interpreted that the overall service has not met customer expectations. Achievement of the quality level is equal to 0.8606 which is indicates the quality of services still need improvement because the level of service quality is less than 1 (Q <1). Based on calculation using the PGCV Index, it is known that services which have the highest priority are employees who have adequate support from their institutions so that they can carry out their duties properl

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Faisal Rakhman

This research aimed to analyze the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction on the word of mouth communication in an effort to increase the number of new students in AMIK Al Ma'soem Jatinangor using a model SerQual consisting of five dimensions. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. The research data was obtained from primary data by distributing questionnaires to students in AMIK Al Ma'soem and then processed with SPSS.The results showed that correlation is weak and there are not significant quality of service and customer satisfaction on the word of mouth communication in an effort to increase the number of new students in AMIK Al Ma'soem Jatinangor. F test results showed that the factors of service quality and customer satisfaction does not significant affect the word of mouth communication student AMIK Al Ma'soem Jatinangor to other people / prospective students.The R-square value obtained amounted to 0.102, or 10.2%, that meaning simultaneous service quality and customer satisfaction just contributes 10.2% to the effect on the word of mouth communication in AMIK Al Ma'soem Jatinangor students, while the rest (1-R²) of 89.8% is the amount of contributions made by other factors not examined.The study reveals that students expect comfortable classrooms, in other words clean, airy, and neatly arranged. Students also expect an increase in speed over the handling of complaints that arise and of course accompanied by appropriate solutions. And the management of AMIK Al Ma'soem Jatinangor must be improve and focus on other factors that allegedly could affect the number of new students who enroll, such as brand image, price and promotion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Lailul Mursyidah ◽  
Islamic Nurfajriyah

The purpose of this study to discribe the quality of health care at Sidoarjo Hospitals, exactly outpatient of iclinic executives and to determines the factors that inhibiting the implementation of health care for outpatient of clinic executive. This study used a Descriptive Qualitative Method. Technique of deciding informant by snowball sampling. Primary data were obtained by in-depth interviews with key informants head room of installation pavilion Sidoarjo Hospital, two nurse of executive polyclinic Sidoarjo hospital and 12 patient and patient's family of polyclinic executive Sidoarjo hospital are as informants. The results showed that the quality of health care at policlinic executives by perseption of respondents in terms of five dimensions of service quality models ServQual include dimensional visibility physical (tangibles), reliability (reliability), responsiveness (responsiveness), assurance (assurance), empathy (empathy) overall get a positive response from community. Factor that inhibiting implementation of service quality are a lack of medical personnel (nurses) at the policlinic executives, so they have to do multi task at a same time. There are unavailable fix doctor schedule and medical facilities not integrated yet has been the factors that inhibit the implementation of health care of clinic executives too.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 406
Jesica Nangaro ◽  
Gayatri Citraningtyas ◽  
Sri Sudewi

ABSTRACTGood service quality will lead to satisfaction in patients. Pharmaceutical services especially in hospitals are sued to realization the expansion of the pharmaceutical service paradigm from product orientation to patient orientation. This study aims to determine the level of outpatient satisfaction to quality of drug service in the Pharmacy Installation of Liun Kendage Tahuna Hospital based on five dimensions of service quality namely tangibles, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. This research is a descriptive study with prospective data collection. Number of samples is 347 people, the process of collecting primary data is done using research instruments in the form of questionnaires and data processing to determine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire using SPSS 17 for Windows program. The results showed that the overall satisfaction index value was -0.63. The satisfaction index for each dimension is; tangible -0.62; empathy -0.58; reliability -0.59; responsiveness -0.59; and assurance -0.70. This shows that the worth satisfaction index is negative, which means that outpatients at the Liun Kendage Tahuna Hospital Pharmacy Installation are not yet feel satisfied with the services provided. Keywords: patient satisfaction, quality service, RSUD Liun Kendage Tahuna.ABSTRAKKualitas pelayanan yang baik akan menimbulkan kepuasan pada pasien. Pelayanan kefarmasian khususnya di rumah sakit dituntut untuk merealisasikan perluasan paradigma pelayanan kefarmasian dari orientasi produk menjadi orientasi kepada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat jalan terhadap kualitas pelayanan obat di Instalasi Farmasi RSUD Liun Kendage Tahuna berdasarkan lima dimensi kualitas pelayanan yakni tangibles, emphaty, reliability, responsiveness, dan assurance. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pengambilan data secara prospektif. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 347 orang, proses pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen penelitian dalam bentuk kuesioner dan pengolahan data untuk mengetahui validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner menggunakan program SPSS 17 for windows. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai indeks kepuasan secara keseluruhan sebesar terbesar -0,63. Indeks kepuasan pada setiap dimensi yaitu; tangible -0,62; emphaty -0,58; reliability -0,59; responsiveness -0,59; dan assurance -0,70; Hal ini menunjukkan indeks kepuasan bernilai negatif yang berarti pasien rawat jalan di Instalasi Farmasi RSUD Liun Kendage Tahuna belum merasa puas terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan. Kata Kunci : kepuasan pasien, kualitas pelayanan, RSUD Liun Kendage Tahuna.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Soelistiani Soegiono ◽  
Heru Suprihhadi

Cooperative enterprise core values are the spirit of togetherness, mutual cooperation and solidarity among its members. Owning only millions of rupiah at the beginning, cooperative enterprise has been growing and spreading their business rapidly, and nowadays coperative enterprise has billions of rupiah as its capital. The key for its success is the quality of service. Increasing the service quality will be encouraging the participation and support from the members. This fact has led to the escalation of number of its member and capital. The effect of service quality to cooperative enterprise member’s satisfaction is the main study and topic of this research. Cluster random sampling method has been chosen to collect the data from 94 members. The questionnaire was based on the following five dimensions namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. While the questionnaire corresponding to the member’s satisfaction was derive from two values, which are related to purchase and service. The data was compared and processed by linier regression. The result is t (testing coefficient) equal to 16,248 which revealed that the effect of service quality to the member’s satisfaction is significant and convincing in Financial Service Business Unit.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 268
Devi Yasmin ◽  
Supriyadi Sup

This study discusses the quality of service given the blessing of self-sustained cooperative Sungai Tebelian Kabupaten Sintang. This study aims to determine the quality of service that includes tangible dimension, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This type of research used in this research is the survey method. Data collection techniques are the primary data, interviews, questionnaires. The study population numbered 808 members and 100 of whom were sampled. The selected sample of Purporsive Sampling with the criteria set by saving at least 5 months old and all members of the cooperative blessing respondents who self-sufficient savings and loans. Technical analysis is the analysis of the data used servqual score = score of expectation-perception score is calculating the difference or (Gap) to determine the quality of service. Of the five dimensions of service quality Restu Cooperative of Self-reliance can be concluded that the positive savings and loan service users are not satisfied with the quality of service cooperatives Restu Berdikari for service quality Servqual score of 0.37 was obtained. The analysis showed that the expected value is greater than the perceptions of members of the cooperative, means a greater quality of service expectations than on reality. The results of this study indicate members' responses to service quality Restu Berdikari Cooperative shows that most responding dissatisfied. Items that are greatest difference is the responsiveness of the employees of cooperatives is 0.66.Keywords: Service Quality, Koperasi Restu Berdikari, Kabupaten Sintang

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