scholarly journals Perlindungan Hak Cipta Terhadap Konten Aplikasi Tiktok yang Disebarluaskan Tanpa Izin

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 417-422
Made Yunanta Hendrayana ◽  
Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Diah Gayatri Sudibya

Tiktok is a popular application, lots of videos from the Tiktok application are becoming famous. There are people who take advantage by uploading the famous TikTok video on other social media and receiving endorsement for the account. As for the formulation of the problem (I) How are the Copyright protection arrangements for content in the Tiktok application? (2) What is the responsibility of the owner of tiktok content whose content is distributed without the permission of the creator or creator? This journal uses normative legal research methods. The results of the study state that the regulation of copyright protection for content in the Tiktok application is regulated in Law umber 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright and Terms of Service for the Tiktok Application which prohibits someone from distributing and reproducing Tiktok content for commercial purposes. For the accountabi I ity of the owner of tiktok content that is disseminated without permission, namely sanctions for the distribution oftiktok videos according to Article 113 paragraph 3 of the Copyright Law and the tiktok application can demand compensation and stop distribution of tiktok content in accordance with Article 96 paragraph (I) of the Copyright Law

Anak Agung Mirah Satria Dewi

Protection of copyright law against cover version of song on youtube. Copyright protection only extends to the “expression” of the creator, and not to the “idea” or information derived from a work. This is what happens in cover songs, others have the freedom to express the same idea or reuse the information gained from the creation or work that is protected into the work afterwards as long as the idea is expressed in a different way. The formulation of the problem in this research is 1. Does making cover versions of songs belonging to others and uploading to youtube social media is a form of copyright infringement? and 2. What is the legal protection of the copyright holder for copyright infringement in the field of music and song in the form of commercial cover version?. The type of research used in this study is the type of normative legal research. The conclusion of the results of this research is in making cover versions of songs and uploading to youtube social media in general do not violate the Copyright when the making and announcement is done by not violating the exclusive rights of copyright holder and legal protection against the copyright holder over copyright infringement in the field of music and songs in the form of commercialized version cover can be done through two ways, namely preventive efforts and repressive efforts. Abstrak Perlindungan hukum hak cipta terhadap cover version lagu di youtube. Perlindungan hak cipta hanya mencakup kepada “ekspresi” pencipta, dan bukan kepada “ide” atau informasi yang didapat dari suatu ciptaan. Hal inilah yang terjadi dalam kegiatan cover lagu, pihak lain memiliki kebebasan untuk mengekspresikan ide yang sama atau menggunakan kembali informasi yang diperoleh dari ciptaan atau karya yang dilindungi kedalam karya sesudahnya selama ide tersebut diekspresikan dengan cara yang berbeda. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1. Apakah membuat cover version lagu dan mengunggah ke media sosial youtube merupakan suatu bentuk pelanggaran hak cipta ? dan 2. Bagaimanakah perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang hak cipta atas pelanggaran hak cipta di bidang musik dan lagu dalam bentuk cover version yang di komersilkan ?. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian hukum normatif. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu membuat cover version lagu dan mengunggah ke media sosial youtube secara umum tidak melanggar Hak Cipta apabila pembuatan dan pengumuman tersebut dilakukan dengan tidak melanggar hak-hak eksklusif pemegang hak cipta dan perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang hak cipta atas pelanggaran hak cipta dibidang musik dan lagu dalam bentuk cover version yang dikomersilkan dapat dilakukan melalui dua cara yaitu upaya preventif dan upaya represif.

I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Satriawan ◽  
Marwanto Marwanto

Animated cartoon character is a character created or depicted in an animated story with the aim of supporting the story in an animated film. Currently, many children's clothes, bags, shoes or accessories include animated pictures from cartoons with the aim of attracting buyers' attention to increase sales of these products. The purpose of this writing is to identify, analyse and elaborate legal protections for animated cartoon characters based on the provisions in the copyright law, as well as legal protection for animated cartoon characters used as brands. This was normative legal research using a statutory, conceptual and analytical approaches. Animated cartoon characters as one of the objects of copyright protection, namely images, receive automatic protection based on the Copyright Law and can also be registered as Trademarks, as long as the image has distinctive power and has no similarity in substantial or in its entirety. However, if any parties who intend to use the animated cartoon characters that already classified as a well-known trademark, that party can propose a License to the owner of the trademark as regulated under the provision of Article 42 paragraph (1) of Trademark Law

Acta Comitas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 298
Dewa Ayu Dian Sawitri ◽  
Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan

The purpose of this study to examine the protection of transformation of lontar copyrighted works in the form of digitalization and the mechanism of legalizing the transformation of works that were originally in the form of lontar. This study uses a socio-legal researchy method which is a mixture of normative legal research methods with empirical legal research methods. This study uses a statutory approachy, conceptuayl approach and facts. The study results show that the regulation of transformation of lontar copyright works in the form of digitalization is regulatedd in Article 40 paragraph 1 letter n of the Copyright Law which is made possible through an expanded interpretation. It can be stated that the transformation also includes works of traditional cultural expression. The process of legalizing the transformation is included in Article 26 paragraph (1) of the Cultural Promotion Act which explains that the Central Government and the Regional Government are obliged to save the Cultural Promotion Object. Transformation of lontar into the form of digitization is one form of saving against lontar but in the process of this transformation must still refer to the agreement of the owner of the lontar work.  Tujuan studi ini untuk mengkaji perlindungan transformasi karya cipta lontar dalam bentuk digitalisasi serta mekanisme legalisasi pentransformasian dari karya yang awalnya berbentuk lontar. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian sosio-legal yang merupakan campuran dari metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan metode penelitian hukum empiris. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual dan fakta. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan transformasi karya cipta lontar dalam bentuk digitalisasi diatur dalam Pasal 40 ayat 1 huruf n UU Hak Cipta yang dimungkinkan melalui suatu penafsiran yang diperluas dapat dikemukakan bahwa transformasi juga mencakup karya ekspresi budaya tradisional. Proses legalisasi transformasi termasuk dalam Pasal 26 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Pemajuan Kebudayaan yang menjelaskan bahwa Pemerintah Pusat danjatau Pemerintah Daerah penyelamatan dilakukan wajib Objek Pemajuan Kebudayaan. Transformasi lontar ke dalam bentuk digitalisasi merupakan salah satu bentuk penyelamatan terhadap lontar tetapi dalam proses transformasi ini harus tetap 

Putu Prashanti Vahini Kumara ◽  
I Ketut Westra

Dayak tattoos are works of art with tattoo motifs created by the Dayak people from generation to generation so that they can be referred to as Traditional Cultural Expressions, but now these tattoo motifs are widely used by modern society and are considered as art. The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyze and elaborate the legal protection arrangements for modern tattoos based on the provisions of the copyright law in Indonesia, as well as the protection of Dayak tattoos from a copyright perspective. This paper is a normative legal research with descriptive analysis technique. The results show that tattoos are one of the objects of copyright protection in the form of images that receive automatic protection as stipulated in Article 40 letter f UUHC. Regarding the tattoo motif of the Dayak Tribe, it should be protected as one of the Traditional Cultural Expressions as stipulated in Article 38 paragraph (1) UUHC. Protection is given considering that the tattoo motif of the Dayak Tribe is closely related to the values ??that live in the community that bears it, including customs, customary law norms, and other noble norms that are upheld by the Dayak community. Therefore, the State is obliged to carry out an inventory, maintain and preserve the existence of the tattoo motif of the Dayak Tribe. Tato Suku Dayak merupakan karya seni motif tato yang diciptakan oleh masyarakat suku Dayak secara turun-menurun sehingga dapat disebut sebagai Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional, namun kini motif tato tersebut banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat modern dan dianggap sebagai hal yang seni. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi, menganalisis dan mengelaborasi pengaturan perlindungan hukum terhadap tato modern berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undang hak cipta di Indonesia, serta perlindungan terhadap tato Suku Dayak dalam perspektif hak cipta. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan tehnik deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tato merupakan salah satu objek perlindungan hak cipta berupa gambar mendapat perlindungan secara otomatis atau automatically protection sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 40 huruf f UUHC. Berkaitan motif tato Suku Dayak sepatutnya dilindungi sebagai salah satu Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 38 ayat (1) UUHC. Perlindungan diberikan mengingat motif tato Suku Dayak memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan nilai-nilai yang hidup dalam masyarakat pengembannya, antara lain adat-istiadat, norma hukum adat, dan norma-norma luhur lain yang dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat Suku Dayak. Maka dari itu, Negara wajib untuk melakukan inventarisasi, menjaga dan melestarikan keberadaan motif tato Suku Dayak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 468-472
Michael Lianwar Antolis ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati ◽  
I Putu Gede Seputra

Income tax is a tax imposed on individuals/business entities on income earned in the tax year. Promotional service business actors are tax subjects who earn income that exceeds the non-taxable income and the income is obtained from activities promoting goods or services through social media, such as Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp or other types of social media. The purposes of this study are to examine the regulation of income tax in promotional services business activities through social media as well as the mechanism for collecting income taxes against business actors in promotional services through social media. This study uses normative legal research methods, with legal materials consisting of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The collection of legal materials in this study was carried out by the recording method. The legal material analysis method used is argumentative technique. The result of the study shows that the regulation of income tax in promotional service business activities through social media, in this case YouTubers or Celebrities, is subject to income tax for those whose income exceeds Non-Taxable Income (PTKP) based on the Regulation of the Director General of Taxes Number PER-17/PJ/2015.

2021 ◽  
Koray Güven

Abstract The recent Cofemel judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union extended the European Union’s (EU) originality criterion (i.e. the author’s own intellectual creation) to the realm of works of applied art. The Court excluded ‘aesthetically significant visual effect’ as a condition of copyright protection. It was condemned as subjective and incompatible with the EU originality criterion. The decision may signal a shift in several national copyright laws, under which requirements relating to ‘aesthetics’ are laid down as a condition to acquire protection. This article will demonstrate that the ‘aesthetics criterion’, as it emerged historically and has been employed in national copyright laws, is associated with a different meaning than it conveys at first glance. The aesthetics criterion designates the elbow room remaining to the author after functional constraints have been taken into account, and thus represents a form of the functionality doctrine in the domain of copyright law. However, to some extent it also excludes – though not uniformly – commonplace designs from the scope of copyright protection. Against this background, this article suggests that the aesthetics criterion can arguably be reconciled with the EU originality criterion. The aesthetics criterion represents a balance struck between the need for copyright protection in the field of applied arts, on the one hand, and competition, on the other. In order not to upset this careful balance, a robust application of the EU originality criterion is advocated, precluding protection not only to functionality, but also to commonplace creations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Karlina Perdana ◽  
Pujiyono ,

<p>Abstract<br />This legal research examines the weakness of Act No. 20 of 2016 on Marks and Geographical Indications, as until now there is still a knockoff brands that passed trademark registration in Indonesia. This research uses  doctrinal  or  normative  prescriptive  research  methods.  Results  of  this  study  is  the  absence  of the requirements and there are multiple interpretations of the philosophy of the brand famous brand understanding and similarity in principle or in its entirety.</p><p>Keyword: Trademark registration, weakness of Act<br /> <br />Abstrak<br />Penulisan hukum ini mengkaji mengenai kelemahan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Merek dan Indikasi Geografis sebagaimana sampai sekarang ini masih terdapat merek-merek tiruan yang lolos pendaftaran merek di Indonesia. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal atau normatif yang bersifat preskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tidak adanya persyaratan filosofi merek dan terdapat multitafsir pemahaman merek terkenal dan persamaan pada pokoknya atau keseluruhannya.</p><p>Kata kunci: pendaftaran merek, kelemahan UU</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-154
Edi Tuahta Putra Saragih ◽  
Muhammad Citra Ramadhan ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

This research aimed to: (a) obtain the forms of copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics); (b) understand the role of the police, in this case the Police Precinct, in the law enforcement; (c) identify the factors that influenced the law enforcement. The research method used the normative-empirical legal research, with the initial stages of specifying norms in order to get the proper picture, and then specifying empirical events in order to get the real picture. The research results showed several matters: 1) The forms of copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics) found included: the distribution of the works or the copies, the performances of the works, and the announcements of the works; 2) Police Precinct did notultimately carry out their role as a law enforcer for the copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics); and 3) The factors that influenced the law enforcement on the copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics), namely: legislation factor, in the matter of complaint offenses; law enforcement factor, in terms of the capacity of members; less supportive factor of facilities and infrastructure; legal awareness factor, in the problem of the lack of legal counseling; and cultural factor, related to the differences in norms in the copyright law between those in society and those in regulations. 

Libri ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (4) ◽  
pp. 345-359
Vicki Lawal ◽  
Peter G Underwood ◽  
Christine Stilwell

Abstract This article examines the effect of the adoption of social media in legal practice in Nigeria. It discusses some of the major challenges that have recently been experienced in the use of legal information in Nigeria within the context of the social media revolution, particularly with respect to ethics. A survey method was employed and data was collected through self-administered questionnaires to the study population comprising practicing lawyers located in various law firms in Nigeria. Outcomes from the study provide preliminary evidence on the nature of the application of social media in legal practice and the prospects for its inclusion as an important aspect of legal research in the legal education system in Nigeria.

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