scholarly journals Ethical Invention in Sartre and Foucault: Courage, Freedom, Transformation

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (27) ◽  
pp. 96-116
Kimberly Engels

This article explores the concept of ethical invention in both Jean-Paul Sartre’s and Michel Foucault’s later lectures and interviews, showing that a courageous disposition to invent or transform plays a key role in both thinkers’ visions of ethics. Three of Sartre’s post-Critique of Dialectical Reason lectures on ethics are examined: Morality and History, The Rome Lecture, and A Plea for Intellectuals. It is shown that ethical invention for Sartre requires the use of our freedom to transcend our current circumstances, a willingness to break away from harmful ideologies, and directing our free praxis towards the goal of universal humanism.  Examining several of Foucault’s interviews alongside his lecture series The Government of Self and Others and The Courage of Truth, it is shown that ethical invention for Foucault requires a rejection of necessities or inevitabilities in our current landscape, a willingness to reshape our current beliefs, and a philosophical way of life that results in an alteration of the relationship to self and others. For both thinkers, ethical invention should be preceded by a critical reflection on ourselves in our historical moment. Both argue that ethical invention requires a rejection of the inherent value of our world and realization that the conditions of possibility for being subjects are malleable. Last, it is shown that both philosophers specifically call philosophers or intellectuals to invent.

1996 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-48
Stephen H. Wirls ◽  

This essay explores the relationship between moral community and the principles and practices of liberal individualism. Insofar as these principles afford the widest latitude to the individual's judgment concerning the government of his life, they have contributed to a decay in the rigor and authority of moral and civic codes. Moreover, they and the way of life they foster seem to militate against any political or social solutions to problems of morality and civility, reflecting a disparity between liberal regime principles and the moral preconditions of a decent society. A moral revival may thus have to be founded on the recognition that healthy liberal democracies require policies and practices in tension with liberal principles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Andreas Maurenis Putra

ABSTRACT: Today, humans are always faced with the complexity of the acute world situation. This situation is nothing but an increasingly worsening environmental crisis. This emergency situation is inseparable from the increasingly exalted anthropocentric ego. The assumption that eliminates intrinsic value to other ecosystems and the wrong way of life leads to the separation of relations between humans and the surrounding reality.The interdependent context between all ecosystems is degraded due to the wrong attitude of life from humans. The loss of the relationship brought a variety of environmental damage which caused the destruction of human existence itself. Poverty, hunger, war, global warming, floods and drought are a few of the critical phenomena of nature. For these increasingly emergency natural phenomena, this thesis is written as a critical reflection for humans to re-examine their nature as religious, social and ecological creatures as well as concrete action that must be done to reconstruct relations (reconciliation) with nature, with the surrounding environment and especially reconciliation with his own life through ecological metanoia and a new lifestyle.  KEYWORDS: relation, antrophosentrism ego, ecological exigent, multidimensional perspective, awareness, reconciliation, repentance and new lifestyle.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-178 ◽  

This essay argues that Jean-Paul Sartre's notion of “dialectical reason”, as elaborated in his Critique of Dialectical Reason (1960), had a decisive impact on the composition of Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth (1961). The relationship between the two works has not before received a thorough textual exposition. Such an exposition, it is suggested, also entails revising the view of the nature of Fanon's work that has become entrenched in anglophone scholarship. Instead of a self-grounding theorist who more resembles the postcolonialists who would succeed him, this essay presents a view of Fanon as a situated theorist, drawing on those resources that could best help him to articulate the task at hand. The notion of “dialectical reason” allowed him to break from his previous understanding of decolonization as the attainment of reason through struggle, and see the “praxis” of revolution as, itself, self-realizing reason. To perceive this allows us better to seize on the thinking that guides his discussions of objectification under colonialism, anticolonial violence, and the role of the national bourgeoisie, and, thus, to clear up a number of controversies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (68) ◽  
pp. 563-590
Pedro Angelo Pagni

Resumo: Este artigo analisa o governo das diferenças em instituições como a escola e  discute as condições de possibilidade de os corpos ingovernáveis resistirem às formas de dominação representadas pela biopolítica neoliberal. Para isso, recorre ao projeto foucaultiano e aos seus interlocutores com a finalidade de provocar no campo filosófico-educacional uma maior abertura para com o outro e as diferenças que encarnam. Vislumbramos com essa atitude ética e política agenciada pela relação com o ingovernável a possibilidade de resistir aos desdobramentos fascistas da atual configuração da biopoder. Palavras-chave: Biopolítica. Governamentalidade. Diferença. Educação.   Between the government of differences and the ungovernable of bodies: possibilities of resistance in education   Abstract: This article examines the government of differences in institutions such as schools and discusses the conditions of possibility for ungovernablebodies to resist the forms of domination represented by neoliberal biopolitics. For this, it uses the Foucaultian project and its interlocutors in order to provoke in the philosophical-educational field a greater openness towards the other and the differences that they incarnate. We glimpse with this ethical and political attitude that the relationship with the ungovernable, the possibility of resisting the fascist developments of the current configuration of biopower. Keywords: Biopolitics. Governmentality. Difference. Education.   Resumen: Este artículo examina el gobierno de las diferencias en instituciones como las escuelas y discute las condiciones de posibilidad para que los cuerpos ingobernables resistan las formas de dominación representadas por la biopolítica neoliberal. Para ello, utiliza el proyecto foucaultiano y sus interlocutores para provocar en el campo filosófico-educativo una mayor apertura hacia el otro y las diferencias que encarnan. Miramos con esta actitud ética y política, producida por la relación con lo ingobernable, la posibilidad de resistir a los desarrollos fascistas de la configuración actual del biopoder. Palabras clave: Biopolítica. Gubernamentalidad. Diferencia. Educación

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Gagah Yaumiyya Riyoprakoso ◽  
AM Hasan Ali ◽  
Fitriyani Zein

This study is based on the legal responsibility of the assessment of public appraisal reports they make in land procurement activities for development in the public interest. Public assessment is obliged to always be accountable for their assessment. The type of research found in this thesis is a type of normative legal research with the right-hand of the statue approach and case approach. Normative legal research is a study that provides systematic explanation of rules governing a certain legal category, analyzing the relationship between regulations explaining areas of difficulty and possibly predicting future development. . After conducting research, researchers found that one of the causes that made the dispute was a lack of communication conducted between the Government and the landlord. In deliberation which should be the place where the parties find the meeting point between the parties on the magnitude of the damages that will be given, in the field is often used only for the delivery of the assessment of the compensation that has been done.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 161-168
Alexander D. Gronsky

The article examines the relationship between Western Russianism (Zapadnorusizm) and Byelorussian nationalism. Byelorussian nationalism is much younger than Western Russianism, finally shaping only in the end of the 19th century. Before 1917 revolution Byelorussian nationalism could not compete with Western Russianism. The national policy of the Bolsheviks contributed to the decline of Western Russianism and helped Byelorussian nationalism to gain stronger positions. However, Byelorussian nationalists actively cooperated with the occupation authorities during the Great Patriotic war. That caused distinctly negative attitude of Byelorussians towards the movement and collaborators. Currently, Byelorussian nationalism is supported both by the opposition and by the government. Western Russianism has no political representation, but is supported by the majority of Byelorussian population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-97
Sarip Sarip ◽  
Nur Rahman ◽  
Rohadi Rohadi

This article aims to explore the relationship between the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) and the Ministry of Villages (Kemendes) from theconstitutional law and state administrative law point of view.The second concerns of this research is the disharmony and problem between the two ministries.From the constitutional law point of view, it turns out that what the Ministry of Home Affairs is doing, is closer to the object of its discussion. The method used in this research is normative legal research bycomparingthe constitutional law and state administrative law to obtain clarity regarding the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Village. The result shows that the Ministry of Village approached the science of state administrative law, namely to revive or give spirits to the village. Disharmonization began to exist since the inception of the Ministry of Village. The root of disharmony itself was the improper application of constitutional foundations in the formation of the Village Law. It would be better if the government reassess the constitutional foundation for the village.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-46
A.S. Grachev

Summary Purpose: to determine the relationship between achievement motivation and the attitudes of schoolchildren of 11-17 years old and students of 18-21 years old to independent sports and passing control standards in the discipline \”Physical Education\”. Material: 1576 schoolchildren (boys n = 780 and girls n = 796) of comprehensive schools of Belgorod, Stary Oskol, Stroitel and Shebekino (Belgorod region, Russian Federation) and 246 students (men n = 127) were surveyed. and women n = 119) Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (Belgorod, Russian Federation). The questionnaire consisted of three blocks of questions: the 1st block of questions - questions aimed at determining the age, sex, place of study of the respondent; 2nd block of questions - 8 questions, allowing to assess the attitude of the respondent to independent sports activities and the desire to take control standards of the discipline Y’Physical Education\”; 3rd block of questions is a test of 20 questions, developed by A.A. Rean, to assess the motivation to achieve success and avoid failures. Results: the motivation for avoiding failures was diagnosed in 5% male students and 10% female students. A direct correlation between achievement motivation and the attitude of schoolchildren and students towards independent sports activities and passing control standards has been revealed. Conclusions: there are no differences in the correlation between the relationship between achievement motivation and attitudes toward independent sports by gender. Schoolchildren and students with motivation to achieve regular self-exercise. Schoolchildren and students with a pronounced motivation for avoiding failures prefer a passive way of life. They do not want to pass standards on the discipline \”Physical Education\” and do not go in for sports on their own.

Nguyen Van Hao

Bronze drums are widely distributed, broader than the range of a nation. Therefore, the identification of each kind of drum is a basic subject, should be concerned. In determining the tribal identity of the drum, the classification of drum is the key stage, the relationship between the objective of the classification and classification criteria is the relation as shape and shadow, if there is no right criteria then the result of division will be difficult to reach the desired goal. Likewise, the criterion of the pattern on the bronze drum brought to the affirmation is the Dong Son bronze drum of the Lac Viet people. And the parallel is the affirmation of the culture, way of life, residence of the nation created the drum.

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