scholarly journals Análise e Avaliação dos Problemas Existentes na Fachada de Arenito do Museu Júlio de Castilhos, Porto Alegre, RS

2007 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 63

The Júlio de Castilhos museum of Porto Alegre, formerly used as residence, was built in 1877 by a military engineer Catão Roxo. This building is one of the few examples of urban architecture from the last part of the nineteenth century. Its façade is covered by arenitic and granitic rocks quarried near the city. The covering shows the effects of weathering processes occurred during many years. Some of these were observed during a façade mapping as loss of rocky materials, discoloration, chemical deposition, desintegration and fracturing. Petrographic analyses of the arenite indicate an arcosean composition, rich in quartz, with plagioclase and alkali-feldspar (microcline) and opaque minerals in lesser amounts. The grains have a fine layer of iron oxide (hematite) clad, with a fringe of siliceous cement. The remained pores are filled by clay minerals, mainly illite. The elevated degree of compactation and diagenesis are responsible for the high coherence of the rock, allowing its use as covering rock. The petrographic features (textures and mineralogical composition) indicate that the arenites used on the façade’s museum, comes from the Botucatu Formation. The recognition of the mineral constituents and the knowledge of regional geology allow the façade’s recuperation through the replacing of unrecoverable pieces by new ones.

2009 ◽  
pp. 53-80
Zsuzsa Ordasi

- Unlike other great cities of Europe, Budapest did not experience any significant urban development before the nineteenth century, especially before 1867, the year of the foundation of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. After that, the city became the second pole, after Vienna, of this important European state. The capital of the Kingdom of Hungary grew through the use of various types of urban architecture and especially through a "style" that was meant to express Hungarian national identity. Architects, engineers, and other professionals from Hungary and Austria contributed to this process of modernization as well as many foreigners from Germany, France and England. The city's master plan - modeled after Paris's - focused on the area crossed by the Viale Sugár [Boulevard of the Spoke] was set on the Parisian model and so covered only certain parts of the city. The Committee on Public Works (1870-1948) played a leading role in putting the plan approved in 1972 - into effect in all aspects of urban planning, architecture and infrastructure.

Mara Regina do Nascimento

Este artigo propõe-se a ser uma colaboração com os estudos dedicados às irmandades religiosas brasileiras, na sua face regional. A linha de pensamento adotada toma a cidade, a experiência urbana e as ditas associações religiosas como instâncias sociais intimamente relacionadas e interdependentes. Durante o século XIX, a irmandade gestora da Santa Casa de Misericórdia em Porto Alegre cumpria um papel fundamental não apenas para a composição material de seu espaço, mas igualmente para conferir-lhe o status de importante cidade dentro do mosaico urbano que compunha o Império brasileiro. Tomando por base o histórico de ações concretas da irmandade, como a construção do Hospital, as iniciativas para a caridade e filantropia e a promoção das festas litúrgicas, este artigo analisa o vínculo indissociável entre o associativismo católico e o estilo de vida urbano dos setecentos e oitocentos. Palavras-chave: Irmandades Religiosas. Santa Casa de Misericórdia. Cultura Urbana.AbstractThis paper intends to collaborate with other works dedicated to the study of brazilian religious brotherhoods, in their regional aspect. The line of thought  adopted takes the city, the urban experience and the religious associations above mentioned as closely related and interdependent social instances. During the XIX century, the brotherhood in charge of the Holy House of Mercy in the city of Porto Alegre played a fundamental role, not just in the material composition of the urban space, but also in giving it the status of an important city within the urban mosaic comprised by the Brazilian Empire. Based on the (historic of) concrete actions of this brotherhood, as were the construction of the Hospital, the creation of a social representation for the notion of charity, and the promotion of liturgic feasts, this article analyses the unbreakable bond between catholic associativism and the urban lifestyle of the XVIII and XIX centuries.Keywords: Religious Brotherhoods. Holy House of Mercy. Urban Culture. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-125
Bevz M ◽  

Ancient city fortifications are one of the specific types of defensive architecture. Along with the buildings of castles, blocks of urban residential development, monastery complexes and field defensive structures, they formed a special type of architectural and urban planning objects. During their construction, the skills of both an architect, builder, and military engineer were often combined. Not so many objects of urban defense architecture have come down to our time. Therefore, every fragment of the city's defensive walls and earthen fortifications preserved today, as a rule, is a valuable document of its era and needs careful protection and preservation. Urban fortifications (as opposed to fortifications of castles or fortresses) were the objects of priority liquidation in the process of urban development. There are very few of them preserved in Ukraine, so their preservation and study is a matter of extreme importance. Lviv is a unique city on the map of Ukraine in terms of the development of urban fortifications. The article analyzes the reflection of objects and monuments of defense construction in the scientific and design documentation "Historical and Architectural Reference Plan of the City of Lviv". Data on the stages of development of Lviv fortifications are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the remains of fortifications that have been preserved in the archaeological form. Their identification, conservation and identification is important task for modern urban development projects. The paper makes hypotheses about some hitherto unidentified elements of fortifications of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Special emphasis is placed on the need for a special scientific study on the detailed reconstruction of all stages of the development of defense belts around the city center and suburbs of Lviv

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (44) ◽  
Guillermo Stefano Rosa Gómez ◽  
Jose Luis Abalos Junior ◽  
Manoel Cláudio Mendes Gonçalves da Rocha

O presente artigo é resultado de um diálogo entre três experiências de produção coletiva de pesquisa etnográfica, que têm em comum os temas juventude, imagem e cidade. Um conjunto de nove etnografias visuais foi realizado a partir de uma parceria entre os pesquisadores associados ao Núcleo de Antropologia Visual (NAVISUAL/PPGAS/UFRGS) e os estudantes da disciplina de Antropologia Visual (2016/1) ministrada ao curso de Ciências Sociais da UFRGS sob a coordenação da antropóloga e professora Cornelia Eckert. As reflexões que aqui apresentamos percorrem um processo de ensino-aprendizagem implicado na experiência dos três autores enquanto estagiários docentes nesta disciplina. A proposta lançada consistiu em um exercício etnográfico a ser desenvolvido ao longo do semestre letivo, tendo como eixo temático as “intervenções artísticas urbanas”, no qual os discentes trabalhariam coletivamente no formato de grupos de trabalho, sob a orientação dos estagiários e pesquisadores do Navisual. Como desdobramento de tais experiências, foi produzida uma expografia compartilhada em parceria com o Departamento de Difusão Cultural (DDC/UFRGS) e o projeto UNIFOTO, que ficou exposta na galeria do Hall da Reitoria da UFRGS entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2016. Destacamos neste trabalho o diálogo e convergências entre três abordagens que percorrem universos empíricos específicos na cidade de Porto Alegre - as Batalhas de MCs, os itinerários e trajetórias de jovens praticantes de skate, e o evento Feira do Hip Hop - propondo uma abordagem imagética em torno do tema das “intervenções artísticas urbanas”, tendo em vista compreender as formas sensíveis através das quais estes sujeitos experienciam, praticam e transformam o viver urbano.Palavras Chaves: Cidade; Imagem; Juventude; Antropologia Visual; Formas Sensíveis.Youth, Image and city: experiences of ethnographic research with urban youngs in Porto AlegreAbstract  This paper is a result of a dialogue between three experiences of collective ethnographic work which have in common the categories of image, youth and city. A group of nine visual ethnographies was carried departed of a partnership of researchers associated with the “Núcleo de Antropologia Visual (NAVISUAL/PPGAS/UFRGS) and the students of the course of Visual Anthropology assign in Social Science under the coordination of Cornelia Eckert. The reflection that we present here go through a process of learning and teaching, based on the experience of the three autors. The proposal launched consisted in a etnographic exercise to be developped alonge the semester, under the bow of a tematic pivot: "urban artistic intervention".As a result of these experiences, a shared exhibition was produced in partnership with the Department of Cultural Diffusion (DDC / UFRGS) and the UNIFOTO project, which was exhibited in the gallery of the Rectory Hall of UFRGS between August and September 2016. We highlight in this work the dialogue and convergences between three approaches that explore specific empirical universes in the city of Porto Alegre - the MCs Battles, the itineraries and trajectories of young skateboarders, and the Hip Hop Fair - proposing an imaging approach around (Sansot, 1983, Ledrut, 1984; Rocha, 1995) through which these subjects experience, practice and transform urban living.Key words: City. Image. Youth. Visual Anthropology. Sensible Forms.     

2004 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Cláudio Pereira Elmir

O texto compreende uma discussão sobre o processo de modernização na cidade de Porto Alegre em vários momentos de sua história, articulando as transformações e modificações havidas no espaço urbano com uma paralela segregação social operada e/ou desejada na cidade. São recolhidos vários exemplos para demonstrar a vontade de se construir uma “cidade una”, na qual não se admite o convívio com os indesejados sociais. A combinação modernização/exclusão social, tantas vezes já abordada em diversos estudos da historiografia brasileira, encontra neste artigo mais um exercício de aproximação, a partir do qual pode-se vislumbrar momentos distintos – sem traçar uma linha de continuidade – desta operação específica da modernidade. Abstract The text discusses the process of modernization in the city of Porto Alegre during various moments of its history, debating both transformations and modifications in the city’s urban space along with a social segregation that was either going on or being wished for at that time. Many exemples are given so as to demonstrate the desire to build a “united city” in which those who were socially unwished were not allowed. The combination of modernization with social exclusion, so often discussed in many other studies of Brazilian history, is shown in this article as another approach to the issue of modernization with its distinct moments. Palavras-chave: Rio Grande do Sul. Séculos XIX e XX. Identidade. Key words: Rio Grande do Sul. XIX & XX centuries. Identity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-219
Fiammetta Bonfigli ◽  
Germano Andre Doederlein Schwartz ◽  
Fabricio Pontin

This work is part of the research project developed by the Observatory on New Social Movements and Law in Brazil at La Salle University, focusing in the city of Porto Alegre and on the occupation of the City Council on July of 2013, which is placed in the context of the protests against the increase of bus fares and for free fare, attempting to understand the relationship between the political organization of the Bloco de Lutas pelo Transporte Publico and its legal group during the eight days of City Council occupation. We conducted semi-structured interviews with members of the occupation in order to clarify the dynamics in the movement and its understanding of the relationship between law and social movements, highlighting the deferment of the eviction order and the elaboration of two Bills as fundamental moments of the relationship between the collective organization of the occupation and its legal team. Este artículo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación desarrollado por el Observatorio de Nuevos Movimientos Sociales y Derecho de la Universidad La Salle de Brasil. Nos centramos en la ciudad de Porto Alegre y en la ocupación de su ayuntamiento en julio de 2013, en el contexto de las protestas contra el aumento de las tarifas de autobús y a favor del transporte gratuito. Intentamos comprender la relación entre la organización política del Bloco de Lutas pelo Transporte Publico y su grupo jurídico durante los ocho días que duró la ocupación. Realizamos entrevistas semiestructuradas con miembros de la ocupación para aclarar las dinámicas del movimiento y cómo entendía la relación entre derecho y movimientos sociales, destacando el aplazamiento de la orden de desalojo y la elaboración de dos leyes como momentos fundamentales de la relación entre la organización colectiva de la ocupación y su equipo jurídico.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 79
Sandra Regina De Moura ◽  
Dóris Maria Luzzardi Fiss

This article analyzed, from the perspective of six graduates of the Course of Pedagogy (FACED / UFRGS), the effects of the obligatory curricular internship and its role in the formation of teaching identities. This qualitative research carried out in 2014 involved listening to the voices of graduates in the period of compulsory curricular traineeship in a municipal public school system located in the city of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). By means of a focal group, the authors addressed themes of stage and professional identity, concepts developed by Maurice Tardif and Danielle Raymond, António Nóvoa, Selma Garrido Pimenta and Maria Socorro Lima. Drawing on the discursive perspectives of Michel Pêcheux, and highlighting contributions offered by Eni Orlandi, the discourse analysis of the graduates’ speech produced several themes that influenced the formation of the graduates’ educational identities, including teaching as collaborative work, “human teaching”, and experiences of autonomy and transition, and that referred to the obligatory curricular stage as a space for learning, reflection about practice, and the space of praxis. In addition, six trainees perceived their internship as an experience that produced changes in their ways of thinking and becoming teachers. Thus, discursive analysis of internship graduates within the time and spaces of teacher formation may can contribute to other designs for schooling and education, considering the relevance of the dynamic conditions of dialogue at this specific stage. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (52) ◽  
pp. 971-992
André Coutinho Augustin ◽  
Paulo Roberto Rodrigues Soares

Resumo A pandemia de Covid-19 explicitou desigualdades territoriais já presentes nas cidades brasileiras. Uma das formas de expressão dessas desigualdades foi a possibilidade de ficar em casa para se prevenir. Analisando um índice de isolamento social calculado a partir de dados de localização de telefones celulares, este artigo mostra que o isolamento no município de Porto Alegre não aconteceu de forma homogênea no território. Fatores como a ocupação, a renda e o IDH de cada região da cidade se relacionam com as diferentes taxas de isolamento encontradas e, consequentemente, ajudam a entender os diferentes graus de exposição ao vírus.

2012 ◽  
Vol 241-244 ◽  
pp. 2606-2610
Zhong Jiang ◽  
Jin Jiang

At present, the automatic fire alarm systems on sale were produced by different factories, which resulted in the information not being shared mutually. Furthermore, it was difficult to connect the different fire auto-alarm systems to the same network. They couldn't communicate automatically with the city fire-fight commanding center in time. We designed interface module of automatic fire alarm controller network and interface module of data center network. By using the existing net of PSTN and internet, it could transmit the breakdown information and a fire information of the automatic fire alarm systems to the fire-fight commanding center, the long-range diagnose, the real-time monitor of a fire and the long-range control in the city fire auto-alarm system was realized.

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