2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Wedi Fitriana ◽  
Dinno Mulyono

The apprenticeship program III is one of the academic agendas in developing student competencies, so that they are ready to undergo the profession as community educators. However, based on the identification of problems carried out internally, it was found that the apprenticeship program III, had not provided optimal results, this can be seen from the results of evaluations and feedback from the people who were targeted in the apprenticeship program III of the IKIP Siliwangi Community Education study program. The theoretical foundation used in this study is the theory of learning through practice, the theory of social competence and the theory of public education. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the instruments used are interview guides, guidelines for observation and documentation study. The results obtained that the competence of students in the public education study program showed an increase especially in terms of communication and social interaction skills. However, it has not received a good assessment from the community. So that the conclusions in this study are that the internship program III has positive implications for the development and social competence of students, but still needs further development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 529
Linda Sekar Utami ◽  
Islahudin Islahudin ◽  
N.W.S Darmayanti

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan di Desa Gontoran Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Pemilihan Kabupaten Lombok Barat karena dekat dengan Wilayah Kota Mataram yang memiliki tingkat infeksi Covid-19 tertinggi di wilayah NTB. Lombok barat berada pada peringkat 2 setelah Kota Mataram. Angka ini terus meningkat jika tidak ada kesadaran dari masyarakat untuk mengikuti himbauan pemerintah. Desa Gontoran adalah jalur perekonomian wilayah kecamatan lingsar, sehingga banayak masyarakat melewati Desa Gontoran menuju Pasar Mandalika, sehingga alat semprot disinfektan sangat dibutuhkan. Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk memberi kemudahan kepada masyarakat agar dapat melakukan penyemprotan secara otomatis agar tidak terlalu banyak tenaga yang dibutuhkan karena Desa Gontoran merupakan jalur ramai menuju pasar Mandalika untuk memasarkan hasil pertanian dan perkebunan masyarakat kecamatan Lingsar. Metode yang digunakan adalah membuat modul dan membuat langsung alat semprot bersama masyarakat Desa Gontoran dengan memanfaatkan pengetahuan elektronika di Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika. Hasil pengabdian berupa modul pembuatan gerbang disinfektan dan produk gerbang otomatis disinfektan desa Gontoran. Kata kunci: alat semprot disinfektan otomatis; covid-19. ABSTRACTCommunity service activities are carried out in Gontoran Village, West Lombok Regency, West Lombok Regency Election because it is close to the Mataram City Region which has the highest Covid-19 infection rate in the NTB region. West Lombok is ranked 2 after the City of Mataram. This number continues to increase if there is no awareness from the public to follow the government's call. Gontoran Village is an economic route for the lingsar sub-district area, so that many people pass through Gontoran Village to the Mandalika Market, so that disinfectant spray equipment is needed. This service is done to make it easier for the community to spray automatically so that not too much energy is needed because Gontoran Village is a busy route to the Mandalika market to market the agricultural and plantation products of the Lingsar district community. The method used is to make modules and make a spray device directly with the people of Gontoran Village by utilizing electronic knowledge in the Physics Education Study Program. The results of the service are in the form of making disinfectant gate modules and automatic gate disinfectant gate products in Gontoran village. Keywords: automatic disinfectant sprayer;covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Wilson Wilson ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi ◽  
Yuka Martilisda Anwika ◽  
Siti Roidah

Academic procrastination behavior often occurs, will cause problems of lack of discipline, low motivation, and depletion of self-confidence. Self-confidence is a very important factor for students, because the attitude of self-confidence will make students feel that there is confidence in their abilities, optimism, objectivity, responsibility, rationality and reality, which then feel able or not to do academic tasks that become performance. The results of the level of self-confidence of students of the Community Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Riau University are at a moderate level. Academic procrastination of students of the community education study program, Faculty of Education and teacher training, University of Riau is at a moderate level. There is a significant relationship between self-confidence and academic procrastination of community education study program students.Keywords: Academic procrastination behavior, self-confidence,

2021 ◽  
pp. 147490412199047
Matthew Clarke ◽  
Martin Mills

Recent educational reforms in England have sought to reshape public education by extending central government control of curriculum and assessment, while replacing local government control of schools with a quasi-private system of academies and multi academy trusts. In this paper, we resist reading this as the latest iteration of the debate between “traditional” and “progressive” education. Instead, we note how, despite the mobilisation of the rhetoric of the public and public education, schooling in England has never been public in any deeply meaningful sense. We develop a genealogical reading of public education in England, in which ideas of British universalism – “the public” – and inequality and exclusion in education and society have not been opposed but have gone hand-in-hand. This raises the question whether it is possible to envisage and enact another form of collective – one that is based on action rather than fantasy and that is co-authored by, comprising, and exists for, the people. The final part of this paper seeks to grapple with this challenge, in the context of past, present and future potential developments in education, and to consider possibilities for the imaginary reconstitution of public education in England in the twenty-first century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1094
Wilson Wilson ◽  
Daeng Ayub ◽  
Said Suhil ◽  
Titi Maemunaty

Teenagers studying at university, known as college students, have the responsibility for themselves; they are demanded to be independent in academic activities as well as to build the identity achievement by searching for information through exploration with sufficient intensity in various fields. After collecting adequate information, they need to make choices (commitment) to the field that suits thei interests and abilities. Based on a discussion conducted in the class, it was revealed that some students felt unsuitable with the study program they took; they did not know the career they would pursue while they were already in the third and fourth semesters. This was survey research with a quantitative approach. This study aimed to obtain an objective description of the Students’ Employment Identity Status at the Public Health Education FKIP Universitas Riau. The samples of this study were taken randomly from a population of 104 students. Data on the students’ (adolescents) identity status were collected through a questionnaire. Then, the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis utilizing SPSS. The results of the study found that only 30.77% of students reached the achievement status while 42.31% of the students were at the level of moratorium status. In addition, 15.38% of the students at the level of Forclusure identity status and 11.54% of them were at the level of diffusion status.

Carlota Boto

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that took place in Europe in the 18th century, whose main characteristic was criticism. For the Enlightenment theorists, it was assumed that the idea of reason should be the basis of all actions taken in every sphere of social life. The aim of the present study is to investigate the entanglement between Enlightenment and education. In order to do so, we first resort to Kant’s thought. Kant characterizes the Enlightenment as man’s emergence from his own immaturity, defining immaturity as the inability to use one’s own understanding. One can say that the Enlightenment has an intrinsic pedagogical dimension. The enterprise of Diderot’s Encyclopedia consisted of a project that could be regarded as pedagogical, since it aimed at spreading the new breakthroughs of knowledge in all fields to an increasing number of people. The belief of the Enlightenment was that progress in science and technology did not only depend on advances in accumulated knowledge. The achievements of science would also—beyond the new discoveries in the various fields of knowledge—be furthered through the irradiation of that knowledge. The expansion of access to the achievements of science for an increasing number of people was one of the main objectives of the Enlightenment theorists, and particularly of the Encyclopedia. It should be noted that these pedagogical projects were based on the thesis that the schooling of society was a strategy with which to secure and consolidate the path of reason, and to protect it against dogmas and prejudices against it. For this reason, the Enlightenment consisted of organization of the intellectual world, whereby the activity of thought effectively became a struggle in favor of freedom of reasoning and freedom of belief. In the Enlightenment ideas of education as set out in Diderot’s Plan of a University or of a Public Education in All Sciences, written while he was under state guard, one can see how the idea of instruction is linked to the concept of civilization. It was believed that, through education, the nation could be enlightened, and the people would also be better prepared to live as good citizens. In addition, it was believed that school education would give people the opportunity to develop the talents nature had endowed them with. The idea was that allowing everyone to have free access to the instruments of rationality and freedom of judgment would bring about the possibility of a fairer, more egalitarian society in which distinctions between its citizens were based on merit rather than inequalities of fortune. Finally, Condorcet’s proposal for the organization of the public education undoubtedly constitutes the matrix of our contemporary idea of the state school. To develop reason presupposes, from the point of view of the Enlightenment, using the instruments of that reason so it can be expressed. This implied the formation of public opinion, which was, per se, a pedagogical task. Also, and most importantly, this implied the necessity of the creation of schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 501-514
Zainuddin ◽  
Surya Haryandi ◽  
Misbah ◽  
Mastuang ◽  
Mohd Ali Ibrahim ◽  

Astrophysics education is one of the subjects in the physics education study program which is also part of astronomy. Astrology is the structure and epistemology of Islamic law that studies the sun, moon, stars, and celestial bodies related to aspects of Islamic law. Indonesian Muslims cannot be separated from local wisdom which is the wealth of the Indonesian nation. This article intends to provide a comprehensive explanation through bibliometric analysis of literature on astrophysics education, religion, and local wisdom. Article searches are performed by Publish or Perish (PoP) software on the Google Scholar database. The search and sorting results found 23 of the 200 articles found in the 2016-2021* range. The results of data processing by PoP software are then edited through the Mendeley Desktop software. The editing results are then processed using VOSviewer software to obtain a visualization of the distribution pattern and data mapping. Broadly speaking, this research shows the projected direction of astrophysics education research if it is studied with religious content based on the Qur'an and local wisdom and its further development. The implications of this research can inspire researchers to study astrophysics education in universities with the content of the Qur'an and local wisdom so that studying science can help increase faith in God.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-112
Masnurul Sholihah

Abstract: This study aims to describe attitudes and measure the level of knowledge of the people living around Lake Panggang to conserving birds that can be consumed. The variables of this research include variables of habits, attitudes, knowledge and level of public education in the form of elaborating research variables into sub variables and empirical indicators. The conclusion of this study is that knowledge and attitudes are not related to the level of community education in Pandamaan and Palukahan villages in the preservation of birds that can be consumed in Danau Panggang District. The people in Pandamaan and Palukahan villages have similarities in their habit patterns, namely they do not conserve birds that can be consumed. When viewed statistically, the habit patterns of the people of Pandamaan and Palukahan Villages are not significantly different in conserving birds that can be consumed. Abstrak:  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sikap dan mengukur tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar Danau Panggang dalam melestarikan burung-burung yang dapat dikonsumsi. Variabel penelitian ini meliputi variable kebiasaan, sikap, pengetahuan dan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat dalam bentuk penjabaran variable penelitian menjadi sub variable dan indikator empiris. Keaimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pengetahuan dan sikap tidak berhubungan dengan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat di Desa Pandamaan dan Desa Palukahan dalam pelestarian burung-burung yang dapat dikonsumsi di Kecamatan Danau Panggang. Masyarakat di Desa Pandamaan dan Desa Palukahan memiliki kesamaan dalam pola kebiasaan yaitu sama – sama tidak melestarikan burung – burung yang dapat dikonsumsi. Bila dilihat secara statistik pola kebiasan masyarakat Desa Pandamaan dan Desa Palukahan tidak berbeda secara signifikan dalam melestarikan burung burung yang dapat dikonsumsi.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-94

The article considers the functioning of Sunday schools in the second half of the XIX century. The process of teaching in Sunday schools on the basis of the Rules of 1884 and the Programs of 1886 and 1898 is considered. The functioning of the system of public education in the second half of the XIX century. was represented by the initial level of knowledge acquisition, which is mainly provided by church-parish, Sunday and zemstvo schools. The clergy and the church as a whole have always played an important role in Ukrainian society. One of the important areas of educational work of the Orthodox clergy was the education and upbringing of children. It is difficult to overestimate the church’s contribution to the development and operation of primary education. Educational institutions functioned at monasteries and churches throughout Ukraine. The highest clergy also made a great contribution. It was interested in organizing education for the people, because during this period the clergy remained the most educated section of the population.Sunday schools for adults and children were known as the earliest form of extracurricular education in Russia. They arose in the XVIII century at monasteries, but did not become widespread. From the middle of the XIX century similar schools began to be established at universities, gymnasiums, factories and plants. Their organizers considered the main task of teaching everyone to read and write (reading, writing, arithmetic), as well as the formation of Orthodox morality and spirituality. The program of teaching the Law of God, reading, writing, and arithmetic was compulsory in the first Sunday schools. The first thing that taught the illiterate was reading. Zolotov’s sound technique was widely used, which included three stages of initial learning of reading: acquaintance with vowel sounds, reading syllables, reading according to Zolotov’s tables. Thus, the process of teaching in Sunday schools in the late XIX - early XX centuries. was not homogeneous in content. Sunday schools had some influence in the public education system.

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