infection rate
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Ahmed Abdelfattah Bayomy Nofal ◽  
Mohammad Waheed El-Anwar

AbstractFrontal recess cells have many types with different sizes, arrangement, and extend. It plays an important role in successful functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) as most causes of failure are related to it. Outline the prevalence of the frontal recess cells, pathological incidence of each cell regarding to frontal sinus pathology. Prospective study on 100 consecutive patients (200 sides) complaining from nasal and sinus symptoms which did not respond to medical management and indicated for FESS. Anterior group was infected in 30.8%; agger nasi cell (ANC) present in 97% (25.8% infected, 74.2% not infected), supra agger cell (SAC) present in 48% (39.6% infected, 60.4% not infected), supra agger frontal cell (SAFC) present in 11% (36.4% infected, 63.6% not infected). Posterior group was infected in 24.8%; supra bulla cell (SBC) present in 72% (30.6% infected, 69.4% not infected), supra bulla frontal cell (SBFC) present in 23% (17.4% infected, 82.6% not infected), supra orbital ethmoid cell (SOEC) present in 42% of cases (19% infected, 81% not infected). Medial group [frontal septal cell (FSC)] was present in 21% (33.3% infected, 66.7% not infected). FSC, SAC, SAFC, and SBC showed high infection rate in association with infected frontal sinus, while, the SOEC, ANC, and SBFC did not have such high infection rate. Frontal recess cells show no difference in their prevalence either if the frontal sinus infected or not, however their infection rate show significant difference.

2022 ◽  
Avtandil G. Amiranashvili ◽  
Ketevan R. Khazaradze ◽  
Nino D. Japaridze

The lockdown introduced in Georgia on November 28, 2020 contributed to positive trends in the spread of COVID-19 until February - the first half of March 2021. Then, in April-May 2021, the epidemiological situation worsened significantly, and from June to the end of December COVID - situation in Georgia was very difficult. In this work results of the next statistical analysis of the daily data associated with New Coronavirus COVID-19 infection of confirmed (C), recovered (R), deaths (D) and infection rate (I) cases of the population of Georgia in the period from September 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021 are presented. It also presents the results of the analysis of monthly forecasting of the values of C, D and I. As earlier, the information was regularly sent to the National Center for Disease Control & Public Health of Georgia and posted on the Facebook page The analysis of data is carried out with the use of the standard statistical analysis methods of random events and methods of mathematical statistics for the non-accidental time-series of observations. In particular, the following results were obtained. Georgia's ranking in the world for Covid-19 monthly mean values of infection and deaths cases in investigation period (per 1 million population) was determined. Among 157 countries with population ≥ 1 million inhabitants in October 2021 Georgia was in the 4 place on new infection cases, and in September - in the 1 place on death. Georgia took the best place in terms of confirmed cases of diseases (thirteenth) in December, and in mortality (fifth) - in October. A comparison between the daily mortality from Covid-19 in Georgia from September 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021with the average daily mortality rate in 2015-2019 shows, that the largest share value of D from mean death in 2015-2019 was 76.8 % (September 03, 2021), the smallest 18.7 % (November 10, 2021). As in previous work [9,10] the statistical analysis of the daily and decade data associated with coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic of confirmed, recovered, deaths cases and infection rate of the population of Georgia are carried out. Maximum daily values of investigation parameters are following: C = 6024 (November 3, 2021), R = 6017 (November 15, 2021), D = 86 (September 3, 2021), I = 12.04 % (November 24, 2021). Maximum mean decade values of investigation parameters are following: C = 4757 (1 Decade of November 2021), R = 4427 (3 Decade of November 2021), D = 76 (2 Decade of November 2021), I = 10.55 % (1 Decade of November 2021). It was found that as in spring and summer 2021 [9,10], from September to December 2021 the regression equations for the time variability of the daily values of C, R, D and I have the form of a tenth order polynomial. Mean values of speed of change of confirmed -V(C), recovered - V(R), deaths - V(D) and infection rate V(I) coronavirus-related cases in different decades of months for the indicated period of time were determined. Maximum mean decade values of investigation parameters are following: V(C) = +139 cases/day (1 Decade of October 2021), V(R) = +124 cases/day (3 Decade of October 2021), V(D) = +1.7 cases/day (3 Decade of October 2021), V(I) = + 0.20 %/ day (1 decades of October 2021). Cross-correlations analysis between confirmed COVID-19 cases with recovered and deaths cases shows, that from September 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021 the maximum effect of recovery is observed on 12 and 14 days after infection (CR=0.77 and 0.78 respectively), and deaths - after 7, 9, 11, 13 and 14 days (0.70≤CR≤0.72); from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 - the maximum effect of recovery is observed on 14 days after infection (RC=0.71), and deaths - after 9 days (CR=0.43). In Georgia from September 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021 the duration of the impact of the delta variant of the coronavirus on people (recovery, mortality) could be up to 28 and 35 days respectively; from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 - up to 21 and 29 days respectively. Comparison of daily real and calculated monthly predictions data of C, D and I in Georgia are carried out. It was found that in investigation period of time daily and mean monthly real values of C, D and I practically fall into the 67% - 99.99% confidence interval of these predicted values. Traditionally, the comparison of data about C and D in Georgia (GEO) with similar data in Armenia (ARM), Azerbaijan (AZE), Russia (RUS), Turkey (TUR) and in the World (WRL) is also carried out.

2022 ◽  
İmran Hasanoglu ◽  
Rahmet Guner ◽  
Suzan Sahin ◽  
Fatma Yilmaz Karadag ◽  
Ergun Parmaksiz ◽  

Abstract There is neither a surveillance system nor a study to reveal the HD related infection rates in Turkey. We aimed to investigate the infection rate among HD outpatients and implement CDC’s surveillance system. A multicenter prospective surveillance study is performed to investigate the infection rate among HD patients. CDC National Healthcare Safety Network dialysis event (DE) protocol is adopted for definitions and reporting. During April 2016–April 2018, 9 centers reported data. A total of 199 DEs reported in 10035 patient-months, and the overall DE rate was 1.98 per 100 patient-months. Risk of blood culture positivity is found to be 17.6 times higher when hemodialysis was through a tunneled catheter than through an arteriovenous fistula. DE rate was significantly lower in patients educated about the care of their vascular access site. Staphylococcus aureus was the most causative microorganism among mortal patients. Outcomes of DEs were hospitalization (73%), loss of vascular access (18.2%), and death (7.7%). This first surveillance study revealed the baseline status of HD related infections in Turkey and showed that NHSN DE surveillance system can be easily implemented even in a high workload dialysis unit and be adopted as a nationwide DE surveillance program.

Andrew Kailin Zhou ◽  
Eric Jou ◽  
Reece Patel ◽  
Faheem Bhatti ◽  
Nishil Modi ◽  

Abstract Purpose Open talus fractures are notoriously difficult to manage, and they are commonly associated with a high level of complications including non-union, avascular necrosis and infection. Currently, the management of such injuries is based upon BOAST 4 guidelines although there is no suggested definitive management, and thus, definitive management is based upon surgeon preference. The key principles of open talus fracture management which do not vary between surgeons are early debridement, orthoplastic wound care, anatomic reduction and definitive fixation whenever possible. However, there is much debate over whether the talus should be preserved or removed after open talus fracture/dislocation and proceeded to tibiocalcaneal fusion. Methods A review of electronic hospital records for open talus fractures from 2014 to 2021 returned fourteen patients with fifteen open talus fractures. Seven cases were initially managed with ORIF, and five cases were definitively managed with FUSION, while the others were managed with alternative methods. We collected patient’s age, gender, surgical complications, surgical risk factors and post-treatment functional ability and pain and compliance with BOAST guidelines. The average follow-up of the cohort was 4 years and one month. EQ-5D-5L and FAAM-ADL/Sports score was used as a patient reported outcome measure. Data were analysed using the software PRISM. Results Comparison between FUSION and ORIF groups showed no statistically significant difference in EQ-5D-5L score (P = 0.13), FAAM-ADL (P = 0.20), FAAM-Sport (P = 0.34), infection rate (P = 0.55), surgical times (P = 0.91) and time to weight bearing (P = 0.39), despite a higher proportion of polytrauma and Hawkins III and IV fractures in the FUSION group. Conclusion FUSION is typically used as second line to ORIF or failed ORIF. However, there is a lack of studies that directly compared outcome in open talus fracture patients definitively managed with FUSION or ORIF. Our results demonstrate for the first time that FUSION may not be inferior to ORIF in terms of patient functional outcome, infection rate and quality of life, in the management of patients with open talus fracture patients. Of note, as open talus fractures have increased risks of complications such as osteonecrosis and non-union, FUSION should be considered as a viable option to mitigate these potential complications in these patients.

Hongwei Su ◽  
Zi-Wei Zhang ◽  
Guoxing Wen ◽  
Guan Yan

Over the past few decades, the study of epidemic propagation has caught widespread attention from many areas. The field of graphs contains a wide body of research, yet only a few studies explore epidemic propagation’s dynamics in “signed” networks. Motivated by this problem, in this paper we propose a new epidemic propagation model for signed networks, denoted as S-SIS. To explain our analysis, we utilized the mean field theory to demonstrate the theoretical results. When we compare epidemic propagation through negative links to those only having positive links, we find that a higher proportion of infected nodes actually spreads at a relatively small infection rate. It is also found that when the infection rate is higher than a certain value, the overall spreading in a signed network begins showing signs of suppression. Finally, in order to verify our findings, we apply the S-SIS model on Erdös–Rényi random network and scale-free network, and the simulation results is well consist with the theoretical analysis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 20-27
N. V. Boroday ◽  
A. V. Nesgovorova ◽  
V. F. Fomina ◽  
A. K. Mendygalieva ◽  
A. A. Baturin ◽  

Relevance. Since 1999, the incidence of West Nile fever has been recorded in the Volgograd region. The main vectors of West Nile virus in Russia are Cx mosquitoes. pipiens L. and Cx. modestus Fic. An objective assessment of the entomological situation and infection rate of these species within the framework of epidemiological surveillance of West Nile fever is possible only in biotopes with sufficiently high numbers of mosquitoes; therefore, the choice of sampling points is an urgent task. Purpose of the study. Analysis of the West Nile virus main vectors - mosquitoes Cx. pipiens L. and Cx. modestus Fic. average number, occurrence and infection rate at the various open biotopes of the Volgograd region to justify the choice of optimal points for entomological monitoring. Materials and methods. The catching and accounting of the mosquitoes’ number was carried out in 2015–2019 from May to August in the third decade of each month in a floodplain forest, at a personal plot, a summer cottage and on bank of water body. To catch mosquitoes, automatic traps Mosquito Magnet Executive and LovKom-1 were used. The accounting unit was the number of mosquitoes collected in both traps per trap-night. The average number, the index of occurrence and infection rate were determined by generally accepted methods. Detection of West Nile virus RNA in samples of mosquito pool suspensions was performed by RT-PCR using the AmpliSense WNV-FL reagent kit. The results were statistically processed using Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft Corporation, USA). Results. In the 2015-2019 period, 17468 mosquitoes of the genus Culex: 8258 species – Cx. pipiens L., 9210 species – Cx. modestus Fic. were collected in over than 80 trap nights at the selected stationary points of the Volgograd region. Average number of Cx. pipiens L. was: in the floodplain forest – 4.6 individuals per 1 trap-night; at the personal plot – 183.9; at the summer cottage – 30.2; on the bank of water body – 194.3. Average number of Cx. modestus Fic. was: in the floodplain forest – 5.2 individuals per 1 trapnight; at the personal plot – 8.3; at the summer cottage – 2.5;on the bank of water body – 444.6. Occurrence index Cx. pipiens L. was highon the bank of water body and at the personal plot (47.1% and 44.5%, respectively), much lower – at the summer cottage (7.3%) and in the floodplain forest (1.1%). Level of WNV infection among Cx. pipiens L.on a personal plot was 5.4%, on a summer cottage – 3.6%,on the bank of water body – 2.2%. No infected samples were found among Cx. pipiens L. collected from the floodplain forest. WNV RNA in samples from mosquitoes Cx. modestus Fic. found only in individuals caughton the bank of water body. Their infection rate was 1.2%. Discussion. Ecological plasticity of Cx. pipiens L. mosquitoes allows them to live in settlements and near water bodies. Mosquitoes of the species Cx. modestus Fic. do not fly away from ponds, breeding places. Conclusion. High numbers and occurrence of the Cx. pipiens L. mosquitoes were observed at a personal plot within the city andon the bank of water body, Cx. modestus Fic. –on the bank of water body. WNV RNA positive samples were detected from mosquitoes collected at the personal plot, the summer cottage andon the bank of water body. To monitor the number and infection rate among Cx. pipiens L., points of registration and sampling should be placed in open stationson personal plots in settlements, banks of water bodies and summer cottages. We recommend to carry entomological monitoring for Cx. modestus Fic. out onlyon the banks of water bodies along the water's edge in reed thickets. The placement of the main WNV vectors number and infection rate monitoring points in the floodplain forest is not advisable.

Ali Raza ◽  
Muhammad Rafiq ◽  
Jan Awrejcewicz ◽  
Nauman Ahmed ◽  
Muhammad Mohsin

AbstractCountries affected by the coronavirus epidemic have reported many infected cases and deaths based on world health statistics. The crowding factor, which we named "crowding effects," plays a significant role in spreading the diseases. However, the introduction of vaccines marks a turning point in the rate of spread of coronavirus infections. Modeling both effects is vastly essential as it directly impacts the overall population of the studied region. To determine the peak of the infection curve by considering the third strain, we develop a mathematical model (susceptible–infected–vaccinated–recovered) with reported cases from August 01, 2021, till August 29, 2021. The nonlinear incidence rate with the inclusion of both effects is the best approach to analyze the dynamics. The model's positivity, boundedness, existence, uniqueness, and stability (local and global) are addressed with the help of a reproduction number. In addition, the strength number and second derivative Lyapunov analysis are examined, and the model was found to be asymptotically stable. The suggested parameters efficiently control the active cases of the third strain in Pakistan. It was shown that a systematic vaccination program regulates the infection rate. However, the crowding effect reduces the impact of vaccination. The present results show that the model can be applied to other countries' data to predict the infection rate.

2022 ◽  
pp. 67-88
Dhanabalan Thangam ◽  
Anil B. Malali ◽  
Gopalakrishanan Subramaniyan ◽  
Sudha Mariappan ◽  
Sumathy Mohan ◽  

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are playing a major role in addressing and understanding better the COVID-19 crisis in recent days. These technologies are simulating human intelligence into the machines and consume large amounts of data for identifying and understanding the patterns and insights quickly than a human and preparing us with new kinds of technologies for preventing and fighting with COVID-19 and other pandemics. It helps a lot to notice the people who got infected by the virus and to forecast the infection rate in the upcoming days with the earlier data. Healthcare and medical sectors are in requirement of advanced technologies for taking accurate decision to manage this virus spread. AI-enabled technologies are working in a talented way to do things intelligently like human intelligence. Thus, the AI-enabled technologies are employed for attaining accurate health results by examining, forecasting, and checking present infected and possibly future cases.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Yafang Zhao ◽  
Lizhi Zhang ◽  
Tao Jin ◽  
Yincong Xu ◽  
Lin Shi ◽  

To analyze the distribution and types of pathogenic bacteria of Mooren’s ulcer and the activation mechanism of T lymphocytes to provide reference for the treatment of Mooren’s ulcer, 156 patients (162 eyes) who were in the hospital were rolled into the observation group. During the same period, 134 healthy people were rolled into the control group. The distribution of infectious pathogens in the observation group was identified. Then, flow cytometry was adopted to separate and detect the peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients, and RT-PCR was used to detect levels of the transcription factor T-bet, GATA-3, and Stat5 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). It was found that fungal pathogens accounted for 43.59%; the bacterial infection rate was 40.38%. In the observation group, the CD4, CD8, and C25 were expressed more (P < 0.01), and the CD45 and CD45R were expressed less than the control group (P < 0.05); the proportion of Th1 cells was obviously higher (P < 0.01); the expression of T-bet and GATA-3 was obviously higher (P < 0.05), the percentage of HLA-DR in CD4+ and HLA-DR, CD-25, and CD69 in CD8+ positive cells was obviously higher (P < 0.05). In conclusion, fungal infection rate of Mooren’s ulcer is relatively high, peripheral blood T cells and their subgroups are abnormally activated, and T cell activation is related to the pathogenesis of Mooren’s ulcer.

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