M Usman

This paper aims to elaborate the dynamics of Islamic law assimilation with local culture. With the hope that in the future it will form a basic perspective in shaping the philanthropy of contemporary Islamic law based on the reality of Indonesian society. The basic questions which is going to be answered through this paper are, first, the extent of the adaptability of Islamic law in the midst of multicultural society conditions in Indonesia. Second, what are juridical, normative and sociological arguments in placing zakat as a support for the integrity of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia. Third, How is the Formulation of the Concept of Zakat within the frame of Unitary State Republic of Indonesia? The conclusion from this study shows that, first, the characteristics of Islamic law indicate the ability of adaptability to the culture of the society in which it is accepted. Even in this case Islam has provided important principles regarding rational development in efforts to adapt to its new environment. Second, placing zakat as a support for the integrity of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia is worth to be formulated. This is a logical consequence of the efforts of the Islamic ummah to always place al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah as limited texts. One of the most fundamental results of Indonesian social culture is the realization of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Making the formulation of zakat in the frame of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia is a clear proof that Islamic law contains universal values that are valid in any time and any place. Third, the methodological formulation of zakat in the frame of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is in a dynamic and accommodating ijtihad towards change. This methodological framework is based on al-Mashlahah, ‘Urf, Sad Dzaria'ah and dialectics between Gama and the State.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-68
Saiful Bari

This research is motivated by the loss of Indonesian citizenship status experienced by Indonesian citizens who are members of ISIS combatants. This is in line with of Article 23 letter e in Law No. 12 of 2006. The purpose of this study is to analyze the arrangements to regain the status of Indonesian citizens. This type of research is normative law. This study uses a law approach and the concept of the problem maslahah. The main material data of this study are from perimer legal material and secondary legal material. The results of this study conclude that first, in the perspective of the Citizenship Law and its implementing regulations, ex-ISIS former citizens are not eligible to regain Indonesian citizenship status as regulated by Article 9 of Law No. 12 of 2006 and Article 2 to Article 12 of PP No. 2 of 2007. Second, in the perspective of the problem maslahah, the Citizenship Act and its implementing regulations do not conflict with the sources and the propositions of Islamic law. Therefore, maintaining the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the interests of the people by not giving them RI citizenship status is a beneficial act.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  

For reformers, Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, the primary source of Islamic teachings, are the solution to all current Muslims' problems. The main source of Islamic teachings must be explored using the right to ijtihad so that Islam can solve the current and future problems of the ummah. In the early preparation for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the discussion concerning Islamic law from the aspect of fiqh was receding because all Muslims were preoccupied with the formation of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This agendas never made Hasbi forget the agenda of Islamic law reform in Indonesia, even though the many Muslim reformers of his time established social organizations. Abstrak: Bagi kaum pembaharu, solusi dari seluruh problem umat Islam sekarang ini, adalah kembali kepada Alquran dan Sunnah Rasulullah Saw. Yang merupakan sumber pokok ajaran Islam. Sumber pokok ajaran Islam, harus digali dengan mempergunakan hak berijtihad, agar Islam dapat menyelesaikan masalah umat, baik sekarang maupun akan datang. Pada masa awal persiapan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, perbincangan tentang hukum Islam dari aspek fiqh semakin surut karena semua umat Islam disibukkan dengan pembentukkan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Namun, kesibukan tersebut tidak pernah membuat Hasbi ikut terlena untuk melupakan agenda pembaruan hukum Islam di Indonesia kendatipun banyak para pembaru Muslim di masanya yang mendirikan organisasi-organisasi kemsyarakatan (Ormas). Kata kunci: ijtihad, hukum islam, sunnah, pembaharuan

Rechtsidee ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy

Birth of Special Region Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam based on Law No. 18/2001 on Special Autonomy for Aceh as Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam that changed through Law No. 11 of 2006 on the Governing of Aceh is an attempt to realize a democratic government and prosperous (welfare state). The implication of the birth of NAD is the application of Islamic law as a tool of law and governance NAD, which also puts the Shariah Court as the main pillar of Islamic sharia enforcement in NAD. The existence of the Shariah Court as an instrument of law enforcement in NAD institutionally and functionally problematic. The first, related to the position of the Shariah Court that institutionally a part of the religious court, but has a broader scope of authority. Second, related to aspects of Islamic sharia holding capacity is possible to be imposed on non-Muslims, were both these problems can ultimately hurt the Unitary Republic of Indonesia principles and protection of human rights. How To Cite: Phahlevy, R. (2014). Aceh Shariah Court in The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Human Rights Context. Rechtsidee, 1(1), 71-84. doi:

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-50
Ahmad Rajafi ◽  
Salma Salma ◽  
Naili Adilah ◽  
Hamhij Hamhij ◽  
Suyatno Ladiqi

This article aims to explore the models of application of Islamic law in Indonesia by the State, ranging from traditional to modern, including aspects of reform. This research found the fact that at the beginning of the entry of Islam to the archipelago, the propagators of Islam had partially applied Islamic law, especially after the establishment of Islamic kingdoms in several areas. However, after the establishment of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the model of applying Islamic law underwent renewal with formalistic, religious-ethics, and convergence models. Unfortunately, in the production stage, the implementation encountered many obstacles because it had to enter the realm of practical politics. Therefore, its development continues to move partially, such as the issuance of the Marriage Law, Zakat, Hajj, and so on, including through material review in the Constitutional Court.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Rosita Sinaga

Tahuna Island is a border area which has an opportunity to create a coorperation with neighbour countries in Asia Pasific. It is also a nothem gate as an entrance and exit-way of cargoes and passengers. Tahuna also to be a front porch of the unitary state of The Republic of Indonesia as well as a security belt in nothern area and according to government regulation No. 28/2008, it becomes a regency capital that stated as center of national strategy activities and economic development area that has come facilities to support economic, development area that has some facilities to support economic development, social, culture and education. Sea Transportation to serve Manado and Tahuna is operated ever day, in order to attract national tourist visiting this island. So that, the author will access the efficiency of this transportation and carry out research whose topic is connectivity of Tahuna Island to big cities in Indonesia with regarding transportation of passenger aspect. Keyword : connectivity, transportation, Tahuna Island

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 316
Sanuri Sanuri

This paper focuses on the importance of <em>maqâs</em><em>id al-sharî‘ah </em>for the effectiveness of ijtihad in Islamic law. The emergence of controversies at the beginning of the tenth century AD on the issue of the closing of the gate of ijtihâd has resulted in the rigidity of Islamic law and its methodological framework. Along with these issues, some contemporary scholars on <em>maqâs</em><em>id </em>agreed that <em>sharî‘ah </em>law (al-Qur’ân) consists of partial (<em>juz’îyât</em>) and universal values (<em>kullîyyât</em>) that should be understood through a holistic approach in the frameworks of <em>maqâs</em><em>id</em>. Shift in the meaning and orientation of <em>maqâs</em><em>id al-sharî‘ah </em>in some contemporary Muslim scholars’ views, involving social sciences, philosophy of law, principles of morality, universality, social justice, human dignity, human rights, is a concrete manifestation of how Islamic law is able to provide answers to the current problems faced by the Muslim and non-Muslims community. This awareness has made contemporary Muslim thinkers strive to bring Islamic law into various achievements of progress in many aspects of life by emphasizing the importance of <em>maqâs</em><em>id al-sharî‘ah.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
Yusuf Wibisono

<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The discourse on secular nationalism versus religious nationalism has colored the history of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It is in this difference that ideas of nationalism emerge in the context of Indonesia, one of them is the thinking of H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto about Islamic Nationalism in Indonesian culture. In 1922, H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto revolves around Nationalism based on Islamic teachings, where in Islamic teachings there are three universal values, namely the value of independence, equality and brotherhood.</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Diskursus tentang nasionalisme-sekuler versus nasionalisme-agama telah mewarnai sejarah perjalanan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Dalam hal perbedaan itulah muncul pemikiran-pemikiran tentang nasionalisme dalam konteks ke-Indonesia, salah satunya adalah pemikiran H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto tentang Nasionalisme-Islam dalam budaya masyarakat Indonesia. Pada tahun 1922, H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto menggulirkan tentang Nasionalisme yang berlandaskan ajaran agama Islam, di mana dalam ajaran Islam ada tiga nilai universal, yaitu nilai kemerdekaan, persamaan dan persaudaraan.</p>

Murdan Murdan

Some Indonesian people assume that Legal Policy is not much different from the politicization of law, and some other people conclude that legal policy is the political domination of the law. This view or conclusions about legal policy is high mistake or fault. In the context of Indonesian legal science, the legal policy in the direction of legal policy issued officially by the state and all its attributes to achieve the country or state goals. So, what the mean about the legal policy on Islamic law? The meaning of Islamic LegalPolicy is the contribution of Islamic Law in various legal developments in Indonesia, which aims to help realize or achieve the objectives of the implementation of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This paper will discuss and present descriptions of the concepts of Islamic LegalPolicy in Indonesia and the contribution of Islamic Law in the development of Indonesian national Law, which is oriented towards efforts to realize the ideals and objectives of the establishment of the Indonesian Law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
M Samson Fajar ◽  
Sabdo Sabdo

Abstract: Culture as a result of the free and dual human creative power of the natural world, it encompasses the material matters (Immaterial) and Maddi (material), real and unreal objects, Malmusah and Ghairu malmusah (palpable and untouched). Essentially, culture (Tsaqafah) is expressed as the product of human reason consisting of patterns, steady attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and reactions obtained and is primarily derived by symbols that make up its achievement independently of human groups. The nature of this Islamic responsiveness has been built by the Prophet (s) when prohibiting Khamr, forbidding the worship of idols and other shari'ah. How Rasulullah saw is very careful and gradual in doing da'wah, so achieved the success of da'wah in upholding Islamic creed and shari'ah at that time. Today many problems in the establishment of law and legislation, legislators are more concerned with intellectual subjectivity and importance than the objectivity of humanity to the benefit, resulting in policies that are not responsive to the needs of society. The author in this context tries to inventory the various local wisdom of the Muslim community in the archipelago that is relevant as an approach in establishing legislation based on local culture.Keywords: Local Culture, Legislation, Islamic Law Abstrak. Budaya merupakan hasil dari kreativitas manusiawi yang bebas dan alamiah, meliputi sisi immaterial dan materi, objek nyata dan tidak nyata, malmusah dan ghairu malmusah (gamblang dan tak tersentuh). Pada dasarnya, budaya (tsaqafah) merupakan produk akal manusia yang terdiri dari pola, kesantunan, pikiran, perasaan, dan reaksi yang diperoleh dan terutama berasal oleh simbol yang membentuk pencapaiannya secara mandiri dari kelompok manusia. Sifat dari respon Islam ini telah dibangun oleh Nabi (s) ketika melarang khamr, melarang penyembahan berhala dan syariah lainnya. Bagaimana Rasulullah melihat sangat hati-hati dan bertahap dalam melakukan dakwah, sehingga mencapai keberhasilan dakwah dalam menegakkan akidah Islam dan syari'ah pada waktu itu. Saat ini banyak masalah dalam pembentukan hukum dan undang-undang, di mana legislator lebih peduli dengan kepentingan subjektivitas intelektual daripada kepentingan objektivitas kemanusiaan, sehingga kebijakan yang lahir tidak responsif terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat. Penulis dalam konteks ini mencoba untuk menginventarisasi berbagai kearifan lokal komunitas Muslim di nusantara yang relevan sebagai pendekatan dalam menetapkan perundang-undangan berdasarkan budaya lokal.Kata Kunci: Budaya Lokal, Legislasi, Hukum Islam

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