scholarly journals Epidemiological features of healthcare associated infection of newborns in the Russian Federation during 2007–2017

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 90-101 ◽  
M. V. Ivanova ◽  
A. Ya. Mindlina

Objective: to offer additional criteria for assessing registration quality of congenital infections and neonates’ pyoseptic infections. Material and methods: a retrospective epidemiological analysis of congenital infections incidence, pyoseptic infections of puerperas and neonates during 2007–2017 was conducted in this study. All subjects of the Russian Federation were divided into some groups according to registered incidence rate and ratio among congenital, pyoseptic infections of puerperas and neonates with using the method of ranging. Comparative correlation analysis was conducted between puerperas’ pyoseptic infections and neonates’ congenital infections in accordance with registered rate. The sample of the date was taken from Statistical Reporting Form No 2 «Report on infectious and parasitic diseases» for the Russian Federation during 2007–2017, Unified interdepartmental information and statistical system. Results: in most regions of the Russian Federation the registration of healthcare associated infections puerperas and neonates is at a low. More than a half of subjects have low incidence rates (less than 1,0) for one or more of the considered infections. Until now, there are several subjects that do not register healthcare associated infections at all. The absence of correlation relation between the morbidity of the puerperas’ pyoseptic infections and neonates’ congenital infections on the whole in the country confirms this fact. At the same time, the correlation analysis of separate regions with the registration close to the real figures has shown a strong positive relationship between puerperas’ pyoseptic infections and congenital infections. Conclusion: thus, it can be concluded that the presence of relation between rates of incidence of puerperas’ healthcare associated infections and neonates’ congenital infections can be used as one of the epidemiological criteria for assessing the completeness of the registration of healthcare associated infections.

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-11
O. A. Orlova ◽  
Yu. A. Abramov ◽  
V. G. Akimkin

One of the leading problems of modern public health is healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), which lead to significant social and economic damage, and affect the quality of medical care. The proportion of HAIs in obstetric institutions among all the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for 9 years decreased by 1.7 times. The number of puerperas of HAIs decreased by 1.4 times, and HAIs of newborns decreased by 1.6 times. The proportion of puerperal sepsis in the structure of purulent-septic infections of puerperas is 1.7 ± 0.5 %, and sepsis of newborns is 4.4 ± 1.5 %. The average incidence of puerperas of IUPS was 2.0 ± 2.1 per 1,000 births. The incidence of HAIs in newborns was 2.0 ± 1.8 per 1,000 newborns. The ratio of HAIs of newborns to intrauterine infections on average was 1: 9, and in some regions 1:2–1:150. The obtained data on the incidence of HAIs in puerperas and newborns indicates the insufficiency of a systematic approach to recording, analyzing and predicting the incidence of HAIs, which requires a detailed development of standard epidemiological definitions of the case HAIs of puerperas and newborns, intrauterine infections of newborns, as well as a detailed analysis of risk factors for the development of HAIs in obstetric facilities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 56-61 ◽  
O. A. Orlova

Currently, the problem of prevention and treatment of healthcare-associated infections (HAI), only in hospitals from 5 to 20% of patients HAI get sick. In Chelyabinsk region, in comparison with the Russian Federation, the quantity of the infections connected with delivery of health care tends to growth. The greatest number of HAI is registered in hospitals of a surgical profile 70.3 ± 5.7% (in the Russian Federation - 31.4 ± 0.2%). In area hospital-acquired pneumonia steadily holds the first - second place in structure of HAI (38.2 ± 10.3%) in the country - the fourth - fifth (10.1 ± 5.1%). Detection of distinctions in structure of HAI in Chelyabinsk region and in the country in general demand further studying for the purpose of identification and introduction of the most effective preventive and antiepidemic actions.

2019 ◽  
pp. 73-79
M. V. Ivanova

Purpose of the study. To estimate the incidence of newborn's healthcare associated infections (HAI) and intrauterine infections in the Russian Federation, Moscow and three maternity hospitals in Moscow. Materials and methods. The retrospective epidemiological analysis of neonates HAIs and intrauterine infections during 2008–2017 was performed in the Russian Federation and Moscow and during 2009–2017 in three maternity hospitals (MH) in Moscow. In this study the maternity hospitals would be known as MH № X01, № X02 and № X03. Also, in this study, the calculation and analysis of the proportion of cases of newborn's HAIs and intrauterine infections with laboratory confirmation were performed in Moscow's maternity hospitals. The data was selected from Form № 2 for the Russian Federation and Moscow. Also, the data of the maternity hospitals was drawn from the base of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Center in Moscow. The morbidity rate of HAIs and intrauterine infections of newborns was counted on 1,000 newborns. Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software packages were used for this purpose. The calculation of the increase / decrease rate was made by the method of least squares. Results. The incidence of intrauterine infections and HAIs of newborns in the Russian Federation, Moscow, and maternity hospitals is characterized by the next mutual trends – a significant dominance cases of intrauterine infections' over the cases of HAI, extremely irregular registration and distribution of the nosologies' proportion. Concerning to the dynamics of morbidity during 2009–2017 in maternity hospitals in Moscow, the HAIs newborn's incidence has tendency of decline, and intrauterine infections has considerable increase of the incidence. This consistent pattern is observed in all described maternity hospitals. The structure of the incidence in maternity hospitals is similar to each other. The leading diagnoses among intrauterine infections are intrauterine infection without a lesion and intrauterine pneumonia. The interest of other infections is about 1%. The proportion of cases with laboratory confirmation of the newborn's HAIs and intrauterine infections is extremely small. Besides that, there were identified some indirect signs of poor-quality registration of nosocomial infections. Conclusion. Significant difference in the number of cases of newborn's HAIs and intrauterine infections and their multidirectional incidence trends, once again point to the concealment of a part of nosocomial infections, under such diagnoses, as intrauterine infection without a lesion and intrauterine pneumonia. Laboratory confirmation of cases of HAIs and intrauterine infections in the maternity hospitals is carried out only by a small proportion of patients. Thereby, the incidence rates of HAIs of newborns and intrauterine infections in maternity hospitals in Moscow raise doubts about their reliability.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 (8) ◽  
pp. 845-848 ◽  
André Ricardo Araujo da Silva ◽  
Cristina Vieira de Souza ◽  
Mario Eduardo Viana Guimarães ◽  
Guilherme Sargentelli ◽  
Marisa Zenaide Ribeiro Gomes

We describe the incidence rates of home healthcare-associated infections (HHAIs) in a pediatric home healthcare service (PHHCS). The overall incidence density of HHAIs was 11.1 infections per 1,000 patient-days. Average incidence density of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) was 6.8 per 1,000 ventilator-days. Strategies for control of VAP should be prioritized in PHHCSs.

IV Petrov ◽  
TKh Amirova ◽  
LV Petrova ◽  
FS Petrova

Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections are of great socio-economic importance and are characterized by a large number of different pathogens. Nontuberculous mycobacteria are ubiquitous microorganisms that can circulate in a medical organization. The purpose of this review of epidemiologic studies was to establish the main features of mycobacteriosis as a healthcare-associated infection, taking into account the significance of the results and the compliance of the reviewed studies with the criteria of evidence-based medicine. Methods: We did a key word search for “nontuberculous mycobacteria”, “healthcare-associated infections”, and “mycobacteriosis” in several electronic bibliographic databases including Web of Science, PubMed, eLIBRARY, and ResearchGate and selected 127 out of 342 search results. Having analyzed the selected articles, we decided to include 34 of them in this study according to the topic of work. We established that nontuberculous mycobacteria can be found in various objects of health facilities, e.g. water supply systems, medical products and equipment. We also found that mycobacterial infection of nosocomial etiology could have various clinical manifestations (arthritis, keratitis, circulatory and skin diseases, etc.) determined by various aspects, such as heterogeneity of the group of nontuberculous mycobacteria, portals of entry (surgical procedures on various organs and systems of the human body, etc.), pathways of exposure and transmission factors. Resistance of nontuberculous mycobacteria to a number of disinfectants is a special question defining the importance of profound research in terms of ensuring sanitary and anti-epidemic (disinfection) safety within health facilities. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that mycobacterial infection can be considered as a healthcare-associated infection requiring an in-depth assessment from various perspectives including a microbiological monitoring of medical objects, statistical accounting of nosocomial infections, and clinical alertness in the diagnosis of mycobacteriosis by attending physicians and bacteriologists, etc.

AS Shastin ◽  
VG Gazimova ◽  
OL Malykh ◽  
TS Ustyugova ◽  
TM Tsepilova

Introduction: In the context of a decreasing size of the working-age population, monitoring of the health status and disease incidence in this cohort shall be one of the most important tasks of public and occupational health professionals. Health risk management for the working population in the Russian Federation requires complete and reliable data on its morbidity, especially in view of the fact that its average age demonstrates a stable growth. It is, therefore, crucial to have precise and consistent information about the morbidity of the working-age population. Objective: The study aimed to assess incidence rates of diseases with temporary incapacity for work in the constituent entities of the Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods: We reviewed data on disease incidence rates published by the Federal State Statistics Service in the Common Interdepartmental System of Statistical Information, Section 15.12, Causes of Temporary Disability, and Section 2.9.I.4, Federal Project for Public Health Promotion. The constituent entities under study were ranked according to the number of cases and days of temporary incapacity per 100 workers and E.L. Notkin scale was used to determine grade the incidence. The statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA 10 software. Long-term average values of certain indicators, median values, standard deviation (σ) and coefficients of variation were estimated. The difference in the indices was assessed using the Mann-Whitney test. Results: Compared to 2010, incidence rates of diseases with temporary incapacity for work in the constituent entities of the Ural Federal District in 2019 demonstrated a significant decline. The sharp drop was observed in 2015. We also established that the Common Interdepartmental System of Statistical Information contains contradictory information on disease incidence. Conclusion: It is expedient to consider the issue of revising guidelines for organization of federal statistical monitoring of morbidity with temporary incapacity for work and to include this indicator in the system of public health monitoring.

T. A. Savitskaya ◽  
V. A. Trifonov ◽  
G. Sh. Isaeva ◽  
I. D. Reshetnikova ◽  
N. D. Pakskina ◽  

The paper presents analysis of epidemiological situation on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome around the world and in the Russian Federation over the period of 2009–2018. 5855 cases of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome were registered in Russia in 2018 (3.99 per one hundred thousand of the population). Downward trend is observed as compared to 2017 (by 29.6 %). Cases of cluster infection were not reported. It is established that the highest level of morbidity, exceeding the average level across Russia 3.9 times, was noted in the Volga Federal District, where 77.5% of the total cases occurred. The territory of the Russian Federation was differentiated by the HFRS incidence rates. The areas with high levels of morbidity included the entities of the Russian Federation with intensive index range between 9.08 and 41.39 per one hundred thousand of the population, among them Republics of Bashkortostan, Mari El, Tatarstan, and Mordovia, Udmurt and Chuvashi Republics, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, and Jewish Autonomous Regions. The forecast for preservation of tense epidemiological situation on HFRS incidence in the territory of the Volga Federal District was substantiated.

2018 ◽  
pp. 161-165 ◽  
N. P. Malishevskaya ◽  
A. V. Sokolova ◽  
L. V. Demidov

Over the past 40 years, the incidence of skin melanoma in the world has increased approximately 3-fold.To study the current epidemiological situation of skin melanoma in the Russian Federation, data on the absolute, coarse and standardized incidence rates of melanoma (S43) in the male and female populations were analyzed. The specific gravity of the melanoma patients detected actively was analyzed at different stages of the tumor process who died within the first year since the diagnosis was established between 2006–2016.The incidence of skin melanoma in the Russian population is characterized by a constant increase of indexes, the average annual rate of increase in the incidence of the Russian Federation’s population of melanoma is 2 times higher than that of the general oncological morbidity. A higher average annual rate and a general increase in the incidence of SM is recorded in the male population. Only every 4th patient in the RF is detected actively, despite the fact that melanoma is a tumor of visual localization. In general, only one third of patients with skin melanoma (32.8%) are diagnosed in the first stage of the tumor process in the Russian Federation. Over the period from 2006 to 2016 in Russia, the indicators of neglect on skin melanoma significantly decreased by 40.6%, however they remain at an unacceptably high level. The index of the first-year lethality from skin melanoma in Russia for the period from 2006 to 2016 decreased by 26.01%.To improve the index of active detection of patients with SM, especially in the early stages, it is necessary to create a system for interaction of primary contact physicians with the patient (dermatovenerologists, cosmetologists, therapists) with the oncological service, the formation of on-alertness among physicians of all specialties, and among the population.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (Supplement_4) ◽  
H Hannachi ◽  
A Ben Cheikh ◽  
S Bhiri ◽  
H Ghali ◽  
S Khefacha ◽  

Abstract Introduction Healthcare -associated infections has become a worldwide public health problem. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of healthcare- associated infections in a university hospital of Tunisia. Methods This was a cohort study conducted in six intensive care units in a university hospital of Tunisia during three months (from august to October 2018). Data was provided from patients’ files. Data entry and analysis was done using SPSS version 22. Multivariate analysis was used in order to identify independent risk factors for healthcare associated infection. Results A total of 202 patients were enrolled in this study. The incidence rate of healthcare-associated infections was 53,96%(109/202). The ratio infection/infected was estimated to 1.65(109/66). The incidence of multi-drug resistant pathogens was 21,28% (43/202). The most common resistant pathogens included pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to cefdazidime in 13,76%(15/109) followed by those resistant to extended spectrum cephalosporin 11.92% (13/109), followed by carbapenem-resistant acinetobcater baumanii 6,42%(7/109) then by carbapenem resistant pathogens and enterococcus resistant to vancomycin 2.75%(3/109) and finally staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin 2.1%(2/1.83). The multivariate analysis showed that long duration of central line catheterisation (RR = 7.44; 95%CI[2.79-19.82]), tracheotomy(RR = 8.61;95%CI[2.09-35,39]) and length of stay (RR = 1.08; 95%CI[1.04-1.13]) were found as independent risk factors for healthcare -associated infection. Conclusions The emergence of mutli-drug resistant pathogens needs to be deeply studied and effective measures have to be taken in order to detect and prevent transmission of resistant strains and/or their resistance determinants, especially those with phenotypes having the fewest viable treatment options. Key messages The incidence of healthcare associated infection in the intensive care unit was high. Effective measures have to be taken in the intensive care unit to detect and prevent transmission of resistant pathogens.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 358-361 ◽  
Raymund B. Dantes ◽  
Clare Rock ◽  
Aaron M. Milstone ◽  
Jesse T. Jacob ◽  
Sheri Chernetsky-Tejedor ◽  

AbstractHospital-onset bacteremia and fungemia (HOB), a potential measure of healthcare-associated infections, was evaluated in a pilot study among 60 patients across 3 hospitals. Two-thirds of all HOB events and half of nonskin commensal HOB events were judged as potentially preventable. Follow-up studies are needed to further develop this measure.

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