scholarly journals Chemical composition and yield of maize green biomass as affected by bacterial and mineral fertilization

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 297-309
Aleksandra Stanojkovic-Sebic ◽  
Dragutin Ðukic ◽  
Leka Mandic ◽  
Violeta Mandic ◽  
Aleksandar Stanojkovic ◽  

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of an application of different rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants (N-fixing Klebsiella planticola and Enterobacter spp.) on chemical composition and yield of the maize green biomass (without spikes) on acid Eutric Cambisol during the two growing seasons: 2006 and 2008. Unfertilized soil was used as a control. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in biomass samples were determined three times during the maize vegetation season, as follows: stage of intensive growth, milk-waxy maturity stage and full maturity stage. Measuring of the green biomass yield was carried out at the end of the vegetation. The results of the study showed that the use of high rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants resulted in increased contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in the maize biomass during the both study years, which was noticeably observed in the stage of intensive growth. The highest increase in the biomass yield was obtained by the same mentioned treatments, although the combination of bacterial inoculants and lower rates of mineral fertilizers resulted in higher yields comparing to the application of lower rates of the pure mineral nutrients. The data suggest that the studied bacterial inoculants can be used in further investigations as the potential agents of new biofertilizers for improved maize production and other agriculture crops in animal nutrition. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-37006] <br><br><font color="red"><b> This article has been retracted. Link to the retraction <u><a href="">10.2298/BAH1704493E</a><u></b></font>

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 66 ◽  
Maria I. Kokkora ◽  
Chryssoula Papaioannou ◽  
Panagiotis Vyrlas ◽  
Konstantinos Petrotos ◽  
Paschalis Gkoutsidis ◽  

<p>The present study investigates the potential of olive mill wastewater, treated by microfiltration and XAD4 macroporous resin, to be used as liquid fertilizer in maize production through a 2-year field experiment. The treated olive mill wastewater (T-OMWW) was applied at two rates of 25 t and 50 t per ha per year, supplemented with mineral fertilization. There was also a treatment involving the application of only T-OMWW at the rate of 50 t per ha per year, and an only mineral fertilizer treatment. Mineral fertilizers and T-OMWW were applied progressively through a drip irrigation system.</p> Maize grain and soil analysis showed that T-OMWW was capable to meet crop requirements in N, P and K, and increase soil N, P and K availability. There was a tendency for increasing soil Na and electrical conductivity (EC) using the higher rate of T-OMWW. Therefore, for sustainable agriculture, it may be safer to apply the T-OMWW at the lower rate of 25 t per ha<sup> </sup>per year, or use the higher rate of 50 t per ha<sup> </sup>every other year.

Bioenergy ◽  
2021 ◽  
V. M. Kvak ◽  
L. V. Potapenko ◽  
L. M. Skachok ◽  
N. I. Horbachenko

Purpose. Investigate the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclides in the biomass of giant miscanthus depending on the agronomic methods of growing it on radioactively contaminated soils in Polissia. Method. Biomorphological, radiometric, lysometric, statistical, comparative and computational. Results. The article presents the results of research to study the accumulation of radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr in the biomass of giant miscanthus. It was found that in the variants where the bioenergy crop was grown on soils contaminated with radionuclides, the accumulation of 137Cs in the biomass in the range of 14.7–18.6 Bq/kg and 90Sr — 0.46–0.54 Bq/kg was observed. The use of mineral fertilizers together with liming and inoculation with giant miscanthus with the microbial preparation Polymyxobacterin and treatment with organo-mineral fertilizer BioMAG helped to reduce the accumulation of radionuclides in the biomass of giant miscanthus as following: 90Sr — by 15% and 137Cs by 21%. It was investigated that the use of these agronomic techniques contributed to the formation of dry biomass yield at the level of 9.96 t/ha on average over three years of cultivation, which is 28% higher than the control. Conclusion. It is established that the use of mineral fertilization in combination with liming, inoculation of rhizomes of giant miscanthus with the microbial drug Polymyxobacterin and pre-planting treatment with organo-mineral fertilizer BioMAG contributes to a significant increase in dry biomass yield with reducing 90Sr and 137Cs. The accumulation of these radioactive isotopes in the biomass of giant miscanthus when grown on radionuclide-contaminated soils did not exceed the permissible level for cereal grains, and the use of agronomic techniques helped to reduce the content of 90Sr by 9–15% and 137Cs by 12–21% compared to control. The lowest coefficients of radionuclide conversion into biomass of giant miscanthus were obtained for both 90Sr (0.15) and 137Cs (0.24) for the use of mineral fertilizers together with liming and inoculation of giant mismanthus rizomes with Polymyxobacterin and treatment with BioMAG organo-mineral fertilizer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 4042
Branka Maričić ◽  
Sanja Radman ◽  
Marija Romić ◽  
Josipa Perković ◽  
Nikola Major ◽  

Plant-based fertilizers, such as liquid plant extracts, contribute to the cultivation of vegetables, particularly in organic production. The objective of this study was to determine if aqueous nettle extract could be successfully used as a fertilizer, applied on the soil and foliarly, in green bean production under field conditions. The hypothesis was that it could successfully replace mineral fertilizers and be integrated into sustainable and organic agriculture. The experiment was conducted at two climatically and pedologically different locations (Zadar and Poreč) throughout two growing seasons (spring and autumn). Two types of aqueous nettle extracts were used: a short-term extract (SE) was prepared by the extraction of wild stinging nettle (183 g 10 L−1 of water) in water for 24 h, while a long-term extract (LE) was prepared at the same ratio with water extraction for 14 days. Both extracts were diluted with water at a ratio of 1:3 (extract:water) before use. The SE was applied foliarly, and LE, by pouring it onto the soil. The abovementioned treatments were compared with mineral fertilization with urea (U) and control (no fertilization (C)). Foliar fertilization with SE proved to be almost as efficient as fertilization with LE, poured onto soil, showing a positive effect on green bean vegetative parameters. Furthermore, aqueous nettle extracts showed a positive effect on the iron accumulation in the leaves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Ljubica Ambrušec ◽  
Ranko Gantner ◽  
Goran Herman ◽  
Vesna Gantner ◽  
Krešimir Bošnjak ◽  

Role of mineral fertilizers is to complement the soils’ indigenous supply of minerals for crop plants nutrition. Among the mineral nutrients, nitrogen is generally considered as the most yield-contributing. Obtaining nitrogen from legumes is potentially more sustainable than from industrial sources. Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) has long been appreciated as cover crop grown for green manuring due to its capability for binding the atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available form. Green manuring effects of crimson clover for succeeding maize crop were tested in 2019 year on two locations of Northeastern Croatia differing in soil texture: 1) on the site A where the soil was compact and dominated by clay and 2) on the site B where the soil was loose and dominated by loam. The research was conducted in a year with favourable rainfall during maize vegetation. Results have shown that green manuring with crimson clover for maize as the main crop delivered somewhat lower maize grain and aboveground mass yields than the conventional full-dose mineral fertilization on deep fertile soils around Osijek (Northeastern Croatia). When compared to conventional agronomy, green manuring was associated with additional agrotechnical operations required for crimson clover cover crop establishment and its herbage incorporation into soil prior to seeding main maize crop. Research should be continued in more different environments (year × location combinations) in order to produce reliable evaluation of crimson clover’s green manuring services.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-26
Миннегали Гилязов ◽  
Minnegali Gilyazov ◽  
Булат Юнусов ◽  
Bulat Yunusov

The variability of chemical composition of winter rye harvest under the influence of the Extrasol biological preparation, mineral fertilizers and seed dressing is considered. The values of economic and normative removal of basic nutrients in conditions of gray forest soil are established. The size of the normative removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by winter rye has been relatively stable, although slightly increased from the introduction of mineral fertilizers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (91) ◽  
pp. 17-21
S. H. Korsun ◽  
N. I. Dovbash

The aim of the study was to establish changes in the physico-chemical and agrochemical characteristics of gray forest large-clay loamy soil, depending on the contamination of ecotopes by heavy metals. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. Results. The results of the study of the soil of areas with an over-dimensioned content of heavy metals and the transformation of agrochemical characteristics of gray forest soil in the cultivation of corn for grain. It was established that under conditions of systematic application of mineral fertilizers in agrocenoses, an increase in the lead concentration to 100 mg/kg, cadmium to 2,0, zinc to 50 mg/kg in gray forest soil did not result in a decrease in the amount available forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium by plants, compared with the natural background. Concentration of lead in the amount of 1000 mg/kg, cadmium – 20, zinc – 500 mg/kg marked an increase in exchange and hydrolytic acidity and loss of humus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (10) ◽  
pp. 3464-3468
Alina Dora Samuel ◽  
Simona Bungau ◽  
Ilona Katalin Fodor ◽  
Delia Mirela Tit ◽  
Cristian Felix Blidar ◽  

In this paper we provide new data about the soil enzyme activity as a biological process, which is an indicator for impacts of factorial combinations of lime and fertilizers applications. Five plots divided into fifteen subplots were sampled for determination of the enzymatic indicators of soil quality, based on the actual and potential dehydrogenase and catalase activities. The research revealed that limed soil samples, in comparison with unlimed ones, resulted in significantly higher soil enzymatic activities (p[0.05) in the upper (0-20 cm), while in the deeper (20-40 cm) layer, only catalase activity was significantly higher (at least at p[0.02). Mineral fertilization, in comparison with its farmyard manuring, led to an insignificant increase in each of the three enzymatic activities determined, excepting catalase activity which was significantly higher (0.05]p]0.02) in the 0-20 cm layer. Based on the absolute values of the enzymatic activities, the enzymatic indicators of soil quality (EISQ) were calculated. The mineral NPK-fertilization and low dose of lime in the 0-20 cm layer, and mineral NP-fertilization and low dose of lime in the 20-40 cm layer proved to be the best variants of fertilization. The enzymatic indicators of soil quality in these variants reached the highest values: EISQ=0.821 and EISQ=0.889, respectively, indicating the presence of high enzymatic activities. It should be emphasized that a balanced application of lime, mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure leads to the formation of favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms, growth of plants and for an intense and lasting enzymatic activity.

2010 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 59-69 ◽  
Janak Lal Nayava ◽  
Dil Bahadur Gurung

The relation between climate and maize production in Nepal was studied for the period 1970/71-2007/08. Due to the topographical differences within north-south span of the country, Nepal has wide variety of climatic condition. About 70 to 90% of the rainfall occurs during summer monsoon (June to September) and the rest of the months are almost dry. Maize is cultivated from March to May depending on the rainfall distribution. Due to the availability of improved seeds, the maize yield has been steadily increasing after 1987/1988. The national area and yield of maize is estimated to be 870,166ha and 2159kg/ha respectively in 2007/08. The present rate of annual increase of temperature is 0.04°C in Nepal. Trends of temperature rise are not uniform throughout Nepal. An increase of annual temperature at Rampur during 1968-2008 was only 0.039°C. However, at Rampur during the maize growing seasons, March/April - May, the trend of annual maximum temperature had not been changed, but during the month of June and July, the trend of increase of maximum temperature was 0.03°C to 0.04°C /year.Key words: Climate-change; Global-warming; Hill; Mountain; Nepal; TaraiThe Journal of AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Vol. 11, 2010Page: 59-69Uploaded Date: 15 September, 2010

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
João Claudio Vilvert ◽  
Sérgio Tonetto de Freitas ◽  
Maria Aparecida Rodrigues Ferreira ◽  
Eleonora Barbosa Santiago da Costa ◽  
Edna Maria Mendes Aroucha

Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the most efficient sample size required to estimate the mean of postharvest quality traits of ‘Palmer’ mangoes harvested in two growing seasons. A total of 50 mangoes were harvested at maturity stage 2, in winter (June 2020) and spring (October 2020), and evaluated for weight, length, ventral and transverse diameter, skin and pulp L*, C* and hº, dry matter, firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA) and the SS/TA ratio. According to the results, the coefficient of variation (CV) of fruit quality traits ranged from 2.1% to 18.1%. The highest CV in both harvests was observed for the SS/TA ratio, while the lowest was reported for pulp hº. In order to estimate the mean of physicochemical traits of ‘Palmer’ mangoes, 12 fruits are needed in the winter and 14 in the spring, considering an estimation error of 10% and a confidence interval of 95%. TA and the SS/TA ratio required the highest sample size, while L* and hº required the lowest sample size. In conclusion, the variability was different among physicochemical traits and seasons, implying that different sample sizes are required to estimate the mean of different quality traits in different growing seasons.

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