Soldiers in Mufti: The Impact of Military Rule Upon Economic and Social Change in the Non-Western States

1970 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 1131-1148 ◽  
Eric A. Nordlinger

When military officers are either sitting in the governmental saddle or have one foot securely in the stirrup, is it likely that such military controlled governments will pursue policies of socio-economic change and reform? What are the officer-politicians' motivations in reacting to the possibilities of such modernizing changes? Under what conditions are their motivations likely to vary? This essay attempts to answer these questions with regard to the contemporary non-western states. And in making the attempt, I believe that the analysis falls squarely within the purview of certain recent changes that are taking place in the study of comparative politics. These changes may be most broadly depicted as a movement away from that aspect of behavioralism that has focused exclusively upon “inputs,” and away from that dimension of “scientism” that has focused upon abstract concepts at the expense of empirical analysis. The change can also be described (in an overly facile manner) as a movement toward the politics in political science and the government in comparative politics.As is evidenced in LaPalombara's call for “parsimony” in the selection of problems, we should choose problems for analysis that are blatantly political and of obvious contemporary relevance. In approximately half of the contemporary non-western states military officers either occupy the topmost seats of government themselves or they have a marked influence upon the civilian incumbents. And when this fact is placed alongside the potential of most contemporary governments to influence the pace and direction of social and economic change, this essay's central concern fulfills LaPalombara's criterion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-37 ◽  
Nam Kyu Kim ◽  
Alex M. Kroeger

The finding that military regimes are more fragile than other authoritarian regimes represents one of the few stylized facts in comparative politics. However, the existing literature contains substantial differences in the theoretical explanations for military regime instability and operationalizations of military rule. To assess competing explanations, we examine regime and leader instability after distinguishing between collegial and personalist military rule. We show that regime and leader insecurity characterize only collegial military regimes. Particularly, the fragility of collegial military regimes comes from a heightened likelihood of democratization, not more frequent transitions to alternative autocratic regimes. In addition, leaders of collegial military regimes face higher risks of both regular and irregular turnovers than other autocrats. Also, irregular exits of collegial military leaders tend to occur through reshuffling, rather than regime-changing, coups. The results strongly support theories focusing on military officers’ preference for unity over other explanations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-150
Baiq Vira Safitri ◽  
Shinta Desiyana Fajarica ◽  
Yulanda Trisula ◽  
Novita Maulida ◽  
Gemuh Surya Wahyudi

A disaster is an event that threatens and disrupts people's lives and livelihoods which are caused, both by natural and / or non-natural factors as well as human factors, resulting in human casualties, environmental damage, property loss and psychological impacts. According to Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management, disasters are classified into three parts; natural disasters, non-natural disasters and social disasters. The impact of disasters, especially natural disasters, varies from the moment of occurrence to post-disaster. Referring to the series of earthquake events in Lombok on 29 July 2018 (M6.4), 5 August 2018 (M7.0) and 19 August 2018 (M6.9), until 1 September 2018 has claimed 564 victims and suffered losses with the total rough count reached IDR 12.15 trillion. The impact of the earthquake is a lesson for the government and related agencies, in this case the Mataram City BPBD to better prepare disaster management strategies in a mature and planned manner. This study aims to determine the disaster communication strategy of the Mataram City BPBD in building a disaster-aware Mataram community using qualitative methods. The results of the research also show, among others: (1) Determination of communicators / community leaders as a credible source; (2) Selection of messages that are easy to understand; (3) Selection of disaster reporting media; (4) Mapping communication barriers in building disaster-aware communities

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-138 ◽  
Titiek Suliyati

Known as sea tribe, Bajo tribe is foreigners in Karimunjawa. As a sea tribe, they are nomadic and live on the boat before settling in Karimunjawa. The encouragement to settle in Karimunjawa is due to the fact that the island has a lot of fish and they exploit it to make their living. At the beginning, they live on the boat, but sometimes they move to the land. Later on, they build houses on stilts at coastal areas.The process experienced by Bajo tribe from sea to land tribe is caused by some factors, from the effort to adapt with local people, decreasing number of the captured fish, the government program to make Bajo tribe becomes the land settlers and the change of their livelihood.This research is aimed to study social change occurring to Bajo tribe as a sea tribe that was formerly nomadic into land tribe dwelling in Karimunjawa. Moreover, this research also intended to study the push factors and the impact from the social change toward the life of the settled Bajo society. In line with the problem and the objectives of this research, the qualitative method with the anthropological and sociological approach was used. These two approaches were applied in order to give a better understanding of the social change of Bajo tribe that had already settled in Karimunjawa.The result of the research shows that there is a social change in Bajo society living permanently in Karimunjawa that is, the change of daily behavior in the society, social interaction with other tribes, values held by the society and social institution, structure and social classes. Social change occurring to Bajo society in Karimunjawa brings positive influences. The social changes among others are awareness towards the importance of education, Bajo society has new jobs other than fisherman, the increase of income, living standard, also modernization in fisheries system. The negative impact as a consequence of the social changes is faded culture, changes in life orientation and views of life, and consumerism in the society. 

Abd Elmajid Naief Alawneh

    This study is a critical analytical study in which the researcher used the analytical descriptive approach to describe the previous studies in this subject. In addition, he dealt with the field aspect which is represented by selecting the research society, the divorced women in the Palestinian city of Ramallah, using the questionnaire tool, In the study of these cases of divorced women, where the aim of this research in dealing with the problem of divorce in the Arab Palestinian society, especially after the knowledge of the increased presence of this phenomenon in recent years, the researcher studied the impact of factors that affect the increase This phenomenon was dealt with in two parts: the main theoretical section in this research in an analytical and critical manner based on the previous studies, in addition to a field social study on a sample of divorced women in the city of Ramallah in the middle of the West Bank. This research led to a number of results. The most important of these results was that the divorce rate has been high in recent years for many reasons, especially the unconscious and insufficient awareness, in addition to the existence of social diseases and the absence of social democracy within the family itself, Other factors, cultural, economic and social Kaltgar. It also emerged that cultural change is the most influential on the rise of divorce cases followed by economic change and social change, where it was found that the first place in the impact on the rise of divorce came to the cultural change, which reached the degree of impact to the value of (87%) followed by second place in the degree The impact on the rise of divorce cases in the Palestinian society for economic change, which was 69%, while the degree of impact of social change in the impact on the increase in divorce in this community to a value of only 30% Cultural and economic, The majority of divorced women were younger than 30 years of age (68%), non- women or single- parent children (83%) with a low level of education, (68%). Most of them do not work permanently (68%) and have an average monthly income or less (87%). It was found that there is a strong and inverse and statistically significant relationship between reproduction, educational level and income levels. The higher the number of divorces, the higher the number of children, the educational level and level Monthly income less divorce rate and vice versa. At the end of this research, the researcher made a number of recommendations at the public and private levels, the most important of which was the introduction of an orientation course for those who are coming to marriage and the necessity of alerting the media about the dangers of this phenomenon in different aspects. In terms of lifestyles, procreation and others.    

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 153 ◽  
Muhammad Obie

Abstract: Society and culture of human being always change as an ever –present phenomena in the world. A distinction is sometimes made then between processes of change within the social structure, which serve in part to maintain the structure, and, even the processes itself can be slow or fast through evolusion and revolusion.   One of the factors that quicken the social change process is the government interventions. This study aims at analyzing the social change on the Bajo Tribe community as the impact of various government programs at Tomini bay coastal. This research used strategy of historical sociology. The kinds of data collected were primer and secondary data that were analyzed by using qualitative approac. The result showed that various   government programs at Tomini bay, such as designating conservation area, granting concession license to private sectors through forest concession right (FCR)), indefeasible right of use (IRU), and fishing industry at the bay had caused the loss of access of the Bajo tribe community to coastal and marine resources area. Various interventions of government programs had implication on resettlement of the Bajo tribe community, causing the Bajo tribe divided into sea Bajo and land Bajo. The loss of access of the Bajo tribe to coastal and marine resources caused traditional institution weaken which made its philosophy of living in harmony with nature, and  conservation ethics fade away, its local wisdom, and self identity lose, and its social capital destructed.  الملخص: كان المجتمع وحضارته متغيّرين في أيّ كان المجتمع وهذه الحضارة. ويكون الفرق في كون هذا التغيّر. قد تكون عملية التغيّر متمهّلة أو سريعة وقد تكون عن طريق التطوّر والثّورة. وأحد العناصر المسرعة في عملية هذا التغيّر هو تدخّل الحكومة. حاولت هذه الدراسة تحليل التغيّر الاجتماعي في قبيلة "باجو" نتيجة لتطبيق البرامج الحكومية في سواحل خليج توميني. استخدمت هذه الدراسة الأسلوب الاجتماعي التاريخي. والبيانات المحصولة عليها في شكل البيانات الأولية والبيانات الثانوية ويكون تحليل البيانات بالمدخل الكيفي. دلّت نتائج البحث على أن البرامج المتنوّعة من الحكومة في ساحل خليج توميني في شكل اثبات مناطق الحفاظ، وتسليم الإذن لعملية الحفاظ تجاه الشركات الأهلية عن طريق HPH وHGU و تربية الأسماك (بركة الأسماك)، وأدت هذه البرامج إلى ضياع فرصة الاستفادة لقبيلة باجو تجاه الموارد السواحلية والبحرية. وتدخّل برامج الحكومة أدى إلى إعادة توطين مجتمع باجو وتفريقهم إلى مجتمع باجو البحري ومجتمع باجو البرّيّ.  وضياع فرصة الاستفادة لمجتمع باجو تجاه موارد الطاقات السواحلية والبحرية أدّى إلى ضعف المؤسسات التقاليدية وأدّى هذا إلى تلاشي فلسفة الحياة المنسجمة بالعالم. وتلاشي خُلق عملية الحفاظ، وضياع الحكمة المحلية، وتلاشى الهوية وفساد الرأسمال الإجتماعي.  Abstrak: Masyarakat dan kebudayaan manusia di manapun pada dasarnya selalu  berada dalam keadaan berubah. Perbedaannya ada yang berlangsung secara lambat, cepat, atau bahkan melalui proses evolusi dan revolusi. Salah satu faktor yang mempercepat proses perubahan sosial adalah intervensi pemerintah. Kajian ini bertujuan menguraikan perubahan sosial pada komunitas Suku Bajo sebagai akibat masuknya berbagai program pemerintah di pesisir Teluk Tomini. Penelitian ini menggunakan strategi sosiologi sejarah (historical sociology). Jenis data yang terkumpul berupa data primer dan data sekunder, yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa berbagai program pemerintah di pesisir Teluk Tomini, berupa penetapan kawasan konservasi, serta pemberian izin konsesi kepada swasta melalui Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH), Hak Guna Usaha (HGU), dan usaha tambak telah menyebabkan hilangnya akses komunitas Suku Bajo terhadap sumber daya pesisir dan laut. Intervensi berbagai program pemerintah tersebut berimplikasi resettlement bagi komunitas Suku Bajo, sehingga menyebabkan terbelahnya komunitas Suku Bajo menjadi Bajo laut dan Bajo darat. Hilangnya akses Suku Bajo terhadap sumber daya pesisir dan laut, menyebabkan kelembagaan adat semakin melemah yang mengakibatkan memudarnya falsafah hidup selaras dengan alam, memudarnya etika konservasi, hilangnya kearifan lokal, hilangnya identitas diri, dan hancurnya modal sosial.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Andriati Fitriningrun ◽  
Andrey Hasiholan Pulungan ◽  
Gilang Fajar Wijayanto

<p align="center"><em>The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Merger and Acquisition (M&amp;A) wave on constructing the capital structure. The conflict of government policies to assist the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is in conflict with the other regulation which requires banks to meet the minimum Net Performing Loan (NPIL). This situation encourages the emergence of M&amp;A wave in Indonesia. Numbers of banks do M&amp;A as the option to accommodate the government regulations. Using the case of PT Central Sentosa Finance (CSF) acquisition by PT Bank Central Asia (BCA), this study examines the M&amp;A impacts on the bidder’s capital structure when the acquisition due to the wave and government policy. The quantitative method is used to examine the impact of M&amp;A on the company’s capital structure focusing the 2014 acquisition. The study contributes to the accounting in the area of transparency and capital issues. The statistical results show that the potential policies conflict drives the company to prioritize the selection of funding.</em></p><p><em> </em></p>

Shripad Joshi, Et. al.

The covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the interconnected and quiet picture of the nation with humans without their human touch – and that no one is safe until everyone is safe. With this pandemic different changes taken place and after fighting and juggling with it for around 4 months, consumers accepted the fact “this is new normal”. But this pandemic affected as well as changed the pattern of consumer behavior in so many ways be it behavioral change or psychological change. As the current situation made us all come across a lot of newness and to study that change in consumer behavior, my internship was an attempt to do a research on the impact of Covid19 induced conditions on the consumer behavior on a short, mid and long term impact for consumption of services. This research was taken out to understand the same in better way. In the tenure of two months of my internship was to carry out a detailed analysis of consumer behavior in terms of services and their impact. This project’s primary objective was to perform set of task in order to study different psychological changes taking place in consumer for achieving the same I have giving following task which needs to be followed in the mentioned sequence itself. The tasks were mainly divided into five sets: Background study and collection of information related to covid-19. Preparation of questionnaire on the basis of Primary data collection from respondent (min.300) on telephonic Analysis of data and key findings Formation of report on the collected information This market research was carried out with constraint, provided from the external mentor in terms of the selection of respondent. Covid-19 made a great impact on the consumer behavior in just a course of few months as few restrictions were imposed on the Indian citizen by the government of India to make sure health and safety of the people. This study in only recited to consumer of India who reside in India itself for a focused study and targeted group of people. Alongside this there was great learning regarding some technical knowledge like working on excel and analysis of the respondent’s response.

Methodology ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-23 ◽  
Juan Ramon Barrada ◽  
Julio Olea ◽  
Vicente Ponsoda

Abstract. The Sympson-Hetter (1985) method provides a means of controlling maximum exposure rate of items in Computerized Adaptive Testing. Through a series of simulations, control parameters are set that mark the probability of administration of an item on being selected. This method presents two main problems: it requires a long computation time for calculating the parameters and the maximum exposure rate is slightly above the fixed limit. Van der Linden (2003) presented two alternatives which appear to solve both of the problems. The impact of these methods in the measurement accuracy has not been tested yet. We show how these methods over-restrict the exposure of some highly discriminating items and, thus, the accuracy is decreased. It also shown that, when the desired maximum exposure rate is near the minimum possible value, these methods offer an empirical maximum exposure rate clearly above the goal. A new method, based on the initial estimation of the probability of administration and the probability of selection of the items with the restricted method ( Revuelta & Ponsoda, 1998 ), is presented in this paper. It can be used with the Sympson-Hetter method and with the two van der Linden's methods. This option, when used with Sympson-Hetter, speeds the convergence of the control parameters without decreasing the accuracy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-248
Betty Tresnawaty

Public Relations of the Bandung Regency Government realizes that its area has a lot of potential for various local wisdom and has a heterogeneous society. This study aims to explore and analyze the values of local knowledge in developing public relations strategies in the government of Bandung Regency, West Java province. This study uses a constructivist interpretive (subjective) paradigm through a case study approach. The results showed that the Bandung Regency Government runs its government based on local wisdom. Bandung Regency Public Relations utilizes local insight and the region's potential to develop a public relations strategy to build and maintain a positive image of Bandung Regency. The impact of this research is expected to become a source of new scientific references in the development of public relations strategies in every region of Indonesia, which is very rich with various philosophies.Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung menyadari wilayahnya memiliki banyak potensi kearifan lokal yang beragam, serta memiliki masyarakatnya yang heterogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali dan menganalisis nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di pemerintahan Kabupaten Bandung provinsi Jawa Barat.  Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif (subjektif) konstruktivis melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bandung menjalankan pemerintahannya berlandaskan pada kearifal lokal. Humas Pemkab Bandung memanfaatkan kearifan lokal dan potensi wilayahnya untuk mengembangkan strategi humas dalam membangun dan mempertahankan citra positif Kabupaten Bandung.Dampak penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi sumber rujukan ilmiah baru dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di setiap daerah Indonesia yang sangat kaya dengan beragam filosofi. 

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