History on the Face of England

1883 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Henry Elliot Malden

History and Geography, if we would study either thoroughly and intelligently, can never be completely dissevered. The continual influence exercised, from generation to generation, by climate, food, and necessary pursuits upon a people, combined with the influences of the political geography of the surrounding countries, the presence of strong or weak, civilised or barbarous neighbours, all these exercise the strongest pressure upon the original character, and mould the course of the history of every nation. And, therefore, to appreciate the full meaning of that history, a study of the theatre in which the action was played is of importance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-144
Annabel Brett ◽  
Fabian Steininger ◽  
Tobias Adler-Bartels ◽  
Juan Pablo Scarfi ◽  
Jan Surman

Searching for the Political History, Archaeology, and the History of Ideas. Elías José Palti, An Archaeology of the Political: Regimes of Power from the Seventeenth Century to the Present (New York: Columbia University Press, 2017), xx + 235 pp.Translation in International Relations and Ottoman-Turkish History. Einar Wigen, State of Translation: Turkey in Interlingual Relations (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2018), 276 + xvii pp.The Invention of Conservatism as a Modern Ideology. Amerigo Caruso, Nationalstaat als Telos? Der konservative Diskurs in Preußen und Sardinien-Piemont, 1840–1870 [Nation-State as Telos? Conservative discourse in Prussia and Sardinia-Piedmont, 1840–1870] Elitenwandel in der Moderne, Bd. 20 (Berlin: de Gruyter Ouldenberg, 2017), 516 pp.Reconsidering Friendship in the Face of Anarchy in International Society: Refreshing Insights from Conceptual History. Evgeny Roshchin, Friendship among Nations: History of a Concept (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017), 264 pp.On the Use of Foreign Words. Falko Schmieder and Georg Toepfer, eds., Wörter aus der Fremde: Begriffsgeschichte als Übersetzungsgeschichte [On the Use of Foreign Words: Conceptual History as History of Translation] (Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2017), 328 pp.

Adam I. P. Smith

In this engaging and nuanced political history of Northern communities in the Civil War era, Adam I. P. Smith offers a new interpretation of the familiar story of the path to war and ultimate victory. Smith looks beyond the political divisions between abolitionist Republicans and Copperhead Democrats to consider the everyday conservatism that characterized the majority of Northern voters. A sense of ongoing crisis in these Northern states created anxiety and instability, which manifested in a range of social and political tensions in individual communities. In the face of such realities, Smith argues that a conservative impulse was more than just a historical or nostalgic tendency; it was fundamental to charting a path to the future. At stake for Northerners was their conception of the Union as the vanguard in a global struggle between democracy and despotism, and their ability to navigate their freedoms through the stormy waters of modernity. As a result, the language of conservatism was peculiarly, and revealingly, prominent in Northern politics during these years. The story this book tells is of conservative people coming, in the end, to accept radical change.

C. Jean Campbell

In many ways the topic of portraiture seems natural to the Renaissance and Reformation, especially when the Renaissance is defined, in the tradition of Jacob Burckhardt, as the “rebirth of the individual.” Historically, discussions of portraiture intersect thematically not only with discussions of individuality, subjectivity, and self-consciousness but also with discussions of realism/naturalism and idealism, authorship and authority, and eventually selfhood, cultural poetics, and the (political) construction and presentation of “identity.” Yet, for all the ways portraiture has served as a testing ground for various expectations concerning the intellectual, cultural, and social history of the period, the question of what constitutes a portrait remains open. The expectation that a portrait is a picture that represents a specific and historically locatable individual is challenged in various ways. That definition is necessarily complicated by studies that focus on the functions of portraiture: aesthetic, rhetorical-poetic, commemorative, religious, mythic, and otherwise anthropological. With the turn to relational models, the idea of the “autonomous portrait” as a marker of the Renaissance has given way to considerations of the beholder’s share. Even the anthropocentric definition of portraiture and the insistence on the face as the locus of humanity have been called into question. The works collected in this bibliography are organized with two goals in mind. The first is to portray the shape of the field of study by laying out its familiar themes, including the theorization of portraiture and painting, and recognizable types and/or areas of concentration, including lovers’ portraits, court portraiture, humanist portraits, and portraits that imitate Antique types. The second goal is to indicate where the shape of the field has been or is being challenged, for example, by gender studies; stretched to focus on questions of material, medium, and making; and broken down to blur such old categorical distinctions as that between sacred image and portrait.

2000 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-156 ◽  

Hamburg's Bismarck memorial, unveiled in 1906, is considered to be one of the greatest expressions of Imperial Germany's Bismarck cult and an important development in the history of German memorial art. This article looks beyond these contextual categories to focus on the political and cultural exigencies specific to Hamburg which gave birth to the memorial. It suggests it was born of the desire of Hamburg's patrician classes to defend their political privileges in the face of dramatic social change and attendant demands for political reform. To those who presided over its construction, it was also a means of asserting Hamburg's cultural aspirations and of shrugging off a reputation as a city hostile to the arts. The article examines some of the memorial designs submitted to a competition as a means of illustrating the functions it was intended to fulfil, but argues that it failed to fulfil both. Meeting widespread disapproval among the working classes, the memorial could not stay their increasing support for the Social Democrats. Although widely admired, the monument did not stimulate further significant patronage of the arts in Hamburg.

Kant-Studien ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 109 (4) ◽  
pp. 557-580 ◽  
Macarena Marey

Abstract In this paper, I examine Kant’s reception of and solution to the problem of the unity of the political will. I propose that Kant distances himself from the modern paradigmatic foundations of sovereignty principally with his theses of the ideality of the general will (section II) and of the apriority of the justification of popular sovereignty (section III). My interpretative hypothesis is that Kant solves the problem by grounding sovereignty in a conceptual element which is new in the history of political philosophy, i. e. the a priori unified omnilateral will. In section IV, I explain why my reading of the ideality of the general will can respond to seemingly plausible objections arising from Kant’s own texts and how it works in the face of concrete political states of affairs.

Bárbara Cruz ◽  

This article has as main objective to discuss the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the Brazilian Amazon, its consequences and conflicts not only in the forest but also in the people living in the region, especially the situation of indigenous peoples and how COVID-19 has been impacting the tribes directly and indirectly, through the exposure of opinions, facts and historical context, factors of paramount importance that help to build the current panorama of the Amazon within the pandemic. In addition, this article aims to analyse the political crisis that Brazil is facing at the moment and how it influences the impacts suffered by the Amazon macro-region, in order to highlight the need for discussion — now more than ever —, to protect and preserve Amazonian diversity in the face of a government that omits responsibility for the prevention of Amazonian identity. The concern with the Amazon rainforest is not something recent, however the current moment is decisive in the history of the largest tropical forest in the world.

Ayrat Halitovich Tuhvatullin ◽  
Vitaly Anatolievich Epshteyn ◽  
Pavel Vladimirovich Pichygin ◽  
Alina Petrovna Sultanova

The article highlights the details of the foreign policy of the Arab Republic of Egypt and its impact on the regional security of the state of Israel in between 2012-2013. After the Islamists came to power, they began to dominate expectations that the political force led by Mohamed Morsi would initiate an active anti-Israel policy, however, with active anti-Semitic rhetoric, the "Muslim brotherhood" was able to maintain peaceful relations with Israel. The purpose of this study was to characterize the relationship between M. Morsi's government and the state of Israel during the period 2012 to 2013while revealing the impact of various factors on the preservation of peace in the region, especially in the face of the conflict situation that intensified in neigh boring countries such as Libya and Syria. The main approaches to the study of the problem under consideration were analytical method and content analysis. It is concluded that the article can also contribute to the study of the history of the Middle East within the framework of Arab-Israeli relations against the deterioration of the political situation and the strengthening of religious radicalism in the region.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 409-434
Imas Emalia

Abstract This article is intended as an attempt to reconstruct the history of thought from a figure of the famous politician who is soft, firm, and islamic behave, Mochammad Natsir. His thoughts about the economy of the Muslims is as his fight in Indonesia people’s destinies take notice, especially Muslims. During his life in pursuit of economic Natsir Mochammad Muslims either when he politicking, of community, and preaching. Related to the economic development of this Ummah, Mochammad Natsir championed economic development via the Ummah Party Mayumi, the largest Islamic Ummah as the party at the time. In discussing character Mochammad Natsir, has always been in the political discussion, whether its action in politics or also his idea about politics that inevitably associated with Islam, very little discussion about his thinking in the field of Economics, but it turns out that economics is concerned Natsir Mochammad Ummah, generally the people of Indonesia. His thoughts on the economy is very inspiring and uplifting for the people of Indonesia to be able to maintain his life struggling to avoid poverty, squalor, misery, and suffering due to the behavior of those who blackmail her life wander the property. His idea about Islamic economic development Mochammad Natsir Ummah who looks at and strive to let the Muslims during the post-revolution until the 1960 's can live peaceful, prosperous, far from suffering, poverty, misery, and always pay attention to the messages from the teachings of Islam. Message from thinking this is about Mochammad Natsir human duty to care for and respect each other, because that is the nature of a human being as an independent creature who had to work hard in the face of the Earth to avoid poverty. This paper, entitled "the Economic Thinking and Natsir Mochammad Ummah 1950-1960".---Abstrak Makalah ini dimaksudkan sebagai usaha merekonstruksi sejarah pemikiran dari seorang sosok politikus terkenal yang lembut, tegas, dan islami, yakni Mochammad Natsir. Pemikirannya tentang ekonomi ummat adalah sebagai perjuangannya dalam memperhatikan nasib rakyat Indonesia, terutama ummat Islam. Selama hidupnya Mochammad Natsir memperjuangkan ekonomi ummat baik ketika ia berpolitik, bermasyarakat, dan berdakwah. Terkait dengan pembangunan ekonomi ummat ini, Mochammad Natsir memperjuangkan pembangunan ekonomi ummat melalui Partai Mayumi, sebagai partai ummat Islam terbesar saat itu. Dalam membahas tokoh Mochammad Natsir, selama ini selalu pada pembahasan politik, baik kiprahnya dalam berpolitik atau juga pemikiran-pemikirannya tentang politik yang pasti dikaitkan dengan Islam, sangat sedikit pembahasan tentang pemikirannya di bidang ekonomi, padahal ternyata Mochammad Natsir sangat memperhatikan ekonomi ummat Islam, umumnya rakyat Indonesia. Pemikirannya tentang ekonomi sangat memberikan inspirasi dan semangat bagi rakyat Indonesia untuk dapat berjuang mempertahankan hidupnya yang terhindar dari kemiskinan, kemelaratan, kesengsaraan, dan penderitaan akibat perilaku pemerasan dari mereka yang hidupnya bergelimang harta. Untuk itu makalah ini akan menyoroti Pemikiran Mochammad Natsir tentang pembangunan ekonomi ummat yang memandang dan mengusahakan agar umat Islam pada periode pasca revolusi sampai tahun 1960 dapat hidup damai, sejahtera, jauh dari penderitaan, kemiskinan, kesengsaraan, dan senantiasa memperhatikan pesan-pesan dari ajaran agama Islam. Pesan dari pemikiran Mochammad Natsir ini adalah tentang tugas manusia untuk menjaga dan menghormati sesamanya, karena itu  adalah fitrah seorang manusia sebagai makhluk yang merdeka yang harus bekerja keras di muka bumi untuk menghindari kemiskinan. Makalah ini berjudul “Mochammad Natsir dan Pemikiran Ekonomi Ummat 1950-1960”.

Thomas Leng

This is the first modern study of the Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers—sixteenth-century England’s premier trading company—in its final century of existence as a privileged organization. Over this period the company’s main trade, the export of cloth to northwest Europe, was overshadowed by rising traffic with the wider world, whilst its privileges were continually criticized in an era of political revolution. But the company and its membership were not passive victims of these changes; rather, they were active participants in the commercial and political dramas of the century. Using thousands of neglected private merchant papers, the book views the company from the perspective of its members, in the process bringing to life the complex social worlds of early modern merchants. It addresses the challenge of maintaining corporate unity in the face of internal disagreements and external attacks. It restores the centrality of the Merchant Adventurers within three important historical narratives: England’s transition from the margins to the centre of the European, and later global, economy; the rise and fall of the merchant corporation as a major form of commercial government in premodern Europe; and the political history of the corporation in an era of state formation and revolution.

Guobadia Ameze

This chapter examines the relationship between the executive and the judiciary in Nigeria. It sketches the history of assertions of judicial power by Nigerian courts, including the 1966 action by the Supreme Court to assert the continued validity of the 1963 constitution in the face of a military coup. It considers the role of the National Judicial Council in appointing and disciplining judges, an important issue in many systems. It recounts the saga surrounding President of the Court of Appeal Justice Salami, which raises the troubling prospect of the Chief Justice ‘packing’ the Council and possibly colluding with the executive to pursue political goals and discusses the issue of disputes over the appointment of state chief justices, who are appointed by governors on the Council’s recommendation. It also offers the Nigerian perspective on control over judicial budgets and administration, before concluding with a review of some significant cases.

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