scholarly journals Film Dokumenter Tradisi Megebeg-Gebegan “Sebuah Kebersamaan Yang Hilang”

Kadek Agus Merta Yasa ◽  
Gede Saindra Santyadiputra ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna

Tradisi Magebeg-Gebegan merupakan tradisi yang dilakukan oleh Masyarakat Desa Tukadmungga. Tradisi perebutan kepala anak sapi ini dilaksanakan secara turun temurun oleh masyarakat Desa Tukadmungga yang digelar pada saat upacara Bhuta Yadnya yaitu upacara pecaruan tawur kesanga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Untuk mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan film dokumenter tradisi  Megebeg–Gebegan Desa Tukadmungga, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon kalangan masyarakat terhadap hasil film dokumenter  tradisi Megebeg–Gebegan Desa Tukadmungga. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan pada film dokumenter tradisi Megebeg-Gebegan adalah model Cyclic Strategy. Cyclic Strategy merupakan sebuah metode yang ada kalanya suatu tahap perlu diulang kembali sebelum tahap berikutnya dilanjutkan. Adapun tahap–tahap dari Cyclic Strategy diantaranya adalah brief, tahap 1, tahap 2, evaluasi 1, tahap 3, evaluasi 2, tahap 4 dan Outcome. Dengan dibuatkanya film dokumenter tradisi Megebeg–Gebegan ini, masyarakat akan menyadari pentingnya eksistensi tradisi lokal yang dimiliki sebagai warisan peradaban di masa lampau untuk dilestarikan sebagai penjunjung nilai sejarah, norma, dan keunikan tradisi di daerah tempat tinggal. Selain itu film dokumenter tradisi Megebeg-Gebegan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai media informasi serta menjadi inspirasi bagi masyarakat Desa Tukadmungga pada khususnya. Kata kunci : Film Dokumenter, Tradisi Megebeg–Gebegan, Tradisi Lokal. The Magebeg-Gebegan tradition is a tradition carried out by the Tukadmungga Village Community. This calf head grab tradition is carried out from generation to generation by the people in Tukadmungga Village which was held at the Bhuta Yadnya ceremony a day before Nyepi day, namely the tawur kesanga renewal ceremony. This study aims to (1) To implement the results of the documentary design of Megebeg-Gebegan tradition in Tukadmungga Village, (2) To find out the community response to the results of documentary film Megebeg-Gebegan tradition in Tukadmungga Village. The research method used in the documentary Megebeg-Gebegan tradition is the Cyclic Strategy model. Cyclic Strategy is a method that sometimes has to be repeated before the next stage continues. The stages of Cyclic Strategy include briefs, stage 1, stage 2, evaluation 1, stage 3, evaluation 2, stage 4 and Outcome. With this documentary on the Megebeg-Gebegan tradition, the public will realize the how importance is the existence of local traditions that have been held as a legacy of civilization in the past to be preserved as upholding historical values, norms, and unique traditions in the area of residence. In addition, the documentary of Megebeg-Gebegan tradition can be used as a medium of information as well as an inspiration for the people of Tukadmungga Village in particular. Keywords: Documentary Film, Megebeg-Gebegan Tradition, Local Tradition.

I Kadek Supriandana . ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, S.Kom., M.S . ◽  
Gede Aditra Pradnyana, S.Kom., M.Kom. .

Tradisi lisan merupakan salah satu bentuk ekspresi kebudayaan daerah yang jumlahnya beratus-ratus di seluruh Indonesia. Tradisi Nampah Batu di Desa Depeha adalah upacara menek medesa, artinya warga masyarakat Desa Depeha yang telah melangsungkan upacara perkawinan yang dalam agama hindu disebut telah melaksanakan kehidupan grhasta asrama wajib ikut melaksanakan upacara Nampah Batu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk : (1) Untuk mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan pengembangan film dokumenter Tradisi Nampah Batu. (2) Untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat Bali khususnya Desa Depeha terhadap hasil akhir film dokumenter Tradisi Nampah Batu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam Film Dokumenter Tradisi Nampah Batu menggunakan metode cyclic strategy. Aplikasi ini diimplementasikan menggunakan Adobe Premiere Pro CC‎ sebagai pembuat video. Pemanfaatan aplikasi pembuat video dari dampak kemajuan teknologi menyebabkan para remaja atau anak muda mampu berkreasi dalam mengolah video dengan berbagai efek sesuai kemampuan dan keinginan sehingga video dapat dijadikan berbagai sarana yang vital dalam berbagai media promosi. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengembangkan sebuah film dokumenter yang berjudul Film Tradisi Nampah Batu “Kisah Dikutuknya Ida Ratu Ayu Manik Galih Oleh Dewi Danu” Di Desa Depeha Kecamatan Kubutambahan Kabupaten Buleleng. Dengan dikembangkannya film dokumenter ini, diharapkan keberadaan tradisi Nampah Batu di Desa Depeha semakin di kenal, serta dapat dijadikan sebuah media pembelajaran baik dari segi proses dan makna di balik sebuah Tradisi Nampah Batu yang berada di Desa Depeha. Hasil akhir film dokumenter Tradisi Nampah Batu dapat memberikan wawasan bagi penonton terkait Tradisi Nampah Batu. Respon pengguna terhadap film dokumenter Tradisi Nampah Batu dapat dikategorikan sangat baik. Kata Kunci : Film Dokumenter, Tradisi Nampah Batu, Budaya , Cyclic Strategy The tradition Nampah Batu in Depeha Village is a menek medesa ceremony, meaning that the people of Depeha Village who have held a wedding ceremony which in Hindu religion are said to have carried out a dormitory private life must take part in carrying out the Tradition Nampah Batu ceremony. This study aims to (1) produce a design and implement the results of a documentary on the Development and Preservation of the Tradition Nampah Batu, (2) To find out the response of Depeha villagers to the final results of the Nampah Batu Tradition Film Documentary. The research method used in the documentary film Nampah Batu Tradition is the Development method with the Cyclic Strategy model. Cyclic Strategy is a method that sometimes has to be repeated before the next stage continues. The stages of Cyclic Strategy include briefs, stage 1, stage 2, evaluation 1, stage 3, evaluation 2, stage 4 and Outcome. With the making of the documentary film Tradition Nampah Batu, the public will realize the importance of the existence of local culture that is owned as a legacy of civilization in the past to be preserved as upholding historical values, norms and cultural uniqueness in the area of residence. In addition, the documentary film Tradition Nampah Batu can be used as a medium of information and an inspiration for the people of Depeha Village in particular. keyword : Documentary Film, tradition Nampah Batu, Culture, Cyclic Strategy

Dewa Made Widiantara ◽  
I Made Ardwi Pradnyana ◽  
I Gede Partha Sindu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan dari film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Penyu Mataluh”, (2) mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap hasil akhir Film Dokumenter Permainan Tradisional “Penyu Mataluh”. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan pada film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Penyu Mataluh” adalah metode Pengembangan dengan model Cyclic Strategy. Cyclic Strategy merupakan sebuah metode yang ada kalanya suatu tahap perlu diulang kembali sebelum tahap berikutnya dilanjutkan. Adapun tahap – tahap dari Cyclic Strategy diantaranya adalah brief, tahap 1, tahap 2, evaluasi 1, tahap 3, evaluasi 2, tahap 4 dan Outcome. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Penyu Mataluh” dalam kriteria sangat baik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji ahli isi dan uji ahli media sudah sesuai. Sedangkan dari uji respon penonton disebar ke 30 responden didapatkan hasil presentase yaitu 91.8% dengan tingkat pencapaian “sangat baik”. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Penyu Mataluh”  sudah “sangat baik” dan bisa digunakan sebagai media pelestari dan promosi permainan tradisional “Penyu Mataluh” dalam bentuk dokumentasi digital.  Kata kunci: Film Dokumenter, Penyu Mataluh, Permainan Tradisional, Cyclic Strategy.This study aims at (1) producing a project and implementing the results of the project of a documentary film of a traditional game entitled "Penyu Mataluh," (2) finding out public responses to the final results of the Documentary Film of Traditional Game "Penyu Mataluh". The research method used in the documentary film of traditional game of "Penyu Mataluh" is a development method using the Cyclic Strategy model. Cyclic Strategy is a method that sometimes has to be repeated before continuing to the further stages. The stages of Cyclic Strategy include briefs, stage 1, stage 2, evaluation 1, stage 3, evaluation 2, stage 4 and Outcome. The result of the study shows that the documentary film of traditional game of "Penyu Mataluh" is considered "very good". The results obtained from the content expert tests and the media expert tests are appropriate. Meanwhile, from the audience response test that has been distributed to 30 respondents, the percentage is 91.8% with a "very good" achievement level. The conclusions obtained were the documentary film of traditional game of "Penyu Mataluh" was very good and could be used as a preservation media and promotion of traditional games of "Penyu Mataluh" in the form of digital documentation. Keywords: Documentary Film, Penyu Mataluh, Traditional Game, Cyclic Strategy.

I Kadek Ary Prahayuda ◽  
Gede Saindra Santyadiputra ◽  
Gede Aditra Pradnyana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan dari film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Kelik-kelikan”, (2) mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap hasil akhir film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Kelik-kelikan”. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan pada film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Kelik-kelikan” adalah metode pengembangan dengan model Cyclic Strategy. Cyclic Strategy merupakan sebuah metode yang ada kalanya suatu tahap perlu diulang kembali sebelum tahap berikutnya dilanjutkan. Adapun tahap – tahap dari Cyclic Strategy diantaranya adalah brief, tahap 1, tahap 2, evaluasi 1, tahap 3, evaluasi 2, tahap 4 dan Outcome. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Kelik-kelikan” dalam kriteria sangat baik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji ahli isi dan uji ahli media sudah sesuai. Sedangkan dari uji respon penonton disebar ke 30 responden didapatkan hasil presentase yaitu 92.73% dengan tingkat pencapaian “sangat baik”. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu film dokumenter permainan tradisional “Kelik-kelikan” sudah sangat baik dan bisa digunakan sebagai media pelestari dan promosi permainan tradisional “Kelik-kelikan” dalam bentuk dokumentasi digital. Kata kunci: Film Dokumenter, Kelik-kelikan, Permainan Tradisional, Cyclic Strategy.                This study aims at (1) producing a project and implementing the results of the project of a documentary film of a traditional game entitled "Kelik-kelikan" (2) finding out public responses to the final results of the Documentary Film of Traditional Game " Kelik-kelikan ". The research method used in the documentary film of traditional game of " Kelik-kelikan" is a development method using the Cyclic Strategy model. Cyclic Strategy is a method that sometimes has to be repeated before continuing to the further stages. The stages of Cyclic Strategy include briefs, stage 1, stage 2, evaluation 1, stage 3, evaluation 2, stage 4 and Outcome.The result of the study shows that the documentary film of traditional game of " Kelik-kelikan" is considered "very good". The results obtained from the content expert tests and the media expert tests are appropriate. Meanwhile, from the audience response test that has been distributed to 30 respondents, the percentage is 92.73% with a "very good" achievement level. The conclusions obtained were the documentary film of traditional game of " Kelik-kelikan" was very good and could be used as a preservation media and promotion of traditional games of " Kelik-kelikan" in the form of digital documentation. Keywords: Documentary Film, Kelik-kelikan, Permainan Tradisional, Cyclic Strategy.

Kadek Adi Sidiantara . ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, S.Kom., M.S . ◽  
Gede Aditra Pradnyana, S.Kom., M.Kom. .

Permainan Tradisional “Adu Gangsing” adalah salah satu jenis permainan tradisional yang diwariskan sejak lama oleh nenek moyang kita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan film dokumenter Permainan Tradisonal “Adu Gangsing” di Buleleng (sebagai warisan budaya leluhur yang tidak lekang oleh waktu), (2) Untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap hasil akhir film dokumenter “Adu Gangsing” di Buleleng (sebagai warisan budaya leluhur yang tidak lekang oleh waktu) Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan model cyclyc strategy. Model ciclyc strategy terdiri dari tahap brief (riset awal dan penawaran ide), tahap 1 (pengumpulan data dan analisis kebutuhan film), tahap 2 (pra-produksi), evaluasi peneliti, tahap 3 (produksi dan pasca produksi), evaluasi uji ahli (ahli media dan ahli isi), tahap 4 (burning, desain poster, dan desain DVD), outcome (publikasi film) dan uji respon penonton. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa film dokumenter Permainan Tradisonal “Adu Gangsing” di Buleleng (sebagai warisan budaya leluhur yang tidak lekang oleh waktu) dalam kriteria sangat baik. Simpulan yang didapatkan yaitu perancangan film dokumenter Permainan Tradisonal “Adu Gangsing” di Buleleng (sebagai warisan budaya leluhur yang tidak lekang oleh waktu) telah berhasil dilaksanakan dengan model cyclic strategy dengan menggunakan tahapan produksi film. Film dokumenter Permainan Tradisonal “Adu Gangsing” sudah berhasil masuk dalam kategori sangat baik sesuai dengan hasil uji ahli isi dan media. Serta berdasarkan analisis terhadap 30 orang responden yang berasal dari kalangan masyarakat khususnya generasi muda dinyatakan bahwa film dokumenter ini mendapatkan total presentase sebesar 90,59% yang masuk kategori sangat baik.Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: Permainan Tradisional, Adu Gangsing, Film Dokumenter, Cyclic Strategy. Traditional games "Adu Gangsing" is one type of traditional game that has been inherited for a long time by our ancestors. This study aims to (1) produce designs and implement the results of the documentary documentary "Adu Gangsing" Traditional Games in Buleleng (as a timeless heritage), (2) To find out the public response to the final results of the documentary "Adu Gangsing" "In Buleleng (as a timeless cultural heritage) The type of research used in this study is research with a cyclyc strategy model. The Ciclyc strategy model consists of a brief stage (initial research and idea offering), stage 1 (data collection and film needs analysis), stage 2 (pre-production), researcher evaluation, stage 3 (production and post-production), expert test evaluation ( media expert and content expert), stage 4 (burning, poster design, and DVD design), outcome (film publication) and audience response test. The results of the study show that the documentary film "Adu Gangsing" Traditional Games in Buleleng (as a timeless cultural heritage) is in very good criteria. The conclusions obtained were the design of the documentary film "Adu Gangsing" Traditional Games in Buleleng (as a timeless cultural heritage) that has been successfully implemented with a cyclic strategy model using the stages of film production. The documentary film "Adu Gangsing" Traditional Games has successfully entered the excellent category according to the results of the content and media expert test. And based on the analysis of 30 respondents from the community, especially the younger generation, it was stated that the documentary film received a total percentage of 90.59% which was in the excellent categorykeyword : Keywords: Traditional Games, “Adu Gangsing”, Documentary Film, Cyclic Strategy

Jonathan Webber ◽  
Chris Schwarz ◽  
Jason Francisco

This chapter talks about the people who are creating and maintaining projects that memorialize both the Jewish life that existed in Polish Galicia for centuries and the enormity of the Holocaust during which it was destroyed. It discloses the public acknowledgment of the Jewish heritage that has been ongoing since Poland regained its democratic freedom in 1989, which led to the revival of Jewish life. It also describes the main Holocaust memorial in Kraków, which is comprised of symbolic abandoned chairs scattered through an entire city to highlight the Jewish absence. The chapter mentions non-Jewish Poles who have become aware of the past in Poland that included Jews and Jewish culture. It details post-Holocaust Poland in the 1970s that was severely restricted and in danger of facing extinction as 90 percent of Holocaust survivors had emigrated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-53
Andiwi Meifilina ◽  
Sulistyo Anjarwati

The problems faced when approaching the election are many, one of which is the problem related to how to lobby politics to the public to use their voting rights so that they do not abstain. This problem that is often encountered can be solved by implementing the right political campaign model strategy. The strategy in political campaigns is a careful plan for activities to achieve specific goals where the activities carried out are carried out by political organizations or competing candidates to compete for positions in parliament in order to get the support of the mass of voters (voters) in voting. In line with Law No. 10 of 2008 concerning elections for members of the DPR, DPD and DPRD loaded with 30 percent quota for women in article 53, coupled with article 8 paragraph 1 mentioned regarding statements of at least 30 percent quota of women's representation in central party political party management as one of the requirements political parties to be able to become participants in the election. The purpose of this study was to find out in depth about the strategy of the political campaign model of female candidates in Blitar Regency as a method used by legislative candidates to attract their voters. This way of lobbying politics to the community has the aim of introducing candidates to the public through political campaigns that bring up the positive image of legislative candidates by involving the community. One way in which legislative candidates take to attract attention and get votes from various communities is starting from giving promises when campaigning. The subject of this research is that all the people and female candidates in Blitar Regency and the object of their research are the political campaign model strategies in Blitar Regency. The type of research used is qualitative research using the phenomenology approach. The phenomenology approach aims to describe the meaning of life experiences experienced by some individuals about certain concepts or phenomena by exploring the structure of human consciousness. So here the researcher wants to know the meaning of the experience experienced by the community and female candidates related to the political campaign model strategy through this phenomenology study. This research method uses a qualitative approach with interviews, observation, and documentation studies. This research produced a strategy model for political campaigns related to the phenomenon of female candidates in Blitar District.  

Charlotte A. Roberts

Leprosy is an infection and neglected tropical disease that is steeped in myths, and, although it is described in history books, it can remain a challenge to manage today. Written in an accessible manner for professionals and the public alike, this book takes a global view of leprosy past and present. As a backdrop, it starts with exploring what we actually know about leprosy from medicine, how it is spread to humans, and its effects on the body. It then moves to consider its diagnosis and treatment in people, past and present. The focus switches next to the ways in which leprosy is diagnosed in skeletons (paleopathology), from just looking at the bones to analyzing the DNA of the bacteria preserved in the bones. By doing so, information on skeletons with evidence of leprosy across the globe is synthesized with the aim of considering the current state of global knowledge regarding the origin, evolution, and history of leprosy. In particular, the book explores how all the people diagnosed with leprosy in their skeletons in the past were buried, and the myth that everybody was ostracized and segregated into leprosy hospitals, due to stigma, is dismissed. It concludes with thoughts on a future for leprosy, the need to continue to dispel its myths and to seriously reconsider the use of the word “leper” when discussing leprosy today and in the past.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 35
Ahlam Mohammadi ◽  
Zahra Abedinejad Mehrabadi

<p>Nowadays, the prevention of crime over the past are subjected to the judicial authorities seriously and criminal policy has adopted a set of measures to deal with criminal phenomenon that a part of the measures returns to situational prevention measures which seeks to limit the opportunities and situations causing offense and makes difficult to realize the criminal mind. Further, one of these strategies, protect and support the target of crime. In addition the community has not been achieved in take away of the mind and think of the people from crime and social prevention, perfectly. Therefore, we must think of the stockade after the realizing of the criminal act. Owing to one of the ways in which the transition from thought to action make difficult is strengthening the protection of crime targets so the aim of the choice of the current title is trying to realize to prevention from delinquency by protecting the target of crime. Moreover, research methodology is explanatory method using the library resources, the finding of the author of this study is that the organized protection of targets that are more vulnerable to crime will be an effective step towards restriction the crime. In conclusion this protection will be including outside the in-hand targets of criminals or exposed them in the public view, technical measures of protection of the homes and vehicles and other property, property marking, control of inputs and outputs, electronic protections such as video surveillance and protection from software data.</p>

2003 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 49-59 ◽  
Vivien Ellen Rose ◽  
Julie Corley

A review of Not for Ourselves Alone, a historical documentary film by Ken Burns about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony's leadership of the nineteenthcentury women's rights movement, indicates serious concerns about the impact of historical documentary filmmaking on public understanding of the past. New ways to engage the public in the process of historical analysis and understanding are suggested.

2005 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-203 ◽  
Barry Schwartz ◽  
Howard Schuman

Ever since Maurice Halbwachs's pioneering work, most scholars have been content to explore collective memory through texts and commemorative symbolism. Assuming that a study of collective memory has fuller meaning when it takes into account what ordinary people think about the past, we compare historians' and commemorative agents' representations of Abraham Lincoln to what four national samples of Americans believe about him. Five primary images-Savior of the Union, Great Emancipator, Man of the People, First (Frontier) American, and Self-Made Man-are prominent in the cumulative body of Lincoln representations, but recent surveys show that only one of these images, the Great Emancipator, is dominant within the public. Lincoln's one-dimensional Emancipator image, which differs from the multi—dimensional one evident in a 1945 sample, reflects new perceptions of the Civil War shaped by late twentieth-century minority rights movements. Thus, “bringing men [and women] back in” involves survey evidence being added to historiographic and commemoration analysis to clarify one of sociology's most ambiguous concepts, collective memory, and to explore its social and generational roots.

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