scholarly journals Peripheral Neuroblastic Tumours

Jasila Akbar ◽  
Prema Saldanha

Background: Peripheral neuroblastic tumours arise from the neural crest cells in the sympathetic nervous tissue. These are rare, but are the most common among the extracranial solid tumours occurring in children. Method: This was a retrospective study conducted on 15 cases of peripheral neuroblastic tumours. The demographic details were recorded and the slides were analysed for the microscopic features and classified according to International Neuroblastoma Pathology Classification (INPC). Results: Out of the 15 peripheral neuroblastic tumour cases, 8 were males and 7 females. Seven cases came under age group <1.5years, 5 were between 1.5 years to 5 years and 5 cases were over 5 years of age. Seven tumours were from the retroperitoneal region, 4 cases were from the adrenal gland, 2 from intracranium and one case each was from the neck and the mediastinal regions. There were 8 Neuroblastoma cases, 2 cases of Ganglioneuroblastoma and 5 cases of Ganglioneuroma. It was found that 8 tumours were in the favourable histology group and 7 tumours in the unfavourable histology group. Conclusion: Peripheral neuroblastic tumours are rare. It is important to classify them accurately according to the various categories which help to determine the prognosis.

2003 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-188 ◽  
Anuradha Chowdhary ◽  
Rajlakshmi Bansal ◽  
Kirti Singh ◽  
Varinder Singh

A retrospective study was conducted on all histopathologically proven cases of ocular cysticercosis spanning a decade in a tertiary referral centre of North India. The symptomatology, presentation, complications and treatment therapies of 18 of these patients are discussed. The most common age group to be affected was 11–20 years (50%), while the most common site involved was subconjunctival (78%), followed by lid (11%). Spontaneous extrusion was documented in three cases. Medical treatment with albendazole under the cover of corticosteroids was found to be a useful adjunct to surgical excision.

Pavan Sable ◽  
Rajendra Bagul ◽  
Alokkumar Singh

Background: Despite the availability of modern and scientific measures, unacceptably high numbers of maternal deaths still occur in developing countries. Spacing methods of family planning may avoid maternal and infant deaths. The Government of India launched postpartum IUCD (PPIUCD) services in the year 2000; although acceptance of Postpartum IUCD is a real concern.Methods: The retrospective study was conducted in rural government hospital in Maharashtra during 2016 - 2017. We analyzed sociodemographic variables and acceptance of Postpartum IUCD among postpartum women. The sample size was 595 (N=595). The sociodemographic factors studied included age, type of delivery, sex of newborn, socioeconomic status, educational status, etc.Results: The total postpartum women included in the study was 595, out of which, 202 (34%) accepted for postpartum IUCD whereas 393 (66%) rejected for the same. The most common age group was 20-25 years (65%), followed by age group 25-30 years (30%). Primipara was the comment group (45%) and normal vaginal delivery was common (95%). The educational status of both, the postpartum women and their husband, showed statistically significant association with acceptance of postpartum IUCD (p<0.05).Conclusions: The acceptance Postpartum IUCD was low (34%). The women’s and their husband’s educational status is an important factor in acceptance of Postpartum IUCD (p<0.05). Due attention should be given to enhancing educational level of women, also effective counselling both for pregnant woman and her husband during ANC is required.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Kalsum Taufiq ◽  
Jan T. Ngantung ◽  
Maximillian C. H. Oley

Abstract: After labioschizis, palatoschizis is the most frequently encountered congenital disorder with multifactorial causes, and is a disorder that can be found in every nation in the world. Among the factors, the genetic factor was agreed upon to be a major factor. This was a descriptive retrospective  study. This study aimed to find out palatoschizis cases in the Division of Plastic Surgery, Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital, Manado, from January to December 2011. The results showed that there were 40 cases of both disordersd in the Division of Plastic Surgery Prof Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado Hospital from January 2011 through December 2011, showing 55% with palatoschizis and 45% with labiopalatoschizis. From the total cases, 53% were females in contrast to 47% males. Fifty-seven percent represented the most frequently treated age group of 1-4 years with 72.5% requiring palatoplasty. From the total number of palatoschizis cases, as many as 58% were caused by environmental factors. Fifty-two percent were unilateral palatoschizis, in comparison to 2.5% bilateral. Conclusion: In the Division of Plastic Surgery, Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital, Manado, from January to December 2011 most of the palatoschizis and labiopalatoschizis cases were unilateral. Environmental factors were the mot common etiology for most of the women who suffered from this disease. Palatoplasty procedures were most widely used among the largest age group of 1-4 years. Keywords: palatoschizis, labiopalatoschizis.   Abstrak: Palatoskisis merupakan kelainan kongenital yang paling sering dijumpai setelah labioskisis dengan penyebab multifaktorial, dan dijumpai pada setiap bangsa di dunia. Diantara faktor-faktor penyebabnya, faktor genetika disepakati menjadi faktor utama. Palatoskisis lebih banyak ditemukan pada perempuan. Palatoskisis unilateral kiri lebih sering dari pada yang kanan. Penelitian ini bersifat retrospektif deskriptif untuk mengetahui tentang kejadian palatoskisis di Bagian Ilmu Bedah Plastik RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado periode Januari-Desember 2011. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan jumlah kasus di Bagian Bedah Plastik RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado periode Januari-Desember 2011 sebanyak 40 kasus dengan palatoskisis (55%) dan labiopalatoskisis (45%), lebih sering pada perempuan (53%) dibandingkan laki-laki (47%). Kelompok usia yang tersering ditangani 1-4 tahun (57%) dan jenis operasi yang digunakan yaitu palatoplasty (72,5%). Faktor penyebab yang tersering ialah faktor lingkungan (58%). Kasus palatoskisis unilateral sebanyak 52,5% sedangkan yang bilateral 2,5%. Simpulan: Di Bagian Ilmu Bedah Plastik RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado periode Januari-Desember 2011 sebagian besar kasus palatoskisis dan labiopalatoskisis ditemukan unilateral dengan lokasi defek terbanyak di bagian kiri. Jenis kelamin perempuan lebih sering ditemukan dan etiologi tersering yaitu faktor lingkungan. Kelompok usia yang tersering ditangani yaitu 1-4 tahun dan tindakan yang tersering digunakan ialah palatoplasty. Kata kunci: palatoskisis, labiopalatoskisis.

2020 ◽  
pp. 80-82
Shweta Shah ◽  
S.K. Suri ◽  
Ami Shah

Background: Most frequently performed gynaecological surgery is hysterectomy. The prevalence of hysterectomy varies within different regions. There are mainly two types of hysterectomies according to which part of uterus is removed. The main types of hysterectomy are total and subtotal or partial hysterectomy. The hysterectomy can be performed by three routes abdominal, laproscopic and vaginal hysterectomy. The main objective of our study is to know most common pathology and different age groups of the patients underwent hysterectomy. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study was carried during period 6 months, at GCS medical college, hospital and research centre, Ahmedabad. Total 100 hysterectomy specimens were analyzed for histopathological lesions. We had taken the clinical and histopathological findings of these cases from the records of department of pathology, GCS medical college , hospital and research centre. Results: In our study of 100 cases, most common age group underwent hysterectomy was 40-49 years and least common age group was 20-29 years. Type of hysterectomy performed most commonly in this study was total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoophorectomy. Most of lesions were seen in the myometrium 42 cases (42%), Endometrium 32 cases (32%), Cervix 16 cases (16%) and Ovary 10 cases (10%). Hysterectomy remains the widely used treatment modality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 195
Angela A. Pangemanan ◽  
James Siwu ◽  
Nola T. S. Mallo

Abstract: Alcohol is an addictive substance that could cause adverse effects to human body. Moreover, it is also related to a variety of criminal acts. North Celebes is one of the provinces with the highest alcohol consumption in Indonesia. This study was aimed to describe the death cases exposed to alcohol that were autopsied at Prof. Dr. R. D Kandou Hospital Manado during 2014-2017. This was a descriptive retrospective study using data of visum et repertum. The results showed that there were 17 death cases exposed to alcohol. The majority were in 2016 as many as 6 cases (35.3%). The most common age group was 26-35 years as many as 7 cases (41.2%). All cases were males (100%). The most cause of death in these cases were due to violence using sharp objects as many as 15 cases (88.2%). Conclusion: Most death cases exposed to alcohol were males aged 26-35 years, and the cause of death was violence using sharp object.Keywords: alcohol, death casesAbstrak: Alkohol adalah zat adiktif yang dapat berdampak buruk bagi tubuh manusia serta terkait juga dengan berbagai tindakan kriminalitas. Sulawesi Utara merupakan salah satu provinsi dengan konsumen alkohol terbanyak di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kasus kematian pada korban terpapar alkohol yang diautopsi di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D Kandou periode 2014-2017. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif retrospektif menggunakan data hasil visum et repertum. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif retrospektif. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 17 kasus kematian korban terpapar alkohol. Kasus terbanyak pada tahun 2016 yaitu 6 kasus (35,3%). Kelompok usia terbanyak 26-35 tahun yaitu 7 kasus (41,2%) dan jenis kelamin laki-laki (100%). Penyebab kematian terpapar alkohol terbanyak karena kekerasan benda tajam yaitu 15 kasus (88,2%). Simpulan: Sebagian besar kasus kematian akibat terpapar alkohol berada dalam kelompok usia 26-35 tahun, semua berjenis kelamin laki-laki, dengan jenis penyebab kematian akibat kekerasan benda tajam.Kata kunci: alkohol, kasus kematian

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-75 ◽  
Shib Shankar Kuiri ◽  
Bikash Chandra Ghosh ◽  
Nilay Mandal ◽  
Mintu Mohan Nandi ◽  
Tusar Kanti Saradar ◽  

Aims and Objectives: We conducted a retrospective analysis among 1984 burn patients to study the incidence, prevalence of burn injury, its various types and modes (actual event behind the burn injury), risk factors and to find out the preventive measures.Materials and Methods: The retrospective study was carried out among 1984 patients having burn injuries, admitted in a tertiary care hospital of West Bengal, India over a period of nine years. The sources of information were the admission registers and the patients' folders from the medical records department. The Ethical clearance was taken from the Institutional Ethical Committee. The information obtained included age, sex, whether accidental or suicidal, etiology of burn injury and particularly the mechanism of injury. Results: Females were mostly affected (83%) in comparison to males. Among the study population, most of the burn patients were in the age group of 21-30yrs i.e. 35.3%. The number of burn patients were less in number in the age group of 11-20yrs i.e. 7.3%. Most of the burn injuries (87%) were accidental. Suicidal burns occurred in 10% cases. Of which about 1/3rd of the cases were due to dowry related issues.  A significant number of teenagers also attempted suicides due to trivial reasons (e.g. failure in examination, quarrelling with parents). Gas oven related injuries occurred in 2.7% cases. Oil lamps (‘kupi’), candles and hurricane-lanterns, diyas were also responsible to some extent in rural India for flame burns(5%). Smoking related burn injuries occurred in 1.7% cases. Scald injuries occurred in 14% cases. Chemical injuries (0.3%) were due to spillage of unlabelled bottles of acid/alkali. Electrical burn injury occurred in 4.9% cases. Conclusion: Burn injury prevention is not easy, but to avoid the significant morbidity and mortality following injury we have to prevent it by any means. A coordinated and dedicated approach among social workers , medical and paramedical personnel, administrators can only minimize the incidence of burn.Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.7(1) 2015 70-75

2021 ◽  
Andargie Abate ◽  
Lemu Golassa

Abstract Introduction: Malaria continues to strike hardest against the public health and economic development in Ethiopia. Its transmission tends to be highly heterogeneous within or between years, and from area to area which need understanding of the contextual diversity of malaria prevalence within each site to deliver optimal intervention according to the site specific situation of the disease. Thus, this study was aimed to determine the trend prevalence of malaria in Mojo health center, East Shoa Zone, Ethiopia. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in Mojo health center, East Shoa zone, Ethiopia from February to March, 2021. Malaria cases and related data reported 2016-2020 were carefully reviewed from laboratory registration logbooks. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 25 software.Results: A total of 19, 106 blood films were examined from malaria suspected patients. The overall microscopically confirmed prevalence of malaria was 4.2%. P. vivax was the predominant species accounting 76.2% of positive samples. Malaria cases declined from 259 in 2016 to 77 in 2020. The proportion of malaria was higher among males (64.8%) than females (35.2%) in all five years. Higher malaria cases was observed from the age group 15-24 years old followed by the age group of 25-34. Malaria cases were at a peak level from September-November and lowest from December-February.Conclusion: Although the declining trend of malaria prevalence was observed, malaria still remains a public health burden in the area. The high burden of malaria among reproductive age group, males, and during cultivation season reflects its impact on health and economic development. Shifting of P. falciparum to P.vivax related malaria should get an attention during prevention and control strategies for the successful progress of malaria elimination programme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. 3172-3173
Maaz-ul-, Hassan ◽  
Syed Muhammad Shah ◽  
Ali Akbar Shah

Background: Appendicitis is a common infection which can lead to serious illness in children as well as adults. Objective: To assess the incidence of appendicitis in adults. Study Design: Retrospective study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of General Surgery, Shalamar Medical & Dental College, Lahore from 1st January 2020 to 30th June 2021. Methodology: One hundred and eighty cases registered for abdominal pain in right iliac fossa. The appendectomy cases of adults (>45 years) were scrutinized from these cases. Demographic and clinical information was gathered from each appendicitis patient with diagnostic symptoms as well as histopathology and radiology imaging. Result: Eighty seven were confirmed acute appendicitis with 48 males and 39 females within the age group of 45-75 years. Gangrenous appendicitis was presented in 11.5% and perforated appendicitis was noticed in 31.03% of the total patients. Conclusion: The incidence of appendicitis was 48.33% in adults. Keywords: Appendectomy, Perforated, Misdiagnosis

KYAMC Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-20
Mushtaq Ahmad ◽  
Farial Naima Rahman ◽  
Zubaidur Rahman ◽  
Prodip Biswas

Background: Hanging is the most common form of violent asphyxial death in our country. Typical and atypical variety of hanging depends on position of knot at the victim body. Objective: The objective of this study was to find out the position of knot of ligature material and relation of knot with the working hands in hanging cases along with socio demographical status of the study subjects. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted among 574 Autopsy cases of hanging victims at the Dhaka Medical College Morgue during the period January 2013 to December 2015. Results: Out of 574 cases, 159 (27.71%) were male and 415 (72.29 %) female. Among them 304(52.96%) were married and 270(47.04%) were unmarried. Most of the victims 269(46.86%) were from the age group 21- 30 years. Considering the knot, most were situated at right side of neck 281 (48.95%), followed by left side 235 (40.94%), at the nape of neck 50(8.71%) and in front of neck below chin 8(1.39%). Most of the study subjects were right handed. Dopatta (orna) was the commonest 237(41.28%) ligature material. 556 (96.86%) cases had some form of ligature mark in neck. Most of the victims 401(69.86%) hanged themselves at night. 545 body (94.95%) were recovered from inside the living rooms. 472 (82.23%) victims had complete suspension and 102 (17.77%) were cases of partial hanging. Conclusion: To reduce the number of suicidal hanging cases a well designed and comprehensive programme is needed, which will identify the causative factors and prevent of suicidal behaviors of affected persons. KYAMC Journal Vol. 10, No.-1, April 2019, Page 17-20

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 1548-1553 ◽  
Marco Oderda ◽  
Elena Cattaneo ◽  
Francesco Soria ◽  
Antonella Barreca ◽  
Luigi Chiusa ◽  

A ganglioneuroma (GN) is the rarest and most benign of the neuroblastic tumors and originates from neural crest cells wherever sympathetic nervous tissue exists, such as in the retroperitoneum and adrenal gland. The diagnosis can be very challenging, given the rarity and asymptomatic presentation of this neoplasia, and can be achieved only by means of histological evaluation. Although benign, a few cases of metastatic GNs have been reported in the literature. The prognosis, however, seems to be excellent after surgical resection. We describe a rare case of multifocal retroperitoneal GN, diagnosed incidentally in a 46-year-old woman, with para-aortic and adrenal localizations. After intraoperative pathological diagnosis was made, complete excision of all the visible masses was performed. The postoperative period was uneventful and she was recurrence free 3 months after surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a multifocal retroperitoneal GN. Among the broad differential diagnoses of adrenal incidentalomas, an adrenal location of neuroblastic tumors should not be forgotten.

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